Found a Safe Underwater While Scuba Diving! (What's Inside?)

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what's up guys Jake here today I'm back on the river and today I have something a little bit different for you guys so the other day I was diving and I came across what I think is a safe plan right now is to use the tools that I have to help bring that thing up it's super super heavy but I have a stand up paddleboard I have a rope I have a big magnet like this magnets like a key pool a thousand pounds worth of weight so like maybe I can hook the magnet to the safe pool or river but I also have an underwater propulsion device so the plan for me right now is to get down there with my underwater propulsion device move all the sand away and then see you know what I should do from there maybe I'll tie the rope to it you know I'm not entirely sure but I know the door is ripped off it's just filled with a bunch of sand so I got to get all that sand away from the area and then maybe we can pull it out from the water you definitely let your imagination get the best of you when you find stuff like this in the river you know you think of like the best of the best it could be like gold bars or pistols or cash you know but honestly you never know what's the stuff is safe and there's a reason why someone threw it into the river like it it took a lot of effort to bring that heavy safe all the way over here by the railroad bridge and to dump it into the river so we're gonna go down there and do what we can to get this thing out and then once we get it out we'll see if anything's inside of it but let's get down underneath the water and get to it now is to use my zoom zoom and I'm gonna get all the sand out of the safe and I'm gonna attach the rope and a magnet and see if you can pull it out with Santa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got to say and I'm sitting on it and lift it up for the very bottom alright I'm gonna get it if I can get it well maybe use the rope [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] we got it that's the safe right I think wheels that's awesome I've never found a safe before I have Justin right here the underwater propulsion device and he's just scooting this along looks so weird man well it's incredible the movie you look kind of like you're just gliding in the water like a superhero I don't think there's anything inside but there was some debris at the very bottom and that's where some of the heavy stuff could sit so I'm at like write it off completely yet and I thought it would be great to get it out of the water regardless so that's why we put on the stand-up paddleboard but we found it all the way over there at that railroad bridge but yeah that was great let's go ahead and bring this to shore and try to get it next to our truck or try to put it on the truck so we throw it away or just set it aside or something I just didn't want to in the water anymore it's just so heavy though but we'll figure it out and then we're he was inside Jeff soon I carried this heavy safe over here you know at first I wasn't too sure what it is but even Justin thinks this is safe what do you think did it is super super heavy but there is some debris at the bottom left and I'm gonna see if there's anything else in there it's almost empty but there is a little bit of debris still in there you think that could be a go bar what if on the very last piece of like gravel there was like a ring if you guys have any clues on what was inside to safe let me know in the comment section below in my opinion I think there could have been potentially money or maybe a gun or something you know of that nature but you know the doors were open on this thing and whatever was inside flushed out of it in the river and it's gone forever but you know still pretty cool that we found a safe I still think there could be a ring at the bottom okay so that's pretty much a wrap you know a little bit of a letdown that there's nothing inside but I had my hopes up man there could have been some crazy stuff in there like guns or gold bars or money you know you just never know but had a good time you know at the very least we got trash out the river and that's always a good feeling but if you guys enjoy the video make sure you guys leave this video a big thumbs up also don't forget to subscribe if you guys and they were closing in on 10 million subscribers and I'd love for you guys to help me break that crazy milestone but with that said thank you guys again so much for watching I'll see y'all next time [Music] you
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Views: 1,206,758
Rating: 4.8402753 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, found safe, found safe in river, found safe underwater, abandoned safe found, I found an abandoned safe, found hidden safe, found money underwater, found safe while scuba diving, scuba diving for safe, abandoned safe, opening safe, opening abandoned safe, breaking into safe, found a safe, safe in river, scuba diving, dallmyd, found underwater, found in river, secret safe, buried safe found, vault, underwater, found underwater treasure, swimming, safe
Id: 6zeE6kN8RHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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