Fr. Malachi Martin & the Papal Consistory -- Was It True?

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hello and welcome to this edition of your questions answered with father Gruner I'm John Valeri in this program we take the questions that you send us and father Gunnar answers them and we talk about them and have discussions and continue to send them to us please questions at the fΓ‘tima here's a question for about Malachy Martin's book keys of this blood which was written sometime around 1989 it was the first book he published after he wrote the Jesuits did Malachy Martin ever indicate now I will explain all this to you so just stick with us did Malachy Martin ever indicate whether the consistory depicted at the end of keys of this blood I ever took place the scene is where the Pope calls together the bishops and Cardinals Cardinals rather closely other cars and effectively shuts down the Curia orexin new bureaucracy makes the Tridentine right the normative Mass and greatly limits the use of the novus ordo shoes so she's asking did this ever happen well I think John you were talking before the program here in fact you yourself spoke to Melanie Martin about this very chapter did you know it yes keys of this blood is about a 700 page book maybe 6 6 or 7 or it's a big book and I read it when it came out and the entire book is about the state of the church the state of the world order John Paul the second brought in a lot of things of you know transnational corporations and banking and I mean he really saw he really saw the whole picture it's quite a book to read one of the main men of the Council of Foreign Relations now I can't remember his name it'll come to me later on John John John something but anyway all that type of thing is in it and how communism has changed its face and so the entire book was factual and had to do with the john paul ii and also the judas complex was an appendix in that book you posted and see if any yeah i published it and but then the very final chapter i forget what it was called but all of a sudden you're thrown into this to this action going on of this Cardinal this old Cardinal saying I got to get to this I've been waiting for this I got get to it that's how he starts it so he pulls you in you know with this and what has happened is some Pope doesn't say it was John Paul the second but some Pope calls the consistory of the Cardinals together and he basically lays out what a traditional Catholic would say that we have taken the wrong course well he talks about the state of the church very dramatic talks about the the the ruinous state of the church and then at one point this white this this figure in white this Pope drops to his knees in front of all the Cardinals and says Maricopa Maricopa ma'am Maxima culpa and the consistory of Cardinals are stunned they're speechless and then he stands up and says now here's what we're going to do about it and to make a long story short he basically takes things back to the pre Vatican two structures of theology and and I don't remember about there the restructure of the bureaucracy maybe that was there I don't remember it and also going back to the to the Troodon teen mass war you know worldwide and phasing out this Novus Ordo so I knew Malachy and I was really impressed by that chapter and I said I said to him I said is this what Malachy Martin would do if he became Pope and then what was going on with this chapter and he said no that's not what it is it's what a group of us he didn't say who they were a group of us wrote to john paul ii and suggested that he do of course it never happened to answer that one question ever did take place first interesting who's telling the story about the Pope saying I mean there's this incident in Pope John Paul's life in public and which he cried the streams of of Tears and about how terrible things and and he was saying I mean the whole thing was I mean at least as a guy I didn't see it I was read about it is that he felt guilty for the state of the church and there was his fault well that's it as I said you know according to Malachy he and a couple others wrote that he had channels directly to the Pope because of his connections and he said that that we said respectively this is really what you should do now this book came out about 89 so this would have been about you know who knows and sometime in the 80s that they would have suggested this to the Pope so I think the book is still in print I'm not sure about that but but anyway that but Deus or the question it never really happened is something we would love to see happen of course it seems that again with your description of it I haven't read I've read parts of the book I haven't read that chapter there but it seems to me also it talks about several things from the secret the secret definitely talks about the taunting mass as being the normative mass and as the new order new mass shouldn't be done the secret also talks about the Second Vatican Council and that it's a it's a it's an evil Council it's got errors in it should not be it's you know and those two things and maybe he and a group of them has said this but he's also I think relying upon his knowledge in the secret well Malachy Malachy had read the secret yes yes he's my opponents and those are the two points the council and the mass maybe just mentioned the council but he's reversing things as you put it into things before the council that not so much reversing things as restoring things so when they were before the council and and those are two things it seems very interesting be but to answer the question the person no one has no foe so far not taking place doesn't pay for soliciting soon it was an interesting literary device really I've never seen that done before that you have an entire book that has that it's factual and at the very end and of course Malachy was a terrific writer so it was it was quite an adventure you know reading the whole thing so anyway that's the question that's the answer to that and any more questions on that please send them our way and we'll see you on the next broadcast thanks for joining us
Channel: The Fatima Center
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Id: v6Ke-Xy_GKo
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Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2015
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