France Via The Eurotunnel With A Motorhome | Euro Trip 2018 Pt5

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[Music] creeping out here and dead of the night it feels like was early for us anyone 7:05 yeah we've been up this early for so long a guy in the loo said to me here it's a bit strange the world this time in the morning we lose an hour don't we to get dark mornings but you get light evenings yeah [Music] that will really would be dark now yeah because it's Sunday so it's quite still yeah anyway so going to make our back to the m20 I guess isn't yeah yeah to pick up the Channel Tunnel exit entry exit entry and we'll go from there so basically retracing our steps the way we Came previously so we'll catch up will you just coming off the m20 I guess yeah see you later [Music] [Music] it came off yet so nosing it there so we're just heading back the way we came yesterday yeah tomorrow we'll come off here [Music] [Music] after 1,000 feet enter the world about take the third exit what May 20 where's the Channel Tunnel yep [Music] so it's that now to stop talking to me yeah which seems to be going around the edge of it don't you yeah how do we get in obviously it's a huge area isn't it yeah [Music] we actually go across that bridge we've just gone under yeah [Music] we just follow the signs really yeah well no I the first time we came I thought this can't be right yeah well that's it taking us yeah [Music] and to the roundabout take my second exit [Music] after 300 feet [Music] miles we're able to make sure you get in the right lane yes passage of traffic [Music] so we're not afraid there's an extra show motorhomes or caravans on there does it no sorry so is it a little bit worried yeah no passengers up with speeding there prepare to eat right after a while yeah [Music] you know the freight lawyers go a different direction you see how many lanes are there that's six lanes for them yeah well as opens up doesn't it yes just two lanes here yeah [Music] I'll be where all the days will be there are going to be delays you [Music] after 1,000 feet right we can turn the Sat Nav off now any yeah [Music] all right so decide for this for is it I think you can go in any of them yeah yeah you got the voices or we can automatically one you should who's that the one that's just got a ticket above it yes it is your Matt oh it's man one Oh so it comes on you a little bit quickly that doesn't yeah it worries me these plumbing lovely thank you thanks well so we've got it follow the path yeah [Music] yeah you need to show that [Music] yes you just follow to the left here and this parking up the road here isn't there yeah had to stick my head out the window to hear what he was saying with Jarrah barking well we could have gone to the automatic one yeah like I say it comes on you a little bit quickly that thing you have to sort of decide for what all the seniors maybe the symbol with the ticket yeah just means that that's automatic so you use the touchscreen and you get there yeah if you want to go to a manned one like we reduced it we just did then the little man in the booth does the thing for you just as easy going to the man in the booth or the woman in the boat be always well yeah as long as they're not too busy and there's a huge queue yeah come here yeah on the kitchen [Music] [Music] just find us place to stop Oh to see the board so Debbie Sakai yet [Music] and you can see the board over there we're looking for G yeah all right so that's our boarding pass I guess it is really isn't it you stick that up on the mirror yeah yes it's basically I'm gonna do my kilometres bit yeah mode button here it's the menu said eight units their outfits distances distances kilometers conception they'll leave an attention businesses that say 50 9222 kilometers we've done oh yeah just right to the top isn't it yes speed warning settings warned when speeding it's actually disabled don't [Music] [Music] France because they don't like you having one is that you're speeding on there for some reason yeah much prefer you to catch you as well got the pre please proceed notice the board where geumhui sir yeah [Music] you know it's time to go when everyone starts our engines that's right it's like the LeMond isn't it then just follow the France signs you have some giveaway here to give away to everyone here yeah caravan doing over there at moat I'm doing over there oh shut off light bolts out of them at the balloon yeah singer it's a good idea really to arrive a bit earlier than we did early if you want to go in the shops and everything yeah yeah certain if you want to go in the shops just didn't have time to go in the shops I've got the passports open and ready at the photo page I was instructed and instructed or sun's bright [Music] I'll shoot off and then you stopped here there's no point Russian missile is there no oh yeah too noisy once which one's a Westie ones a cabochons that's it yeah it's pretty good let's see it thank you [Music] said he won isn't it yes where'd a caravan of the moto [Music] hyah point in yeah right that was the gas bottle check he just wants to make sure that you've turned your gas off and if you haven't they'll turn your gas off yeah so do that for all caravans and motorhomes yeah camper vans and camper vans in one of the gas in fact I should supposed to go in this box until you this is French passport control in that yeah all right okay didn't even want to see both passports one of it so we go in this left hand way yeah yeah don't go over there because there's a height barrier yeah we won't get very far if it went that way no I think you'd hit the windscreen you've got keep right symbols here yes for flexi plus or not flexi Bratz no going down there I think they've got a separate area so that they can wait for the next available yeah pet exercise area there was even a lounge as well yeah I think it's cheaper if you buy one of those tickets a flexi Plus yeah yeah so you can't really go in the wrong lane can you know morning 14 thanks a lot hit him first yeah so we're laying 14 the Torah just part yes at the right time yeah just as I'm saying 14 so you can't go in the wrong lane no it's sometimes obvious which lane you've got to go in anyway because it's with the burns and yeah other caravans I put all the vans and trailer and things on the big staircase staircase I send it like platform thing yeah all right so wait here to board [Music] the green to go through here just follow everyone else really [Music] I think it's a bit clearer than last time we came it was yeah [Music] [Music] it's finally moving forward a little bit it's about 807 and train leaves at 8:20 so still loads of time you're just going down onto the ramp now [Music] actually see they train we're going on yeah it's like her champagne colors no that must be the Morning Sun glinting on its sides [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yep all right [Music] as you can see this load loads of room getting on here he's white so that's clear don't like fit in the next one yeah and sometimes you if you drive through your left yourself on them on the edge of the the train might end up reversing and that's what some people do isn't it yeah you know when you're reaching the end of this is that this is often someone who's coming along wooden chocks in or telling you to stop and he's break-in down I'm stopping [Music] van behind motorhome behind who's going to follow me through so if we stopped here he'd be stuck on me yeah on the doorway and his backpack he's gone back a little bit oh we having to move forward anyway [Music] oh yeah okay inside the van I spent at least two foot on either side of the wing Maris I'm just gonna make ourselves comfortable they know we don't know is gonna never investigation it's up there I sit with super Jenny Oh No can't get out pops yes all that remains Nair is just to have a cuddle with the dogs than that really [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man came to see your ticket didn't they tarah we've got both them on standby now you might come back got barcode on the ticket so they have to come along and scan it so that's how they read your ticket which answers the question that Glenn had so you don't need any other documentation I think that's all that's happened is that we've turned up at the the tunnel at the check-in they've seen our registration told us when the train is given as a ticket seeing our passports we've put that little ticket up in the windscreen and lo and behold we're on the train yeah scanned it and we're on the train on the way to France we've got anyway we're in France the phone the phones have changed over so I've got a different operator I can't see it on so yeah major panic over data and call should be the same price yes they were at home so it was a good good bit of news worth [Music] [Music] well she had a farm signal at man yeah it takes a while to get the signal doesn't sortie [Music] it's where you remember to drive on the on the right [Music] I calculated [Music] and that's 50 kilometers an hour as well yeah the 816 he 402 towards Lille yeah you should get there about 1:30 okay okay yeah two week tomorrow well today we'll arrive at the side lovely yeah it's Morris video bit about so do you want to say the usual yeah so if you like what you see give us a like remember to subscribe hit the notifications icon so you'll get updates and you'll be a super subscriber and you can follow all of our adventures in five countries yeah yeah France being number one yeah tomorrow [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bob Earnshaw
Views: 403,217
Rating: 4.8202162 out of 5
Keywords: euro trip, motorhome, westie, tour, trips, shows, motorhoming, rv, caravan, travel, roadtrip, BLACK HORSE FARM CARAVAN AND MOTORHOME CLUB SITE, eurotunnel, le shuttle, arrival at eurotunnel, passport control, checking the gas bottles, checking in eurotunnel, boarding eurotunnel train motorhome, arriving in france le shuttle, trip to friance, motorhome on eurotunnel, Trip euro
Id: QAf2XfFWt10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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