Four bed property for Sale on St Helena

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[Music] so this is the main door just inside the property and on the left is room which I suppose is the lounge and that's a window facing the street the floor seem to be made of iroko wood and then on the left is another room which could be lounge as well and identical to the one you just saw with the window of facing the street and then this leads into another room there's a pillar in the middle of the room loading up the room and above there is a window here facing out into a yard and then the stairs which is on the left and you bypass the stairs to go into the kitchen up two steps and you're into the kitchen it's all setup this is the stairs leaving upstairs to the bedrooms so there's a sharp left turn here a little bit narrow and there's a nice sort of light window leading out into the yard again and on the right is the first door and a small bedroom coming out of this room turn right and then there's another passageway leading into which could be the master bedroom or bedrooms because there are two and as you can see the whole of the building the whole of the property is painted white this is a window that you can look down into the street so turning left you can go straight through through the next master bedroom which is identical to the one I just came out of although this one has got two windows leading out into the street showing you in the street and there's some furniture that's been placed in there okay so moving out of this room and turning right along the passage again and I turn right again but let's not miss this window or door it's a door leading to nowhere but if there's furniture to come up which you cannot bring it up the stairs then it could come up be placed it up from down in the main yard and you open this door and the furniture will come up through there turning right sharp right there's another bedroom or it could be another room but I think it could be made into a bedroom so for a large family this would be the ideal house then turn left and you've got your bathroom the shower which is here and please sign your clothes to toilet and the wash basin so there's a nice spacious bathroom Jenny left again this is the main passage leaving to all those rooms I just showed you I can the floor seemed to be Hiroko which is wide and resistant and that is those are the rooms up there bedrooms and this is the stairs leading down at the bottom of the stairs you would end up in the kitchen or you turn shop right and you will move out two steps down you'll move out of the building from upstairs and turn left and you'd be right out into the main door again if you want to vacate the building so you can come straight through and here is a yard and if you go right here this is a bathroom and a shower toilet and a shower the odd is a decent size so from this courtyard we move to the door leading to the flat and the flat is upstairs and this is the kitchen though some tiles still to be used on the floor and this is staircase spiral staircase going upstairs so upstairs this is what we find and open room with a shower toilet that's a shower toilet so this is a little flat and on the right is the door leading to the bath of the house if you open that door we can see where it lead to and the fact that lead right up to the back and that's a wooden door leading out into the very back of this building and you'd be looking right up at lead Hill so that door leads outside of this little flat light [Applause]
Channel: Reach Back St Helena
Views: 8,649
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Id: yHJ5KNss66I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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