FrankenSabi Hakosuka - 1972 Nissan Skyline 2000GT (GC10)

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g'day everyone daniel o'grady here and welcome to another wasabicars video thank you very much for joining me for this masterpiece absolute masterpiece and I mean that in the I don't know how I mean that actually but I did see it on the weekend at a car show in northern kyushu and basically this car show marks the the start of the car show season or the classic car show season in my part of the world so it was a great event and so great that I could see this true was side B cars car there now the owner has taken a very unique approach with maintaining his car yes maintain is a good word because the car is being maintained its I don't know how this is still on the road because I believe he drove it there he's unable to travel too far the car shows he did mention and I'm not surprised now check out the the panel work at the bottom of the door was there the seals as well he's repaired them using any bits of tin he could find now I don't know if he's used some like oil drum tin or canned coffee tin but that's what he's used and he's stuck it to the doors with some adhesive I don't know if he remove the rust first but anyway the result is that and it's odd it is very odd even more odd is the hot chocolate exhaust tip check it out unbelievable now that recorder has taken a massive ding the panel work sort of resembles like some sort of paper mache I really am amazed with how he's arrived at that that it's it's I don't know it's like the surface of the Moon now let's jump into the engine and there it is it's got that polished alloy cam cover single overhead cam of course it's 2-liter engine L series single carburetor by the looks and about the engine bay you can see some writing with black marker now he's written prices and dates of repairs and phone numbers for people to call if something breaks the car itself is a logbook of the you know the repairs and whatnot really really very interesting and looking around the engine bay the the inner guards and the firewall and the panel work their holes are beginning to appear there too so I don't really know how much longer this car is going to be able to hang on and I just get the feeling this car one day is going to be in the museum somewhere because it's just a unique automobile now let's head off into the interior missing a door card you know that sort of suits the car if I can say that the steering wheel is looking a bit odd with it's missing center cap it's got of course a manual shift our stickers all over the place yeah of course yeah I mean the car in the interior is consistent with the car on the exterior what else can I say huge tacho check out how it's mounted unbelievable now this seems to be a pretty high-end valve you know but a drag-racing tacho and doesn't really seem suitable to the car at all what you're gonna do yep so there you go that is the first car from the latest car show that I went to mind you there are hundreds and hundreds of cars and I'm not even kidding hundreds of videos that I just haven't made from previous car shows now perhaps I'll get to them I really don't know anyway so moving on to question of the day and I've got more to talk about don't go away hey question of the day is what do you like to do alone nothing dirty please and what I'm thinking of is I like to go to the cinema alone people with this snack making noise and I don't like it I like to go to the cinema alone please let me know in the comments below what you like to do alone nothing creepy please now I want to talk about Facebook as well if you are liking the site because there what are you unlike and real like and click on get notifications I'm not going to spam you I only post maximum what three pictures a day then it's not recycled crap that other pages are doing is my own content it's going to be interesting I'm sure I think it is for odd and anyway I will leave it there thank you so much everyone then goodbye
Channel: WasabiCars
Views: 14,357
Rating: 4.9410028 out of 5
Keywords: Nissan, Skyline, GC10, 2000GT, Hakosuka, 日産, スカイライン, ハコスカ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2016
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