Fr James Blount: Preparation for the Triumph of the Immaculate Part 1 | Hearts of the Holy Family

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welcome to the program of the hearts of the Holy Family I'm your host Eve jacqu and we have a very special guest uh today uh Father James Blunt of the Society of Our Lady of the Trinity salt and I he's also an exorcist for for several years now and uh he also has a Healing Ministry he he International uh speaking uh he's uh he's been doing a retreat now in the in the Connecticut area for the past week almost and I was had the privilege of uh assisting at one of them so um we're going to be talking today about the preparing families for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary um this is the purpose of this show when we first started this show six months ago um I asked um emelo has says I would like to to help people to prepare them for the for the end times and this is so this is what we're going to be talking about today um and with the special help and this is the name of the the show is called hearts of the Holy Family so we we want to enter in the Refuge of the three hearts of the hearts of Jesus Mary and good St Joseph so I would uh welcome again father um uh in your ministry uh you are preparing people I've heard your talks you are preparing getting people ready for the times that we're living in these are speal special times because our ladies is triumphant but we're going through the battle right now and father is an exorcist so he knows where the battle's from so we need to to to be equipped with our Ro we need to be equipped with um the sacramentals and father he spreads all all these things and father would you like to um uh give us a a an overview of everything that you're doing right now well um when I'm not traveling I I live in Georgia near Atlanta and I have the joy of pastoring a Catholic homeschooling community and we are in a wooded area outside of Atlanta near Covington Georgia and we have Catholic families who've each built their own home and they all homeschool their children most of the fathers work outside all of the mothers stay home and teach their children we have mass seven days a week and it's a very beautiful and and peaceful environment and very Holy One of the prayers that we pray is the unity prayer is from the the flame of Love movement I don't know if you all can see that on the camera but it's the one of the new newly approved movements in the Holy Catholic Church as anator from Cardinal Peter ero and was blessed heartily by the Holy Father himself because this particular devotion um has the promise this is rather striking it has the promise to Blind Satan from our families to Blind Lucifer and even our lady said to paralyze him and I actually met with Cardinal ero with a group of pilgrims for quite a while there in Hungary and he made clear to us that was striking to them as well and so they took several years to analyze the prayers to discern them carefully with priests and religious and psychologist to make sure it was balanced and authentic and now it has a complete imprator beautiful several Bishops across the world including in the United States of America the recently retired Archbishop shapu gave a written promotor for the English translation and so this prayer is is very very valuable to be honest with you very valuable God has a way of giving to his holy church to his sons and daughters the gifts they need right when they need them so right now hell is on the prow I believe hell has been emptied and the demons are on the prow and using all kinds of techniques really to Pummel God's people and to Pummel the whole world I would say into sadness and into depression and into hopelessness now of course Satan is a liar because nothing but Victory AWA awaits us if we're faithful especially to the Holy Rosary which by the way anyone can pray Catholic Protestant Jewish Muslim even if you're an agnostic or an atheist you pray it too the rosary will bring unprecedented blessings on anyone and one of the prayers that we pray with the rosary is the unity prayer and let me pray it right now sh okay me EES I say Mr jock EES if you would say this after me so they'll hear it twice okay this is the unity prayer in the name of the father and of the son and the holy spirit amen amen My adorable Jesus My adorable Jesus May our feet journey together May our feet journey together May our hands Gather in unity May our hands Gather in unity May our hearts beat in unison May our hearts beat in unison May our souls be in harmony May our souls be in harmony May our thoughts be as one may our thoughts be as one may our ears listen to The Silence together May our ears listen to The Silence together May our glances profoundly penetrate each other May our glances profoundly penetrate each other May our lips pray together May our lips pray together to gain Mercy from the Eternal Father to gain Mercy from the Eternal Father amen amen this is to is well advised to be prayed every day and really I recommend morning noon and night to say this prayer and one can easily find a copy of this on the internet if you just look up the flame of Love website they'll even send you a free copy of the prayer card but this is a prayer this is a keeper this is for moms and dads this is for priests and for Bishops this is for teenagers and for children and in my community even the children have memorized the prayer beautiful for their protection so this is a great valuable resource to keep us safe I know that U when I say this prayer I feel the presence of God I I it's just it comes upon me and I I know that it's U very and you father um you in your exorcism you use this prayer as well yes um I had a situation at um a couple of my chapels in the past where somebody was manifesting a demonic Presence at the very end of mass a mass had just and I just gave the final blessing when someone began to scream out of control and to flail their arms in the air and to speak in an unusual language there are Angelic tongues but there are also satanic tongues too and this particular person this happened twice actually they were praying or shouting in a demonic Lang language it was very eerie but I'm used to it and by the way so is my community now I didn't know whether they're fully possessed although they had I had that impression they were fully possessed and they were foaming foaming at the mouth so I would need to call the Bishop for the right or the permission to do an exorcism at that moment which we couldn't do we couldn't get hold of them at that time but they were screaming and out of control so anybody in the world is allowed to say this prayer it's not an exorcism it's simply the unity prayer with an impr Manor anyone can say this so keeping holy mother obedience is keeping obedient I would not do the right of exorcism because I'm not the exist there in the Atlanta area I'm not their Exorcist So I I do have permission though anyone does to pray the rosary or to say any approved prayer so I had my team Circle this this young woman and they said this prayer after me line by line and as we said this prayer the most amazing reaction occurred in full view of more than 75 people people wow this woman who was screaming and flailing suddenly she put her arms and her hands together as if she was praying like this then she knelt on the floor in front of me all the screaming stopped She bowed her head like a little angel as if to ask me for a blessing she became quiet peaceful and devout and indeed I blessed her at the end of the prayer and she looked at me and she was free wow and you know I've been working in the Ministry of exorcism and deliverance for more than 40 years wow started when I was a teenager my local priest actually asked me to be part of their team when I was 19 and so I did I I joined them in the team who would pray with people who were possessed or perhaps obsessed with evil spirits so I learned a lot at a very young age but I've never seen this before in one minute someone to be set free from something clearly and strongly diabolical it was something to rejoice about and I took her of course to the sacy and sat down with her just to examine her to interview her to make sure she was free to hear her confession to anoint her but she indeed was free so I shared this when I was in Hungary with the staff of cardinal Peter ero who approved the prayer and I found out from his team that four other priests in Europe throughout Europe four other priests who were also trained as exorcists they had had the same exact experience that I had had oh wow so I know it's nothing to do with me of course it's Jesus Christ and this amazing prayer that he and his mother so graciously have given to all of us exactly and this is a really a prayer for our times amen and uh so those uh who are listening right now and uh you would like to obtain one of the prayer and start praying devoutly in your home so that you blind Satan we we we desire to to uh to bring peace and I believe that this our lady is bringing us peace through this unity prayer I believe yes I would say it actually has at least two charisms the first one we just discussed is blinding and paralyzing the evil spirit and listen if it does that for myself and Priests who are exist what will it do for you and your family I mean this is an amazing thing to think about yes how gracious and merciful and generous God is but the Lord also told Elizabeth kindelan she's the Catholic Mystic who received these locutions these messages fully approved he told her that this prayer actually expresses the desires of his heart now I find this fascinatingly beautiful that my adorable Jesus May our feet journey together and other words we're asking Jesus but he tells us no it's my desire he desires to be one with me more than I desire to be one with him and I break my heart I want to love him more I want to love the Lord Jesus with a saintly love I want to love him with our lady's perfect love he deserves nothing less than all of our love poured out for him day and night but that's how he loves us already so I'm amazed to hear the Lord say in these approved Locs that this actually expresses his heart he desires to be one with every human being on the face of the Earth what a beautiful God we have he he's utterly beautiful yeah so I wasn't not aware of that but um I I've experienced it yes the closest to the the Heart of Jesus yes so again I think this these are things are very important for all of us these are very difficult times uh we need to prepare ourselves and our lady is giving these tools the most powerful tool is the rosary but there's also many other uh tools that our lady is giving us right now for the times that we're living in so father I want you to talk about um uh the things that are happening right now and why we need to prepare like your community of homeschooling families uh they're shelter them themselves from the evil one they're Sheltering themselves they're preparing themselves for the Triumph and and and in a sense aren't they they are there for the themselves and we need to bring other people in in that mindset of preparing and living the triumphs in their hearts already yeah I would say this that um we're there not only for ourselves but I think all of us even the young ones the teenagers and the children that we know it's incumbent upon us to pray for others we see it's a privilege none of us deserves it neither do I that we be called to this beautiful Catholic Community in the woods we have several chapels with the Blessed Sacrament we all go to mass every day we pray the rosary the chaper even the chaper to the angels we pray every day and we're we're so protected and so anointed by the holy spirit that if God gave us such a gift it can't be just for us we can't be selfish and so all of us have that awareness that we are there to to be a refuge indeed even to shelter others if things get really really bad but we also have an opportunity and a responsibility to pray for all of Georgia we frequently pray for the whole country and for all of Georgia in fact we have solemn adoration in my Chapel which is an approved Catholic Chapel blessed by the Archbishop we have solemn adoration in my Chapel every day of the week now 12 hours every day Monday through Saturday and four hours on Sunday night and we pray mainly for the country for the Salvation and the protection of many Souls as possible so I think we all have this sense of vocation of mission that we don't deserve this we're being spoiled and so we work hard to pray and sacrifice for others and by the way we do consider ourselves a refuge we're like in the middle of nowhere so to speak we protected our property not only with the Eucharist and with daily mass but we've actually planted the holy St Benedict metal around the property and what I mean is 2,500 St Benedict Metals we've planted around the property and I want to encourage all of our listeners whether you're Catholic or Protestant or Jewish or or Muslim what whatever Faith background or no faith background I want to do this first I'm going to assure you that you are loved I love you God loves you he loves you and he wants to protect all of us so this blessing of the St Benedict Meadow what is it it's the oldest medal in the Roman Catholic Church it's the first medal we ever minted many years ago and it's the only exorcism metal of the Catholic church it's extremely efficacious and one ancient tradition besides wearing the metal is to plant it around the property where you live or you work at a minimum in the four corners of the property so the metal should be blessed by a priest a bishop or a deacon should be blessed with a special blessing or a simple blessing but then actually planted in the ground in the ground like six to8 inches deep in the four corners of your property if for some reason there's a special Hazard or danger in your area then you might want to consider planting 20 or more Metals There's No Limit minimum of four but as many as you're led to plant and they bring a protection a supernatural protection over the property from visible enemies you might say like people who come to Rob or to steal or from arsonist who come to set fire but it also gives a supernatural protection against invisible enemies so it's another great sacramental for every family to have to protect ourselves in the difficult times that are almost surely on top of us we're all experiencing it now it just will probably get worse it does it does seem that way um I know that um it it what was considered at one time uh evil is is considered a good and uh and what's considered good is is considered evil it's it's it's upside down and it doesn't it doesn't take a lot of Investigation to see that and say you know where is the common sense and the things that we're doing we're not even following nature we're not following real science because real science brings us to God that's where real science brings us so um father um this is very interesting and I when you were speaking I I felt um uh The Refuge because this is part of uh we we should bring these places all over the world um and the the the holiest place on Earth is uh is is the the house of U of Loretto Our Lady of Loretto which is the Little House of Nazareth right and so uh because all the angels and the Saints were there with the with the Holy Family so we need to make our homes holy and I I believe that any uh thing of that nature would have to have the um uh you know the holy family I believe that invocation of the the three hearts well indeed um another priest a wonderful priest in Canada uh father Michelle or Michael Father Michelle rodrig who is a beautiful priest he started a new religious order with permission of the church he's also an exorcist and he also receives like visions and dreams and he's a wonderful fellow I look up to him he he received also a vision not too long ago that I believe it's God the Father himself spoke to Father Michelle and by the way the Bible says do not despise prophecy so you might say it's against the law for any Christian to despise holy prophecy Bishop Fon J Sheen the American saint said it's one of the marks of the true church is the gift of Prophecy and so the prophecy that he received was that every family in the world should have an image of the Holy Family in their house in a visible place not in the closet not in the back bedroom but have a visible image of the Holy Family Jesus Mary and St Joseph somewhere let's say in the living room in a very public area of the house and that would protect our beautiful people whoever they are from whatever Darkness or dangers that are coming so that means a painting or a statue and it's best to have it blessed by a priest a bishop or a deacon somewhere in your living room and teach the children who this is and how to honor them even praying the Rosary in the presence of that image we've been promised that too would protect us from any danger or harm that is to come but it also evokes love I have a statue in my house of of Jesus Mary and Joseph right by the fireplace and it's it's strikingly beautiful you can't help but love God when you look at it your heart begins to melt when you look at these images it's good to have that there to remind you and I here's the thing God is not calling you or I to be big shots that's not what it's about that may be the American dream but it's actually a nightmare we're not called to be big shots we're called to be little shots but we're called to be family the Catholic church is one beautiful family and our nuclear families are incredibly important as well but family is what it's all about you see as John Paul the first actually said God is a family he's Father Son and Holy Spirit so one of the Roman pffs actually said that God is a family so when he made man in his own image and likeness he didn't just make one person he made Adam and Eve and through them their children as family we are created as family we are in the image and likeness of God so family is our origin family is our destiny family is majestic family is beautiful family is love family is Joy you might say family is everything so Having the Holy Family there reminds you and I of who we are we are members of a family nothing more nothing less but the family is something Divine and all of us are called to this wonderful reality of love and joy I think you could say this family is another word for love that's what it should be it's very beautiful and that it's so necessary to remind all of us of that reality because today family is being redefined again talking about the everything's upside down you know uh we're redefining the family it's diabolical and so our lady she's giving us uh the tools because I know the families when they start praying and meditating on the mysteries of the the Holy Rosary they start living like God lived in the house of Nazareth they they they learn and and they they learn to love and I remember when my parents when I was a very U young I would think it was like three or four years old uh when they started praying the rosary on a daily basis uh there was peace in the home for the first time I don't remember so much CU I was very young but my older siblings they would say there was a big difference so I do recommend we start you start with the Hail Mary you start with a and our father and then I know that there are people listening there there Baptist people they've called me and they say I want to learn how to meditate on the the rosary I want to learn uh how to pray the rosary so it's really at the grasp of anyone you know and this is the weapon that our lady has given us for the end times well no one less than St Pao who's probably probably our favorite Saint most of us the greatest Mystic if not over the last 100 years maybe the last 2,000 years the greatest Mystic next to Jesus and Mary with the wounds of Jesus in his hands his feet in his side for 50 years he was seen flying in the air he was seen by Lo in and God used him to heal countless number of people he's still alive he's right here with us right now actually he's here with us right now and he used to say this is the weapon and you know what's very fascinating about good Padre Pio I love him so much I've actually been given the honor to have The Robe that he wore yes and I travel with that robe it's actually he's upstairs guarding my bedroom right now I love him so very much he's a wonderful intercessor but here's a little observation that wherever I go people love pad greato even people who are not Catholic love him and they always speak about the great Miracles that came at his fingertips I mean blind people seeing reading souls and all of these things but here what they never say apia was the greatest Miracle Worker on think of our times but they never say this the man who worked all these Miracles also prayed the rosary approximately 70 times a day they never say that maybe they want to avoid that I don't know but he also prays about 70 rosaries a day now he had a shorthand way of praying it it's true nevertheless he would pray our lady's Rosary he he said this is the weapon he would say so the greatest Miracle Worker perhaps the greatest Exorcist a saint among Saints I absolutely believe and I believe he wants me to say this out loud that his secret was Mary and her Rosary that's his secret and if you want to work 10,000 Miracles start praying 70 rosaries a day you probably become next Padre Pio so this amazing the connection here the rosary is not only a weapon it it produces the fruit of sanctity and the fruit of Miracles I would mention the 15 Promises of the Rosary to St Dominic that's easily available on anybody's internet to look them up but one of the promises promise number 11 is this whatever you ask for from God through the Holy Rosary will be granted to you whatever you ask through the rosary will be be given to you and it doesn't say only if you're Catholic so what whoever would pray the rosary for miracles God's going to be with you his mother will intercede for you if you pray the Holy Rosary it's the weapon of our time you know there's so many people that I know um they started praying the rosary a long time before they became Catholic and uh I it's their ENT it was like a our lady brought them took them by the hand into into the church uh you know and and so all of us you know we we I don't think we have that much time left in the sense that yes there's going to be a time of tribulation but there's also the going to be the time of Victory but we we need our ladi's uh intercession right now we need we need her help and our lady what does our lady do she just brings us closer to Jesus cuz that's what the Blessed Mother does you know cuz they're they're one you know they're of one heart you know the two hearts United see she is our intercessor par Excellence she is our intercessor mama Mary she's not the mediator between God and man Jesus Christ is yes and Mary would never interfere with my relationship with Jesus what she does is as she said in the Holy Bible she magnifies our relationship with Jesus she said my soul magnifies the Lord so when Mary is in my life I tend to love God more not less not the same Mary wants to increase my love for her son she lives that the whole world might fall in love with her son and so she's like a catalyst you might say you learn that in chemistry she's a catalyst or in biology she's an enzyme and what is that a catalyst or an enzyme they make things work better or faster Mary is the holy Catalyst she's you might say the special enzyme that God has given to the human race to speed up you might say and magnify our faith our hope and our love she literally makes me love God more and when she's on your side you can't lose she's really she's the queen of Victory the mother of Victory she's one of the greatest gifts of God to the human race Jesus in the Eucharist and Mary in her Rosary John Paul said never separate them and so the rosary beloved is for anybody anyone who's watching of all Faith backgrounds or no faith backgrounds this you might say is the weapon for the final battle that we're in this is the weapon and anyone can pray it you can find the instructions very simply on the internet if you need beads um I'm going to call myself or a call yes you could you could order some uh the the phone number is 413 824 2655 and you could order or you could text me uh or also you could um go to the website of s o l at the website uh you could get some information there because that's father father's uh community's website and my own personal community in Georgia is salt Georgia salt georgia. net yes and we we'll send rosaries no charge okay it'll be our honored to send you a rosary yes yes and uh father um before continue I I I I feel uh would you read from the gospel uh or the uh the scriptures just something for the people to uh to meditate on uh for tonight yes well I was led to Psalm 42 for our good people tonight it's the Holy Spirit who leads us you see and by the way only God is wise I mean really U I'm kind of a dummy without God Only God is wise and the spirit he gives us is the spirit of wisdom wisdom knowledge understanding and counsel so the Holy Spirit he he inspired these words he breathed into them and he inspires us which ones to pray this is Psalm 42 it's unusually beautiful and it goes something like this like the deer that yearns for running streams so my soul is joury for you my God my soul is thirsting for God the god of my life when can I enter and see the face of God in other words what we have here this really is the yearning of the human heart this is the yearning of the human race as St Augustine he said so beautifully you have made us for yourself oh Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in thee we were not made for this world this world was made for us we were made for heaven the world was made for us we were not made for the world the world was made for us and we were made for heaven and so beloved listeners you will begin to find joy and fulfillment in life when you touch base with the deepest yearning of your heart which is not for Taco Bell Big Macs or Whoppers it's not for money it's not for pleasure our deepest yearning is to know he who is the or origin of our being to know him who made us freely out of love and to unite with him who is our destiny our deepest yearning is to know God to see him face to face and that's the work of Jesus Christ that's what Jesus does he brings us face to face with God and he satisfies our deepest Desires in Especial way through the Holy Eucharist which is of course in John chapter 6 it's absolutely biblical the Blessed Sacrament our lady will bring me to Jesus so that Jesus can bring me to God and so Psalm 42 really captures this like the deer that yearns for running streams so my soul is yearning for you my God for nothing else but for you my soul is thirsting for God the god of my life thirsting for God and so when we go to mass when we go to church we don't want to go Blas or go like we're fulfilling a requirement this is actually uh really terrible we want to go to mass to church we want to pray with Hunger for God with hunger and one thing I've noticed e is when I pray the Holy Rosary is I begin to hunger for God and love God with Mary's love that our lady's sentiment she's like the the most perfect human being who ever lived Jesus was a Divine being but Mary was a human being like us I be to hunger for Jesus with Mary's hunger and to love the Lord Jesus with Mary's love so the rosary leads me to the Fulfillment of my deepest desires there's something about the rosary that is almost infallible and if you pray the rosary anybody even our beloved atheist friends even because God loves you and we love you even atheist and agnostics if you pray the Holy Rosary of our holy mother and say please lead me to the truth I don't know what it is but please lead lead me to the truth the Virgin will take us by the hand and lead us to an encounter with God through his son Jesus Christ she will do it because The Graces of God are available to all they for everyone they were warn for us at Calvary but guess who else was at Calvary when Jesus died Mary she was at Calvary with his blood pouring down in front of her she will win for everyone who listens all that we need to be ready for the final days to be ready for this battle but she does something even better even greater she will lead me to an encounter with God himself we will begin to taste Joy not only in heaven we begin to taste Joy here isn't it true EES it's beautiful I've seen it in you several times you're a good soul that peace and the joy of the Lord flows through us how blessed we are and this blessing is for everyone he loves the entire human race I say this categorically he loves everyone he loves Muslims and Hind do he loves drug addicts and prostitutes he loves pornographers they don't love him but he loves them he loves everyone and His blessings are available for all and probably the easiest way to begin is with these holy beats the easiest way to get started in encountering the one who made us is through these beads beautiful so I um would encourage if if there's a some people that would like to call in um the phone number is 413 3 824 26 55 and uh so we if you have any questions for father uh blunt and um and other than that we're going to continue but uh so again I'll I'll repeat the number because uh it's uh sometimes I say it too fast 413 824 2655 so again uh father in this uh battle because we have enemies and who who's the enemy oh we we do have a call coming in we'll hold that thought though hello welcome to the hearts of the Holy Family yes hi I'm watching the program and I'm also asking um um they said that they were sent out of rosary yes we be glad to No Charge ask you a question what town are you in um I'm in I'm in Massachusetts and uh and father is from Georgia so so they're in near Atlanta okay but you're welcome we could we definitely would love to mail you a rosary um and are are you Catholic yourself or yes I am Roman Catholic my brother was going to become a priest but they took him to the Vietnam War so he went there and he didn't um he didn't come he came back but he did not become a priest anymore uhhuh well and so we'll uh we pray for your family as well uh because this is a battle and uh we're but this is a joyful battle those who know the weapons to use are filled with joy and peace so we need to ask our Lord uh to give us the tools and and and I believe the rosary is one of the tools that that we have you know for the end battle that that's going through is there any other question that you have no uh just dad and I knew about father po when I was in the 10th grade ohed I I went to a Catholic school and the the Immaculate Heart nuns were there but they're no longer there and one of the nuns did say that she went to Rome and she visited this priest and she talked to us about the story about him that's how how I found out about father PE when I was in the 10th grade oh beautiful yes he's one of the great intercessors for our times so we need to to uh ask all the saints to to assist us but there there are some that are uh they've been preparing us for a long time for the battle and the the because they were in the battle in the midst of the battle and that's one of the things I want to talk to father about is uh uh Padre he he he he fought the demons right so uh thank you for calling and we'll uh we'll keep you we'll uh I'll call you back and get your address okay okay thank you yeah God bless you now bye bye thank you bye bye bye and I thought I would mention e to this this good lady that okay padrio was known he had a special love for American G yes he had a Special Love for soldiers and sometimes Wars are necessary in this life in this planet sometimes are necessary he had a love for the soldiers especially American GIS one reason why was US helped to to free Italy during World War II but also because Padre pio's Papa his own daddy actually migrated to this country uh to get a job in order to send back the money to Italy so he could go to the Seminary of course he eventually returned to be with his wife and family but his daddy came to this country this country provided his daddy shelter and a good job
Channel: Hearts of the Holy Family
Views: 80,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of the Holy Family, Yves Jacques, Father James Blunt, SOLT, exorcist, healing ministry, Immaculate Heart of Mary, spiritual warfare, rosary, sacraments, Unity Prayer, Flame of Love, Saint Benedict Medal, Catholic homeschooling, spiritual protection, end times, divine guidance
Id: WMqPd5glZA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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