Fr. Wade Menezes C.F.M. – The Four Last Things on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Discerning Hearts
Views: 9,528
Rating: 4.8924732 out of 5
Keywords: catholic, radio, podcasts, jesus, discernment, christian, devotionals, rosary, mary, blessed, mother, religion, prayer, Fr. Wade Menezes, Fathers of Mercy, Four Last Things, Death, Predestination, Hell, Heaven, Inside the Pages, Discerning Hearts, afterlife, Catholicism, spirituality, hell, purgatory, heaven, judgement, catholic spirituality, catholic prayer, confession, temporal judgment, kris mcgregor, wade menezes
Id: mHtrd4qvIFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 55sec (2995 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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