Found Super Rare Amethyst Crystal While Digging at a Private Mine! (Unbelievable Find)

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oh my goodness you might be the find of the day right there look at that point hey what's up guys my name's Jake today I'm at a place called under baked Canada and we're visiting a private mind to take four amethyst crystals if you're new and you haven't seen these type of videos before yet basically amethyst crystals are like deep dark purple crystals and there's a few different elements that make each one more rare than the other like more expensive and yesterday I found one potentially worth up to $50,000 and like you guys have been leaving so much nice support on these videos it's just so much fun and I thought I would bring you guys along for another adventure but not only that we're at this world-class mine again and millions and millions of dollars worth of amethyst can be found and today my main goal is to collect crystals just to give to you guys so every crystal finances YouTube video will be given away and all you got to do to have a chance to win one is leave a like on this video leave a comment and make sure you guys are subscribed to my youtube channel and that will enter you guys to win a crystal I found here and it's really cool cuz it's like it's not just a crystal you know like but these are like world-class pieces and some of like these are like seriously like one of the best crystal you're probably gonna find for amethyst wise but it's also a piece of the video it's a piece of Canada and I thought it'd be really cool to give that to you guys so with that said I've got my bucket here I'm gonna get out there start collecting some purple crystals and hopefully we find some good wants to give to you guys so this purple crystals everywhere you look but what we're gonna look for here today are gonna be something like the more pretty one some of this stuff right here is just on the ground because of the dynamite blast we did but as you look on the wall that's purple all over the wall and we're gonna see if we can wiggle a few of those crystals off and what I do I'll put them in here and hopefully we get a full bucket full but then after that we'll go over there and dig em into the cave and search for some really good points but my first I guess technique here for crystal hunting is just to pick up stuff off the ground [Music] I'm not too sure how long people have been mining here but if you look right here on the left side there's actually a cave that goes in and it runs into this section right here this is like the main pocket everyone searching it and we'll get to that very shortly but if you go into this cave you can actually pull up crystals off that wall as well so I'm gonna get up in there see if there's some cool stuff to collect I'm gonna bring it out alright so this is a cave but what's cool about this spot is that all the amethyst was actually ran through here so I don't think there's any dirt if you look on the walls there's amethyst on each side and I guess over time maybe - if I collected all that stuff let me blow it down there's purple everywhere man it's kind of cool that we're gonna be able to give away some of these crystals they think that me know like that was found inside okay there's even Chris's on the wall so the cave here is not like a traditional cave I don't think so if you look closely you can see points amethyst sticking outside the cave here and I guess over you know billions of years this is where they are formed this would be like the vein of amethyst so this is where it was like kind of created but really cool if you look around I've had a blast so far picking crystals up off the ground and it's definite like you don't normally get to do at other mines like you can go to a mine and you can find a little purple crystal if you search all day or whatever but like this is truly just so much fun because purple is just everywhere and just something you don't normally see so I've collected a bunch of crystals on the ground the bucket and now the plan is to use my tool and see if I can find another big cluster underneath this cave yesterday like I said I got super lucky and found a piece worth up to $50,000 and I don't know if I'm gonna get that lucky again but some really cool points in here and hopefully I can find some sort and give those to you guys but let's go ahead and start moving all this clay and get down to that spot where I need to get to and hopefully I get lucky with a few nice crystals yeah check this out I just found I think a little salamander I've never seen one like this before he was hanging out in the clear out over here so what I'm gonna do is they're sure to relocate it so I don't hurt it to put it over maybe okay [Music] that's cool so I gotta move all this clay all the way and then I'll get down to that like vein of amethyst and that's when we're gonna find some of those museum quality pieces but they get all this big hunk of clay all the way and then you can really get down to the good stuff you get away like a thousand pounds it's sitting right on top of all the crystals I need to get to you soon is china clay out of the way [Music] all right it's impenetrable fortress of clay let's get underneath it she's so heavy I can't move oh gosh okay you packing it oh dang it man so after about 45 minutes I got this giant clay ball out of the area it's right there now it's super heavy but I had to pick out it for a little bit and then I was able to move it once it was not heavy enough but yeah so all the good crystals are gonna be underneath that little spot right here and I'm hoping to find a few more all right so we're sitting here working all this clay and my buddy Joseph actually just pointed out this nice tip right here and I don't know oh yeah I can get it broke a little bit but the points actually pretty good and that alone could be a few hundred dollars right there that's a good one man alright so since you found that one Joseph I think this is yours man that's better Avery another point right there easy like really good one there's more Christmas I'll look at that one day that's a good one a lot of them yeah there is if you get another point don't purple that is yeah that's probably I can thousand dollars what the crystals right there that's so cool [Music] we go Kristen you leave that that's a good point to you that might be better than the other one dang awesome super fun in so many ways so a lot of these shards right here are still pretty cool like use probably twenty bucks each but what I'm looking for are the crystals with like points like this one that's really cool just because like you can use it for a cool feature on your desk or something like it's just really pretty and those are just more valuable so I'm gonna take some of those home so I can get to you guys this is something right here here we go let's see what we got money I don't know did you get something oh yeah we did look at that point that's a good one to you so you have all your sharp edges on the side and it almost looks like machine you know like someone went in and sharpen it or whatever but that's how they're made and it's crystal if you're curious is over 1 billion years old it's older than the dinosaurs and I was the first person to have touched it ever since it's been created it's 1/4 as old as the earth isn't that crazy I asked another great looking point no chip damage on lower that might be the find of the day worth a look at that point I almost broke it oh my goodness this thing else wow that's a big one dude so now that I found one I want to be super careful in that break it you know my tools metal so I don't to chip it stuff like this right here doesn't really matter because it's already broken naturally so doesn't matter if you break it but stuff like this with the points you want to be super super careful because that's where the value comes into play oh here comes oh my goodness dude look how big that point is Wow that is that's freaking crazy so it's hard to tell but there's actually red on the tops of these right here and on the inside it's super dark purple almost likes black about that point right there is in perfect condition and I've double-checked but Brian's gonna be able to let me know the crystal collector how much these are worth but I could probably be coming a few hundred bucks easily as well this is seriously so much fun man I guess you're never gonna find a place like this ever in the world and there's a super rare and I'm over here just picking up these points left and right like these are just perfect ones man here's the ones you want on your desk or like in a museum or something I do work a beautiful one so let's even get a couple more where do you know that's obviously kind of feels like they're searching for like dinosaur bounties I'm Jesse I'm gonna be careful with this one to you but it's not gonna be bigger than the other thing all these pieces right here kind of flaking away and that's okay as long as this right here stays intact that's what we're going for but these little pieces right here and that these little shards they're so dark purple that these are like I'm gonna they're really cool man standalone necklace pieces you'll wear that around your neck or something like that just a cool piece and if you were to sell in the shop I mean they could probably selling for twenty to sixty bucks apiece and who they are just falling out of the quiz yeah I'll save a few of these for the bucket so y'all can do some cool jewelry with them sure you can even make a wedding ring if you want to do that'll be awesome could you imagine just it's like someone makes a wedding ring out of this stuff that I find and then they propose to their go like that'd be so cool so yeah send me some photos if you guys end up doing some stuff like that there's another one right here he's the big one look at that thing this is honestly so much fun this is so cool like I can't I can't really express how like how rare this is like it's a fine I will probably never find this much amethyst ever again in my whole life like we just hit the mack daddy loaded man this point after point it could be a really cool piece let's get another point that was gonna cooler something on your side wow this is next-level boy that's gonna be heavy oh look at that that's incredible hard to see what I got 100% for this point everywhere this Monday that's a really good one it's art itself but this is a pretty good-looking cluster right here it's actually grown on the side of the wall so the half side is like real straight up and flat but you have all these points right here and it doesn't look like any of these points are fractured in any way it's kind of hard to tell but I mean if this is all intact this could be a really really really good fine in fact there's just points everywhere on this thing so I can't wait to clean this one off and take a better look at it all right so the sun's starting to set and we gotta get out of here before it gets too dark because like bears and stuff out here but seriously man what a day we're inside of a cave pulling out amethyst left and right and I'm having so much fun again all the amethyst we found we're gonna be given away to you guys and these are like thousand two thousand dollar pieces or even more so if you want a chance to win one or have one here from Canada all you have to do is leave a like on this video make sure you guys leave a comment and also don't forget to subscribe and if you do all three of those I'll pick a few people and then I'll mail out some of these pieces right here to you guys so definitely don't miss out on that one well we're having so much fun and this is seriously just it's just a cool spot man great experience and before it the snow in the next couple days we hit it perfect timing it won't open up until like maybe junior next year so when it does open up if there's support on this video we'll come back out to the exact same cave and see if we could find some more amethyst crystals but so far man we're having the time of our lives and I don't really want to go home tomorrow but the cold is gonna set in and you know I'm ready to get back at home and gorge and a heat but yeah man this is seriously what an experience I just left her I can't believe it but now the plan right now is to get all these crystals head over to the bucket wash them off and then we'll get Bryan's attention and we'll see what he wants to do all right so we're cleaning off all the crystals and I want to show you guys real quick what some of them look like so the top of this one here is red but the base is purple it's hard to tell but it's just super dark purple and the inside is just a little muddy but I guess what makes this valuable is the point itself and there's not really any damage to it and we have all these to clean off but I'm super excited because it's gonna like I don't know what some of these look like just because somebody but once you clean them off you see how beautiful they are and this one right here is a really cool piece and it's just a standalone piece if you want to put it somewhere or you can make jewelry out of this if you wanted to but let's go ahead and wash all these off and then we'll get Brian down here and tell us a little bit more about what we found hi guys so I've got my buddy Brian here aka the Crystal collector on YouTube and Krystal collecting is what he does for a living and he loves sharing videos online if you haven't checked them out yet make sure you guys do so but Brian here he's going to tell me a little bit what I found because I'll be honest I'm pretty new to all this but I think I found some pretty cool stuff I mean comparing for the first day we dug today I mean we had a great day that day but compared to that day I mean this might even be a better day I know what you think you know I was up washing crystals all day and these guys came down and they were like digging and I heard they were getting good points and I came down and I'm like you know what is this so I mean this cluster alone I mean you know 3 4 5 grand easy Wow you could be even I've seen $10,000 on clusters this size so you know anywhere from you know five thousand dollars will be a really good number to put on a cluster like this so you've got these things I mean this point such good damage you've got two points coming into one right there you know that's a thousand dollar point Wow so just phenomenal stuff you've probably got easily ten thousand dollars right here and that's you know low-balling it you maybe have 1520 thousand dollars right here you know we're gonna do with it all set we're gonna give it away no kid all these are gonna be I don't know if I could take this one I was kind of heavy but all these are gonna be giving away man that's crazy like seriously I hate that was first I've heard that and I mean just I'm taking a random crystal a crystal this size dude is a lifetime kind of fine yeah right there these other ones are huge but just this so you guys this is gonna make a lot of people happy right here having lifetime finds crazy yeah you know yesterday we had fun I got a couple little pieces for me and we're gonna be giving some of those away too but yeah help me I just came out here for the experience to hang out with Brian to meet him for the first time I had so much fun and joy I just really enjoy this is so unique to be able to dig in a cave and you know like I went and dug amethyst crystals and I dug all day and sweated all day and I barely got anything but there's so much fun regardless it's like it doesn't really it means I'm having to blast no matter what but like to come here and to find just crystal after crystal I mean I was digging I was like there's another point there's another point like it's just so much fun I don't say that's one of my favorite ones out that looks like a diamond but yeah I'm at a great time I hope you guys enjoyed today's YouTube video if you guys didn't make sure you guys leave this video a big thumbs up also don't forget to subscribe if you guys are new again if you want internet giveaway all you have to do is like subscribe and leave a comment I'll choose a few people and I'll shoot you guys a message and get your address so I could send these out but yeah have a great day thank you again for coming down and helping us out anything of this would be possible without Brian so really appreciate that man but that's it I'll see you all next time thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 8,130,869
Rating: 4.8952479 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, amethyst crystal, amethyst crystal hunting, crystal hunting, how to find amethyst crystals, how to find crystals, amethyst crystal price, amethyst, amethyst hunting, digging for crystals, finding amethyst crystals, amethyst quartz crystals, gem hunting, crystal collector, crystal mining, amethyst mine, amethyst gemstones, crystal energy, huge amethyst, diamomd mine, gold mining, crystals, rare, expensive, best, prospector, mining
Id: xJIrCxvx1WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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