Foundations - revelation of authority -Binding and loosing: Pastor Greg Mitchell

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as well uh i do want to add my welcome very very good to see all of you i appreciate you any of you that have come to be with us personally numbers if you're watching online as well and i'm grateful for your interest thank god turn in your bibles to the book of matthew chapter 16. i started a series on the book of matthew the book of matthew chapter 16. is a significant chapter in the bible because it is a shifting point of jesus ministry and in this jesus reveals for the first time god's plan for the church and so i'm preaching four messages on the foundations of the church we looked firstly at god's the foundation of revelation which everything is in the kingdom of god is based on we looked at the master plan which is god's will for the church and now we move into the supernatural power that god gives and that's we're going to look at tonight in matthew chapter 16. by way of illustration in medford oregon in the news they a man tried to steal a bike from outside a mall the bike owner several other people tried chasing him on foot but he was on the bike and they couldn't catch him rancher robert borba who had a horse in his trailer in the mall parking lot mounted his horse and gave chase and lassoed the thief around the ankles when he jumped off the bike borba said i've seen this fella trying to get up to speed on a bicycle i don't know how he talked but i'm just adding it in there anyway i wasn't going to catch him on foot i just don't run very fast i use a rope every day that's how i make my living i figured if it catches cattle pretty good it'll catch a bandit pretty good he said i was going to pull his legs off i didn't think i'd pull his legs off but i sure wasn't going to let him go kept him tied up until police arrived and police arrested and charged as seattle man with theft we've never had anyone lassoed and held until we got there that's a first for me said police sergeant darren may so here's the point in this story is the will of the government is that there be justice and so what this man did is he stepped in and played a part in bringing about justice now that applies to the scripture that we're going to read jesus gives the understanding of god's purpose in the earth which is the the cross and the church and he lets his disciples know there is going to be supernatural opposition and then he tells now we're at the portion in verse 18 and 19 here when jesus says every believer can use god's power to overcome supernatural opposition and the bible calls this binding and loosing and so we're going to look tonight at binding and loosing matthew 16 verse 18 read with me i say to you that you are peter on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven binding and loosing let's talk first of all about deputized believers jesus gives the understanding of resistance he's just told them god's will is the church god's will is jesus revealed in the earth and immediately he then tells of the fact of resistance the gates of hell in old testament times gates were where leaders met that was where strategies were formed for war judges 5 8 says there were there was war in the gates or literally at the gates is where they planned their strategies of battle so jesus says if god has a will on the earth there is organized supernatural opposition these are battle words that he's talking about so god plans certain things to happen in the earth and he says you better believe that the enemy will also makes plans to stop hinder or destroy god's plans this is as old as human beings genesis chapter 3 i will make you talking to the devil you and the woman enemies to each other your descendants and her descendants will be enemies the bible goes on in first thessalonians 2 18 i wanted to come to you again and again but satan hindered so here there's something i wanted to do for god but there was something standing in the way and second corinthians 4 4 says the devil who rules this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe they cannot see the light of the good news the good news about the glory of christ who is exactly like god here is if you've ever been puzzled as you are witnessing to family or friends or workmates it should be the easiest thing in the world hell is hot you're going there jesus died so you don't have to any questions that shouldn't be hard but you you can tell people the goodness of god and how god can change their life and the bible says the problem is the enemy is opposing in this case blinding them so that it doesn't sink in or make sense the old testament that the spies came back from the promised land and the report that they gave 10 of them was there is walls or there are walls and giants there are things standing in the way keeping us from what we should have there are enemies that oppose what god wants us to have and first corinthians 16 9 for a great and effective door has opened to me and there are many adversaries if you've been saved any length of time you know that this is true personally that you have things that you know god wants you to have or to do but you experience personal opposition this is true for individual churches the devil fights churches and tries to hinder the work of god and then of course this is true in a broader sense just in the last few days in california emperor newsom has given his new edict and that is that churches cannot meet you cannot meet and if in any way you can meet outside in the winter time that's great yeah that but you cannot meet absolutely you cannot sing you cannot praise you cannot pray several of our uh churches have called in the last couple days what should we do about that that is opposite by the way protests and riots no problem but sing and praise god and hear god's word you are putting everybody at risk that is opposition against the will of god so the context of this passage is god has a purpose and that is to defeat the powers of hell first john 3 8 for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil this is what he did everywhere jesus came when he saw the power of hell at work in human lives of people that were sick people that were demon possessed people that were struggling with sin and habits of he set them free he healed he delivered that is what he did on the earth but if the only work of god was accomplished when jesus was on the earth it's simply not enough so matthew 16 now is the unveiling of god's purpose in the earth jesus is now and our next sermon we're going to talk about the cross he's telling them i'm not going to be here but the purpose of god i don't want it to stop and so god's purpose as in the scriptures we just read is the transfer of spiritual authority to every believer this is the principle of delegating authority or we could say deputizing believers yavapai county that we live in here in prescott has one sheriff one man he is in charge of certain areas of the law in an entire county he obviously as one man can only do so much he can only stop so much crime investigate so much crime but if he deputizes others and says i'm giving you the power that i have or the authority he multiplies the ability to stop crime so a deputy then is one who has the same authority that the sheriff has he gives them or lends them his authority so now jesus is about to talk about the cross the cross was god's means of defeating the devil's authority in the earth the devil loses his right to in the earth in many different ways colossians 2 15 god stripped the spiritual rulers and powers of their authority on the cross he won the victory and showed the world that they were powerless so jesus when he died on the cross the devil used to have rights because sin gave him legal power on earth and that scripture that we just read when jesus died he paid to remove the power of hell or his right to to torment and work in many ways on the earth and so now because of that jesus is giving them a little preview knowing that he's going to defeat the powers of hell he says i am going to give you my power john 20 21 and 22 peace be with you as the father sent me now i send you and after he said this he breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit so he says i'm giving you what i have you then can use that to affect god's will in the earth in the last year of my father's life he gave me power of attorney and he added me to his bank accounts he didn't do that so that i could buy stuff it was his money whenever a bill came i could take a check at the top of the check it said wayman mitchell but i could use that power of attorney i could write greg mitchell and it would be accepted to work the purposes of my father which was to pay his bills that is exactly what jesus says in ourselves we don't have power through the cross he has power he says i'm going to give you some of my authority so that you can carry out the purposes of god let's talk secondly about binding and loosing jesus says he gives authority or he gives the believers keys verse 19 i'll give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven keys in the bible they are symbols of authority or one who has rights my parents house i had keys i had the right to enter the house because i had the key here in the church we have these fancy electronic keys we have metal keys we have these electronic keys and depending on how much authority you have that will determine how many doors your key can open some of you you can open one door that's all your key will work i'm a very powerful guy my key will open all the doors i'm feeling very special as long as i make sure that i charge that key and it doesn't die then that's another issue so keys jesus says i'm giving you keys this is speaking and this is not all that is involved here but primarily he is speaking about prayer prayer is inviting the power of god into earth or into human situations where we live matthew 6 10 your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven prayer is based on the will of god our job is to find out what god has already told us that he wants to happen and therefore prayer changes things when we know what god's will is that he wants to happen then we look in the area that we live and we identify what is not god's will we look and identify that in our lives perhaps that sickness or poverty or barrenness or a marriage conflict or many different kinds of issues that is not god's will and so then prayer using the keys of prayer we then bring the power of god to change what is not god's will into god's will your will be done and so there's two dimensions of prayer here verse 19 whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven there's the first dimension and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven so keys bind any of you that you have a security door or you have locks on your doors you lock them you are forbidding entrance to thieves or people who would want to do you harm that's the power of a lock locks bind they stop certain things but keys release when lisa and i lived in south africa that you south africa's uh the uh the people who aren't criminals are the ones who live behind bars in every house every window every door he had incredible and and often we had we lived in houses that the doors didn't have a quick release that you would turn you had to have a key and so there be there's times when there be a problem there are people that even the house catch on fire you had to have a key to be released you can't get out without a key so here's the two dimensions you can either stop things from happening or you can allow or cause things to happen look at these in detail for a moment let's talk about the power of binding whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven this involves negatives there are certain things that you can look at in your own life or you can look at in the church or you can look at in our nation or the world and you can say it should not be happening it should not be like that then jesus says i'm giving you the right to say no i do not want poverty sickness mental torment whatever it might be you have the power to the word is used here bind simply put in the original language it means to tie up to put in chains forbid prohibit declare to be illegal literally you are saying no i don't want it to be like this mark 1 34 jesus healed many who had different kinds of sicknesses he forced many demons to leave people and he would not allow the demons to speak that's that's a classic that is a picture here of binding here is sickness no i don't want them to be sick there are demons he makes them i don't want them to be tormented and very interesting he says he would not allow the demons to speak he would not allow certain things this is not god's will and so therefore that is a picture of binding listen there are people that are hung up on the formula do you have to say i bind you in jesus name or is it in the name of jesus the words are not important listen you can bind the powers of hell without ever using the word bind there's somebody they're hung up on this or or some you know in charismatics they get into this that that the key is theatrically you got to say it like this you got to say i bind you devil if you're from the south it's got to be banned and somehow that makes it more powerful that that is not the words the formula are not important you can say it many different ways any different way it doesn't matter basically if you're binding you're saying no i do not want this to happen joshua chapter 11 they capture five enemy kings they put them in a cave and they sealed up the cave with stones these are enemies that used to rule and determine what happened in this area but now they are sealed up what are they doing they are binding them you will not rule here anymore then they brought the enemy kings out and they had leaders put their feet on the necks of these men because they they're publicly say that is actually we get our bible word dominion to put underfoot they're saying you're not going to rule here anymore no that is what binding is in whatever words you use when you know what god's will is when you recognize there's some area of my life or my world that is not in line with the will of god i bind that or i don't want that to happen i say no to that acts 16 18 paul is grieved when by a girl that she has a demon inside of her and finally he uh rebuked and said come out of her paul was saying no no more i'm not gonna let you torment her anymore this is in many different ways tom paine one point in his life he said he recognized that poverty ran in his family and in his own life and poverty was at work he's struggling constantly in finances and he said he prayed and said god i want this changed i don't want to live in poverty anymore he said something broke off of his life something was bound or stopped from being able to work in his life you've heard me tell through the years my father when he first pastored in 1960 in wickenburg arizona a church that had never paid the salary of the pastor had never had any money of any kind and one day he was in the church building alone recognizing this is not right that god's work doesn't have money and he said he got inspired and he stood up and he said devil get your hands off the finances that god has ordained to be in this church he said an hour later there was a knock on the door and a woman said i was sitting at home and i remembered we sold some property and i've never tithed and she handed over in 1960 eleven hundred dollars in the next hour another woman came and said i remember that i never gave some money that i meant to give and gave another three hundred dollars that's not an accident that's not a coincidence my father said no i'm not letting this happen anymore sickness that's another area there are people you recognize there are things that run that in your family all the women in my family they all have this anymore or they have this at work but you have the right to say no when our daughter was backslidden i used to pray and i would say devil you're not gonna have her let her go that it bind i'm binding your power in her life second samuel 15 31 david was told that a hitherfell is among the conspirators and so david said oh lord i pray turn the council of a a hitherfell into foolishness i'll tell you that prayer right now is what i'm praying in all of the shenanigans of this election i am praying saying god there are wicked men who are trying to cheat they're trying they're cooking up plots to steal god turn it into foolishness let them be exposed i bind that i will not let that ruin our nation listen to this a group of construction workers in charlotte north carolina saw a man trying to break into one of their construction vehicles and so they caught the man and with ropes they tied and then with packing tape they taped him to the scaffolding until police arrived that you know what they did they literally bound him they said no you are not going to steal our stuff secondly there's the power of loosing verse 19 whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven loosing involves positives if binding is saying no to certain things loosing is saying yes or there will be certain things the word loose to set free one who's bound to release a prisoner or to allow to happen when lazarus was raised from the dead there's a great picture of conversion a miracle from death to life jesus gave a command to the disciples loose him and let him go he would would have been wrapped like a money mummy in grave clothes wonderful that he's raised to life but he said he must be loose that is what you need to do when people pray for salvation thank god but we know immediately all of a sudden they start getting job offers in other places they start getting people interested in them romantically they start getting offered free drugs and free alcohol which never happened their whole life jesus says but you can loose them and let them go you can lit god i'm releasing a new way of thinking in their lives peter was in prison but as people began to pray he was loosed he was released or set free so loosing is when you release the power of god into a situation i'm not just talking about in general loosing is not god i pray i release you to move in the earth no we're talking about there are certain things that need to happen there are friends and family that you're witnessing to they do not feel bad for the way that they're living so that means you could pray and say god i am releasing i'm allowing conviction to come upon them anybody that i love if they're not saved i'm not praying that god make them successful and wonderfully happy i'm praying god convict them don't let them sleep at night make them miserable so that they see their sin as it is god give them revelation new converts need revelation they have to get it for themselves people have to have revelation to get saved god i release hunger for the things of god we're talking about open doors of opportunities revelations 3 8 i've set before you an open door and no one can shut it this may be financially let jobs be released industries in our city promotions on my behalf that that souls in prayer god i'm i'm asking you to give us supernatural intersections let me meet people whose hearts are open now at the right time and give us opportunities you know what's connected with releasing is favor the bible says the prison door opened for joseph why because pharaoh gave him favor he liked him he promoted him so we're talking that you can pray god i need you to open doors i need you to cause the natural circumstances to change into favor and help on my behalf remember mark olsen telling a story when they moved here from the philippines many years ago michelle olson had determined that she wanted to live after living in the tropics she wanted a house i remember right in pine trees and she had found a house and this is the one she wanted to rent him the owner of the house had had a bad experience with someone before and he said no i will not rent you this house when he heard that they are missionaries they had just arrived and he looked at it that was a risk and he said no i will not rent it but michelle olson said i am praying to my heavenly father who loves me and wants to provide i'm praying that my heavenly father will rent me this house and that man said well it's not going to happen but a little while later called up and he said i don't know why i'm doing this but i'm going to let you rent the house favor open doors god i release that in our lives if you've been watching in the news in the last uh month or so you've seen u.s marshals have been locating missing children u.s marshals have located 440 missing children this year of all the children missing in america they made a list of those that they say are critically missing meaning they're in danger often they're either in abusive situations or at risk of being trafficked one of the us marshall recalled the rescue of one teen girl there was a man with her the marshals arrested him she thought the marshals were there just to arrest the man but the marshal said no we're here for you that's why we're here he's incidental we are here to set you free and he said the girl was surprised that anyone cared enough to rescue her here is the power that god gives every bit the moment you get saved god says i am giving you that power to bind or stop what should not be happening to release or allow what should be happening let's look finally at qualifications and promise as we close there are of course some qualifications to binding and losing very quickly you must be a believer if you're not saved it's not going to work you can say bind all you want it ain't gonna happen the seven sons of siva these were men that they had seen paul cast out demons and they thought wouldn't that be cool so they found a demon-possessed man and they said in the name of jesus that paul preaches about but it didn't work instead they were attacked and beaten and stripped by the demon-possessed man you got to be a believer number two the context of this story tells us your authority is connected to the church the context the setting where it is binding and loosing where do we hear about it connected to the church so listen if you're not part of a church that's not god's will your spiritual authority is going to be lacking their creed i don't need to go to church i just worship the lord at home your authority is going to be lacking it's the church it's when you're connected that you have authority if you're harming the church there are people who are a part of the church but they cause problems while they're in the church then i tell you your authority is going to be lacking and then if you reject spiritual authority in the church your authority will be lacking if you're a rebel at heart don't be surprised when your prayers are lacking so it's connected to the church thirdly binding and loosing is only used for god's will not ours you can't use spiritual authority to manipulate people right if you're an ugly brother you can't be praying oh god cause her to marry me no that is not what binding and loosing is for first john 5 14 this is the boldness the confidence we have in god's presence that if we ask god for anything that agrees with what he wants then he hears us and think about this what incredible promises are connected in this verse whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in think about whatever sickness there needs to be health is is your need salvation you have someone you love that is not saved is your need fruitfulness is it a job is the issue in your life you need work is the problem you're facing debt you need finances to uh uh effective and meet your needs is it in your business is your problem in your marriage is it with your children is it housing vehicles is it ministry the gifts of the spirit whatever he doesn't limit it if it is in line with the will of god he says you can pray for anything you can apply this principle in every area you know what the difficulty is when we are binding and it doesn't seem like anything is bound when we're loosing and it doesn't seem like anything is loosed so what then do you give up on prayer so we've had some dear saints of god that have passed away this year and yet the bible says god wants to heal so what do we do stop praying for healing no absolutely not our call is to pray with faith listen in in your life maybe you've had some setbacks in fruitfulness maybe in your life there have been struggles in marriage or with your children or on the job our call is to believe god and pray use the power and authority that he's given to every believer god there are areas of my life this must change god we're praying right now in our nation oh god you must get involved something has to change and we believe that god gets involved i close with this pastor scott bauer once before he was a pastor he said he was given an experiment in science class the professor gave each of them two beakers of clear liquid they had no color and he said if you mix these to clear liquids it will change color it will turn pink and he said i want you to do an experiment i want you to put in from one beaker to the other one drop at a time and i want you to count how many drops does it take before things change and he said it was tedious you're putting it in with an eye dropper one nothing to over and oh and they're marking each one nothing nothing nothing and then he said he put in another drop and for a second it turned pink but then went clear again he said that happened several more times a flash of color but then it would go back to but then one more drop and all of a sudden it completely changed what used to be clear was now pink so here's the question which drop was the most important in bringing the change and the answer is all of them that's what prayer is like that we begin to apply i remember as a new convert asking pastor mitchell when we bind the devil how much is he bound i wanted percentages i want to look we pray you can look at your family waiting for tears in their eye listen but believing god god is able to change things he's able to turn things around i want you to bow your heads close your eyes all across this place if you would just for a moment thank god in a moment we're going to pray we're going to ask god to help some people in practical areas but before we do that remember i told you one of the qualifications if you want god's power in your life you must be a christian you must be born again god does not bless sin he does not bless self-will the bible says all of us we are born sinners we are rebels at heart we choose to break god's commands and go against his will i don't care what form for some of you that's drugs or alcohol pornography others it's sleeping with people you're not married to others it's racial prejudice bitterness hatred i don't care what form it is it's all rebellion you're breaking god's commands and it cuts you off from the power of god god who wants to help he wants to heal and transform and listen i'm telling you that there is an answer jesus said i'm going to die on the cross and that is how the will of god can come to your life if you're here tonight and you are not born again if you know that say i'm not right with god god would not be pleased with the way that i'm living i want to give you an opportunity before we do anything else if you want to pray and surrender to god i want you to do this lift your hand up so i can see it by lifting your hand you're saying i'm not saved i know that i want to get right with god how many would there be all across this place lift your hand up i need jesus some of you are backslidden you were saved in the past backslider lift up your hand i want to get right with god how many would there be you'd come home and surrender to god let god begin to heal you where you're broken and you're hurting thank god all across this place thank god that i'm i'm giving a challenge amen you lifted your hand i want you to come i want you to pray so pray with i'm giving a challenge to those that are online maybe you watch tonight wherever you're watching it and you're not right with god you can surrender because salvation is a heart issue if you want to surrender to god i want to help you to pray i want you to say this out loud say god in heaven i believe in jesus christ that he died on the cross for my sin i ask you to forgive me come into my heart give me the power to live for you from this day on in jesus name amen god those that prayed online i need you seal those words god i'm asking and cause them to respond and let them do the will of god in jesus name amen thank god i want you all to stand up to your feet i'm going to open the altar some of you god gave you a challenge you have areas of your life you recognize this is not the will of god then change it use the power of god i'm going to apply that binding and losing i want god's will in my life the altars are open i'm inviting you to come find a place to pray they're going to sing while people are praying
Channel: Dragnet
Views: 7,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Preaching, gospel, pentecostal preaching, christian fellowship ministries, the potters house, cfm, bible conference, prescott potters house, prescott, prescott bible conference, Holy Spirit, Pastor greg mitchell, Pastor Tom Payne, Mens discipleship, discipleship, pastor joe campbell, words that heal, deliverance, the door church, victory chapel, truth, life, way, hope, comfort, refuge, escape, healing, spiritual, spirituality, family, love, peace, Jesus, God, rapture, fellowship, joy, selfcontrol, kindness
Id: -XVtG33mntM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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