Framer Breakpoints in 7 Minutes (Beginner Tutorial)

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in this video we will learn how to make any layout responsive inside of framework if you want to follow along the working file will be linked down below now the first thing we want to do when creating any kind of responsive layout is to utilize Stacks if you don't know how to use Stacks check out the video in the top right because in this video I will be utilizing that concept like a maniac so I will start by taking my text items right click add stack I will take my images right click add stack I will take this top video and this text right click and add a frame the reason I'm using a frame here instead is because one this text is going to be on top of the video so using a stack in this case doesn't really make sense because a stack will try to push that text below the video the second reason is because I want the text to scale in size with the device width so after adding the stacks I will go to my individual items here I will change the width from fixed to fill I will do the same for these images here I'm going to go to the image stack and change the Gap a bit now I'm going to go to the text here make sure that it's pinned to the bottom because I want it to be in the bottom of the video container I will change this to 24 pixels I'm then gonna go and make sure that it's set to with relative with a hundred percent in width and see what happens when we play it you see how this text here scales down with the device size exactly as I want it now if I decrease the size of the frame here you can see that it's still pinned to the bottom also exactly how we want it to however as you saw the text here and the images go outside of the frame when we scale it downwards now how do we fix that well we're going to go back here and see if we missed anything frame stack stack frame so the desktop here is still set to be a frame and when I do responsive design I like to have even the desktop frame as a stack so I'll go to layout here hit Plus now everything here is said to be a stack now if we decrease the size here you can see that it's still not being responsive if we go to the text container we can see that the width is still set to fixed so what we could do in this case is we could change it to fill we could then go to the height and make sure that this is set to fit so whatever height we have on this content it's gonna still fit the text now if we decrease the size again we can see that it works however the images are still not really responsive we can go to the image container here and we can set it to wrap we can also go to the height and say fit content we can say that the width is going to be fill and now if we decrease the size it wraps accordingly but content is still being pushed outside of the desktop frame here so I can go to the desktop frame and change it from being fixed in height to fit content now we can go in here and we can see that when we resize it everything is behaving accordingly now remember that wrap only works if we have a fixed value for our width so if we set these images to just fill and we play it again you can see that they behave in the same way as the text where they just decrease in size so instead we could go to our items and say that they're gonna have a fixed width let's say 400 pixels for these we could say they're going to have a fixed width of 250 pixels and we'll have to go to this text container here make sure that it says wrapped now if we play it again it wraps like this uh another alternative way would be to go back to our items set them to fill so they fill the container I'll do the same for my images fill container and now if we create a tablet breakpoint for this tablet breakpoint we could change the behavior of our items so for the images here I could change the direction to be vertical maybe we even want to give it some padding in this case and as you can see here when I change the padding and when I change it to vertical that is not reflected in the desktop that's because the desktop acts as the parent here so whatever changes I make to the desktop will be reflected in the tablet if I make a change in the tablet nothing happens however I could go here make a change to an element right click and say update primary which then updates the desktop frame I could also if I make a change that I don't want right click and say reset overwrites now I'll go to my text container here change the direction to be vertical I'll even give it some padding remove the padding from the top and the bottom for these images here I'm gonna go select them all and I'm gonna set a Max width of 500 pixels also I'm gonna go back to the desktop containers add some padding remove the top and the bottom padding so that we have some space now I'm gonna go to the tablet here and create a phone version and we can see that it looks pretty good already maybe I want to change the height of this video maybe we want to change the padding here maybe we want to Target the whole container the whole phone container and change the gap between the items maybe we want to change the gap between these items a bit change the padding to 24. now if we play this and we scale it down we can see that it looks good everything works in the way we want to but if we scale it upwards something happens so I'll go back here and immediately when I Target my frame here the frame looks good the width is set to fill the height is fixed but the video here spans outside and if we go to the positioning the left pin here doesn't look quite right it's not pinned to the left so if I set 0 and I play it again now it scales in the way that we want now if you want to see me create a real responsive website inside a framer check out this video until the next one have a great life
Channel: Tim Gabe
Views: 10,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui, ux, product design, ui design, ux design, framer breakpoint, framer tutorial for beginners, framer tutorial, framer tutorial beginner, framer tutorial 2023, framer tutorial responsive, responsive design in framer, framer mobile
Id: rEjd7QRxtDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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