Fossil hunting amazing rare ammonite !!

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morning everybody i'm the yorkshire fossil hunter and i've come down to tunstall today uh to try and find some nice rare ammonites bellum nights possibly some burn you know you never know what's going to be washed up on the olderness coast it is a bit of a mystery with all the glacial rights we get so let's uh let's have a look shall we see the power of the sea what was just doing to all this rebar and concrete so i've just come across this uh big fragment fragment of laminate as you can see it was stuck in the cliff there i mean i don't know there's nothing amazing about it but if you look in the chambers it looks like it's full of calcite so we'll be able to cut that in half polish it up and it'll look a million times better than it does now some nice torches on it you can see there's been another night there these are the ones you want to be splitting for the nice i can't see maybe there's one there so we'll give it a split [Music] so [Music] no there's not much going on in this one so over it so the c's done the job there just a little bit to pin out in the middle and that'll be a really nice have a night a bit of a mix match here there's there's bits of iron there's fossils there's you can see there's some rubbish in there always worth checking your time in these sort of areas lifting some rocks up a lot of clay exposed under here so i think this crust it's very poweritic it looks like a big elegant israelis but i mean it worked be there you might be submitting there i'll check it and give it a split back at home but i got much help for that one just come across this really nice shell really nicely preserved i don't think it's complete but well that'll clean up lovely so i'll take that there's plenty of boulders on i'm sure today plenty of fresh cliff falls so hopefully we'll get something ready but today sorry about the wind again but i mean there ain't much i can do about it to eliminate the wind noise but it's quite technical stuff i'm not i'm new to it nice rough seas today lovely on the orchard coast so i've just got a nice little arnie block you can see a really warm antiochus on the top you can see the vein running through excited to give it a little tap and then there's a really nice fully preserved annie in the matrix i'll prep that from this side and go down to that that layer you can see there's one just there there's one there in the corner just starting to come across another boulder field now i've been all the way up that way and absolutely bugger all decided to come back from where i was getting my fans earlier on the tides gone down now so there's a lot more exposed so i've just found what looks like quite a rare ammonite it's quite worn on one side i think but there we go oh wow that is amazing i have no idea what it is i don't even know if it's i don't even know if it's nautilus i'm not sure i've never seen anything like that one before it's so chunky wow well happy with that i think i'll be prepping that this afternoon see what's uh inside i mean the sutures on it as well that's going to clean up lovely happy with that really happy with that so i've just found this nodule i've give it a tap you can see a nice inside looks like a nice dark i'm gonna be careful on this clear because it's really slippery but you know if you everywhere so i've just come across another rare looking ammonite all i could see was was you know the chambers on the side of the rocks i'll give it a split perfectly it's just to set it to pop out when i get home it's ashame it's not all well but it'll look nice we've got plenty to go out as well so the remainder of that rock i couldn't really see anything i thought i'd give it a split and there's actually another one inside i don't really show that well on the earth today but i'll glue that back together i wonder if it's like an elegant serious button and then there might be something underneath this matrix but i can't see anything inside but i'll take them pieces yeah that's the imprint from the first one so it just goes to sure if you got any material left from your ammonites [Music] give it a split because you never know plenty of big fragments around today but i might need an un getting it off the beach some people don't like to collect these i like to take them just to firm around my pond they look nice ah so seeing this it's a perfect nodule i mean yeah i really miss you'll get a lot more ribs let's give it a split split first time but saying that there is the smallest ammonite ever you won't be able to see it i'll take a picture and i'll put it on but i mean yeah i wouldn't be bothered but i'm gonna have to check it now because i think that's probably one of the smaller shamanites i've ever found i think i got a bit lucky there almost reminds me walking on a on another planet so unusual when you're down to the clear this is absolutely ideal for fossil hunting when all the clears exposed nearly back at the caravan now so i don't think i'd be getting much more but i'll let you know now what i want to know is the rest of that probably one of the biggest fragments i've ever seen what a shame where's the rest of it come on you've got to be around here somewhere i think i could look all day and never find it well that is an absolute beast i'll put it in my bag i'm not leaving that behind i'll tell you what we're having a good day today i just stumbled across this stuck in the wood mud scenery looks really nice yeah shame it's not all there but the sentence there lovely tell you what my bag's getting heavy now so let's let's try not find too much more on the way back there is still a lot of boulders to look through there another nice hammer night stuck in the clear this is why it's so good to be on the clear the mouth board is still intact as well so hopefully that will prep really nice you can see the mouthpad are just extending a little bit wider than the chamber looks like the doctor stacked illiosimous let's just call them a duck yeah another one for the bag i'd like to find one while i'm filming but every time i put my camera back in my pocket then i find one and it is very slippery this clear so i don't particularly want to be you know using one of my hands in case i go at least the winds died down now the sun came out earlier on which was nice it seems to be a bit more sandy here which isn't a good sound but it's not to say they are here give it a split oh finally i've got one on camera i think it's a apostrophe maybe a far loss of us i'm not 100 sure but i think this is the reverse and i think that might just be that might be some of it there so i'll take that all back together and put it in my bag happy days nice one so i don't know what happened there my uh camera decided to start playing up came across a nice nodule splitter there was another ganticious inside but it was it was poorly preserved so i decided to leave that on top of a boulder hopefully some kid will come down and find that i always like to leave a couple aroma nights scattered around if i ever do decide to well i've ever get down to charm off while i'm regis i am planning on taking a couple of hilda's and dax down for me and uh hiding them on the beach so they'll have a couple of kids will find them and and that'll be the end of it or a couple of keen fossil hunters will find them and then they'll be a it'll be a bit of a debate on facebook which is always funny but we're nearly back at the ramp now transfer last-minute fan as always i've had a really good day today i hope you've enjoyed watching me and looking at the fans i've found don't forget to hit the like and subscribe if you like what you're seeing there's a guy fishing over there so if you do decide to come to tunstall you go through the caravan park come down the ramp and then head south which is what i've done today i don't think i've ever gone that way but i just normally go south all right thanks for watching and um i mean if i get anything else i'll let you know about the ramps right there and my bag's really heavy so i doubt it but thanks and i'll see you next time on the yorkshire fossil hunter
Channel: The Yorkshire Fossil Hunter
Views: 3,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fossil hunting, rare ammonite, yorkshire coast, ammonite, Jurassic coast, Holderness coast, bone block, rare finds, dinosaur remains, Yorkshire coast, treasure hunting, fossil hunting uk, fossil hunting yorkshire, fossil hunting england, marine reptile fossil, huge ammonite, fossil preparation, belemnite, fossil preperation, fossils, fossil, river treasure, sea treasure, fossil collecting, dinasaur, dinosaur fossils, fossils england, england fossils, uk fossil hunting
Id: KxzsRcZPKGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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