Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Ozy Khan
Views: 5,333,740
Rating: 4.9494061 out of 5
Keywords: Frank Ocean, Tyler The Creator, Channel Orange, Golden Girl, Fank, Ocean, Boys don't cry, Boys dont cry, Endless, Nikes, OFWGKTA, Odd Futur, Tyler, thinking about you, novacane
Id: zkggNyE5ZoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2012
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I heard Tyler's verse in this for the first time last month and I completely fell in love. I really hope at Panorama one of them shows up to the other's set and they perform a song together.
I love the beat when Tyler comes in.
Anyone know why this isn't on Spotify channel orange?