Frank Matthews Update | Al Profit

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the gangster / historical figure Frank Matthews is the most asked about person I've ever documented Frank Matthews beat the mafia got the girls took care of all the people he came up with back in Durham North Carolina and then simply vanished like Houdini when they finally indicted him but this is a rundown of the new information my production partner round CHEP's ik and i found out since the original documentary the frank matthews story was released [Music] this was back in 1973 for those of you who have not seen the Frank Matthews story go check it out this is not a / - there probably won't be a part 2 & 2 - the Frank Matthews story unless he's brought into custody which ties into the question everyone asks is he's still alive the marshals certainly seem to think so in fact an interesting / disturbing take away ahead from our off-camera conversations with the feds was this me and Ron Shep's it kept saying well if he died in a remote foreign country how would you know well it turns out Big Brother will find out if you have passed from the land of the living no matter how remote your hiding place is unless someone literally dissolved you in a vat of acid but remember teeth don't dissolve even in most acid so that probably wouldn't work either eventually the record of your death will make it into some database somewhere in America we'll find out so here's the first new event Clinton's short abuse was from Baltimore and gave us a very intelligent and powerful interview Buse played a recurring character in the final season of The Wire as part of the heroin dealing combination that controls the city shorty kept us in the dark about what exactly he did in the underworld he said he was known as a Salomon a Kurd sharp a professional gambler but if I was gonna bed I had bet that he set up heroin connections sometimes for people in Baltimore with people in New York but I'm not a gambler so if shorty says he was professional gambler who crossed paths with Frank Matthews many times while gambling in New York then that's what it was but he was definitely a well-known and well-loved legend among his generation in Baltimore and when he died a few years ago he had a very large funeral and guess what the feds lined the route to the cemetery I wish I would have known Lee would have gone and gotten footage and interviewed people the feds land the route of the funeral to the cemetery with Frank Matthews wanted posters now they wouldn't go to all that trouble in expense if they weren't pretty sure that Matthews was alive they were obviously hoping one of the old-timers that went to clintonb uses funeral was in communication with Frank and would turn him in but I think the same old twenty thousand dollar reward maybe it's thirty thousand now from 1973 is still in effect now twenty thousand was some money back in the mid-70s but it's not much now though as the DEA knows better than anybody in me too because I've given a lot of them 500 bucks some of the biggest gangsters from yesteryear guys who literally used to throw money out of the windows of their cars haven't seen a thousand dollars at one time since the 80s but no one abuses funeral called in and told them where Frank Mathers was that now let's go back to the beginning of the Frank masters criminal case for another quick mystery the entire investigation into Frank Matthews which culminated in his arrest and disappearance supposedly began when an NYPD sergeant named Joe Kowalski moved into a high-end Brooklyn apartment building when he got a raise in this new building he noticed the fur coat clad black resident who had so many people coming to visit him that the parking lot so full occurred he couldn't find a parking space how he connected these two things is kind of a question but Kowalski started observing matthews and writing down license-plate numbers and running them while it is in my PT jab and the plates started coming back to well-known black and hispanic dealers from around the country and he got put in touch with federal officials and a task force was assembled to go after Frank maddis the rest they say is history now Ron chapstick found Joel Kowalski back when he first started working on the franc matches project when it was called the black Caesar it he did an interview with them but the first filmmaker he partnered up with Matt al prophet the guy who had the Joe Kowalski footage got himself into little into a legal situation he went to buy some kilograms and when the plug told him to deposit the money in a bank account he did needless to say it was the feds and he was in big trouble especially since he had already been to federal prison and he got out on bail but then ran never heard from him again and the Kowalski footage disappeared with him and then when we tried to find Kowalski the addresses and phone numbers that he formally responded to went silent and that's why he wasn't in the documentary the guy that first brought him on the radar to law enforcement in the original Frank Matthews story documentary we had to breeze through a lot of things but just exactly how what's Frank Matthews able to bypass the Italians aka who was his plug as best we can tell an infamous Cuban later--and kingpin named Spanish Raymond Marquez from Spanish Harlem East Harlem in New York hooked Frank up with another Cuban named Rolando Gonzalez in the late 60s Salas had to flee to Venice Venezuela right at that time maybe around sixty six or seven and in my upcoming die cocaine Condor I talked about how Cuban criminals were allowed were allowed her blanche by the cci IAEA award I am afraid to say say as it may risk the monetization on my video in late 1972 there was an H drought and East Coast but Matthews Venezuelan contacts Gonzalez were set to break it with an initial load of 60 pounds of untouched H coming from the newly revitalized French Connection the Corsican mafia from France and a new pipeline with an unlimited supply of H from Marseilles France was gonna open back up but that first load got hit in Caracas Venezuela and this was the start of the case that culminated in matthew's an indictment and arrest before he vanished here's newspaper headlines the seizure of 70 pounds of heroin and cocaine with an estimated street value of 60 million dollars arrested 14 persons in Caracas and I am II have broken up an international drug ring the Bureau of Narcotics and dangerous drugs said today the arrests were an example of coordination between Venezuelan police and US agents said John Ingersoll the director of the BND D agency's announcement said that the rest of Miami of Ella LP do Hernandez and Orlando the Madrid both Cubans came after two week investigation and Caracas 58 pounds of heroin were found in a suitcase seized in a hotel by the Venezuelan police 12 members of the alleged ring were arrested in Caracas after one of them jewels cerini who we mentioned and depth in white powder black power hand in Frank Mather story a Frenchman he was an actor actually that it was being used to smuggle stuff over was identified mr. cerini carrying two large suitcases was followed to a hotel in Caracas where he met with two other suspects Marcelo Cabot an American and Antonio Seurat of Venezuela this was kind of the last gasp of heroin coming from France interesting to note that Venezuela a disaster of a country Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome land at the time of these events in the 70s it was the richest country in South America now in the Frank Matthews story and in episode 3 of American dope the Fed prosecutor overseeing the Matthews case talks about this arrest which was a key component again of the Manta statement guess what happened the CCAA showed up at the prosecutor's office on Monday morning and told them that the charges against all the Venezuelan defendants including Rolando Gonzales were being dropped as there were quote political considerations with the Russians and last I knew Rolando Gonzales Frank Matthews one of his original big plug you know they probably met other people maybe bigger people but that was his original guy I never went to jail or was brief and he was alive in Venezuela at the age of years old Plus as of a couple years ago another mysterious tentacle of Frank Matthews power we didn't go into too much was down in Atlanta Georgia in 1971 this is per the DEA not Street rumors Frank convened a meeting a summit they called put the word out to the cities of America for the biggest spanic and black drug dealers to come down to Atlanta and talk about forming a like a formal black mafia I you know it's like something out of a movie that's really happened and also Frank was getting information that only someone very high up in the food chain in the Georgia state government could have given him Matthews purchase land around Atlanta that was soon to be bought up as part of the interstate highway expansion the federal government and he would have made tens of millions of dollars if he hadn't had disappeared and that information could only have come from the federal government itself or like the governor's office and Frank was born in 1943 if you didn't know so all this was happening when he was 28 Wow quick Detroit time Courtney brown senior watching my doc Motown mafia for more on him he was arrested in Las Vegas with Matthews as part of a roundup lots of major black kingpins were in Vegas for the new years and a Super Bowl gambling action Courtney's senior was I found out later friends with Mickey Beckwith Frank's right-hand man who served a lengthy sentence for the conspiracy case Frank avoided now at that level friends Bradley means something else but mr. Brown said friends friends it is but it shows that Frank had connections to the biggest dealers in Detroit also which is the second biggest heroin city in America to New York to this day in Detroit always had its own unique sources of supply and it does to this day ranging from the Middle East to the Far East to Sicily dating back to the late 1940s but Frank was doing something there and then there's the tale of the Corsican sending 400 kilos of once a pure eight Street from the labs in Marseilles to Frank and his junior partner in a deal 1l Bynum of her in 1971 [Music] these were hidden inside underwater mines leftover from Germany's defense against the Allied invasion of 1944 you can hear all about that and white powder black power and a new factoid I found out the federal government estimated that one-third of all the H that came into the u.s. and 1971 passed through Frank Matthews hands one-third so what about Frank Matthews disappearance there's a few big questions first the woman he won't left with Cheryl brown and also the family he left behind since the original DAC came out Ron Shep's it contained a picture of Cheryl brown the woman frankly Frank initially left in New York with and 73 Cheryl Brown's parents were a salad middle-class couple both teachers I think and they were questioned extensively at the time their phones are tapped but nothing and as Ron and I thought about what happened to Matthew is this seemed to be a piece of evidence pointing to he and Cheryl Browns rapid demise after their disappearance would a young lady from a nice family just cut off all communication with their parents wouldn't she get lonely one night and make one phone call because the feds were sitting on the phone and she did so that means she must have been dead right well the plot thickens after the DA came out we found out that Cheryl Brown's parents visited the island of curacao about a year or less after their daughter and Frank vanished where is Chris ow it's right off the coast of Venezuela where Frank Matthews CIA protected drug suppliers operated and were also told I don't I can't remember what specifically this was but someone there's some evidence Cheryl Brown came back to America after a few years and just blended back in with society because she had no arrest warrant right she hadn't done anything she just went on an extended vacation with her boyfriend what about his family Frank Matthews had two sons and a wife that he was living with and imagined he built for them in an exclusive lily-white section of Staten Island right across the street from future Gambino mafia boss big Paul Castellano he even had a private Jewish tutor for a son so was an engaged father yet when he disappeared the feds who said on everyone take watched everyone for years phone taps never heard a peep from Frank to his sons his wife Barbara Hinton was on the indictment that Frank dipped out on but she got a mistrial I think and the money Frank left her and the sons lasted for some time they might have won the liquor store in New York but we're not sure they did eventually land in Cincinnati when the documentary came out one of his sons reached out to us on the phone he wanted he wanted some money for an interview now back then when I was still living on DVD money which all the bum bootleg men messed up for me I didn't have it but now in a youtube era I do so reach back out to me if you see this my Instagram is out traffic when his two sons had some legal problems in the 80s the feds figured Matthews might show up to help didn't but what does that mean man of all demographics leave the kids behind and move on with life all the time doesn't mean he's dead there was a guy from Detroit named John Classen who was the black kingpin of Detroit at the time he was the guy that put Detroit legend Eddie the fat man Jackson and in the beginning Ike McKinnon the former Detroit police chief know Detroit told me that when he was a young cap that he would see John Classen with the living room full of cash that you could see through his big front glass window in his house and he was just becoming millions of dollars but the beat caps were under orders not to bother class so class and that mean he's sort of the Frank Matthews of Detroit he wasn't as big but he was a big DEA target and he disappeared and was never found I did find this picture of him on eBay of all places there's no record of him going to federal prison so I assume he got away awesome so where could Frank have gone so that he would have stayed hidden for at least until the mid 80s when the heat died down and crack cocaine was dominating the media and maybe he could come back to America I would say the Caribbean there's thousands of Iowans many black people including lads and black people with money but occasionally from the US or Africa or even just from the Caribbean itself and so black guy you know with money and nice clothes checking in and out of hotels and getting on planes and boats and moving around that's regular in the Caribbean that wouldn't have caused any suspicion and another interview we couldn't get for the documentary was that of a well-known black New York news anchor who told the feds he bumped into Frank and the Bahamas around 1980 and he said he saw a guy and said hey Frank Matthews and a guy looked startled and smiled and said hey and then vanished but we couldn't we couldn't find him now I'm pretty sure the feds think Matthews came back to the u.s. and the 80s and blended into society and one of the major black population centers other than New York Chicago which would be near to his wife and kids in Cincinnati maybe Houston near the border we had to make a quick escape and finally what if Frank Matthews was caught today could they really prosecute him other than for bail jumping I don't know I don't think so I mean unlike Whitey Bulger who had plenty of living witnesses to testify against him I don't know who they could get to testify against Matthews and there's no more original case file to our understanding round CHEP's ik who has access to DEA archives and and you know the prosecutors archives found that apparently someone had checked out their entire original Frank Matthews case file and never returned it and yet they still look for maybe it's just because he's a legend and the old agents who know about the case no one's still actively employed would be old enough to have worked the original case you know pressure the current guys because everyone just wants to know the answer to the mystery of the mr. big who got away just like the rest of us Frank Matthews remember to subscribe to slash al profit profit go to American dope that common buy some merch going watch the so ins of American dope Cold War heroin he asked dreams white powder black power cocaine Condor our profit American dope [Music]
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Keywords: frank matthews update, frank matthews part 2, frank matthews mystery, al profit frank matthews, motown mafia al profit, american dope series, black caesar frank matthews, black caesar ron chepesiuk, frank matthews interview, al profit, american gangster, frank matthews, frank lucas, nicky barnes, frank matthews documentary full, frank matthews documentary, troy reed, frank lucas documentary full, al profit documentaries, reginald doc davis, dfg detroit, alpo al profit
Id: OwyhXYmAV2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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