FOUND (6 Phones, MacBook & Credit Cards) Diving Seattle Great Wheel

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I ended up with a bicycle today let's hear hey ya guys we go with diving hey guys we took the bicycles we get their equipment hi I'm mr. logic and look we're not I've got Nick Trin I've got Jen and I've got Chris and we are heading in and hopefully today we're gonna find a couple of bicycles in the river there that's not a river oh is an ocean well as a future which reminds me of an whoa watch out which reminds me of a dad joke today do you know why the ocean is so crabby why is that because it has crabs on its bottom like that would know hi how are you we're diving for trash and treasure we hope treasure you're welcome welcome this episode is sponsored by orgetorix go to the link in the description and go check out all the amazing specs on this camera and other torches and video cameras not cameras but flashlights that they've got available i'll put over [Music] no prowl no problem at all alright who's ever find a bladder before with 70 pounds on their back hey Kiki dad see if I put enough weight on for the saltwater [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] here I've got a bicycle I've got a chair there's a ton of tables down here - nine and four this guy right here I've got him some fishing here thank God all right brother so I've just been informed by this gentleman there's a let's go see if we can get ourselves a drone all right so somewhere in here yeah right down in here take into consideration Kurtz ah take into consideration her let's go find a drone yeah good luck [Music] dojo huh there's three more bicycles down there though oh wow did they get my back I don't know either my lip backside are floating away with the current so I might have to go on a lift back mission oh here okay yeah there's like a little baby ill well maybe one of the Fisher's want it oh I don't know I'm good throw up what you got it's just an eel come my little guy there we go I like that I don't look maybe I could eat them no no no no no yeah did you make it in yeah did you see how happy was he was like this really fast I got my lip bag still attached a bicycle I don't know works that's okay go on old rescue mission well that's pretty good we're going to blur that one always way over there right here like a hundred and fifty feet that way quit farting around and get going they're bad that's okay that will get it [Music] was your bicycle on my rope here okay okay now we're still getting that there's a chair there too handlers [Music] Finders Keepers losers weepers no it's my neck yeah that was a fun little dive so let's show you everything we got Nick found a computer Chris found a couple of phones Richard found some phones I'm Neil and when they didn't find a phone I ended up with a bicycle today okay let's hear it hey yeah guys yeah I got me a scooter not just any scooter but a boo boo boo I got a Yogi Bear scooters while I was down there I was jamming out to onstage live performances on my new little boombox CD DD DVD player not DVD CD player I found I thought it was a workers boot but I believe that that's plugs to a female baby I don't know I guess I guess it's kind of gender neutral we are in Seattle after all plus I found me a new pair of snazzy sunglasses you might need to clean them up a little bit yeah I'll clean right up boys I found not one but two flashlights today I think that this is like old school dive light definitely would not mount on my wrist as nice as that or Couture's does plus an old school arm like I don't like a survival flashlight some sort I don't know a couple of bottles a tape measure a lock and I think that's like a sanding pad wheel of some sort what you say that is this your more well like the pads for like the like the miss yeah the street yeah the little buffers yeah yeah for my last little item I got me a speaker your fines Chris what you got over there okay well I found some pounds and this thing I was looking at it you think that is that a minidisc player let's get back to your phones Oh like this bone right here still has a charger on it and I have a theory Chris as to why it might have a charger they came down here because there's a little tide and a little current they needed to plug it in to charge their phone you get it carrot current night Curt what's let's tell it again should I tell it again no I already heard it all right sure Chris go back to your items there all right whatever this thing is it takes a battery old-school alarm clock pounds of cards tape measure bottle an old film camera glass boring glasses a cool watch from the 80s but they're coming back now so it could be from the 2019 opener for wine bottles I think we got blur this out barefoot and pregnant its adult break up there do bear blur that out to you commit they scratch the base out a little beanie baby thing an old dive knife a Walkman but you better explain a little what a Walkman is Chris well look at some of the audience is not gonna know what that is after eight tracks they had a limit compact and went with cassette tapes cars used to have these two that's before CDs for CDs and before DVDs and before iPods and before smartphones that was the thing to have back in the day let's jump over to Richard I think I bought broke I broke the sunglasses their care Oh over there Richard show us what you got stock CDs most of them are adults oriented so what is it with you and Chris finding all this stuff like oh we're gonna have to blur all that all right you just watch me those did you Oh got a nice coffee mug with some girl funding it looks like I think we determined this was a hash brown or egg cooker at one point maybe four poached eggs yeah oh that's what it could be so you put your eggs in there and then you put that over there with a little bit of water in there and then you put that over the top to poach the eggs I think that's what that is submersible LED light I'm out the chief that works later a restaurant candle we're guessing it's got a little bit of candle wax in there some rope but t rated clothing or something made in the USA a cell phone looks like the Samsung or something three bottles the pedal for the bicycle I don't think I went to that bicycle ride medallions that we think her for a chandelier or hanging on the fence yeah yeah somebody said they were hanging on that the kids made it last year and they were hanging on the fence and then at some point ripped him off and threw him in Nick Nick you're up alright got here first thing I found right when I got down there was this laptop here it's a Mac product as you can see you know I'm not sure makkac water oh so yeah that was pretty cool some sunglasses safety glasses hold speed square for marking wood it's a construction tool same with the level samsung phone looks like it's been under there for at least a few days huh bottles a Hyatt card key it's like a makeup mirror or mirror for something vise grip clamp type deal the usual cans and bottles we can't decide whether this money been a an old wine glass or something that's kind of what it looks like an old binder it had some that used to be paper it's kind of rotted now from the salt water oh yeah this Chris grab that walkman there I found something that looks like fits into the Walkman this isn't something you see every day then look at that get us new oh yeah I found this too I don't know what that is or what it was but anyway yeah some sort of action figure of some sort and last but not least kara this right here was a coca-cola cut cut what's the word I'm looking for cool a collaborative this was a collaborative effort and these are called alright well let me introduce you to Brian Brian here was hanging out he was helping us through this entire process today as we were under the water he was helping us pull stuff up including the bicycle alright Brian here says that these are worth five bucks apiece so Brian we want to give these to you I understand that you actually use these in the Bay and we call this the bay or what we call this the sound yeah we don't the sound the bay okay so uh we're gonna honor you and with your help today Mikey give those to you and really appreciate it I usually excellent can quit losing them how many of you lost like how many of those could be yours probably a bug film more these alright well I really appreciate your help today that wraps up another episode of veterans purpose thanks for hanging out with this that's it for now oh I think I just Oh what I was trying to do is later later bye bye [Music]
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 8,635
Rating: 4.9553075 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, river treasure hunting, treasure hunting, scuba diving, underwater finds, underwater treasure hunting, jared leisek, mrleisek, leisek, found, lost, adventure, living life, projectaware, padi4change, lost valuables, paralenz, seattle, seattle big wheel, seattle great wheel, found bike in ocean, found bike underwater, found macbook, found macbook in ocean, found macbook in river, found a phone in the ocean, found knife in river, found watch in ocean
Id: _WDfklizpks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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