Frankie's Day Out | Struggle Meals

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picnic food ball game food and road trip food that doesn't break the bank struggle meals for the road that's what we're doing today life can be a struggle but a good meal doesn't have to be we can make creative nutritious and inventive dishes for under two dollars a plate just because we're on a struggle budget doesn't mean that we can't have fun going out that's why i'm going to show you how to pack up for a picnic get things ready for the ball game and have things in your car orange sun rolling hills i'm of course talking about the ideal picnic i want a salad a prepared salad no way this budget doesn't have the room for that so i'm gonna make my own struggly salad and it's gonna paint that picture beautifully here we have the ingredients for a salad now the number one faux pas in making a salad is pre-dressing it we're gonna use something that my buddy isaac figured out called gravity it is going to keep the dressing at the bottom and the leaves on top until i am ready for them to be mixed together as one the isaac method and what i've done is i've set my zippable plastic bags inside of court containers so that i can get height so that all the ingredients can have their own place sort of like a high-rise building in a modern city extra virgin olive oil i'm gonna put this in the bottom any type of vinegar you want just make sure that you have one part vinegar to two parts okay okay salt pepper cherry tomatoes boom chop these in half so that they can spill their juices into your dressing adding to the flavor and so also they can absorb the flavor of the dressing carrots it's really important that you put the sturdy items in the bottom of your bag so that it creates a sort of barrier between the liquid and the other stuff the chef salad is is sort of like using all the things that the chef has around to make a great salad often with meat and cheese but you can use whatever you want because it's your choice you're the chef so here i have some genoa salami it's a wonderful city in italy some cheese turkey leafy greens here we go boom boom boom cha-cha-cha you see how this protects the greens very nice bag number one bag number two here we have our salad it is ready to be mixed mixed mixed and then the bag is also the bowl all we need now is a delicious beverage i vote homemade lemonade what do you say most important thing about lemonade is that you have simple syrup what is simple syrup it is water and sugar melted together so you don't have granules of sugar in your lemonade you want consistency of sweetness throughout what would otherwise be a bitter drink 50 50 water and sugar fire and just dissolve it so why are we making this homemade drink because pre-mixed powders not nutritional not delicious and juices that are already in a bottle they're very expensive so this is more delicious more nutritious and less expensive just give it a boom boom boom that is exactly where the sugar melts that is simple syrup it is easy why would i want to make my own beverage when i can buy a bottle for two or three bucks but it really starts to add up especially if you're going with like five cronies five cronies spending two to three dollars that's between 10 and 15 bucks for the whole gang here comes the lemon boom boom boom sheep filled with antioxidants sour tantalizing i am a fan of the fork trying to come around the sides a little bit here just to loosen it all up and then you come through the hands try and catch those seeds now we come in with the simple syrup wonderful ice it's cool it's tart it's refreshing and it is hydrating because the ratio i like to use is eight parts water to one part sugar one part lemon eight one one me and piggy have been working extra hard in the struggle meals kitchen and it is time for us to get out that is why i prepared our chef salad which is ready to be mixed at the picnic we've got our lemonade beverage that is cheaper than anything you can buy in powder or bottle form this is two dollars we saved money and we can still get out it's like a vacation that you don't have to pay for it's brilliant [Music] we want to go to the ball game it's already really expensive to get there and it's the bottom of the ninth two outs bases loaded three two count you're nervous what are you gonna do chew on some caramel popcorn and hot dogs which is exactly what we're making today it'll save you money and in that moment when you can't get up from your seat it'll also enable you to stay put because you'll already have your food saving money and the best part of the game brilliant a quick little disclaimer you're going to want to check with your local ballpark make sure that they allow you to bring food from the outside i think you'll be surprised that most do we're going to start with the popcorn that we all know well i can't say the name because of something called copyright law i'm using coconut oil two tablespoons of it you can use anything with a high smoke point the fire comes on and what you're gonna do is you're gonna get like three little kernels and you're gonna throw them into the pot and you're gonna cover the pot you wait for them to pop throw the rest in you're good to go this way you don't burn the kernels we can't use the package drawer for this butter because we need so much and it is integral to your caramel sauce you need it you got to go for it plus popcorn is pretty affordable so this is where you're spending your money there it is i heard it pop there they are all three are popped can you see kernel's in top on every 10 to 15 seconds give it a little shake now that the oil's hot this is gonna be a very quick process it's such an affordable thing to make that when you buy it at the stadium it's a profit machine for them and it is a money sucker for you don't be a sucker make your own popcorn plus it sounds so cool once the popping really slows down you're done turn off the heat sheet tray [Music] look at that [Music] beauteous butter is melted sugar goes in be very careful this ain't no joke sugar gets really hot so be careful even though we're having a good time practice caution safety first a little bit of salt got some honey roasted peanuts they're like crack put them in here adult whisk 9000 and now what we're going to do is add a little bit of baking powder what this is going to do is change the ph of this whole thing give it a little bit of a lighter color but more importantly create pockets of air which when baked give you that satisfying crunch look at how it's blonde already you see that oh my goodness look at look what the baking powder did giant candy corporation your secret is out what do you know about tossing popcorn single layer nice and flat 200 degrees for 30 minutes that's gonna give us that crunchy cracky outer shell that we're looking for the ball game is starting soon luckily my hot dog and sauerkraut is cooked up in a jiffy and it costs about a tenth of the price of what you're gonna get at the stadium so why wouldn't you do this it's portable it's delicious it's quintessentially ball game let's start with the quick sauerkraut normally sauerkraut takes about a week to ferment we're gonna get around this by using vinegar in the pan water a little bit of salt some garlic powder and half a cup of vinegar so once that salt has dissolved and start placing in our cabbage hydrate them all one hot dog two hot dog cover my logic is why get extra pots dirty if you don't need to this is a steamed dog with all of the aromatics of the quick sauerkraut they cook together they're being eaten together their flavors should melt 10 minutes have elapsed here we go boom beautiful let's build and wrap bun open times two piggy's gotta eat too is that technically cannibalism i guess not if it's a dog oh baby if you don't like kraut you can go home we can wrap this up and this will be delicious but we do have the package drawer which is ideal for hot dogs we will do a mustard packet for this guy and we'll do a ketchup just kidding no ketchup on hot dogs mustard for both wrap fold do the fold first [Music] the popcorn is ready all right bags i need a very large spoon oh look there's one on the wall boom got our kraut hot dogs we've got our cracky corn and this whole thing costs only two dollars you literally can't even get a water at the game for that much so use your noggin make your food ahead plus you look cooler let's go dude go team we're going on the road trip it gets boring out there one needs caffeine right now cold brew maximizes the caffeine intake that you can have but the price has gone through the roof because of popularity that's no bueno let's make it ourselves let me show you how coffee container and water [Music] here's the deal you can make a concentrate that you can water down or you can make it at the concentrate that you like now it is time to maximize the caffeine extraction from these coffee beans in the refrigerator you're on the road you want to reach into a bag and eat something with your hands that's crunchy and salty doesn't have to be potato chips i vote crispy chickpeas they're nutritious and the flavor possibilities are endless drained and rinsed chickpeas here's the deal if you want crispy you cannot have wet so dry them just dry the beans oh that is so satisfying olive oil for health and crispiness salt generous and today we're using some garlic powder but this could be wasabi it could be paprika it could be ginger it could be cumin it's up to you little shake 375 degrees which is pretty hot for a half hour don't open the door or they won't be crispy these need to be crispy that's the whole point so don't open the door here we go you know we've got the super strong coffee we need something nutritionally dense and substantial on this road trip otherwise we're gonna go crazy i vote egg salad super easy to make let me show you the proper way to make hard-boiled eggs egg into pot cover the eggs with water fire full blast lid on bring it to a boil once it's boiling you turn off the heat and you set a timer for 12 minutes now the eggs go into an ice bath eggs are going to chill until they're completely cooled it is wise to put eggs into an ice bath because not only does it stop the cooking but it helps you peel the shells off and we all know that can be a hassle here we go and i say you just crack them boom does it get any easier boom egg very nice again it is time to make some egg salad cut them up okay three mayo one mustard mix mix mix scallions salt pepper paprika don't over mix this because then you're going to lose the texture and you're going to have you're going to have [Music] all right go right into the middle of your tortilla with the egg salad a little bit of lettuce right on top you want something to balance out all the eggy fatty delicious flavors boom boom boom get a little little lag of love here come in on the sides come over the top this way keep the log of love like that could we just talk about that for a second it is the perfect thing to eat in a car the sandwich is no good stuff comes out of the back it comes out of the sides this is fully contained and we roll portable delicious perfect for a car what about those crispy chickpeas you can hear the crispiness those are delicious these are jars recycle these they're great for sauces for chickpeas for all kinds of things these are also ideal for the car no problems these are loaded with protein and they're actually good for you no bag of potato chips don't say that so we've got our egg salad wraps which are portable and perfectly in the car we've got our snacks that don't have any crumbs what do we need cold brew coffee to keep us moving along swift and deliberate we've gotten most of the coffee out here comes filtration step two piece of paper towel you know you just get a little water there and then it'll stay so just pour at a rate that it can drip cold brew coffee never gets hot so you have a sweeter tasting coffee without added sugar and it's already cold plus it extracts maximum caffeine exhibit a this is why we do two filtrations look at all the fine particulate matter gonna add a little ice cools down the coffee it dilutes the coffee that would easily be four dollars at a bougie cafe but not on struggle meals all right it is time to go on the road trip we got the coffee we got the snacks and we've got two egg salad wraps that are perfect for eating on the go boom boom you know what we've got everything we need for the road trip and it only cost us two bucks let's go [Music] guys we've been working hard it's about time we enjoy a nice day out so don't let the high price of concession stands ruin your day make your struggle meals to go you
Channel: Tastemade
Views: 193,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tastemade, recipe, food, cooking, how to, cook, bake, grill, sweet, dessert, savory, travel, home, lifestyle, struggle meals, cheap eats
Id: v28pnBRnzxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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