Fortress Lodge - Abandoned (Outside Walk Around)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here's the old fortress ski lodge all boarded up and um apparently has black mold inside so it's condemned which is really sad but here we are getting uh exploring the outside of this old fortress ski lodge there are no um doors open or windows open inside which is sad but understandable i suppose so you can see we have the iconic pointed side up there and we have the ticket window over here so let's go up and it looks like there's a few windows which we can't see inside so we will do that so let's uh let's see up here so looks fairly desolate what about up here can we see anything it's just an office and there's a window over here [Music] looks like uh it looks like a meeting room office papers everywhere on the floor it's pretty cool there we go that's a good angle so we have the sloped roofline okay let's see something else here here's the rock you can see i don't know if you can see that but the ceiling tiles are falling off up there um maybe i can try to zoom in here maybe you can see that yeah it looks pretty beaten up there's a bunk bed frame in there um all right we got one of these rock layers and it looks pretty beaten up way up there too so yeah kind of sad to see the deterioration of this building that's a pretty cool building but yeah at least it's still up and we can video it so yeah we got this very iconic roofline and um there's actually a door here and unfortunately has a chain but we can get another glimpse inside the fortress lodge so we're going to do that here so a rotten board um first of all we see no snowboards in lodge which is funny we see the original name snow ridge cannon ascus if we go over here there's another one so that is pretty cool and we get another view of the lodge an old poster it looks like an old payphone [Music] actually so we can hear kind of the wind there we go i would love to see inside here but it doesn't look like we're able to which is sad we got a big deck here which is pretty cool um again we got those iconic flying beams we got a few rotten chairs the deck's pretty bad in bad shape and then uh yeah you can see the railing over there is pulled up then oh look at this we got i don't know what this was but we got this sign here please no skis or snowboards inside of building thank you that's pretty cool i don't know what this was like some kind of bar or something but yeah it's pretty cool anything in here [Music] now i'll put this back that's pretty cool and as you can see big windows apparently there used to be a video game arcade inside this building somewhere we got a smashed glass here yup and yeah i really want to see inside this building because i've seen one or two images of inside it but an old door here just doesn't look like that's gonna be possible sadly the circuit box is empty here's another old door up there we got some of the buildings in better shape like the condo like the condos and over here we got the part of the building that's deteriorated the most as you can see here the roof line is uh in very bad shape and this is probably some of the area where the buildings deteriorated the most so yeah pretty cool pretty sad to see a building this cool in such shape like this and i can hear my voice talking so it's a natural amphitheater it must be i don't know and um so i'll just play you a few clips of the around the building and thanks for watching [Music] hey make yeah you
Channel: Skier 72
Views: 6,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, ski lodge, fortress
Id: 8y_XsWqsU4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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