Fortnite GUESS WHO vs Typical Gamer!

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I haven't told you the biggest secret yet what's the biggest secret the winner of this video gets their own fortnite icon skin what I'm about to start barking right now so you better learn you're a grown man oh you're like 35 years old can you lock it in all right we picking one are we picking a person we're picking someone um you you're my skin okay and I'm gonna say you're my skin all right this time I get to go first okay buddy yeah yo oh DG by the way yep yep yep yep yep I'll tell you later Jack Jack Nicholas Hit Me With Your Best Shot buddy okay okay is your character wearing shoes ooh Define shoes when I say shoes I mean like yeah like they have shoes on okay I mean I can get really specific and everybody allowed you to elaborate you know so I'm gonna answer your question as presented you know are you wearing shoes yes yes he is wearing shoes and I say shoes I mean shoes like two because I see a skin right now that is one you're actually clarifying a little too much for me but yes he's wearing shoes yeah you can clarify these nuts whoa okay shoes I'm limiting everyone without shoes all those dang what are those hey yo what are those oh hell no those are scary those dudes those shoes bro how many people have no shoes flip-flops are not shoes you would not I'm getting rid of him okay that's it for round one you're up okay is is your person a drag wait do you know what a dragon is shut up bro that was Dan was genuine you know what a dragon is oh no bro it's dragging these nuts all right um is your character wearing armor armor is like tough to say because so many of the clothes like look like armor like like I'm gonna say Aquaman he's wearing armor like it's armor you know um yeah the rest of them I don't really see how you could you know mess up and say their armor you know I'm gonna say yes yes they're wearing some form of armor yeah but again like I don't want you to to like go crazy with this because it's kind of sketchy okay it has to be like blatant armor are they wearing blatant yeah I'm not gonna answer that I'm sorry you're getting two you know what do you mean I'm sorry you asked the question he's like Left Foot Right and I am I have to be protective you have to you said he's wearing armor they're they're wearing armor I'm saying that my character in my opinion I would say yeah all right there's no way he just called that I am Aquaman did you hear that did you hear that [Music] sorry I'm just absolutely decking everybody right now he literally picked my character as this example okay I gotta find a really good question oh dude I just like that was the question I'm sorry but that was the question okay okay I have a good question go ahead is your character wearing jewelry around their neck around their neck yes no they are not wearing jewelry around their neck anyone wearing jewelry you're gone you're gone you're gone you're gone I'm wearing jewelry jewelry jewelry okay okay all right you're up is your character a human my character is a human all right all right I gotta see what I can do here to make up is your character wearing fingerless gloves fingerless gloves yeah no my character is not wearing fingers gloves so if you have fingerless gloves on you're out fingerless gloves that's a good one wait wait you're not wearing pink gloves are you hold on hold on you said what sorry your character is not wearing fingerless gloves I'm limiting anyone with fingerless gloves I thought this guy knew how to play the game guys I'm gonna be serious uh I'm just gonna go this far too I'm just gonna risk it to the biscuit though uh Europe does your character have tattoos and to clarify tattoos can be on Armor as well no they do not have tattoos my character is not wearing tattoos or does not have tattoos not wearing patches wait is not wearing tattoos can I resurrect somebody no you messed up oh so so they do not have tattoos no my character does not have tattoos how many people you got left TJ three one's invisible because I killed them one's invisible okay okay it can be a lot harder for me because I have to remember what he looked like how many people you got left buddy I didn't know you sucked at this game does your character have glowing eyes like glowing eyes yes my character has glowy eyes yes okay how do you feel you got left I mean I think two is your character wearing European Knight armor at night armor yeah like like k-n-i-g-h-t thanks first off thanks for clarifying but what is European night like a samurai is not European Knight that's like a Japanese night you know didn't you already ask about armor I mean very specific position genuinely I do not do not genuinely European European Knight like like bro I got Aquaman here I got this Samurai dude and I got this dude who's wearing traditional night armor from the European era all right um I'm trying to kill off the guy who's invisible just let me kill him off all right I guess if I'm asking that harsh of a question then no my guy's not wearing European Knight armor medieval is the word I was looking for thank you I mean medieval my God you're European okay okay I have two left is your character the dude with the spiked hat are you kidding me are you trolling me you got him no you got him [Applause] wow it's time for round number two I'm gonna go find my secret skin you are never going to guess this I mean truly you you come you're my skin come here I've got my skin selected is your character a boy or a girl wow you really went with that yeah that is so corny what is it bro is your character a boy what do you think what do you mean what do you think uh no my character is not a boy he's not a boy that's so bad so I just start popping people right take that Cipher you killed Cipher mm-hmm oh my gosh that's such a cringe question bro you cringeless is this a boy hey yo I don't know I'm gonna leave him I don't know like this might be one that's typical gamer canceled what I don't know I'm gonna leave him I'm leaving it could go either way like he could I don't know yeah I get I Get It Be Nice oh you're level 216 honestly the grass in this game right now is more grassy you touched in real life yeah yeah dude come on all right you ask your darn question buddy oh you wait you're done eliminating already okay I'm done eliminating I'm done eliminating okay all right all right my turn my turn does your character is your character yeah wearing yeah is your character wearing uh where where what spit it out come on I'm nervous is your character wearing something on their head no no so I need to eliminate everyone that has something on their head wait right yeah yeah yeah yeah right I thought you were teaching me I'm sorry wait wait this is scary now but you sorry uh when you say something on their head is it like are you considering like glasses or no or are you gonna not help me I'm not gonna help you all right this guy's got something set you're out [Music] I kind of hate my question already you got to figure out you got something in your head you're out I mean you eliminate a lot of people there I'm gonna be honest thank you for running up to me it's okay uh wait does this count hold on boy look at this hairline this dude's hairline's further back than mine wait can I ask you a question no no so now that I've used it it that cannot be asked oh something on your head I mean what do we count like is that little hair tie it do glasses count I'm gonna start for now playing safe I think okay your turn okay shut up is your character wearing glasses e uh yeah yeah what is that yes or no yeah yeah they're wearing glasses okay I swear bro if you try to tease me no no I'm not cheesing you the only cheese I got is from under cheese you ever seen that cheese have you ever have you ever had fermented cheese actually or no I I feel like you're gonna say something like these nuts you didn't get me though you didn't get me buddy that's gonna do so much for watching we'll see the next one peace all right I just eliminated like everybody so wait all right how many do you have left I have two people left no shut up I'm just kidding I have like uh eight all right all right um oh what was that for that was me imitating you jackless okay can you touch your toes can you see your character's stomach like bare stomach yes you can see your character's bare stomach oh my God wait does this count as a bare stomach what about this what if they were a bear and I was saying their bare stomach you know hey hold on you're not really staying something that corny right like holy crap man you're a literal corn by this person y'all have someone raping their hand to get eliminated uh you three Aquaman you and you come here okay I'm gonna move on with this for now okay good I'm okay with that I'm going into specifics okay oh so is your character wearing a helmet no no my character is not bearing a helmet three more that means you're down to like five or four you're down to like three I'm down to three yeah how many people do you have left I don't feel like telling you wow all right but if you're down to three then I have to play more aggressive so I'm gonna get rid of G3 I'm sorry goodbye okay five Beast five oh why why is your character a real person like based on a real person based on a real like a collab skin yeah no it's not a collapsed skin and by my 78 favorite streamer and buy my 78th favorite music artist wow so you have three and I have three here we go but it's funny because I don't need a guess anymore I know who your character is no yes I do buddy no you don't my guess is gonna be the monkey astronaut [Laughter] wrong there's no way it wasn't the monkey astronaut gosh darn it is your character the girl with the red and white hair dude you're so good at this game is it actually it so good at being bad you're wrong buddy are you kidding me wait Cypher a cipher I just called you holy I'm so sorry I did not mean to call you Cipher I'm at it I don't know please don't leave seriously I need this I need like please help me feed my family wait TJ you asked me if my character was a girl and I said yes and you just asked me if it was the monkey so why do you have the monkey because I asked if it was a boy or a girl and you're like yeah it's not a boy but then you made it sound like it was an animal what it sound like what are you what are you the boy monkey okay I have two left now and you have two left go ahead yeah well guess what I'm gonna guess again 50 chance buddy all right oh shoot this is um I'm gonna guess the black and red crew pack skin with the face mask wrong what you gotta be this one I guess okay it better be that one or your you suck it's your character the girl with the skulls the bones on her head no it's not buddy shut up it's not all right well uh I have one so let's hope you got yours right go ahead is yours Dr Sloan yes you don't even have my guy wait what is yours are you kidding me round number three PG good luck you're gonna need it because I'm gonna tell you right now this is where the questions get hardest and I have the most incredible questions to ask on this one I have the best questions ever invented to mankind you stand no chance and I'm gonna win buddy oh man you are never gonna guess this skin so guys I secretly grabbed a skin the typical gamer does not have on his side he's never gonna see this gun what Zion muted shut up buddy shut up you come with me you come with me you come with me I'll let you ask the first question as long as you shout me out on both your channels oh that's hilarious buddy no seriously please like I need all helping yeah no you do you do it's okay either like oh my God it's all right I know I get it you're down bad you've messaged me a couple times this week saying like I talked to my Cooper please [Music] oh my God it's Cooper is it okay if you just let me win the game oh my God wait that's kind of sketchy I mean the views on this video just 7x because we're putting it on shorts now so yeah you can win the game sure kid actually I think we were gonna replace people's game with a coupe Typical Gamer Cooper's so much cooler okay okay bro I'm reporting to the police okay so for the first round I'm going to pick um does your character is your character [Music] shut up bro yeah this guy's got a bald ass head bro when I initially asked you I said are they a boy right that's what I asked all right you're not allowed to ask is it a girl this time nothing like that it's gonna be the same thing as round one just reverse okay buddy okay do you say that because I'm asking it but if Cooper asks it is that okay yeah I'll give you the answer buddy as long as they hit the Subscribe button yeah okay so hit the Subscribe button right now please okay so um is your character a girl I'm not answering the question Typical Gamer stupid ass grown man I'm gonna beat you up is your character wearing pants that go from the hip to the the shoe area you know full pants Oh wait and I'm saying they're wearing full pants it's very obvious they're wearing full pants and my character isn't not wearing cold pants because if they were wearing full pants it'd be very obvious they're wearing gold pants this is a tough one like if it goes right to their ankles that's full pants right you're good if I'm you I would eliminate people that have hands like that all right okay well I'm almost done here oh my God how many shots like chainmail countless pants I am not going that far I'm giving you enough help okay I you know what I'm doing so great off that question I'm still not done all right yeah go ahead okay I have a good question I have a really good question can I see your characters bare elbow if you're asking if my character is a bear and it has an elbow I'm not no I'm not asking for character is a bear well now you can't clarify an elbow now you can't clarify so you're just gonna have to live with that so no I'm not asking for characters I'm asking bare elbow like b-a-r-e elbow yeah you can see my character's elbow you sicko okay okay I can see your character's elbow can't see the elbow can't see the elbow can't see the elbow can't see the elbow ten CD elbow oh can I see the elbow yeah I'm gonna say can't do the elbow at this could be a girl elbow [Applause] I can't see the elbow you can see the elbow you're saying yes okay I'll leave you in all right I'll play it like this for now all right you're up is your character wearing full gloves old gloves full gloves I know it's not that hard my character is not wearing old gloves even if they have armor on top if they have gloves it's gloves all right man that was actually a bad question honestly oh that's a tough one for you to a tough one can I see your character's ears I'm gonna have to zoom in for this one yeah yeah you can see their ears oh you're out to your ears to your ears though it might be difficult for you to judge what has ears and what doesn't but your ears to your ears Interiors Interiors oh TG I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you right now I'm in a real good spot can you guys all come here please I'm telling you right now I'm in a real real good spot PG so you better lock it in buddy okay can I see the holes in your character's nose no what oh my God I just killed someone by accident dude you're new Bro who did I just kill but I can't even go back in my recording who did I just kill Joe might just send you a picture of who you eliminated yeah do you can you do that so you can't see this one oh down to the wire okay see he's talking about nostrils Chad yeah he did forget that to work how many you got left courage come on I'll tell you if you tell me five left I have five left down to the wire okay oh man I don't have to ask hold on hold on is your character are they wearing like a holstered item around their waist like something goes rather ways and is being held on the side of their waist this is intense can you can you deafen for a sec uh like full mute Discord yeah he's having he had me death in he said is is there like something hanging on their waist I don't think this counts you're good okay all right I'm back no they're they're not they're not they do not so I'm eliminating anyone with something around their way okay I don't know if that's exactly what he has to be at okay can we get you three together please is your character of human nature you asked that already I don't feel like I asked that you asked last round if my character was a human yeah but I said Human Nature you you're right she Morehead than any other YouTuber that's not cheating I feel like that's just a problem okay fine fine fine fine fine does your character have anything including their ears their hair sticking out from above their head that is longer than say like um like a fist so that character of anything sticking out from above their head that's longer than a fist that is the longest question ever yeah yeah yeah um I would say no okay thank you Jack I have three left how many you got two I got two well I feel like if he's got two do I just send him like yes I can't I don't think I guess I'm always gonna play behind I'm gonna go for something crazy is your character's belly button showing belly button yeah no my character's belly button is not showing device type of PK you asked if their stomach was showing before I feel like that kind of sounded similar you know but I get um no yeah it's okay I gave it to you buddy okay I mean look I'm not look I don't think it really helped me that much okay you're up what you got two people left I have two left and I think you said you have two left yeah yeah I'm trying to look at the reference image because one of my people is invisible I think I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna go ahead and just nail it here is your character wearing a red tie wait is this your guess or no that's that's not my guess oh uh yes my character is wearing a red tie all right go ahead Jack oh my God so I have a 50 50 chance to win the game he's your character the winter Guff no it's not no no no no is your character Joni the red the crew skin is that the blonde hair girl yes why do I always lose my own videos monkey no no
Channel: CouRage Gaming
Views: 1,423,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CouRage, CoD CouRage, Caster CouRage, Jack CouRage Dunlop, Jack Dunlop CouRage, Funny CouRage Moments, CouRageJD, TwitchTV, Twitch CouRageJD, Fortnite, Fortnite Battle Royale, Funny, Humor, Fails, Gaming, Streaming, Fortnite Fails, Funny Fortnite Game, Pro Fortnite Player, Battle Royale, CouRage Fortnite, Fortnite Guess Who, Fortnite Challenge, CouRage Guess Who, Fortnite vs Typical Gamer, CouRage Typical Gamer, Fortnite Guess Who vs Typical Gamer, Typical Gamer Guess Who
Id: moLLnJEwjPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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