Framing My Tiny Home Floor | Less Expensive Than I Thought

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welcome back everyone today I'm going to be framing out the floor of the cedar Hollow walking you guys through all the steps on how I'm Shoring up from the foundation Piers how I'm doing all my lateral bracing and just overall the whole floor of the home okay so let me walk you through the general plan for today so earlier this week I picked up a whole bunch of lumber for framing this base if you remember from the last video we have 12 total Piers so three rows of four and what we're going to be doing is making three beams that span each of the rows of four and then on top of that we're going to be running all the floor joists so technically these concrete supports don't have tons of lateral bracing so say like a wind's hitting the home they're not they're not the best for that so we're gonna have to be doing 4x4 kickers off of these four by four posts that stand up and hold up the beams it's gonna be taking a 4x4 treated post standing it up vertical here and then scissoring up these two by tens and running beams the entire length of all this on top of the posts before we dive into all this if you guys wouldn't mind hitting the like And subscribe button if you want to see how Cedar Hollow turns out I really appreciate it and let's dive into it and right on time we got a little Emily showing up to come help frame my little helper for framing the base plate I have the plans on my phone for what the base Plate's gonna be and this is just a sketch I put together to get all the quantities for when I was buying the materials earlier this week but these beams all need to be 28 feet long because each of the runners on the floor is gonna run across them and they need to be able to transfer the load from the floor to the beams which then transfer it over to the call so we're gonna sister up these first two set a screw and then at the other end will cut both of the boards so it makes a perfect 28 feet long not all these boards are perfectly [Applause] the same side so I'm just making sure it flushes out on top there [Music] just screwed together this first beam I'm gonna run through set a whole bunch more nails so it's a little more solid all right we're gonna make sure that my dyslexia isn't setting in and that this is actually 28 feet long it's like 28 feet one and a half inches which I think we'll cheat it and just give ourselves an extra inch and a half inside foreign so the next step is going to be cutting the 4x4 posts that go on top of the piers and this pretty much establishes the height of the floor we were saying they would probably be a little bit better to have the floor higher it's almost like more of a more of a feature what do you think babe this is kind of cool what we've done is I've taken the stomper that we use for like patting down before we set the piers and I set the laser on it with the laser being set on this post it sets a perfectly flat plane here so all we'll do is go take a tape measure measure up from the base of the plate here and that'll give us a perfectly level plane for setting all the beams so M was also just saying that it almost gives it Treehouse Vibes when it's a little bit higher up which could be a nice Plus for Airbnb because if you can check one of those like unique properties or if you can check like tree house or whatever that stuff does really well first one so the Laser's over there 21 right on the money [Music] so just as a good gut check we checked out here and the laser line lands right there so we're gonna take off like another quarter inch first post to set we're gonna go do the same thing [Music] so we just cut all the posts here and I'm going to show you guys why we went with these anchors over other anchors so we could have just cut this board again because we cut it about a quarter inch shy I don't know if you can see that but the laser is slightly above so we need to bring this up so these anchors let me adjust this we're able to lift it up just a little bit like that I'm gonna go a little bit higher and then we go up here we're getting there and then look at that perfectly right now as all these Piers officially settle and it gets loaded they're all going to sink and adjust a little bit so we'll come back through after a few months re-level everything one more time that's why we went with these guys so we leveled everything out now we're gonna set the first Beam on top I'm just gonna hold it I'm gonna set a couple stabilizer screws and we'll officially have set the first beam we got M over here setting the rest of go ahead setting the rest of all the little Simpson ties we're gonna screw everything else then we'll go build the next two beams here [Music] you want to see what we're doing here all right baby you can explain it what are we gonna do for the next FEMA yeah we're putting the next Beam on I don't know YouTuber in the making right there I want to make sure we set this middle one exactly in line with these two so that's why we set the outer two and I'll run a string line from here to there and then we'll just scooch this Center beam directly on that string line [Music] [Music] I'm gonna finish putting on the rest of the Simpson Ties on the center beam but if you check it out we got all three beams set we're gonna do is take these Simpson hangers put them on the inside of the boards right here and run them this way so we can stabilize it this way and then we'll also put some kickers some 45 kickers on these posts to give it even more lateral support this way that's it yeah what that one's dead on that's just like I drew it seven feet on the button [Music] [Applause] [Music] check it out M and I nice work em we have got all the lateral braces in at least at least the laterals between the beams so we've added all these braces in there there there there and there and then we're going to take these two by twelves and shoot them across this way to make up the joists for the floorboards day two for framing the space so I was talking to one of my co-workers at work I'm in the construction Journal Contracting world and he was giving me some pointers on how to frame out with all the floor joists and Emily and I were setting all these floor joists and then I was going to come back through and fill it with blocking but I must add a total brain fart I'm realizing now it'd be way simpler and this is what he suggested cutting a whole bunch of blocking here and as we're setting the blocking we also set the floor joists that way everything is super tight together I don't have to worry about like pounding in blocking after the fact so that's what I'm gonna go do I'll cut a handful of blocking and then we'll start setting all the floor joists I also removed that string line we were using it was kind of getting in the way and I figure a laser is a much better way to do it you can't like accidentally bump a laser so that's what we're gonna do I'm to set this up at the end so I'm not bumping it at all but we'll use that to set the back of this plane right here another nice thing about pre-cutting all my blocking is that it will perfectly space this out so when we are laying four by eight sheets they're gonna perfectly line up so the seams land right on top of one of these floor joists [Music] thank you [Music] all right this is working so much better because now I'm also able to nail in this way and it makes this entire floor one Rock Solid system [Music] so I set the first couple floor joists I set the first eight feet of them and before I go finish the rest of them and like pretty much put a lot of load on the foundation here I'm gonna add all the kickers so all the 45s coming off these posts because right now right now this thing doesn't wobble like any bit this way because that's the way that the beams and all the like Simpson strong ties are braced but when I set all the 45 posts coming off of the piers I'm gonna set them and connect them directly to the floor joists so they have a lot of carry and they don't allow the thing to shake like at all so like here this is just temporary board I'm going to take that off I just want everything to be super stable but here I'll have a 45 coming up there one jutting off that way and then we'll have some coming up from the underside up there up there there yeah let's go jump into it I'll go cut a bunch of 45s and start putting them on this is the plan for each of the posts see this kicker is tied into one of the floor joists we got a four by four oh the camera's all messed up we got a 4x4 here and I'm gonna do that to every single one of them and then we'll go set the rest of the floor I just walked on top of this to see like how much it locks it in and it's shocking how much it's just Rock Solid now staple just poke me in the butt fortunately I just got a tetanus shot like uh five or six months ago when I put that screw in my shoulder we'll build in the spiral staircase any of you guys that remember that are the the true bin oh geez don't mind this two by twelve that's hanging down I know it looks sloppy it was just for m i to keep them stable while we were first standing the beams so these beams don't really matter holy cow let's hold on so tight [Music] trying to get the most out of it so that looks like right about there that's insane how much it locks it in so now we'll go do the kicker off this way [Music] I'm gonna do it on the other side wow oh and there it is so that's how I'm doing the middle ones that's how I'm doing the corners and sides and I'll go do it to the rest of them real quick now [Music] you guys have been commenting saying you liking the little like cost breakdowns so far all my Hardware that I bought from Lowe's like the Simpson ties screws lags all that cost this much and my lumber for the base has so far cost you this much okay so I just finished putting on all these horizontal supports here you can see them kicking out so that keeps the whole structure from moving this way and then these guys that are attached to the center post and keep the beams from moving this way so I got some there one there and another one there so those are attached directly to the floor joists and even just walking up on top of it and now that all those supports just on that half are done it's like not going anywhere I'm Gonna Keep framing out the floor here and when we hit the next set of beams I'll attach the joists and do these lateral braces again so let's uh keep flying we got two and a half hours till the guest checks in and I can't I can't be super loud [Music] thank you [Music] all right I'm gonna get like three more rows done then I'm gonna go do the supports that go in the middle here to keep it from swaying this way because like if you see It'll shake a little bit this way but once we put those supports on it like it's rock solid [Music] [Music] so I've only got like seven more floor joists left to do right there but before we do I'm gonna lock in all these supports location s [Music] [Music] that's not going anywhere we'll do the other side [Music] [Music] I have all of the floor joists set here I have one more to set but before I do that I'm gonna go take a measurement from the corner it's a corner here and corner to corner there to make sure that we're perfectly Square otherwise it'll be like a like a parallelogram you know like where it's shifted and one wall will be longer so I'm just trying to make sure it's Square oh and I also still have to set some kickers coming off here and some kickers coming off there and then we can go lay the sheathing on top which will be the floor that we're actually walking [Music] I was going through the comments and a bunch of you guys asked how these adjustable anchor bolts are gonna work they're saying how you're gonna do it's never going to work and let me show you what I did essentially what I did was I took a Jack and I jacked up this beam that this one was a little bit low for example so I jacked up this beam off the ground I had to go up like an eighth inch all I had to do was take the load off of this I screwed the nut down a little bit because the threaded portion of this Rod just sticks down into the concrete so all we did is we lifted it up an eighth inch screwed this down like not even the full full turn and then took the load off the Jack and it dropped right back down and now it's perfectly level you know what I cut them too long I gotta take an inch and a half off these guys forgot that the end floor joist needs to be two studs right next to each other so that the load is being distributed over two two by twelves instead of just this one [Music] so now that the two end caps are doubled up we're just gonna be doing one single 2 by 12 here to cap it off and then we'll start setting the sheathing for the floor thank you [Music] all right check it out so the entire floor is framed now all I have to do is add the three-quarter tongue sheathing on top and then the floor is completely framed I'm like I'm shocked not shocked but like obviously there's a lot of bracing in here but this thing is so Rock Solid like there's no sway or shake to it at all I'm trying to like see if this thing's going to be blowing in the wind and it it will not this is gonna be it's gonna be one solid little home our plan with sheeting the floor is using this three-quarter inch tongue and groove plywood some glue if you've ever been in a cabin and the floors are squeaking it's probably because they didn't use a glue when they were setting the sheeting so this pretty much just makes the base one solid system so every single floor joist I'll be laying a whole bunch of this heavy duty Liquid Nails so I use this stuff on the bin and it it did wonders no there's not a single squeak in the floors and I know that this line is perfectly straight because we set this with the laser which means that the flip side is also perfectly straight but what we might have some variants in is these beams right here so I'm actually gonna overhang this just a little bit so I can set a chalk line and cut a perfectly straight line in case there's any sort of bow but without further Ado let's get to it oh and I'm also going to be screwing these down not nailing them because say for instance like worst case scenario the glue lets loose a little bit some of the nails might be able to back themselves out but if we use screws there's no way they back themselves out [Music] I think it's gorgeous okay I just need to do that until this is all done okay I'm gonna set a time lapse and go pull out through it all right guys we just wrapped up another day framing the floor for the cedar Hollow and fortunately we are almost done so I laid all the underlayment today it was like ungodly hot out so it was kind of a brutal day but underlayment's all done the only thing I have yet to wrap up is cutting off all the overhangs I just ran it long so that I'd be able to set a perfectly straight line which Emily and I put a shot a little chalk line tomorrow I'll be out here cutting the final perimeter and that will kick off the next video which is framing the walls please make sure to like this video And subscribe to the channel if you want to see other Cedar haul it turns out if you guys have any questions or comments please drop them below I love chatting with you guys and we'll see you in the next one peace hello I'm done I'm sorry okay so that was my best ever impersonation so now that we all right now that we have all what happened we're gonna set the floor joists now
Channel: Devon Loerop
Views: 87,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: building, tiny home, construction, diy
Id: 9iG_fSi_mng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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