French B&B Transformation - Build A New Life in the Country - S05 EP3 - Real Estate

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businessman keith fairhurst   his wife antoinette and their children are  bored with the daily grind of british life they've sold their four bedroom semi near  oxford to turn this run down 1920s french maisel   into a family home and bed and breakfast  business will be open plan in a week's time but with new schools and a new language to  get to grips with if i had known how hard it   would be i wouldn't have been as excited  time apart and mounting money worries   we're in this basically that's what these  figures tell us will this be a move too far on their first family holiday together keith and  antoinette fell in love with this unspoilt part   of the french countryside and they've been coming  back at every opportunity since but now it's their   plan to make this their permanent family home  with two children from antoinette's first marriage   nine-year-old abby and twelve-year-old tori  and her two children with keith toddlers liddy   and louie they've moved from tame in oxfordshire  to the longadoc region in south west france they're close to carcassonne europe's  largest fortified medieval city   and an hour's drive to the pyrenees  mountains and stunning french coast the family are currently living in a holiday home  that they bought mortgage free four years ago it's november 2008 and they've  been here for just a month   so why have you moved to france we came to find a  new life really i mean one of the reasons for for   getting married at 46 late on in life in a sense  was you know to find my dream and my dream was   to spend my time with my wife and my family it's  living a life like we lived as children you know   that we can't do in the uk for whatever reasons  too many cars on the road and fear of you know   all kinds of things the end goal is lots of time  together and you know experiencing the pyrenees   and the countryside and the beach and just  all those natural things that don't cost money   so how did you actually find the house we saw the  house on keith's 50th birthday and um fell in love   with it there and then we just knew it was fake  it was we just knew that we had to buy the house the new property is on the edge  of the historic thermal spa   town of ale labar just a 20 minute  drive from their holiday home well that is impressive it's vast fantastic isn't  it that's a lovely facade oh no it's beautiful   the house was used as an over spill for the local  hotel it cost 500 000 pounds keith and antoinette   took out a 300 000 pound mortgage and planned to  let out some of the rooms for bed and breakfast to   help pay this back apart from the occasional  caretaker it's been unoccupied for 50 years   oh lovely it's vast isn't it everything's  on a massive scale this is going to be the   sitting room and we've got to rip up the floors  because we've got some problems with woodworm and   rafters underneath all right lots of work in here   behind this screen this all is going to be the  bed and breakfast i mean this is one of the first   places we've got to get done obviously because  we've got to get the business up and running by   may next year so so this has got to be done by may  it has yeah yeah it's definitely yeah it's quite a deadline like it goes on doesn't it it's  huge how many so how many rooms are up   here on this floor uh nine in total up  here so nine just on this floor yeah   isn't it a bit daunting just the sheer scale  of this thing every time we come back here   you know it just gets more and more frightening  the amount of work that we've got to do [Music] on the ground floor the couple  plan to knock through between   the kitchen and dining room to make one huge space at the rear there will be a guest bedroom  with its own bathroom and sitting room   and an office for keith on the first floor they'll  make three large guest bedrooms and bathrooms   and one adjoining children's room  the attic currently has a staggering   10 bedrooms which will be removed to create  an open plan living area for the family   four children's bedrooms a family bathroom  and a master suite for keith and antoinette   so this is the attic and this is where probably  most of the work is going to be done yeah yeah   this looks like i mean everything else in the  house almost looks like liquor paint you could   move in yes you couldn't no clue got bumps up here  you tempted to open this right up into the ceiling   yeah well i don't know it depends what's  underneath it i mean how bad is the roof   because there's clearly a lot of water damage  um well the the builder says we probably need   to replace the ridge of the roof and um yeah  well until we get up there really we don't know   there's a lot of work to do and  because keith still has an i.t   business in the uk which he's trying to  sell he's not going to be around very much   which leaves antoinette in charge so you're going  to be project managing this whole build bringing   in all the different firms and contractors yeah  and you're going to be looking after four kids   and keith goes back to england well we haven't  got the money to to do this without keith going   back to england so we've got enough to  start the project off um you know what   a lump sum of cash but in order for us to be able  to complete this keith has to carry on working so   keith's going to go back to the uk i'm going to  manage this so whilst he's earning it i'm going   to be spending it so when is the building work  going to commence all right i mean we've got a   tight time scale on this and we really need to  get on with it have you got a a good idea of   what the costs are likely to be no we have  in our head how much we can afford to spend   and what is that 150 000 euros okay i  think we will be fine how much do you   have all of that money in place now 150 000 euros  ready to start about 30 000 pounds 40 000 euros i'm very concerned about keith and antoinette's  finances the house cost five hundred thousand   pounds of which three hundred thousand is a  mortgage they estimate it will cost a hundred   and ten thousand pounds to renovate but they only  have thirty thousand pounds to get started leaving   a shortfall of 80 000 pounds my other big worry is  antoinette because while keith is away in the uk   she's not only got four kids to bring up but she's  also got a huge project to run which is a massive   undertaking for any one person especially in a  foreign country keith and antoinette fairhurst   have sold up in the uk and moved with their four  children to france not wallstown don't be louie   for now they're living in their holiday home until  they complete the renovation of their new house   which will double as a bed and breakfast business  antoinette wants to be open in just seven months   the first job is to remove the  unwanted walls on the ground floor we'll be open plan in a week's time the  kitchen and dining room soon become one   huge space he didn't like it no i  think you have the wall back please after demolishing half the ground floor the next  day keith moves into the attic paving the way for   the family's five bedrooms we're just going to be  able to do some new things having our own bedroom   which we've we haven't had and i'm right next  to the school so i can just get up get dressed   and then walk to school easily if it goes as  fast as this all the way through i think we   will be absolutely fine sort of keeping on  schedule um it's just i suppose the hardest   thing is going to be keeping the momentum i think  putting back is much harder than pulling down but the momentum soon stops after  just two days of demolition keith   heads back to england where he's trying  to sell his it business to fund the build i'm a bit frustrated because we're making great  progress and would like to continue with it   but equally i've got to i've got money  to earn to keep the whole thing going with keith gone antoinette is left on her own  to manage the renovation and look after all the   children the biggest culture shock has been for 12  year old tori who's just started secondary school   i think about the first day she started school  it felt just so you know i was dropping this   child off she's starting secondary school  it's in france she doesn't know anybody   and you know i thought well what courage i  do like living it's really fun but it's still   really hard and i would still prefer to live  in england because school is so much harder   once she's dropped the kids at school and nursery  antoinette's day continues with a planning meeting   to help with the language barrier she's found an  english builder called chris so in here will be   tiles throughout okay with a house of 640 square  meters the list of jobs seems endless so then   the box work will come across here and then take  this out yeah this you need to take up yeah look   removing ceilings in the loft has exposed just how  much water damage there is from the leaking roof   um that one we rip out completely because it's no  good for anything yeah the condition of the roof   here is not too good you can see water  penetration underneath all of the timber   a lot of the beams have gone so it's a lot more  work than we actually anticipated at the start   when you find more problems unfortunately  for the customer it means more money to replace these rotten beams will cost keith  and antoinette an extra 3 000 pounds this is   on top of the 80 000 pound shortfall they still  have to find first that keith's not here i think   as things are costing more and we're getting  more of an idea of how much it's going to cost   i think it's better that he's in england trying  to make the money in the uk keith's still working   on the sale of his i.t business i've had the  the it consultancy business for 13 years now um   actually i'm pretty sad to let it go but in many  ways you know i've said i wanted to pursue the   life in france and hence the move and it's  really getting that work-life balance right   back in france antoinette and toddler liddy have  meetings of their own with the mayor in french we play permission for an evacuation blue ground to ease the language  difficulties her plumber steps in planning but it's not just the unfamiliar  language antoinette has to contend with i don't think keith has got a clue how hard  it is it's amazingly stressful you know i   understand most of what they're saying i  struggle with actually saying it to them   and then i've got the added  pressure of liddy trying to   pull the mayor's office apart you know  and it's just it's impossible sometimes new beams arrive to replace the rotten  ones the builder spotted in the roof   which has been untouched for  50 years fail okay wait wait   all this involves an unexpected cost which will  have to be found from the dwindling pot of funds [Music]   as the builder gets on with insulating  the roof i'm meeting antoinette to   see how she's managing two months in that's not cool how are you feeling about the scale of the  project you've taken on because it's one   thing right at the beginning to look at and  go yeah we're going to do this at the other   and once you start you suddenly understand like  the layers of an onion of how much you've got   well i mean i think like any project it's  evolving so as we're starting to take things out   we're finding you know sort of more and more that  needs doing everything costs so much here i mean   it is escalating you know unless we can sort of  raise some money by selling the business we're not   going to have enough to finish it so we need to  find um some more capital in order to be able to   finish this last time i was here the euro was what  130 140 now it's 110. well i mean it's even gone   down to one one for one at some you know sometimes  it's one to one which you know so we've lost 20   of our capital just from the exchange rate  when do you think you might sell a business   um we're hoping within the next few weeks  so sort of just before christmas that would   be the ultimate christmas present it would  be a huge relief for all of us the falling   exchange rate and lack of funds are putting the  renovation in jeopardy and it's only just begun [Music]   it's nearly christmas and keith's back but there's  still no news on the sale of his i.t business   and the build costs are mounting the first  tranche is just over 10 000 euros okay   we've then got the 5 000 euros for um the  woodworm guy plus we've got to be able to   pay in the rest on completion and how much  is in the account at the moment not very much   not enough it's frightening you know i've got to  earn this somehow the invoices are starting to   come in now and they're big you know they're 10 20  30 000 euros and of course with the exchange rate   you know a year and a half ago that was  you know a third of what it is now and you   think well no like not a third but you know  two-thirds of it it's frightening [Music] putting his financial worries aside  keith throws himself into the renovation   over the christmas holiday in a week  he removes over 7 000 floor tiles   as well as a kitchen ceiling  and another eight internal walls that's all the rubbish so far that's come out  the house and there's probably half as much again [Music] before he leaves for the uk again keith's promised  the kids a treat we've got a bit of a surprise for   us all today a bit of reward for christmas  they're all going skiing up in the mountains it's only an hour's drive to the ski resort but  as they get higher into the mountains there's a   problem we've just arrived and we've seen this  side saying that we must put our snow chains on   so robbie and keith are trying to put the  slow chains on so that opens it why is that   not how's this cold so hold this up just  put that around the back of the wheel something like that you look  at the instructions you're just after consulting the instructions and just with a  minor delay they're back on route to the slopes oh   look at that it's fantastic this is louie's  first time on steve how's when how will what [Music]   i love it [Music] to gone through all that effort to get  up here it was well worth it they've had   a really good day out and well that's  what that's what we came for [Music] after the christmas break  keith heads back to the uk   in a last-ditch bid to sell his it  business see you darling take care   this week um is really an important week back in  the uk is make a break of the business let's hope   i come back with the right answers otherwise  antoinette will never forgive me [Music] [Music]   what do you think daddy's having for tea probably  thai or curry or chinese or i miss chinese   it's very much like being a single mum and i know  that from experience because i've done it before i   had had the girls you know i had two as a single  mom and now it looks like i've got four as a   single mum and it's just not what we have planned  really so it's um yeah it's just a bit exhausting [Music]   work started on site five months ago and i know  that keith still hasn't sold his business which   is causing a real financial headache so much  so that the family have had to take out a   bank loan for sixty thousand pounds despite  the problems i hear that there's some really   good progress on site and i can't wait to  see how the old house is looking [Music]   oh wow this is incredible it's beautiful isn't  it it's completely changed yeah the idea is   we're going to leave it all exposed and vaulted  all the way up to the ceiling all the way up to   the top yeah beautiful to get the wow factor we  knew we had to go straight up amazing space on   the first floor more walls than originally planned  have been removed which means even more cost for a   project that's already close to breaking point as  we started taking things down we had to take more   down because the walls were just so fragile we  couldn't save them really so they had to all come   down and we've sort of basically started from  scratch it strikes me there's still a lot left   to do are you are you worried about it um i'm sort  of quietly terrified to be honest and i try not to   think too much about it because um you know  i would just perhaps come to a grinding halt   if i spent too long thinking about it but i was  walking around the site with a builder and he just   said oh don't underestimate the  work that you've got to do here and   that sort of filled me with dread really  because perhaps we had underestimated what   this project involved and there are times you  think should we have done it and were we mad to   even take this project on and are  we going to get the job done really antoinette is putting a brave face on it but there  is still a massive amount of work to do there's   internal walls plastering electrics plumbing  laying floors and then decorating to a high   enough standard for paying guests to be open  by the end of may they need a small miracle keith and antoinette fairhurst have been  renovating a huge house in the south of france   for five months they're restoring it back  to its former glory to create a family home   and a bed and breakfast business keith  is still trying to sell his business   in the uk to put desperately  needed funds into the project   he's commuting back most weeks leaving antoinette  to bring up four children and manage the build but   all that might be about to change because keith  finally has some news about his business i've   arranged to meet him here in the beautiful  old town of carcassonne to find out more but keith's news isn't good we put the company  into administration it's heartbreaking giving you   your business away but i can get on with my  life you were hoping that the money from the   sale of the business was going to help fund  the renovation it puts some more pressure on   money's always a problem yeah and we've  we've managed to borrow money in france which   which is good because it's given us a large  chunk of money to get some of the key jobs done   but you know we're still short on the renovation  i'm still having to go out there and i'm pressured   to earning that kind of money are you still on for  your end of may deadline we have to be we have to   be open and ready for business keith's news is a  total disaster with the company in administration   and with no money to show for it funds for  the build will have to be found from elsewhere   they still need a minimum of twenty thousand  pounds to get even close to finishing   this is the being we were talking  about chris thinks it's marginal   i think it's worse than margin a  visit from ian the building surveyor   brings even more financial pressure another  rotten beam has been discovered in the attic   to leave it there i think would be very chancy  i think it's um so replacing it with closer yes   it's about probably a thousand euros to  replace it it causes me to worry a bit because   i you know we've got lots of these little thousand  euros extras here there and everywhere and it's   all adding up but they're all coming in thick and  fast the escalating costs just add to antoinette   and keith's money worries the beams so 77 000  approximately owing and we've got 35 000 left we're in the ship basically that's   what these figures tell us until we get some  more money you know we haven't got any kitchen   any bathrooms we haven't got any paint we haven't  got any plaster i disagree so what are you saying   their dream of opening the b b in time for  the summer tourist season now seems impossible i sit here some days thinking i've got to do  this i've got to do that in terms of building   terms and in other times i'm thinking oh  [ __ ] i've got to go and earn some money   to try and bring in some much needed  cash keith's setting up a new company   he's created a website designed to help other  organizations be more environmentally friendly   it's difficult to predict when we're going to get  our first deal it's just a matter of time and you   know you've got to hold your nerve when you know  yeah it is a panic situation but you just hold it   to bring in more immediate funds keith and  antoinette intend to move out of their holiday   home and rent it out in just six weeks time it  could bring in a thousand pounds a week during   high season to try and generate the most rental  income they've extended it to sleep more people   we've soldered us three bathrooms it's got  two bathrooms we've got to get one ready   garden's got to be ready it's  just an immense amount of pressure   letting the holiday home means the family will  be moving into the b and b in alai laban which   is still a building site it's now crucial  it becomes habitable as soon as possible   to plug the immediate cash shortfall antoinette  heads to the bank to ask for a second loan   with all the extras over the last few months  the twenty thousand pounds that was needed   has now doubled we need to raise the money from  somewhere because otherwise we won't finish it we are in a bit of a catch-22 we've come across some things extras  that we weren't expecting to be   on the original build so obviously this  has increased the cost of the renovation   how much do you need i think 40 000  euros yes we um i feel quite positive   actually i feel quite optimistic um  it wasn't a flat no anyway [Music] hopeful of alone antoinette goes shopping  i've come here today to meerpoi to the market   to have a little look for a few  supplies for the bed and breakfast are we putting it [Music] i can use local things  i just think it's going to look so much nicer it's been a month since antoinette  asked the bank for a loan   and finally she's got some news we've been  accepted for borrowing 60 000 euros for the bank   we originally asked for 40 but went  away and sort of looked at the figures   and realized that 40 wasn't going to do  it so ask for 60 but obviously that's   quite a large sum of money so the bank have asked  us to sign security against our holiday home yes   i'm aware of what we're signing away so we're  at 12 months on top of this it's obviously   sort of slightly worrying because you know all  of a sudden this house that was mortgage-free   now has a levy against it so you know we don't  sit quite as comfortably as we did before but   um i don't think we have a choice really at this  stage we need the 60 000 euros in order to finish   the job and this was the only way we could get  it with money finally in the account antoinette   takes delivery of fixtures and fittings for the  bmb she sourced things from england because even   with the transport costs it's cheaper than buying  them here in france the original quote i had to   put a kitchen in here was about 16 000 euros and  i've managed to get everything for 16 000 pounds   so all my kitchens all my bathrooms all the beds  everything so that's just a massive saving okay   got it grudgingly keith agrees to leave his  work behind to help with the heavy lifting i think we're going to put it on top but  the competing pulls of keith's business   and the renovation work are causing domestic  tension i'm not putting everything upstairs   not today i'll be knocking for the sea today  i'll go work well where i want it is upstairs you said an hour love that's what  you no no no you've just got an hour   let's see you better go and get me some  bread for me and dee some lunch okay [Music]   i can't see the point of putting it in one place  to move it again in a few days time [Music] on top of everything else there's  still a lot more work to do on the   holiday home before it's ready for  its first rental in a few weeks time [Music] since the start of this project keith  and antoinette have been determined   to have the b b business up and running  by may and they've never wavered on this   deadline well it's the middle of june so they  should have moved in and they should have guests well i knew they were behind but  i didn't think it was this bad   i don't really see what's changed  since the last time i was here i think what is most disappointing of all is that  no one job looks like it's finished the electrics   are miles off there's so much making good to do  plasterboarding plastering the floors haven't even   been touched they're miles away i mean i think  probably the reason we are not on time schedule   is just cash flow when are you going to be moving  in here we have to be in here by the 11th of july   that's two weeks yeah that's not really going to  happen is it it's it has to because we haven't   got anywhere else to live what about the dust  living on a building site no i think we've been   really privileged in a way that we've been able to  sort of work here and then have a nice home to go   back to at the end of the day and now perhaps we  just need to sort of live it a bit rough i think   you've been given personally i think you've been  looking after four kids with keith away all the   time running this doing up the holiday if that was  easy i mean come on that's been i know incredibly   demanding i think you you've been doing an amazing  job thank you how are you feeling about it all   i feel really really tired i'm really tired like  you know my hair feels tired do you want me my   eyelashes feel tired how supported do you feel  by keith at the moment because you it seems to   me are carrying an extraordinary amount on your  shoulders is he helping you enough i'm sure he   wants to help but you know i can't have it both  ways i can't have him doing stuff here and then   at the end of the month i've got a 3 000 euro bill  that i need paying antoinette's managed this build   almost entirely on her own she's going to need  help to get the holiday home ready to let and   the bmb habitable for the family so i'm getting  her and keith together to formulate an action   plan have you actually sat down so and done this  before planned the build had it all down on paper   no it's amazing how useful it is to write it i  don't know because you can't kid yourself okay   first job first job kitchen floor second  job bathroom floor downstairs boxing   um tie bar chip off the render jointer in tile  connecting mains water kitchen filling the trench   probably going to have to we've talked about this  is putting some evenings in what about tonight and   why don't you get up there and get stuck in  tonight i've got too much work to do [Music]   it seems to me that if that's going to be  the reality then perhaps you have to put   your business on hold for four or five  days next week to make this happen i can assure you i am not trying to make you  cry i'm literally just trying to help you   so that you don't get to day 16  and you're moving into ale laba   and you have nothing ready that you really need keith reluctantly agrees to put his business on  hold for a week to help out more so antoinette   assisted by friends and keith plow on with  getting the holiday home ready to let [Music] and at the b the plumbers rush to get one  bathroom working for when the family move in   after two weeks of hard graft the holiday home is  finally ready to rent we're done ah we're finished   it's all beautiful it's all clean it's lovely i  don't want to leave now in pursuit of their dream   they leave an immaculate home for a dusty building  site i think the hardest thing is is really going   to be trying to find a space that's safe and  clean for the children because it is so dirty and   so dusty and there is nowhere finished all they  can do is get on and make the best of it whilst   living on site keith and antoinette work their way  around the house doing as many jobs as they can   friends from england who manufactured  antoinette's bespoke kitchen   have come out on a working holiday to fit it [Music] antoinette and keith work day and night in  a desperate bid to get the b b open i am   absolutely determined to open our doors  to business because we've got to start   making this house pay for us because if  we don't we we stand the risk of losing   everything that we've that  we've basically worked for it's been a turbulent year  for the fair hearsts they've   really struggled financially and antoinette has  been left almost entirely on her own to manage   pretty much everything their  schedule has slipped so badly   that i am intrigued to see if the b b is  finally ready to be a home and a business hello keith nice to see you again hello  lovely to see you thank you you're well   well we certainly are lots to show  you come on then let's have a look lovely what an impact i love  this color the white and   the gray it's beautiful really good  yeah we're really pleased with it   the transformation of the dark wood paneled hall  into a bright elegant entrance space is striking and opening up the kitchen and dining rooms  into one is a triumph it's really worked   out well knocking it into one big space it looks  fantastic we're really pretty we're loving it we   love we love eating here as a family it was  absolutely the best thing we did taking down this   wall it's a very nice kitchen i've got some really  good friends in the uk who fey and andu came out   and basically built my kitchen because i found  this sink that was in the house and they built the   entire kitchen around that old sink well i think  this room is a great success a real transformation   this is the sitting room lovely really warm and  that color wall has really transformed it well   we like it we think it's really nice and cozy and  like you know it's nice place for people to relax   nice ambiance to it kept the french feel shutters  floor really kept all the old features in the lovingly restored original oak staircase  leads to the first floor and the guest bedrooms oh wow i love the colours they're really  nice aren't they i'm really pleased how   this room has come it's really lovely  i mean it's got a really nice sort of   subtle frenchness to it yeah we didn't want it  to be so chintzy and kitsch we wanted it to be   sort of just classic french really the shutters  are really good as well aren't they they kind   of add to the sort of nice restrained feel to the  room we wanted to retain and restore the original   features of the house and so that's why all of the  bedrooms have got their shutters which is lovely   gives you good night's sleep because you can close  them and not an inch of sunshine comes in [Music]   oh this is lovely it's a really  good sized ensuite isn't it   hotels that we've stayed ourselves and we really  liked we've kind of mirrored that in a way   same big rooms trying to make it spacious we  just feel that that's what people want [Music]   two of the letting rooms are ready but  there are still three guest bedrooms to i complete you'll see there's a lot of work to  do but when it's done what a room i mean vast   beautiful size the family rooms in the attic are  also a few months from being finished but you can   already appreciate the space you know i really  think this is my favorite part of the house up   here this is a real trial for this space isn't it  because it was lots of little rooms low ceilings   damp dingy [Music] when this is finished this  is going to be our living space and then we've   got a bedroom for each of the children and a  bedroom for keith and i family bathroom and   an ensuite i think when it's done it's going to  be a knockout isn't it a special space [Music]   when you started this project what was your budget  it was 150 000 euros which is about 104 at the   time it was about 110 000 pounds and what have  you spent so far we've spent 120 000 pounds on   the renovation so far and how much do you need  to spend to get it finished probably another   20. how much did you pay for the house 500 000  pounds so you spent 640 000 do what he will have   done to get it totally finished what's the house  worth now well we had an estate agent out at the   weekend and he said if we were to put a pool in  he thinks we could probably hit the million that's   good isn't it it's very good that's not bad how  much does a pool cost about 20 30 000 pounds so   for about six hundred and seventy thousand let's  say you've got a million quid property so it's   you know it's been hard but it worst case scenario  we could sell it you could sell out and be ahead   yeah i assume you're not going to no no i've  worked too hard i need to enjoy it a bit now even though there's still a little way  to go the family are already settling in   the house is looking really good now it's really  progressing and it's looking much more like a home   not just a house school in france is really really  good really fun hard but it is getting better well congratulations you've  earned it cheers you've earned it it's been quite a year though  hasn't it because not only have you   done this place but you've had to finish up the  holiday home haven't you we have we've basically   done two renovations i mean how do you feel about  having to leave antoinette with so much on her   shoulders are you proud with what she's achieved  i think it's staggering i really do the children   working with all the builders bringing all the  project together and for me she's turned out a   stunning house it's been a massive first project  and knowing knowing what i know now i probably   shouldn't and wouldn't have done it but having  said that i'm really glad we did because i think   sometimes ignorance is bliss and in this  instance i was in blissful ignorance and   yeah and it's been jolly hard work but  because we're getting to the end of it   i think wow i'm glad we did i think the other  thing is as well is to realize we've invested in a   business as well as a lifestyle so  you know the chambra doubt and the   holiday home will provide us with an income that  will allow us to stay in france for years to come   so in a way your new life starts here it  certainly does it seems well it is well done there could be no denying that the move to  france and this renovation have been the   most almighty challenge for the fair hearths  antoinette has worked tirelessly to keep the   whole thing on track and so far the results  have been amazing this is going to make the   most perfect family home and it has the  basis for being a really good business   but the key to that success is going to be keith  and antoinette because as i've got to know them   over the last year i've begun to realize that  they are going to be the perfect [Music] hosts [Music] wow [Music] wow you
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Views: 72,472
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Keywords: architect george clarke, architect guidance, château restoration, country living, countryside living, diy home, family home projects, french b&b, george clarke, home makeover, home renovation, house restoration, interior design, mansion renovation, property conversion, property development, real estate, rural life, rural renovation
Id: y2HbatesWWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 5sec (2705 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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