Fr Joseph Aytona Day 1

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[Music] [Music] sorry [Music] is [Music] holy spirit fill the hearts of thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of thy love send forth thy spirit and they shall be created and thou shall renew the face of the earth let us pray o god who didn't instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the holy spirit grant us in the same spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in his consolation through christ our lord amen most sacred heart of jesus have mercy on us immaculate heart of mary pray for us saint joseph praises in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen please stand for the proclamation of the holy gospel the lord be with you a reading from the holy gospel according to john glory to you the jews quarreled among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat jesus said to them amen amen i say to you unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you do not have life within you whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him on the last day for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and i in him just as the living father sent me and i have life because of the father so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me this is the bread that came down from heaven unlike your ancestors who ate and still died whoever eats this bread will live forever the gospel of the lord please be seated welcome all of you to the first day of the parish mission before i begin preaching i would like to ask permission not necessarily from you as the parishioners of this church or from father murphy all of this has been approved already but specifically i want to ask permission from jesus christ it's only by his power his authority i'm able to be here to preach your mission now i would like to start off with a very simple statement the holy eucharist is jesus christ he is truly really and substantially present before us in the most blessed sacrament the same jesus that was on this earth about two thousand years ago is the exact same jesus currently on this altar the same christ who died on the cross rose from the dead is the exact same christ about eight feet to my left the same god who will judge us immediately after we pass is the exact same god currently in this monstrance so jesus is present his body blood and true human soul people forget jesus actually had a human soul all parts of his humanity that he received in the womb of mary when she said yes to god through the angel but when we're talking about the eucharist we're not simply talking about our lord's humanity like his body and blood we're also talking about his divinity literally what the heavens and the earth cannot contain who is all-powerful omnipotent we can't even fathom god in his nature yet all of that is within that sacred host what people have longed for for thousands of years since the time of adam and eve when a messiah was promised what people have died for who shed their blood especially in the early church we have a privilege as catholics a blessing to be right in front of every time we come into a catholic church or chapel this by far is the greatest gift that our father has given to us because it is god himself in the second person of the trinity jesus christ you know at times you may maybe even hear a catholic maybe you know a protestant he or she may say i don't know why you believe that jesus is in the eucharist jesus is everywhere he can hear me when i'm walking in the park he can hear me when i pray at work when i'm at school jesus is everywhere you'll hear this okay well obviously god could hear us whenever and wherever but when we're talking about the eucharist jesus is physically present here in front of us he is not physically present everywhere he certainly is in heaven at the right hand of his father with his glorified body but he is also physically present under what looks like a piece of bread in the holy eucharist so as you are physically present in this church corpus christi jesus in a very mystical way is present here before us although veiled under signs such as what looks like bread so after the words of consecration from the priest over the bread and wine there is actually no longer bread there is actually no longer wine although it may taste like wine and bread although it may feel like it although it may sound like it's so to speak when you crack the host and so forth there is no longer bread there is no longer wine only the body blood soul and divinity of jesus christ but he has to take a form and he chooses to take the form of bread so this begs the question why is it if jesus is here and he's here why is it so difficult for many people to go to church even at least once a week there's a lot of catholics that stay home they watch tv they go to their sporting events they stream on their smartphone and they don't go to church yet the king of kings and lord of lords is right in front of them why is it well when we're talking about the eucharist it's based on faith if people don't have faith or very little of it they're not going to really care to tell you the truth they'll just look up here and they'll just pass by and do whatever they want to do because there's nothing special to them because they lack faith so it is essential for us as catholics to pray for more faith every day especially faith in the real presence of jesus in the eucharist you know this reminds me of an experience that i had it was shortly after i was ordained a priest i've been a priest i was ordained in may of 2010 so just a little over 10 years going on my 11th year later in a few months but before i was ordained the priest as a transitional deacon i helped the archdiocese of new york promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life i founded a ministry that promotes vocations through family life the holier parents that we have as catholics the more chance we'll have for a priest and religious that's just the way it goes it's the seedbed of vocations that is the family life family life so we had a successful day in the archdiocese of new york thanks be to god as a transitional deacon now there was another pastor locally that attended that day so he called me and contacted me and asked me can i help him organize one of these days at his parish so my religious congregation we give our newly ordained priest about a month of vacation before we start our public ministry right after ordination so i prayed about it and i thought i'll spend about three weeks in california with my family and friends and then i'll fly to new york to help them promote vocations so i did and actually went along with a friend but before we met with the pastor and his staff i wanted to tour some of the churches in new york city there's lots of beautiful churches if you're aware of it in new york city and i wanted to go to saint patrick's cathedral the mother church of manhattan new york city and i wanted to say a prayer so we would be able to as much as possible do god's will for this vocation day so i remember passing by times square this was june of 2010 i was with my friend it was so busy there were so many people there it was so loud we had to yell in each other's ears and we were right beside each other as we were heading toward the cathedral eventually we get into the cathedral i go into these huge double doors now my first inclination as a catholic is to look down the center or the middle of the church so i can see the tabernacle and the sanctuary lamp which is usually red yours is red here and then i would genuflect that is bend at least one knee to the ground to show an external sign of adoration toward the real presence of jesus so i went into the cathedral and i looked in the middle and i looked to see where the tabernacle was and the sanctuary lamp but i didn't see the tabernacle and not only that i wanted to pray for this day that we were about to organize so i i told my friend i said david give me about 10 minutes i'm going to say some prayers if you want to visit the gift shop light a candle whatever it is just give me about 10 minutes and we'll meet back here in the front so at this point it was my mission to find jesus so i can say my prayer so i go around this huge cathedral and if you've been there you know how big it is and i'm passing by many side altars each side altar was dedicated to a saint most likely there was a relic of that saint in that altar since it's a custom in our church to have especially a first-class relic inside the altar although i love the saints i was looking for jesus god himself so i passed by all these altars and he was nowhere to be found i'm thinking he has to be somewhere in this church in this cathedral so eventually i get to the very back of this humongous cathedral i even pass at that time archbishop fulton sheen's grave site which was under the altar and eventually i get to the very back and i see an altar about 10 pews and now i see the tabernacle with the sanctuary lamp so a sigh of relief came upon me i finally was able to genuflect and then i knelt down and i said a prayer for the success of this day that we were about to organize now as i was praying i had my hands folded and i was kneeling but after i was done with my prayer i noticed one thing it was completely silent in that part of the cathedral it was the biggest transition of being in times square probably the noisiest place in america and then going to the cathedral at saint patrick's but then i opened my eyes and i noticed one thing there wasn't one other person praying in front of jesus and the eucharist i was snowy ordained and i couldn't believe it there are probably eight million people in new york city i know manhattan is just one of the boroughs but if you could count all the rest of the fight the boroughs come together there's probably eight million people and there wasn't one person praying in the mother church of the second largest archdiocese in the nation after los angeles so i couldn't believe it not only that i was saddened and i knelt right back down and i said a prayer for especially those catholics that don't care that jesus is in the eucharist or that they don't have the faith to recognize the real presence of christ in the blessed sacrament we especially pray in reparation or atonement for people's sins now why do i tell you that experience well obviously i'm trying to make you feel guilty if you don't spend time in front of the blessed sacrament just in case you aren't aware of it there's this chapel right here where the blessed sacrament is available for the most part throughout the day so if you don't take advantage of spending time in front of jesus physically speaking in front of the eucharist it is a resolution not only during lent that we should have but really throughout our lives as catholics if you think about it especially nowadays catholics at times they spend a lot more time on their smartphones watching the internet maybe streaming services whatever it is as opposed to physically being in front of jesus in the eucharist doesn't make any sense it seems like everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to spend time with jesus in the eucharist try to figure that one out so we already get a glimpse of what it's like when we are in front of jesus in the eucharist because in heaven we're going to see god face to face but yet people lack faith okay so besides making you trying to feel guilty if you don't spend time in front of the blessed sacrament the real reason the ultimate reason why i bring this up because it shows you how much jesus loves us by being something we can consume this by far is the greatest act that we can do as human beings when we literally eat and consume our living god so jesus becomes food for our souls and why does he do this well just think of the things that god has done for us in the person of jesus the fact that he became man we can't even fathom that god became man that he can now be tired he has to eat he has to sleep he experienced everything that we have experienced as human beings except sin not only that 33 years after he's born he dies the most infamous death by being nailed to the cross after being scourged you know archbishop fulton sheen he has a great analogy that's like taking your soul and putting it in a dog's body if you wanted to communicate with your spouse or your family even though you have an intelligent soul all would come out of your mouth would be wolf wolf if you wanted to go to the bathroom i'm sure there's a fire hydrant close to the church so it would be beneath your dignity for your soul to be in a dog's body yet god became man besides the fact of the incarnation what i'm trying to say is jesus tops it all off by becoming something we can consume why because love seeks union if we truly love someone we want to be united with them obviously we see that in the sacrament of matrimony we just see that as our friends we want to spend time with them we want to hang out with them we enjoy their company there's union there's a unity there that's what love does but we're talking about divine love not simply human love but divine love so jesus becomes food where we intimately unite ourselves with him by consuming him there is no greater way to show your love than not only being sacrificed on the cross but literally becoming food so we can consume him so with all this being said is going to mass especially on sundays or saturday afternoons is that the highlight of your week are you looking forward to going to mass and receiving communion more than anything else throughout your week now some of you probably most if not all of you here probably even go to daily mass obviously how much of a grace should we be thankful for for that but especially on sundays or saturday afternoons that is by far the greatest time of our week when we unite ourselves physically as we consume our lord so when i'm giving out communion at times at least externally speaking i'm wondering whether people actually know god is in their hands you know at times people will receive communion you know it's a good thing to lower your mass by the way right before you receive communion i know this is the pandemic we do when and when did i ever imagine saying this in a mission where i'm recommending people to lower their mass right before they come to receive communion so when you receive communion there are no eucharistic particles on your fingers where they're not you're not touching other things with the blessed sacrament so in other words there's an act of reverence that we owe if we truly believe that jesus is in the eucharist then we'll handle him as gently and as reverently as possible just something to keep in mind especially during the pandemic obviously you can still receive communion kneeling down or on the tongue directly and maybe that will help you in terms of the eucharistic particles now besides holy communion and besides especially adoration of the blessed sacrament there's an aspect of the eucharist that i want to emphasize now and i'll tell you a story of a saint this is saint anthony mostly everyone knows saint anthony because he's the patron saint of the lost if you lose your keys or lose your wallet usually you go to saint anthony it seems like every church has a statue of saint anthony in it you have a statue of saint anthony there in the back anyways one of our priests father bill casey who was here i think last year he had a first-class relic of saint anthony a first-class relic is part of the saints body and he would bring it to him on mission bring it with him on mission unfortunately he lost it so he told me father joseph my prayer was saint anthony help me find you and thanks be to god he finally found the first class relic of saint anthony he no longer takes the relic with him as he travels anyways saint anthony was part of the franciscan order now franciscans in my opinion probably have the greatest devotion to the eucharist saint anthony was preaching and he encountered a heretic herod the heretic's name is bonillo and bonio said anthony i can't believe you and the catholic church actually believe that jesus is a piece of bread he said i will never believe that jesus is bread bonio said and saint anthony obviously tried to defend the teaching of the church regarding the real presence of christ in the eucharist so they went back and forth and anyone close by heard each other's arguments heard one another's arguments and at the end they couldn't convince one another so saint anthony said bonille i can't force you in believing that jesus is in the eucharist but i guarantee you he said there is apparently a donkey close by he said i guarantee you that after three days from now i will bring jesus in the eucharist and i will show the blessed sacrament to the donkey and he will kneel or genuflect to show that god is in the eucharist and if he does that you'll have to believe and bonio said sure absolutely i'll do it on one condition though i want you to starve this donkey for the next three days okay and by the time that you come and you supposedly bring jesus i'll give him some food and we'll see what he does okay so they shook hands it's a bed three days pass now within the three days saint anthony i'm sure asked his fellow friars to pray for bonillo's conversion and i'm sure he prayed in adoration of the blessed sacrament for bone neo's conversion by the way the best way to bring back a loved one maybe in your family or your friends back to church is to pray in reparation for their sins in front of the blessed sacrament there's no better way outside of course of from the sacrifice of the mass than to pray in adoration in reparation and atonement for people's sins i'm sure that's what saint anthony did while he was waiting for these three days so now the whole town knows about it apparently gossip was pretty prominent back then as well so the whole town practically appears waiting by the donkey so bonille and saint anthony all meet they bring the donkey to the middle of the town so everyone can see what could happen what happens so they're all there and saint anthony is bringing has the blessed sacrament in the 1200s by the way the monstrance and adoration wasn't widespread yet that was more in the 14 in the 1500s so he most likely had the blessed sacrament in the picks so saint anthony is there and before he shows the donkey the holy eucharist bonillo said okay let me go first so he gets some food probably hay puts it right in front of the donkey's mouth who has been starving has been fasting for the past three weeks and the donkey stays idle he doesn't move he doesn't even lick the hay at all so people were wondering whoa well what's going to happen so saint anthony basically said my turn so bonillo took the food out from close to his mouth he took the blessed sacrament out and showed the donkey the holy eucharist immediately the donkey knelt down or genuflected to show that christ is truly present in the eucharist and bonillo was humiliated to think i'm sorry especially if you own a donkey that dumb donkey recognized his creator more than a prideful human being who does not have faith so a wonderful story i'm sure most of you probably heard of the story there's a lot of artist depictions of that particular scene of saint anthony holding the eucharist i mean that was my version everyone has their own version when they're trying to make up a story like that but for the most part that's that's the true account of what happened during saint anthony's time so again we love the eucharist holy communion and adoration of the blessed sacrament there is one aspect of the eucharist that in my opinion isn't preached enough now you probably get it here but it's always good to be reminded maybe from another priest besides adoration besides holy communion every time that we go to mass what is happening is this the representation of christ dying on the cross is made present before our eyes that is the salvation and redemption of the whole world is happening on this altar why and how does this happen god can take an event from the past and he can make it present again in this case to further the redemption it's not another sacrifice it's the same sacrifice so holy thursday and good friday the same mystery this is my body which will be given up for you this is the cup of my blood which will be shed for you and for many he uses the future tense so know that every time that we come to mass it's good to imagine and meditate what would you do if you were at the foot of the cross with the blessed virgin mary and saint john how would you react to see our lord die on the cross what would be your response well that's exactly what's happening every time that we come to mass usually when the bells are ringing at least the second and the third ringing of the bells we should imagine that jesus is there on the cross well we can't see it's done in an unbloody manner we have to have the gift of faith to know that the presentation of christ dying on the cross is made present every time that we come to mass so this this begs the question what is the main reason why we go to mass you know i think 98 to 99 of the time as i go from place to place even speaking to young adults most of the time everyone says i go to mass to receive communion i can't receive communion at work i can't receive communion at my house so forth and so on i'm here to be fed with the bread of life okay that's a pretty good answer but it's incomplete you know there's a part in the mass well let me mention this there are five precepts of the church two of them are connected to the eucharist directly one you shall go to mass every week on sundays and holy days of obligation all of you know this of course with the pandemic it's different the obligation is lifted but usually we should go to mass at least once a week so 52 times out of the year excluding holy days we are required as catholics to go to mass do you know which the other precept is that's connected to the eucharist you shall receive communion at least once a year during the easter season if the main reason why we go to mass is to receive communion why would the church mandate us to go every week on sundays and holy days of obligation and yet only receive communion once a year well that that obviously wouldn't mean that would mean that that's not the main reason why we go to mass so what is the main reason why we go to mass well there's a part at mass when the priest says this pray brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god the almighty father you actually respond may the lord accept his sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name for our good and the good of all his holy church now these are rhetorical questions you've been catholic i'm guessing here most if not all of you have been catholic all your life here are some questions for you one is the primary reason why you go to mass to offer sacrifice two if you do what sacrifice or sacrifices are you offering three at what point of the mass are you offering sacrifice i sure hope it's before go in peace the mass has ended okay so these are essential questions because when we're talking about mass and the eucharist this is not only the source and summit of our whole christian life it's literally the most important part of our daily lives as we try to especially think about jesus and his real presence in the eucharist so if you're getting ready for mass and you have no intention to offer sacrifice why are you coming to church to tell you the truth i wouldn't even need to be a priest all we would need is a deacon or a lay person to open this tabernacle to give you communion if that is the main reason why you go to mass so we participate at mass most fully when we offer sacrifice and receive communion if you are in the state of grace i highly recommend that you receive communion every time that you go to mass we thank pope saint pius the 10th by the way he is the one that gave us permission as a universal church we can receive communion even up to two times a day if the second time we go to a mass so do you come to mass to offer sacrifice well father someone will say father of course i offer sacrifice what do you think the twenty dollar bill is when i put in the basket as i leave the church that's my sacrifice okay that's good a hundred's better but twenty is okay okay okay well someone will say no father the sacrifice i make oh that's easy you know not this church but the church that i go to the music is horrible so that's the sacrifice that i make i don't i close my ears i just i just offer it up well someone will say oh the sacrifice that's easy i can't stand father's homilies they don't have any substance again this i'm talking about other churches there's other churches we can go on and on about the sacrifice is the ugly ugliness of the interior of the church the sacrifice is my neighbor who keeps coughing there are so many things that we could say in terms of a sacrifice okay some of them are good some of them are valid so to speak let me just cut to the chase here the greatest sacrifice that you can offer at mass is the conformity of your will to god's will when you know you are doing god's will and you're offering it as a sacrifice on this altar then you know that god truly accepts it not only that he will give you the grace to be as open as possible to receive an infinite amount of grace when we receive him in holy communion do you realize that when we receive him in holy communion we are talking about god we should die because we are receiving an infinite being the thing is people because of their sins because of their pride because of their lack of faith their capacity their disposition to receive grace is like this big or nothing at all that's why people they go to mass every week there's no change it's like the saddest thing i see as a priest they're not offering sacrifice it doesn't seem like they're doing god's will so you know they just go through the motions at times they're receiving sacrilegiously because they're in the state of mortal sin so what you want to do is you offer your conformity to god's will well someone will say father that's too hard that's too hard for me to know god's will okay let me help you out here okay okay god's will obviously the ten commandments if you're stealing if you're killing people don't receive communion or if you're robbing banks obviously okay we know god's will follow the commandments follow the precepts of the church it goes without saying oh by the way you shouldn't be eating meat on fridays of lent okay hopefully you already know that besides that god's will is manifested in your divine vocation so if you are married what you're going to be offering at this mass especially is helping your spouse get to heaven okay it's really not that hard okay helping your spouse get to heaven if you are blessed with children helping them become saints yes it's not easy that's why you should offer that as an acceptable sacrifice okay what if you don't know your divine vocation what if you're not married well god's will is manifested in our duties of state of life if you are a student it is god's will for you to do your homework well with great love for his greater glory you bring that to this altar if you work at mcdonald's if you work as a lawyer if you work as a fireman it doesn't matter what your job is it's god's will to do your duties of state of life these small things so to speak with great love so if we're not offering all of this why are we coming to church so there are so many ways that god could manifest his glory and give you grace but we have to do our part okay what's lastly besides that god's will in our duties of state of life this goes without saying god's will is manifested either directly or by his permissible will in things that we have no control over so for example like when i was leaving nashville coming to florida it was like 20 degrees like i don't like cold weather i certainly don't like driving on snow but am i going to complain no you offer it to god don't waste the grace give it to god at mass especially you know if there's some government figure maybe the president or some house speaker that you don't like well what are you going to do yes we try our best to vote people then that are pro-life and so forth and so on well we gotta accept at least it's god's permissible will don't waste the grace by complaining go and offer it as an acceptable sacrifice if catholics did that we would have many conversions in in our world in our in our country so there are so many things that we have no control over please offer it as an acceptable sacrifice now i just named all these things no one is going to think of every single thing that they do in terms of god's will when they're offering as a sacrifice it is an internal disposition that we have to acquire as catholics when we go to mass you go to mass to give when the host is raised and the chalice is raised i think a lot of you probably say my lord and my god or jesus i love you or i adore you see all these acts of worship and faith and so forth it's just a disposition that we give to god united with his sacrifice on the cross so hopefully you understand this we come to mass to offer sacrifice if i may as i end this talk here i'm going to share an experience that i had in the seminary it was my second year in the seminary and i was studying in connecticut and i get a call from my older brother in california and he says joe you have to pray for dad he's really sick he's literally blacking out and he's falling to the ground and we don't know what's wrong with him so we're going to see some doctors and get a diagnosis what's wrong with him so i pray for my dad a couple of days or a few days pass my older brother calls me and says we just found out dad has lung cancer and he's already in his fourth stage and the doctor said that he can die at any time okay well here i am studying for the priesthood and i'm told that my dad can die at any time and i'm across the country with my dad being in california and i'm in connecticut so i have a hard time i can't study i can't pray i can't do anything normally because i don't know whether my dad is going to live another day so i go to my spiritual director and i say father my dad is about to die from lung cancer is it god's will for me to leave to go back to california maybe even permanently speaking depending on how long it takes for him to recover at least temporarily so my spiritual director said you know i'm sorry to hear about your father i'll pray for him but i don't think it's god's will for you to leave so this is what i want you to do he said every time that we come to mass by the way this is the greatest advice that i received in my life i want to share with you every time that you go to mass i want you to put yourself on the patent i want you to put yourself in the chalice in other words your anxiety your worries your rosaries the liturgy of the hours your whole being i want you to put yourself on the in the patent in the chalice as an act of sacrifice for your father and when you receive communion you receive our lord you go back to your pew and pray to jesus and talk to him not as if he's in the heavens so so to speak but the fact that he's physically inside of you and we know that jesus is about inside of us for about 12 to 15 minutes or so before we digest him so in a sense we can put a sanctuary lamp right beside us after we receive communion we're like living tabernacles so he said i want you to offer holy communion for the health and well-being of your father that is the greatest prayer that you can do for him that is the greatest prayer period so day by day week by week month after month i offered holy communion after i offered sacrifice on the altar one day i get a call from my older brother and he says if you want to see dad before he dies you need to get on an airplane right now and fly to california because he has less than 24 hours to live so i run to my younger brother father jules room and i tell him jewel if you want to see dad before he dies we need to get on an airplane right now the first flight out closest to our part in connecticut was out of providence rhode island so we fly out of california but it wasn't a non-stop flight we stopped in nashville tennessee which is actually right by the fathers of mercy we're just north of nashville so we get off the plane and we run to the pay phones and we call we call our older brother's cell phone and we say john how is he how's dad doing and my older brother said i'm sorry but dad has already passed away unfortunately he died probably at some point when we were flying over the midwest so you know it was a sad time for us but we continued on to california and then after we landed we were taken directly to the hospital where my dad died we first consult we first knelt down and said a prayer in front of my father's body for the repose of his soul then consoled obviously our mother and then the rest of our family our older brother takes us into this cafeteria of this big hospital by the way san antonio hospital saint anthony's hospital and he says i want to tell you how dad died two minutes before he breathed his last father pat came in with viaticum biaticum is holy communion before you die who will guide you to the gates of heaven jesus himself will but because my dad was about to die my family i mean literally my whole extended family was there as well my dad's brother and sisters they didn't know whether he was conscious of what was going on so my older brother said right when he saw the priest dad jesus is here and my dad thanks be to god heard him and the little ounce of energy that he had before he died he stuck out his tongue and father pat put a very small eucharistic particle on his tongue and my dad received holy communion and everyone was watching silently and my about a minute passed and my dad's last words were jesus i trust in you jesus i trust in you jesus i love you and then he passed away now there couldn't have been a better way in my opinion for my dad to pass from this world than to physically have the eucharist inside of him besides being a martyr obviously we don't necessarily choose that it's in god's providence that he gives us off this opportunity to be a martyr god willing will say yes to that opportunity but besides that to receive the sacraments before you die pray to saint joseph today today starts his month march is dedicated to saint joseph pray to saint joseph that you die with the sacraments so i thought my prayers were answered my dad before he died had the last rites probably had the apostolic pardon the priest have the gift of give pardoning their whole sins of their whole life so they'll go directly to heaven and then my older brother said that's not it this is also what happened i was holding his left hand mom was holding his right hand my brother's name is jonathan or john like saint john the apostle my mother's name is maria rosario mary of the rosary so oh here if you look at the crucifixion scene who's at the foot of the cross saint john and the blessed virgin mary now my dad because he had lung cancer he had a lot of liquids build up in his lungs so the doctor had to cut a slit in his side and do you know what flowed out of his side blood and water so just like the crucifixion scene you'll see a slit on the side of jesus and of course flowed out blood and water so mystically speaking by my father's death my vocation as a priest was confirmed because a priest is one who offers sacrifice this is an altar that's where the sacrifice is being made present and of course we have candles to lift up our prayers our sacrifice to god so do not come to mass empty handed offer sacrifice and when you receive communion offer it for a specific intention i mean we do this with the rosary we do this with a chaplet there's no reason why we shouldn't offer an intention when we receive him in holy communion the eucharist is by far the greatest gift that god has given to us because it is jesus himself as saint jose maria escriba has said that god has loved us so much in the eucharist it must be a special grace that we haven't lost our minds glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen saint joseph prayers in the name of the father and the son and of the holy spirit amen father murphy asked me to have benediction just give me a second i will put on my cope and then after benediction i will transfer the most blessed sacrament to the chapel here god bless all of you i will be hearing confessions after all of this is done if anyone wants to come i'll be hearing confessions throughout the whole mission as well you
Channel: Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Views: 1,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2Kh7nHqsax0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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