Found GOLD Crazy Cliff Jumpers (Survived fall) RIVER TREASURE METAL DETECTING

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[Music] and let's go know what [Music] no mate Matthews you know him yeah yes so it's not my full-time job it's my hobby job it's my dream job full-time but at the moment it's my hobby job yeah all I needed basically was just a permission and you know him and everything some natural good first that's all right men's gold wedding band beauty thank you I'm go down right oh it's good to get the name of the Ranger you got to have Commission right get down there guys boy way get it guys welcome back to lost to recovery today we have got an epic adventure ahead of us Trish and Laraine have unfortunately lost the wedding band and you can hear the noise behind me we've actually got white a mile of rock jump going off behind us as well crazy I was there last year we found that GoPro as well awesome down here guys and we do actually need National Parks and Wildlife permission to come down here metal detect and hunt this area otherwise they can take my car they can take my metal detecting equivalent and that ain't good guys this was lost about two weeks ago Chris Lorraine are on their way guys Cheers ha ha I'm here with Chris and Lorraine Chris have unfortunately lost his wedding ring how long ago now a few weeks ago a few weeks ago this is actually a new bridge as well we've got a new floating boy which is really good because they the landmarks guys it's going to help me find this ring today don't run that flowing boys yeah so about say three meters five meters in the left hand side that's been through yeah they died so you've got that ring slip off your finger yeah hi guys I base that on 90% today but I can guarantee I can't guarantee it by guarantee we gotta find it today let's say 10 minutes remain optimistic but yeah it's a two-hour search but I'm going to be here all day check out the scenery guys I love it let's get in there find this ring straight out here we've got plating boy we've got three meters off that how far out do you think yeah see more back yeah okay okay so about here I'm gonna put the marker down we're gonna start grid in the area in we never work our way back into Shore guys looking at find a spring today let's get started it looks very similar that's nine to five two other guys I've actually got the second one to this ring back home that's crazy if that's it yeah well you know if you really like that's been there longer than what your ring has and that's got a broken loop too so still to be able to find that I was probably about four inches your wedding band no wiser to the error going to find it pretty cool guys so I got one ring all right let's get back in there [Music] the Rings here we are gonna find it star it is search location drive to back in there so we're completed both of the cemetery guide and unfortunately we've run into a chain-link fence what we're gonna have to do is get underneath that it's interfering for metal detector that we're gonna have to lift up the chain-link fence that ring could be just underneath [Music] all right that's not like okay so when you're doing your search of guides you want to make sure you finish every area chain-link fence that's done pop your search area that's all done we got on the other side now and now I'm gonna go outside the search area because Chris has just left and he's given up hope that's okay because we're in the search area we've done it it's completed but I like to go outside of it as well because we do have this floating boy right here outside the boy he's not too sure he's not a hundred percent on today so now we're gonna get outside on the outside of it search a search area guys wants to back out there we've been here for over two hours now Chris has actually left I just got a really good turn guys here this that is the best time all day this could actually be Chris's ring if it is you know we're gonna have to jump back to Sydney and then give me a quick call let's dig it today get it out Chris actually told me that was a thin band as well I've been over two hours you know they've given up hope I don't blame them I've actually gone outside the search area where they fought the ring was and here it is if they they literally left the beach about ten minutes ago and they're probably just up there behind us now in the carpark but yeah it's too late my get home Rio I gotta give a call we're gonna give them the good news guys that's what it takes you know it's just five or 10 more minutes that's all it was for outside the search area anybody about two meters and we got the ring guys it is engraved it's nine carat that's definitely Chris's ring guys and trusted a I dug for bits of trash I didn't even worry about filming yet I've just here in the moment on the hunt I just wanted to get the ring out we're triangulated the area there we've got my marker I moved that three foot if I agree outside the search area there's a chain-link fence just behind me I've had actually actually pulled that up out of the water at Melwood detect underneath it I've done the whole light bring closer to the bridge and after all that it was just outside the search area guys sounds really impressive they did actually leave about 10-15 minutes ago so we're going to jet back to Sydney Rio I got to catch up with them but before they left they did give me a clear description of the ring it won't spin it's nine carat it does have an engraving in it too guys so we just found it I'm in a little bit of a tight spot right here I have to meet up with Chris right now I'll put it on my little finger my pinky finger for safekeeping and now my finger is actually swollen up a good way to reduce this Rolly if you fray my finger straight into the freezer leave there for a few seconds I just tried so it's not working bite and we're running late we do have to meet up with Chris you'll see all the chocolate all the energy stuff I've got in debt I'll leave that for another video doctors can't believe what my diet really is but yeah it's a true story - guys it's gonna probably gonna freak you out alright let's get my finger in there guys straight in I got some cold such it's down here I just told Chris that I'm driving on my way now I'm at home and I got my finger in the fridge trying to get this ring off all right guys get a water that is time break the ring yeah there we go now can't drop it down the sink thought now let's go I made it up with Chris we're running late guys a beach now we're just about the made up with Chris y'all right check it out [Applause] yeah yeah no I definitely wanted carefully but then again actually in future I've put too late the Frank life how to actually feel it look devastated tell your wife to leave you Julie at home yeah don't tell just make sure goes off never again that's it guys that's right on it now wedding band we don't for you to take them off when we go to the beach it's as simple as that and you know the lifestyle you know here we'll be in sending everything spray in any way and hassle battle booming around before you know it you've got to take off your wedding ring you say you know don't worry it's never going to fall off it happens all the time guys it only takes that one time it'll be the mantra mantra it wasn't today I was using the mind lab Excalibur too followed up by the de technics exporter for those of you who want to get into Mel detecting especially your underwater Mel detecting you want to use the equipment that I use you can go to my affiliate link just down below click on the link and you can buy through my Amazon account alright guys all I want to say is share like subscribe who knows where we're going to be next week and I'll see you on the next hunt happy hunting guys Cheers haha [Music]
Channel: Michael Oliver
Views: 27,211
Rating: 4.937654 out of 5
Keywords: River Treasure, Underwater metal detecting, Metal detecting, Treasure, Lost ring, Found Ring, Man Lost wedding ring, Cliff jumping, Minelab Metal Detectors, Go Pro Photography, Go Pro, Hurley, Found river gold, Happy People, Go Pro Underwater, Lost property, Ring return to owner, Deteknix Metal Detectors, Garrett Metal Detectors, Wattamulla Sydney
Id: XVaqMlmf0zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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