Fortnite Champion Series 2023 | Major 3 | Week 2 | Europe

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] if you have taste and you'll be smart Runners the best fire at one point I was the smartest player in the world I have a big ego in terms of things like this and I'm very confident in myself [Music] now the character pink is literally just me on stream everything I'm myself I don't like building a false personality it's just me [Music] I've been playing since literally season 0 and there was always challenges for me first challenge was being the best of my year and then after that I was doing the best of my school and then we also used to have everyone from different schools come play me and I would just be all of them after that the World Cup came about of course everyone was like yeah you could go to New York you could change your life I thought I was literally going to qualify because my ego was through the roof I literally just earned 200 in all 10 weeks because I didn't know how to play it again and I'll put my head down I started learning and I just got up and got up ego is very dangerous it could be good though as well but you gotta have to balance I used to go outside all day every day I used to play football outside with my friends and then at the time in London there was a lot of danger happening my mom was just worried she just wanted to protect me she told me I can't go outside as much she thought someone would have happened to me so then I was just like okay I'm just gonna stay at home and just play games and then luckily fortnite came about and I could just put that all into that [Music] like if you ask why is paint good it won't be like oh he's good at this he's good at that I just think I'm very well-rounded and I could do everything at a good level I can igl I can follow just as easily I can play Zero build I can play build I can fit in a team really well I can fight well I can if a new man comes out I can adapt really quickly I went through a big dip in my career where I was considering quitting I just wasn't winning anything and it was like I'm doing so much and I'm trying my best a major two we didn't qualify for the grant but just isn't good enough so I knew change needed to happen in 2023 I've been struggling to find a Toyota I haven't fit with and I want to stay with so I've been changing around a lot and that causes a lot of mistakes this season I found motivation I've found my old self back and I'm finding every little mistake whenever you're a newly formed Duo you're really really starting to feel that pressure and the vehicle and doing their best to stay in this one if I do make it it'll be a chance to prove myself for the failure of last season inshallah I come first in Copenhagen [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] insane matches already today these are the moments that make these Players Championship material one chance to make it happen and they take it by force it is gonna be absolutely insane [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign CS is back in gear and tonight we'll be diving right into week number two of the major free qualifiers let's Jump Right In and team that we didn't see in last week's finals was Janus and reason they've now climbed back up the ranks and will compete to secure themselves crucial Series points in the race for the 50 Grand Final spots more importantly though this is a team that are yet to secure their Global Championship spot so every placement counts tonight the Danish Duo of tripping and refs guard are in a very similar boat as they didn't make it to the finals in week one either and are still fighting for that Global Championship spot these two have found each other this season and now it's time to prove that it works amongst the best of the best players do they have what it takes a lot this season in the leaderboards already and they are off to a hot start they gotta keep this momentum going though as they drop out of the battle bus tonight if they want to win week two and secure their spot for the grand finals this season if anyone can make it happen though it's gonna be these two get comfortable as we're about to load up the battle bus for tonight's six games there is no time to waste this is not just a game this is the EU fncs thank you [Music] foreign what's going on fortnite fam welcome to the back to the fncs that's right major number three is here and this is week number two which means after next week we're going right to Grand finals and they'll have one final Chance The Last Chance major before Global championships there's still seats on the bus that we need to fail so let's get into all of that and of course now really quickly wanted to highlight Legends Landing if you like watching the fncs you like playing fortnite at the same time stop on by you'll see the little code for you right there there's 1v1 2v2 box fights build fights the Hall of Legends there's also a display uh for the acts of Champions you can go there see it in person and of course walk down the hall of Legends so again you want to watch fortnite you want to play a little bit of fortnite hop into Legends Landing now of course I do have some incredible analysts we're gonna help give Insight today because this being week number two there's many things to discuss it is none other than the best taco and Vivid some of your favors friends welcome to the broadcast fast thank you so much Deegan listen you mentioned it week two of the fncs here and this is where things start to get heated right that serious Point leaderboard is starting to shape up you got to make sure you get as many points as possible this week yeah I mean we're right at the halfway point after all and here in week two finals this is where you'd really expect some of those Duos that are repeat Duos from week number one to really try and amp things up because they want to solidify before they have to worry about week three we've only got 19 of those dudes actually returning from week one here today man so many more points to get put on that series Point leaderboard um also actually now that I just thought about it there's one more thing I don't know if you guys saw that tweet that uh our Twitter put out but there's apparently something coming an unknown future rolls toward us now listen if this is who I think it is this is probably gonna help my aim out quite a bit what do you guys think I mean your aim does need a lot of help I'm not sure if anything can go ahead and help that but yeah exciting things and like you mentioned that silhouette it does look a little familiar yeah it's an unknown future but we'll hope for the best for uh your aim in particularly well you know what maybe the future holds some mechanized Mayhem we'll find out pretty pretty soon but now let's focus in on the competition today there is a couple things that we wanted to break down for you guys all at home we got to start with drop spots right we've seen some shakeups happen we've seen a lot of places be highly contested and what we want to start with is that castle split now this is right between secluded spire and of course that slap and go area can you guys break this down for us uh yeah we saw a lot of it even in week number one how heavily contested this spot was for queasy and Veno I mean at one point Veno queasy even name changing to try and become the kings of the castle but of course they were contested by chekos and Sky Dune so neither side really getting their I guess favorite ideal because they had to spend so much time worrying about just eliminating each other and granted we did say Chicos and Sky didn't get the better end of that for the most part so the Vault here in particular is one of the primary reasons I think that this spot is so contested I mean that's a free three objective points on top of the fact that there is ample resources surrounding this location but the attraction as well is bound to pull in third party opportunities and that was something that we definitely saw becoming an issue for these Duos and last week but here today should be an interesting storyline because it's actually going to be They're laughing and show them looking to take over King of the castle Yeah and neither of the teams like you just mentioned that work in testing each other in week number one you either of those teams are actually going to be in the finals this week so big switch-ups in that storyline as well and you know the big question was why are our previous fncs winners queasy and Veno switching their jobs house where they won an fncs and switching over to this one at the castle split like taco mentioned that Vault it's going to be a big priority for a lot of teams this season yeah last week we saw those points right the mid-match objective points be actual crucial to winning some of these uh tie-in spots right for these series points but we'll have to see how things continue to develop I do want to head Southwest down to frenzy Fields okay seti and Candy they actually had a particularly dominant performance this week what did we see coming from this Duo well one thing that studying Cami have always been known for is just their consistency as far as placements is concerned and even in week one coming from this frenzy Fields drop spot we saw steady and Cami five out of six of their games for the week one finals they had top 10 placements so they're clearly capable of just breaking down the entirety of frenzy Fields they're doing excellent in terms of collecting materials the only thing that's maybe a little bit lackluster coming out of this POI is going to be the metal but Cami and Teddy have such a great understanding of where all the hollow chests in particular are located at I mean oftentimes we see them even rotating down a Rowdy Acres over to Meadow Mansion really fully utilizing as much of the terrain as possible getting those Hollow chests and even taking opportunities depending where the zones are pulling to essentially focus on their prioritization for positioning and when you talk about prioritization I mean the thing that Sammy yesterday I got him seti and Cami are so good at is there's storm surge strategies right you can't break into the top 10 every single game if you're not getting through those early game thresholds and it just seems like every single game they're just a plethora above a thousand even sometimes so I'm excited to see you know what they can do today it's gonna be a similar situation for them over at frenzy field yeah and uh Vivid if you let me mix up the words okay that's my thing my brain does that okay don't copy me sorry uh we also did get a little sneak peek of the new weapon to the loophole the mammoth pistol and how devastating that can also be of course we'll talk about a couple more things but I actually wanted to take a step back because we have an interview lined up with Pablo Wingo who's actually gonna be someone content muscle split so first off Pablo it is great to see you man how are you doing I'm feeling ready I'm feeling I'm feeling fresh that's what's up man so all right talk to me about the plan today coming into week number two what are you guys trying to accomplish you just try to take over this split are you trying to just play it safe what's your what's your game plan we're trying to claim this flat because um a lot of the players that landed there is not qualified so we're trying to claim it and get as much serious bites as possible I'm gonna keep things a little simply here uh Pablo what are they laughing at uh They're laughing at our previous Grand placements okay so yeah I mean you're actually making a similar switch up to the same one that Cuisine inventor did from Khadija you're moving over to the castle play what is so bad about kijutsu this season where you know a lot of these top teams are actually not favoring that POI at all I think the positioning is just not good I'm not landed there myself so I don't really know but I think it's just lost his op factor and it's hard to get searched from so yeah okay so so the encounter Point why do you guys feel like Castle split maybe is that spot why you know of all the other pys on the map why here it's got the vaults the Mythic flapjacks slurp so you don't need to go for crash and overall great positioning on the map so easy search and a lot of sneaker potential it's over just a great spot I love it duh that's awesome well Pablo thank you so much for your time and stopping by where can the fans at home find you uh they can find me on Twitter um yeah there you go well Pablo hey best of luck in today's competition and we can to see how things can't wait to see how things go at Castle split thank you so much [Music] Pablo will be competing today and we will don't worry we'll have a high stock Castle split because it's gonna go down now of course we kind of talked about this a lot last week but we want to reiterate the fact that this is no Mobility meta which is kind of uncommon right normally we're used to seeing an item or two helping with rotations around the map but without that Mobility Zone awareness has to just be key and mad critical coming into week number two I mean you know Vivid stuff like rotations they have to be so precise if a duel wants to succeed yeah we talked about the meta all the time so I wanted to go ahead and highlight what kind of happened in week number one with some of the zones that we saw so first and foremost we're going to take a look at one of the early zones that actually happened in game number one of course here so number one is going to be closing in here and as you can see when it actually does close in the North and the west side of the map is not going to be in the storm so all of those teams are gonna have to make the rotations in however as you can see on these red lines right here there are already teams kind of posted up in their storm surge bases kind of waiting for those rotations to come in because those players are very well aware of the fact that Hey listen that's where a majority of these players are going to come in from if we go ahead and jump three minutes ahead from this position right now we'll actually see full effect of what those little roadblocks actually ended up doing and if you take a look nobody really made it past those red lines or those storm surge bases and that's going to be attributing to The Meta right there's no item in the game that can kind of create distance between you and another player so all these rotations have to happen on foot and once you run into one of those storm surge bases you're kind of just stuck there now as a result of those roadblocks as well it's kind of hard to make it to the center of the map so we're also going to see it kind of like the effect of that happening because anybody that lands in the center of wherever this Thorn storm ends up they're gonna have to make rotations actually out right because they have to go get their own storm surge and we're kind of left with a very interesting situation where there's basically nobody towards the center of the map and you just have a bunch of congestion towards the North and the west side because that is kind of where the Zone ended up pulling from and that's just to kind of talk about the effect of where you kind of land on the drop side right you have to prepare these sort of rotations you have to be ready to make rotations out of your POI out of the center of the map which is usually a very good position to go actually get those storm surge tags in and then also if you're used to making those long rotations you got to be very very prepared for those congested side rotations and you ready to spend the rest of the game alongside all these other Duos and that's probably one of the most the most right because especially when you're trying to tarp through where those players are already positioned in terms of them having a little bit of that sky-based establishment for height sure they might be able to look for tags but they're also expending a decent amount of materials as well and we have been seeing a lot of teams essentially struggling to try and establish height in the first place we haven't really seen too many height retakes in general so I think one thing to keep an eye out here in week two is in a finals Lobby we know how difficult it is to get storm surge damage in general but whether or not those teams are actually going to be able to maintain height throughout the course of those later zones that's I think right my big call out would be is high ground it's last week whoever had High Ground basically went on to win the game could we expect more of that happening here in EU or do you guys feel like hey that's it we've had enough of height we're gonna try and bring that back down what do you guys think you know I think it's going to be tough to go ahead and actually face those High Ground right there is no Mobility item so just you know naturally the material accounts are going to be a little bit lower which means that you don't necessarily have as many builds to actually go up and contest height but maybe we'll see some cool like low ground looking up towards Higher Ground and getting a quick head shot in with a mammoth pistol this week yeah and I in general I think looks very different especially in EU aren't in a late game considering that they're not called here today in week two finals I'd have to expect that Heights pretty much up for grabs all right well that's pretty wild because yeah I like that uh you kind of brought this up Vivid again the mammoth pistol I just thought about like the implications of someone on height having that Mammoth pistol just raining down headshots from above this could be absolutely ridiculous in some of the games we're gonna see and I feel like as well with the pressure mounting many of these Duos they're either gonna crack or they are just gonna flourish right yeah you know you gotta you gotta be ready to adapt to the the strong weapon and we'll see if they do that oh guess what it's that time good casters over to you this this is it this is it right now 11 the moment we've all been waiting for game number one week two of the EU fncs finals and I know players people at home they're excited to watch everybody compete but I'm excited for that Mammoth pistol I'm super excited right I think when you look at last week's competition Jacob it was a bit of an opportunity for players to get a feel for things right players still trying to figure out how this season looks a lot of Lisbon used to playing zero build right for a lot of the previous competitions almost all of this season so establishing and getting their strategies worked in and a lot of big names with really feeling the struggle in that sense and so coming into week two I want to see people fix up a bit right you know sort of establish yourself you've had a week now to prepare to practice to figure out what went wrong and now it's about establishing not heading into week number two I'm very excited yeah and I like how a lot of the teams here in this Lobby today are really taking advantage of Cuisine Vino not being there we you see the switch up to Pablo ingu and the main reason why I'm kind of mentioning it is they're known as the main team Cuisine Vino to go for High Ground game after game they plan it they blueprint it and they execute now it's open for the taking and we get to see who in game number one is gonna be daring enough to take High Ground because it starts right now foreign we have six games of competition coming up for you now and after it we will be one step closer to the all-important Grand finals of fncs major three and of course along that journey following the teams who have qualified for the global Champions and players you've quite yet have not qualified for the global Championship what do we have here of Spawn did not expect this one from the racetrack to be contested but that's no stranger for malibucca and Thomas they're immediately getting things rolling the first knock is going to be secure and they already have their second player locked in their line of sights and honestly it just looks like they can do exactly what they want they have very very little HP on the other side you see them trying to think outside of the box blow up the canister of gas and there goes the final blow and the first mammoth pistol from Thomas HD and that's the thing I'm scared of right now we've seen Thomas HD with various differentials of the sniper but that Mammoth is going to be scary into even more action here at kinjutsu Crossing obviously a lot of players realizing wait crazy if you know I land in here this is a free POI for us to land that in different places right now exactly what you got to do like I said once band's trash is another man's treasure and you can see it's a very very slow start over here towards Ninjutsu Crossing and you can kind of see it new teams toward can get you they might not necessarily know how to go right out of the gates get the most advantageous Loot and then fight it like some of our more experienced players over to this side of the map and that's going to make it to where they're gonna spend a lot of time a lot of effort looting up getting resources and that's before they even really fight each other so if they choose to disengage they're gonna have to make that decision quickly otherwise it's going to be a lot of time being wasted yeah definitely expect to see it some sort of Engagement kickoff here soon with Griff obviously getting a claim here on the capture point ultimately this isn't the fact you often want to drag out too long to such a large area to loot you want to be able to spread your wings a bit and fly especially when looking for early Game Surge to see how that develops in the midst of a fight here at the creepy compound and it's not a fight they're looking too good in slowly's gone down ass is doing his best to stay in it seeing the effects that new lever shotgun RC The Returned lever shotgun you're able to Output damage so quickly in a fight being able to edit in and out of those pieces and pop some shots gonna be key passes looks like he's getting chased down right now trying to think outside of the box using the zip line going back down for the slurp plant as well but unfortunately they were just hot on the chase they take them down and add some early points to their totals but another contested fight that I didn't necessarily expect yeah what's happening is something coming your Facebook please too much respect these established teams who are landing at these spots but apparently here in game number one that's not the case but all those teams being punished for it right City and Cami will pick up both the limbs there and go about their business but that's interesting is that gonna keep happening is going to be something to watch out for because if it is that could be a problem for them yeah and honestly it's one of those situations where steady and Cami they play any playstyle even though they favor the Placid one but towards Ninjutsu Crossing you saw it start now we're gonna see it finish grip and turbulence they were the ones who left the actual building of Fujitsu they started to capture it and they finished it overall in the feed I already saw a video in Savage picked up a couple eliminations and now they're looking for more they don't want to let this player Escape they're going to continue to fire off the buildings get them to waste resource until they finally pick up that elimination and there goes another wipe of a squad or at least half yeah not too savvy they're doing Mr Savage off to a Nissan start the deal showed a lot last week with one of the best solo patches we've seen in a long time we'll see if we can match those levels again this time rounds no band just getting picked up by aspect honestly I if I was uh choosing players robom would probably be at the top of one of my lists for several reasons he's getting more entertained to watch week after week and proving to be a dominant Force here an fncs major three at least based off of last week's performance and now we got Kylie and fast Roki with one team going down over here towards Jiu Jitsu Crossing they heard all that action going down and there was that second elimination I said half of the team there goes the other one they found it and for them they're just trying to scrape together all the weed that they can from their drop spot and somebody else's they're trying to set themselves up for a good mid to late game without Mobility you have to be able to plan two maybe even three four steps ahead dude good positions to make those first rotates sort of easy I think even with no Mobility those first couple zones are still quite similar to rotate through and a lot of the ideas remain the same flixie a lot of these teams here in this Lobby have at least sense that first place they've tasted it before they tasted the top side of the leaderboard they just want to replicate it here in our weekly finals the biggest switch up from last season to this season no more surge week so no more going for those heroic efforts in the last moments of the fncs our top 50 teams after these three leagues will advance directly to our fncs major three grand final so this week means so much for a lot of these teams including Joe Kloss and teeny against cinet and rizumi this is going to be a good fight between the two over here towards steamy Springs nobody really has the advantage you got to be careful because you don't want to end up in the build fight too quick with not a lot of resources to back it up as teeny gets tagged up trying to look for a shot and those are the moments you have to watch out for as he continues to try to pressure his opponents with the mammoth pistol it's a blessing in disguise but if he over Peaks exactly that will happen he just gets lasered back down to the low ground yeah two over ambitious and his attempt to apply pressure the right intention just a bit careless in the heat I guess punished for it trying to take on both players right and switching over to the other a one-man Army and you can kind of see where the zone is slowly but surely moving up towards the north side of the map so a lot of our teams that landed on this Southern portion are gonna have to begin to rotate the clown skid rolls a team that might have a little bit of Center Zone very very early on you can see that they have the loot that they're looking for they have heels they have builds right now they're looking for Surge and just like Vivid said to start the show being into the center Zone very very early on in the game may not be as fruitful as some may think it is because just like crowns and glowski they have to start looking for their surge yeah it's not linear right it's not it's not just one rule and and you follow that and it works every single time in every single situation they have to be aware of the timings of the teams around them have to sort of anticipate what those guys are going to do and how they can be in positions to punish that spawn battle Thomas with their two eliminations that's not much when it comes to storm surge about 200 because initially you get 100 HP each they got both of those eliminations they didn't get a chance to heal up so Thomas And malibuca even though they have an early game start to their storm surge they know it's simply not going to be enough they didn't find anybody rotating nearby the cash spawns and now they're seeing it as a green light to go and what do you know it's Pablo wingu and Bevy on the other side going up against Thomas and malibucca and this is contested for that legendary loot yeah Thomas and Malibu could have had a better claim to it so they'll be the ones that position for that another fight here for caches as we'll start to see all across the map I think in vehicle getting into a bit of a scruff sorry the game skirmishes aren't too much you know how mechanically skilled four of these players are on the other side it's refgaard and trippin who are getting back down little by little Vico playing patient as can be fighting his time trying to get the pieces under his control paying peek-a-boo going for shots with both the sharp tooth and that Mammoth both of those you can kind of use him as a little bit of a double pump if you line up your shots right so you got to be careful the amount of damage you output in mere seconds as they continue to fight over that piece control and all that cash loot is there and show them and they're laughing slowly but surely trying to creep in trip Prince getting forced back down exotic slap slash is forced to be used very very early on typically you want to try to save those but this is just a lot of damage pink even goes down now Vico stuck with his back against the wall this is tough tripping and refs guard very much on point tripping will get to finish there but like you can see show them and laughing are very much going to run in here the cash earlier that was their initial cash they knew it was Malibu and Thomas he didn't want to take that fight and so they looked to try and third part of your fight that's already happening so they can capitalize on it seems like they've found exactly that you can see both flash trying to attack from different angles one from above one from the side and tripping the rest you need to be careful that they don't get caught out and there goes a 14 they might have rsvp'd for this party but they're ready to crash it nonetheless and this is just a ton of potential damage going down all around that's teeny and Joe there Vico who's by himself ref guard and Tripper and then separate it show them and they're laughing this is the worst thing to happen from a team that's trying to third party because now they're individuals they see the green light they're trying to burst into the box Vico is just using this as a distraction letting those players fight each other and he's gonna try to look for some sort of opportunity to get some cheeky damage or to escape all together to try to get pink back in the game stalemate it's very conscious of the fact that there's so many players around them you have to be careful of all your different angles they will block off every different side but I won't stop him from kind of impress him same space here I have one thing in mind and that's to win this fight look how aggressive there once show them and they're laughing though very much when it re-aggress and refocus and make it a 2V1 impossible doing a good job he's simply just back in their opponent step by step and not getting over aggressive I think they know the situation they're in they were the third party there they probably heard that fourth team come in and they don't want to bite off more than they can chew in this situation so you see every single Duo gear in this fight besides from Vico who's a solo it's just boxed up hip to hip with their teammate and then a 15 you see the fifth team in the minimap they're slowly maturely trying to rotate on over they're gonna bet against it because they probably got the surge damage that they want peeking over that direction so now they want to go Center or as close to the center of the zone as possible without Mobility this season you don't want to be stuck on the congested side of the zone tripping and refs guard no they they're the ones who took down pink so they know there's at least a solo running around if he is still here they can even be possibly camping on that reboot card as nebs able to save the day with Hellfire down each of them getting a pair of eliminations but Hellfire having two overall so for them surge is not gonna be a problem at this stage in the game see some of the action break it down that Mammoth pistol just annihilating the builds that way he could just use that extra shot with the Havoc to take him down Nev's really showcasing that Mammoth early on yeah and I'm really excited about this Duo last week very much impressed and showed that this is a dude that looks to be back on the rise maybe very well acquainted of each other player to be trouble in the past and played some of their best fortnite when playing with each other in the past so I'm trying to rekindle that old Spark seemed to be there yesterday you can expect to see those guys really digging themselves deep into fights mid and low ground layers as well one five stack party to another but this one on Rift Island and we saw the implications of Rift Island paying a massive role in eye drop and Mappy being able to take first place they captured it twice they got 30 points off of that and that is what pushed them over the edge ads Force robon probably Bob reviewing seeing all the intricacies the blueprint that was laid out trying to be the first team there they get 15 points for their effort all that loot and a huge pipe Advantage with that Mammoth to look over a whole map and every single player trying to rotate from point A to point B and of course I was the team that was Uber aggressive a 1.0 on the virtual breaking in the limb records potentially it looked like they were on Pace to do it and it was interesting that Robin highlighted not being a strategy they don't want to be that aggressive but look we have nebs and hellfire here on our screens and who better than miniminer to bring us in with a little update on what they've been up to yeah of course now we have these guys using the mammoth pistol to their advantage and we can see nebs with it in his inventory right now we've seen how much destruction this pistol can cause and it's right here we see nebs getting a huge tag on to Janice that then Hellfire could go in and clean up that elimination that's gonna be huge for this team for both their storm surge and of course their Loot and that's why we're seeing them a high above storm surge at the moment they do get tacked up by by themselves but of course they do a though they are able to capture this uh combat cash as well so their loot balls to go into end game and is there surge they're looking good looking good indeed Minnie thank you for breaking that one down and really showing not only the offensive end of the mammoth but showing The Duality overall you Peak just a little too long you try to rotate you go from having fun to not having much trying to heal up and and you seeing again double Mammoth pistol as well due to its high damage output even for a body Shot Two well-placed Shots just like you saw act force and robon do very very early on you saw Neves do it as well it is going to be an instant down somebody's game is going to get ruined maybe they are gonna be back to that aggressive ways if it ain't broke don't fix it I guess oh what a shot there wow wow it's really shown the dominance he's got hide on Bush and the newest member of Monaco that mustache here a thousand above the threshold they're looking to basically clinch the Grand Final spot here this week with a top placement on the day try to make it smooth sailing for week number three you want to get it right out of the gates early on 33 teams still left alive eight teams need to go down before placement points even begin to set in which is not much of a difference between the teams right here in game number one but as the day goes on if you go down to 26 before those cascading points begin to accumulate that is what is going to really kind of start to do mental things to you even you then you have to stretch your plays get a little greedy go for eliminations when it might not be the case in most situations oh always catches my attention here you see them just kind of cuts his own now white line in their way through shops will provide a bit of cover from the left and right but ultimately not much to be done there just trying to get to Zone Robin with a smile on his face let all players with 20 eliminations in week one finals was astounding in his efforts to do so who knows what he can do now with that Mammoth pistol as well almost how if that player felt how lucky he just got by both of them missed those shots I don't know Happy Feet movement towards the end but man we just saw something close to disaster striking 110 above the damage threshold here for spinaldo and crazy world they have to keep on their toes looking for the damage they spot a team into the distance waiting patiently for them to peek interesting enough that they're not trying to use the mammoth in this situation at least 80 damage nonetheless so a good amount of accumulation towards their storm surge total so for spinal going crazy world they just need to keep on what they're doing Tyrion ping struggling a bit again you can see it makeshift bills to try and provide some sort of an Avenue to get in but even then they've taken a chunk of Damages along the way and here on the congested side very much gonna be a struggle to get much room to breathe funny pink able to get there and they can find a bit of Solace but this is gonna be another tough rotation for them to make yeah you can already see and even hear a lot of the damage being dealt not only to the teams around them but the teams straight in front of them and they got some elevation to overcome but they can also use the natural plateaus there as cover try to get from point eight to point B but it's not gonna be the easiest Journey Daisy and potusai they're doing good up until this point four eliminations they're really good on mats two slurp juices and five different slap splashes so for them their only worries quickly hop in towards the Zone get themselves a good position and you can see they're trying to go as deep as possible you can see the other half of the Zone there's nobody there so if you can make it to that side you will be on the least congested side of the map and you can make and plan your rotates much easier from there on what do we have here hide on Bush mustache very much good on Surge and that's much better to see from them compared to what we saw at times last week couldn't really seem to grip on things and that's not what you expect from Highland Bush one of the best players ever it's one of the best igrs in the game but clearly it's starting to get a better idea of things and I think as long as mustache is in line and keeping being kept in check there's always a good chance these guys can win in any given moment see how congested one side of the map is massively compared to the other it's almost like you draw a line right down the middle and they're choosing to be on the Eastern Edge 147 they're continuously trying to pick up some shots in it and resume me they have The High Ground four now but they get a far pool so holding on to it might not be the play for them they quickly use their slap splashes and they're trying to move to the zone as quick as possible they're trying to be one of the first teams there and you see the natural elevation there they could try to claim The High Ground as their own okay go ahead they're taking down showing laughing and another one there goes the first knock show them's gonna go down there laughing he's trying to get out of the box he's just stuck between a rock and a hard place and he has to be able to get out of this quick because the rest of the lobby is on their way there you didn't even see it come in show them to just dunk on his head he didn't see a thing nice and easy quickly done that's why you always gotta stay on your toes always got to be a lot you don't see that often Jonathan reason you know they didn't actually make it through to the weekly final in week one so very much need these last two weeks to be top top performances otherwise there's a good chance you won't be seeing them in the Grand Final this is a good game number one for them though because they already went down we saw Janice get eliminated he's back into the game trying to make up for what you even said yourself lost time and a loss opportunity in week number one week number two here is so crucial with so many teams this place out of their usual placement on that last week as ax sports with the breacher and the mammoth call him long range because he's ready to deal damage 1300 above the thresholds him and robon right now have full control over The High Ground and it's up to them if they want to hold on to it or if they make a mistake yeah it's not a bad spot to be in by any means you've got to be careful of those teams on second height though put a sign Sneezy very much in a strong position sneezy's been on a tear already so far this game and they've added another one to the tally six so far trying to find even more of it he don't necessarily have to look for it if you look at the resources they are almost Max mats as some would say compared to most here in this Lobby you can see him tunneling forward looking towards the back side of Zone a chance to steal away High Ground is now or never for some as Saidi and Cami they're one of those teams that they're okay with the low ground they're okay which is bypassing the usuals for a lot of these teams and just playing their own games safe as can be to make it towards the end yeah but that's far from the low ground right you see them making sure to elevate that's the game moves up and down some of these Hills here staying on those higher layers trying to listen reason getting stuck beneath and that might catch them out you see reasons such slow HP now and China doesn't really have any materials to work because we're just scrambling around looking anywhere you can that's what happens when you get caught out Rob and acts Force we're looking strong and high at one point very much now praying that this pullback will keep them alive in the game trying to play defensive and as he tries to hold the wall gets stolen away gets taken down and they're out but the new High Ground team Thomas and malabooka it was about time contested out the racetrack two eliminations up into this point an under the radar style of game and this is a team you don't want to let fly under the radar because they not only stole away High Ground they're making sure to solidify it they're making sure to make sure that's not able to be knocked down easily yeah connecting on all fronts need to make sure they now just continue to watch those flanks figure out who the Fret is but for the most part things are looking good for them at this stage we're stash with a big shot that's wonderful now I'm gonna regroup we've had them push so it needs to be he needs to help him get out of that box of such and tough spot to be in for those players looking right at his face but he will get out of how much longer there's so many players here stopped in the back of the Zone they need to make some sort of play to get out of here up and over possibly no mustache and hide on Bush taking now yeah he was just had to go forward whichever way he was pushed ran out of options and time but Stacy and POTUS saw a different story still six eliminations they haven't picked up any more since the last time we saw them but they're continuously staying towards the front side of the zone to save spot but Malibu and Thomas reinforcing yet again making sure no one could break him down and this is their chance with a reinforced High Ground they set their eyes down and their focus to the low ground to try to pressure any team there force them into each other's box even slaps towards the outside of Zone teamwork making the Dream Work Malibu could keep the topics alive yeah Thomas saw something in the zone and went deep in the zone to get it so it must be worth it must be to win condition for them and we'll see the rest of this game play out in their favor snezy and put aside they've been making plays and they're trying to make some more pushing their way through don't have many fools to protect themselves it's going to be about using these shotguns now to find some sort of a refresh and it doesn't look like it's gonna come hold us like Fool's Maisie forced to drop down and even though he did something spectacularly there can't connect to the Finish they got the double pump with the havoc and the mammoth to take him down said he and cam he was set up until this point of slow and quiet game but Malibu and Thomas they were contested for a moment but it all gets crumbling down into the top three we go blah mixin one goes down now it's all up to Mixon four eliminations he doesn't have enough to win the heel off he could only stagger himself here for a few seconds before he has to go right back to the front side of Zone players keep dropping malibucca and Thomas Still Holding On To The High Ground and holding it on convincingly to take the game Malibu Karen Thomas one of the Premier names in the EU region a Duo full of star players who have yet to win on the biggest stage for moving in the right direction here in week number two they pick up the first game and they do it in spectacular fashion up on height soaring through the skies and then nicely done win from this Team Jacob yeah it's almost like deja vu all over again from last season contested at the racetrack and boasted the highest placement of any contested Team game number one contested and it was no worries for both Thomas and malibucca they set their tournament day off right with a huge Victory and a big lead for them over the rest of everybody else look we always say when you're contested you've got to make your games count right you don't know how many you're gonna get anything can happen on sport especially at such a 50 50 spot like racetrack but they made that game come they win things big and they'll look to go back in and do things again a really nice start to the day we're gonna send it to Zeke and the analyst to break it all down thank you so much Jacob pr11 2K a huge Victory Royale malavuka and Thomas HD start with a bang seven eliminations and I gotta say they just played this so well so expertly so methodical right I love that Jacob called out the splashes into the Zone like there's just so many little things that led to this duel getting themselves the victory Royale so well fought Vivid yeah a lot of things like you mentioned Jacob was pointing a lot of them out but there was one big thing that actually happened to lead into the victory out and it's going to be ax force and Roman actually getting chopped out and Thomas HT and malibucca just paying full attention to what's going on on the higher ground they come out on top of the rest of the lobby and from there it was smooth sailing and this is a big victory Royale for them here in week number two because you know last week in week number one their best finish was eighth yeah and I think a lot of it also starts just from how that early game panned out for them because right from the get-go being contested at a drop spot that they're so familiar with they did an excellent job I think at acquiring some early storm surge damage but was definitely also very impressed by how they chose to play height making sure to connect on many different fronts that way they didn't necessarily have to be as afraid of getting chopped out as what we saw happening to ax Force Robin and even with Sandy and POTUS I think they made a pretty excellent attempt at trying to overtake height at one point they were doing a nice job I think of torping directly beneath that ultimate High ground layer in second height position but just weren't able to actually overthrow Malibu and Thomas HD up there and this is what I was asking for right hey we can't just let High Ground continue to dominate we have to make plays and for Malibu and Thomas they decided it's our high ground now look at me good stuff from The Duo um I do want to take a look at the standings and kind of see how things are going remember this is still just game one it's fine this is the feeler game and then we have five more after this to really cement our placements and try and put points on our series Point leaderboard but I want to see what Duos are maybe not quite in the spotlight quite yet but are right behind this Duo remember that Victory Royale means big points right so currently they do hold that number one spot someone like send and Iris zumie the look right below the amount of eliminations right really making up that deficit I'm surprised yeah I mean eight eliminations that is going to be huge come out of game number one we also saw blotcha and mixin towards that end game right they're gonna be putting themselves in third place so it's good to see them and of course our consistency Kings steady and Cami didn't really even like see them in that end game but they always seem to find themselves up in that top five yeah they popped up very briefly when they were trying to control a little bit more of that mid ground secondary height like Levin mentioned on the cast there was a lot of hilly terrain that these teams were essentially trying to tarp through so it was important I think for teams to kind of acknowledge that fact insteadi Cami I mean they are pioneers when it comes to map knowledge we've seen how well they're able to like utilize even just the map Essentials that are near their initial drop spot so the fact that they were in a late game or in an end game is really no surprise I'm surprised for me I guess that typically EU game one of like most weeks is crazy right it's explosive we see like one or two Duos just have like double dis eliminations but so far it seems more even across the board and I feel like Vivid there's a lot more pressure and there's a lot more at stake for these Duos right yeah I mean game number one here was actually very very aggressive in the early game I mean we pretty much had we were towards the 60 player count very very quickly that game and as a result we had so many Duos alive actually as that 12th Zone was closing in and that's just simply the result of a lot of these teams had a lot of their storm surge I didn't really have to fight for a lot of it because so many players had already went down in that early game so storm surge wasn't the biggest Factor during that game which means that a lot of these teams still had so many heals and resources going into the end game which left us with a lot of chaos but it almost makes me wonder if it's going to be a reoccurring thing because for example that initial box fight that we saw early on with several different teams it was tripping and refs guard we see Vico and pink and a lot of these Duos essentially being forced into having to play as a solo situation that early on into a match is is difficult to actually work your way through with the rotations especially in a no Mobility meta so almost curious to see if maybe some of these teams are going to decide to maybe play a little bit more Reserve to at least make through that initial landing spot yeah you talk about Reserve I immediately think City and Cami right we didn't get to see too much of him as you mentioned they popped off for a moment but I I do worry that this is like the low ground Duo and if they just keep doing what we know for them to do they're suddenly just gonna be at the top of that leaderboard right just through consistency just slowing down saying look there's chaos that's where we Thrive let's just do what we need to do to get the win yeah and they honestly weren't really forced to make a play Until That finals ended because there were so many players alive there they met them in fifth place but you would imagine usually at that point in the game it'd be like a top three or something like that nonetheless still a great game out of them there's just so many goodies though as well kind of being littered all throughout that ultimate low ground and so it's kind of interesting to see which teams are even choosing to make the compromise of forfeiting some of those secondary height positions that they've been able to establish but if the sacrifices were dropping just to find materials just to find some extra kills because we have seen a couple of instances especially from week one finals where a slight heal off did actually make the difference between first and second place but at least here in game number one that definitely was not the result yeah no one's wanted to take it there right they're like hey let's just lock up the game let's hit these points I want series points leaderboard points I get it and you know what I want to see more action of course here from the fncs five more games before we call it a wrap for today so let's just jump back into all of the action 11 2K Jacob PR over to you jumping into the action is what we shall do momentarily but that game number one was big and I'm gonna be looking at Thomas and Malibu throughout the day to see how they replicate and their success of a contested racetrack yeah I'm gonna be looking instantly at the racetrack to see if one not even contested again do you make that same mistake per se to contest these guys very dominant off spawn and of course yeah after the fact right how do their games look I think we've seen them at times in the mid game look a bit scattered not put themselves in the best positions to thrive in a game of course I wasn't the case here in game one and I hope that's not the case for them moving forward yeah and you even saw show them they're laughing their new drop spot and they third-party A couple teams thanks to it this game I don't think they actually pulled the Vault though so we'll see how things change around in this next game if they get the luck of that ball on their side because I feel like that will be a huge game changer for them and their momentum going into the next one yeah 100 I think everyone's gonna keep their eye on those objectives we know how valuable they are and I think there's been many of examples maybe not here on this region but another ones where teams are definitely find in that spy area incredibly fruitful yep luckily for us we get to check out that Spire era and everything else because game number two Starts Now this is it this is game number two and for a lot of these teams there's no more room for the missteps especially depending on how your week number one way if you don't have the most series points in the world right now you need to be trying everything you can for a top placement for some of the other teams you could have a relaxed game plan you placed at the top in week number one so it's all about sticking to that blueprint in which you set out for yourself and just like game number one over towards kinjutsu Crossing it's a congested drop spot but they're disengaging they're going two separate ways they don't want to fight right out of the gates yeah so in the feed tiny going down and so it looks like Thomas and Malibu have done the business yeah honey already done my boot will follow so Malibu and Thomas Victorious here at the racetrack again and that's interesting because as great as a duel as they are this year when we've seen them fight enough spawn at a racetrack it's been 50 50. it really hasn't been them just completely dominating and wiping through a team so maybe it's taking them three seasons to finally figure out the hospital for me that's going to work for them and feel comfortable fighting at that spot but it's good to see them winning it it's good to see them after a hot start overall some teams from one side of the map to the next a contested little split drop on the outskirts just Southwest of frenzy field bars and Velo looking like they're just trying to put pressure on to Teeny and Joe Claus on the other side but a mammoth pistol just making him go extinct just like that and now they're hot on the chase 2V1 situation they read this one like a book they checked out of the library I thought it was going to hit the shot dropping falling off the building that's all that would have been quite something looking for the upgrades yeah I think we saw the amount of time really until this fight is wrapped up there's not much that can be done and see me won't be done it will be Joe and nevertheless veloid stood no chance hit him with the OG again with the OG dance there for a second the robot attacks Force yeah he tries to both those next Force lands a good shot taken down putrick with the knock unable to clean up the elimination thanks to roban yet again this is a team like I keep saying huge fans of how they've been performing I just need to see them continue to execute here in our weekly finals to earn their spot in Grants just a few short beats away and a spot both of these split drops kind of contested here towards the outskirts usually you don't see a lot of action on the Southwest portion of the map very very early on so interesting to see how the game is changing week after week and players are getting a little bit more daring but we saw as to go down in game number one gets a knock very very early on 1v1 situation that's Julian on the other side even though he did get the sights and he did get the cleanup it just wasn't enough for The High Ground and the terrorism backing down opponents one by one artist doesn't really have time to pop that big pot just yet he's just trying to back up little by little Boko and him are not in the same box so they have to be very very conscientious if either one of these players just trying to make their way in and bulldoze into the box with very little time but it's actually going to be opposite Nets and hellfire they got the damage that they wanted thanks to storm surge and they're just simply just trying to disengage yeah let's start that didn't surprise me LED all the players in the limbs in round number two the round just before this one so again just goes to show you how aggressive these guys can be and how comfortable they are fighting right they love to get there in the mix they've got great chemistry when the books fighting with each other so hopefully you get to see some of that showing off today I thought they were on the same team for a second hedra has a chance to make a sneaky play they are separated for now this does look like it's a 1v1 panics if he does not watch out we're gonna have one of those moments before disaster strikes he gets the first opportunity but it does look like he's gonna Escape for now the battle for High Ground you see in the mini map panics teammates is trying to about face and get there as quick as possible and hedra realizes this is taking way too long for my liking I'm gonna try to disengage but he actually gets beamed out by Eclipse panic's teammate who closes the Gap and mere seconds takes the peace control underneath his own and sends hedra back to the lobby that was smooth from Eclipse you love to see it he's done it he's actually managed to pull it off the brain problem is though is even though he was very well aware of the timing like he realized okay I didn't quickly get this on him I need to get out before his teammate comes he ran the wrong way like he ran in a perfect direction that allowed a clip to Pinter in and then uh do just that so a nice attempt from hedger but even nicer from the clips there to finish it off I've been really intense he was able to at least draw it back down to a 1v1 for the team that we haven't really seen too much on the day I know it's only been one game so far but hen and Oogway superstars of the region they just need to kind of get back to that old form to form a lot of people know they can play into let's resume they're trying to play into their own ad vantageous position here as they continue to just maneuver around the map they're peaking they're going around for some shots they're Scavenging together leftover slurp pharaohs and heels to try to get themselves up without using too much of their heels but Kylie and fastroki they're not worried about heels they're just trying to clean up the elimination 2V1 they have their opponent on the ropes running even with two different angles fastraki has the other one Kylie tried to go ahead and close the distance just like that slash flash is coming out from Ronnie on The High Ground but it's just not gonna be enough you can't outrun his opponents while building up and this is where it is going to get dangerous because everything comes crashing down for a short moment and he's using it as a way to escape he tries to jump outward but Kylie and fast trophy they do not want to let this player out of their grasp that's two more points for their elimination that siphon that's math and resources they're just about to collect when they got chopped down anyway just slipped out of vision but and infrastructure were there to clean it up oh look I met some panics they want to get right into another fight no mixing but a good shot to start it all off you can easily take this down to a 1v1 and just like that he does siphon gets picked up immediately edits out those builds weren't necessarily his he's really trying to think outside of the box but he gets boxed up all together but immediately those instant plays the breakout and just stretch himself build more real estate that way he could Bob and weave in and out of these covers and now on the other side Eclipse has to make a decision do I continue to try to engage or do I go for the reboot card and try to get my teammate back into the game because there is a strength in numbers in fortnite nice upgrades it's not gonna work too it's favor Eclipse yeah I think you just gotta go for the rebirth this stage Facebook of how much he showed up and since three doesn't really much have much by way of heels and so up till for the fight isn't going to be ideal big props to blahado because this is always a tough spot a 2V1 your teammate has gone down like trying to make something work out that is so difficult but he isolated the 1v1s finished them off quickly with some clean crisp shots allows them to stay in the game and maybe just maybe mix them back up as well I see their idea right now they're going to try to use the temple Vault to go ahead and Rift easy rotation to Zone but with the mammoth pistols in the game now that might not be the smartest play you can make but we're definitely going to see how it works out for slovay NASA traveling not too far before they get in towards the Zone they have four eliminations so far and this is how they're able to pick up those elimination Nets is already down he's already knocked and it's a 2V1 situation from here on out even Road Band with a helping hand to clean up that elimination as well they're definitely in a stride starting to build momentum here in game two getting chased down relentlessly so how persistent they were and they're laughing and show them I'll definitely laughing right now and they are showing us why that often with a nice limb there Caden didn't really send much of a chance just from combats to Flapjacks even the MK Alpha just easy to break into the box ES from the receiving end of some hurt right now from crazy and spinaldo and it's good to see spinaldo and crazy here in this Lobby so now they're a player who has been around for a long time hasn't quite ever reached the heights of some of the elite players in the scene but coming back to competing here in EU this season play with crazy is pretty decent platform to be playing with to be fair people that don't know spin out actually went to n a to pursue a career in uh in in football playing football soccer for you Americans I was about to ask you football or football yeah no yeah the real one and he was doing he's been doing quite well here but I think he's back in EU for the summer and uh choosing to play fmcfs just getting tagged up with and it's going to be interesting to see how he can continue to keep himself alive in this situation he mates knocked he has more players around him have The High Ground with both MK Alphas Flapjacks and even the mammoth that we keep talking about that could destroy and destruct builds and even go right through if you time it right with your teammate shades of the old heavy sniper yeah and the mid game struggles continue for Hayden Bush and mustache not consistently making it deep struggling with certain zones you can kind of see the early leaderboard breaking down third place Baja mixing down out open for the taking and even though it's very very early on you could easily have a pop-off game you can move up the leaderboards we saw it last week 20 30 places players and teams are moving up but at the top level it's these crucial moments that you look back and you really make a difference you watch the vods and you realize how easy it is to fix those mistakes and I can see a lot of teams just week after week fixing a lot of their mistakes and that's why you're seeing a whole skill level of a region Elevate week after week everybody learning from the players who are doing well and then great instantly up on the island making their attentions clear but they will be contested in here they won't get it for free shakers and user very much gonna give them a run for their money itself it is gonna be hand who's separated so far from his teammate Oogway little by little continues to build up towards that High Ground you have to watch out because if you get chopped it'll all come crumbling down he beats him to the punch he doesn't want to let it lie in their hands if he's gonna get chopped down or not he just wants to reunite hip to hip along with hen and these are crucial points for them here in game two 15 points for capturing this Rift Island but nobody wants to let those 15 points go easy especially if you're already on top of rip battle and contestant yeah this is a tough fight to go for a lot of the time but they've sort of been allowed to claim it easier than what we see other teams sort of go through to be able to claim things a fight over here at Mega city is one that will involve Mr Savage intro and trulex you can see cheat on true let's wait in for those two to expose themselves so they can potentially get some shots update time didn't come and so they'll now try to get to Zone and they are very cautious of the fact that they're there they know where they need to be careful of what angles they need to block off traveling through there is going to give him a decent sense of comfortability yeah for sure can't easily break into the build but we have Cami and seti on screen we're gonna throw it over to mini miners to break down how their game has went up into this point that game's going pretty well so far Jacob we know Cami and Sassy they always have interesting strategies and look at this from Cami he's actually sat on top of the cache throwing some of the extra Loot and heels all the way over to seti and then he just decides you know what I'm gonna leave seti there getting that storm surge damage whilst I go and farm up you can see his materials looking really really solid and all the while sassy SATs inside of that bush trying to use that new Mammoth pistol gets a huge tag onto some of the players in the distance as well and this is exactly how they're playing it out separately but playing well foreign yeah that's nice right because I think a lot of times you see teams who play towards the edges of map the map playing split for Surge and you sort of can understand why a lot of the Town there's not that many players around and so you can almost get away with it you're less likely to be punished these guys are slap bang in the center and yet still managing to make that kind of style work they're not split ridiculously far but covering as many angles and trying to claim as much map control as they possibly can it's a key to their success when it comes to storm surge malibuka Thomas it is on the day so far no strange thing it's almost like we're taking a a trip to the Past for a moment Daisy and potusai got their position just out of Zone you're seeing a view of the map right now and so many teams on the north on the northeast end of the map they're gonna have to rotate and they're gonna run into each other and that's the roadblock analyst Vivid was breaking down to start the show so the team's in the center of the map right now if you do not have surge you've got to start planning where you're gonna get it if you're gonna rotate for it or just try to hold on to your position but for potassium Sneezy their worry isn't surged about rotating their Zone with so many teams all around them quickly beans a couple of shields off of one but still has his eyes set on the prize peeking through the cone the information right now that he is gathering is so vital in terms of keeping them alive and figuring out where they're gonna box up next this assignments getting involved in the action we saw them at Mega City earlier and this oh wow oh my God that was nasty that shocked me into I can't even I can't speak it was the moment you go back and re-watch and you're almost just as mad as when it happened to you I almost got around the corner Mr Savage it's a meddling dog I Almost Got Away With It just like hen just trying to peek towards the backside with the mammoth takes some damage himself but you can kind of see what his plan is because the zone is gonna move over in his Direction he's trying to preemptively get his spot where he wants to go that way when the Zone continues to pull in that direction it's a lot easier to rotate to where he needs to be almost gets close to another team you can see him and Oogway are separated from each other and oopway needs to find some hills because he's still in the zone rotating yeah almost getting closer to the TV Eagle really close to another team it's crazy in Spanish and yeah they're gonna just be able to cut him off cut across those guys to be able to get in and that's not going to be something easy to do he's not to use we won't really be able to be picked up either so I'm gonna have to play this one out solo we got a double re-roll going out what augments would you be saving I'm trying to think because the wild boss jars got vaulted maybe medium ammo maybe a soaring Sprints you don't want to use it now to rotate if you want to save it for later if you have high ground I think this season has some really good augments in terms of just combining them together with your Loadout so if you might be in shambles you might have Gravely you might have green loot with a couple of augments it may not feel like it the first assault is going to be one of them goes down to fall damage eclipse and panics we saw that early early fight where he almost got stuck up on since then haven't had too much to worry about because the Zone continues to pull in their favor up into this point golden clown looking over towards the east they load is at least one team there but there's not much traffic moving through that way so blocking off the rest of the lobby to focus on those teams might not bears fruitfully as they'd hope it to and down below and search Way Down Below on search it's gonna meet a very on point a mammoth shot or a miracle to keep him in this game both possible of course and typically in the zone you'll see a lot of the teams either go to the left or the right not necessarily right down the middle where they're both at so they might have to be on the hunt to get turned and I say they hate very Loosely because we saw oobway go down to the storm overall creeps back in trying to find any straps that are left over lushu and steno on the other side feeling a little bit of that pressure quickly backs on up and changes layers that's going to be the important part because now he can't remain be in the focus of either one of these two teams because they are the meat in the middle of that sandwich but now everybody has to rotate and you can see in the mini Maps so many players so many full teams are beginning to rotate first that means they have the chance to hold both Zeno and Mushi out if they want to 10 down on serves they feel like they have to go they got the green light they see he's a solo Bros just gets taken down just like that see they got a huge refresh when it comes to the build just adding on top of that but when it comes to the damage barely 84 above the threshold it's enough to allow them to rotate comfortability but it's not enough because they're going to be looking for more later on in the game Oh Thomas HD so on point with every shot given look how above on search they are that's never going to be a worry for them especially with this pistol in the game now but how they maneuver through these end games is going to be the main worry the main concern the main thing they need to get a grip on malibucca very much has to take the lead and direct the team in where they move and you obviously knew he was going for some heroics and heroics you achieve some nice shots there but uh eventually was humble then brought back down to earth it's just one of the things if your hand you almost have to go for that siphon that refresh especially as a solo so you don't want to be down mats rotating in these moving zones so many dangerous players especially with the mammoths and that height this fire bro is going to be a solo but he has to make sure to continue to put out pressure and damage so teams don't necessarily look up and try to threaten him 146 above the damage threshold a good position for him to be in as a solo and you can see him continuing to build height making himself look a lot tougher than he really is as a solo yeah projects are not with me to the rest of the lovely that he's strong and comfortable out there even though we know that's not necessarily the case this is how much of a deal they've got bigger fish to fry though they're trying to find their way in and Sam is very much looking for that time and you can see running in here on the right side of the zone gonna be careful with some metal here just to secure themselves in and now that they've made their way in you can see but you're already scouting out looking for opportunities for any vulnerable players they can pick up towards the low ground just making sure that they're set ready to continue you can see they're on the other side of the Zone by themselves very little people can testing on that side that's gonna give them a huge amount of space to work with Thomas malibuca same thing can't he said they're making space for themselves getting another elimination taking out sin Ed sending him back to the lobby resuming was taken down by Malibu as well so that's a pair of eliminations for the duo and the timing of this is so power amount look at that this extra heels on the floor these guys are both capped out they have all the materials you could possibly ask for at this stage in the game they could just top out the rest of the game don't even have to do anything but we know that's not going to be the case with them too they're going to want more they're gonna fight for more but this is setting up to be another really good game for the game one winners Mr Savage in the deal they're gonna have to try and Elevate themselves now in some sort of way Savage looking for a potential chop we can see just looking around scouting assessing all these different options it's hard for them to top out with the maps they have they need to start being proactive can't be too passive now with the remaining zones yeah an awareness no they don't have the resource to continue that fight if it breaks off into a build fight they'll be fresh out fall into the low ground with no builds trying to scavenge so they give it up to me and bacon we're now putting pressure on the rest of the lobby with 200 above the damage threshold I say 107. excuse me there they continue to look for any set of shots that they could look for said he and Cami go down low this is a good opportunity for them to pick up eliminations those guys need to be more aware there was a massive blind spots on the left they have to watch out for need to be careful that they don't get caught out up above there will be teams that potentially could buy for it but actually said though the teams down below the likes of the Cities the camisa Thomas and malabookas of the world they're really feeling it this game they're in that element and they're definitely feeling comfortable here but Thomas he takes a huge shot forced to back up reunites with malibucca yet again but The High Ground is going to be dominated and won by both fastraki and Kylie better late than never if they have the resources to hold on to this they could be in Prime position to take the game especially with so much chaos going down low on the low ground everybody's just trying to stay ahead you see and Cami yet again making that smart play they don't drop ultimate low ground and they're staying in front of everybody else and making sure that they recycle as many of the maps and resources as they can and they still have so much to work with today's inventory look stacked everybody else in it will be reading you so now somebody can give them a run for their money quickly because otherwise they're gonna be another present team in this Lobby you can see older investigate very much aware that could be solos in the back of the Zone lurking anybody that they can use to keep themselves kicking in this game exactly it these are the moments right here that separate the best from Championship materials video and Savage they're doing a good job with very low resources staying ahead front side of Zone this is where everybody begins to drop and the battle begins there goes the elimination from Thomas onto refs guard as well everybody picking up crucial moments here in the late game combine that with siphons trying to keep themselves alive into the top seven we go and a new team controlling High ground but it's none other than seti and Cami Saiyan Cami so many different materials and how they were more exciting than everybody else that seeing then they use that to rise to the sky is fire broke going up with the Vang Thomason and ibuka trying to clear up everybody it's a bit of juxtaposition here like she told us about America down on no claiming space taking everybody out in their way and it's coming up on the hype that they need to clash with both teams on a crash course Collision towards the end of this game and the deal finally being taken out he was the last piece of the puzzle and so it just remains these two Titan teams battling it out for the win here yep but you see steady he's low on HP probably trying to save that slurp juice for this moment so we can get the most effective use out of it Cami and him trying to hold on to that High Ground we're gonna get towards a mountain soon but Thomas knows you don't want to let him hold on to that mountain hold on to that high ground forever with the man he tries to break him out but takes too much damage now he's gonna go ahead and fight with it with the heel off beginning right now if it's all up to malibucca as Thomas is going for the final efforts trying to stop the heel off gets into the box two more seconds he gets knocked but he deals a huge shot Cam is getting taken down low the heel off continues with seti splashing both for these players keeping can't be alive that much longer to potentially try to go for the siphon but the heels are out malibucca has everything left in the lobby and takes back-to-back games game one and game two were secured by Thomas and malibucca they can do it from above and they can do it from below it doesn't matter what layer these guys play on they will just dominate two wins back to back to start off two and they couldn't have done it against a better team coming and City have been one of the few Elite teams this season who has been consistent who has been at the top of their game and they made it look easy in the final moments look at him clearing everybody out as soon as somebody was stopped and said okay I need to go down to low ground they were there waiting that shot onto the deal as well also nasty Malibu and Thomas are insane yeah it's actually getting to be quite frightening to say the least because if you think major one uncontested top placement major two contested top placement major three contested back to back game wins the lobby had better watch out and take note of what Thomas and Malibu are doing otherwise it's gonna be too late before you figure it out these guys are on a whole different level right now if they can keep this form growing it's gonna start getting crazy we're gonna we're gonna be talking about back to back to back-to-back wins at a certain point look when you gotta calm down for a second let the analyst break that one down Zeke what do you go for us thank you oh but eleven what do you want from me these guys already just put on a show Thomas and malibucca they break a new elimination record for weekly finals last record 12. they say let's add two to that for 14. a victory Royale from low ground as well EU has it all it's over here only two games in and EU said hold on you thought last week was crazy this week we're about to go up another level listen sometimes you know we sit here on the desk and we try to break down plays we try to get all analytical with it but sometimes we watch these players right and sometimes they are just in the groove where you can tell like listen they are just feeling it right now and they want every single possible elimination they can get their hands on and this was one of those games in my opinion for Thomas and malibucca they created space on the low ground in the mid ground and they just use the edits that they had claimed to their full advantage just kept taking aim duels and kept winning every single one until they finally got 14 eliminations and I'm talking about it right they kept wanting to go for these eliminations but it was The Duality of this team that actually netted them that Victory out because as much as they wanted those eliminations throughout this game when it came down to a taco they actually ended up slowing down and playing the heel off it's really just the way that they chose to split in those final moments as well because I would definitely have to get credit where credit is due and for Thomas those were two very crucial back to batch huge HP chunks essentially at acety and Cami simultaneously he wanted to provide every single opportunity there for malibucca to last just that little bit longer there with the men Miss he still had a Chuck Splash available as well which could have been a Difference Maker had it not been for the fact that Thomas was able to deal as much damage as he did in those final instances and also just have to appreciate the way that they were attacking throughout those low ground layers we saw it just looked so seamless the way they were neck and neck next to each other refusing to really give anyone an opportunity to break into their box it was constantly them breaking down a wall combat SMG bringing out the Havoc pump shots exactly where they needed to go and it's just a Duo that was so in sync wild especially when you looked up at high ground and it got overtaken three separate times from V and vacant to Kylie and fasteroki then Cammy and seti there was just so much chaos up there the Thomas and malibucca said hey we'll run the rest of the lobby we'll get ourselves a victory out in 14 eliminations no big deal let's take a look at our standings because these are gonna look very very different uh and of course we know these guys are at the top two back-to-back games Victory royale's back to back only three Duos currently sitting with triple digit points seti and Cami vasque and older as well now obviously this is this is Elite we've developed quite a start here uh taco and Vivid however my question is how do we keep pushing this forward let's just how do we stay in that first place well what's really cool about the split between first and second here is that you have to remember steady and Cami they're uncontested at frenzy Fields meanwhile Thomas and malabuka they've been having to deal with another Duo at their drop spot whereas in week one we actually saw them having I think a couple of issues in terms of like their search damage threshold control but it seems that Thomas and malabuka being contested might actually be the the secret recipe for them let's work it out so far for them I mean it's just absolutely crazy and the thing that I love so much about that game though right is that we talked about the aggression of Thomas and malibucca throughout those low ground layers they needed to get those refreshes and they just kept rolling with it but a team that played the game so methodically throughout pretty much the entire thing to where they didn't even need any refreshes it's got to be Cammy and seti we tuned into them going into that first moving Zone and they still had a hundred builds to work with absolutely insane stuff yeah even at one point we saw that 900 damage above the surge damage threshold and it's incredible again because their positioning just seems Flawless at times the way that they choose to attack other player boxes as well it just seems as though no walls are really able to stay intact whenever these two actually decide to go on the offensive and that knock right there as well on to Mr Savage was Savage of a deal but they're trying their best to work their way up but Kami seti just not really providing any real opportunities for these teams to do so and it's also impressive when you think about the fact that our top two teams right now they're not even prioritizing the objective points that are available they're just like hey why not eliminations aggression let's go for it and I gotta say just a quick tip of the hat to the mammoth pistol playing kind of a surprise factor for us here sometimes you think it's good then sometimes you take over a hundred damage to the Dome you gotta recoil and say hold on a minute did I get too comfortable can't be given opportunities to like that or like that to my opponents but I want to see more action from the fncs I know you do too let's go on back over with our casters for game number three of the day I am ready for game number three if I had a seat I would definitely be on the edge of it both Thomas and malibucca are putting on a show 52-point lead and as Taco just said this is without Rift Island in which they typically go for this match you don't see this every weekend I promise you to be in it because we still have so many more games left to go and so much more action so many more opportunities for the likes Amanda book and Thomas to extend their lead or maybe we'll see somebody starting and rain on that parade a bit I would certainly not mind that either nevertheless I guarantee we're gonna see a lot of entertainment the question is though aren't even gonna be able to win or spawn again is that something we need to watch out for yeah it's definitely something that can you go perfect every single game if there's any team it can beat them that's definitely why we like to watch that race track right out of the gates but I'm even looking at the rest of the field who can catch up to Thomas and Malibu who can stop them because as of right now 10 plus eliminations per game I ask who can stop them game number three we're gonna find out the start of the game always provides us with so much fun and entertainment a bit more stressful for the players of course that are in the midst of battles but it's something we've all experienced playing fortnite drop in it's always that ever-present question of rule they won't they will we be landed on it looks like my goo and Heidi are very much gonna go for it again but the drops don't look like they're in their favor management controllers seem to be landing first getting the choice oh no it's wrong Heidi my group they might just be able to take it my group goes down Malibu on such low HP and so Heine will be able to get the trade it's one for one here and Thomas was actually taken up I might go so highly in my group we'll win or spawn he just slid in stole away the drum and any opportunity of taking the game right out from underneath Tom even pickaxe them a little bit even with the knock coming in malibuca no resources no build no time to even pop the mini I ain't doing a good job and everything slows down talk about a blow for momentum Jacob you come with a back to back dub and all of a sudden now you're gonna sit there and wait for half an hour that is not what you want to be doing if you're Malibu and Thomas and we talked about who can catch Upson who can start to close the distance on this lead everybody can now great opportunity it's only 52 points setting in Cami even though they don't go for Rift Island typically that's an easy way to close the gap or just simply winning the game a huge fine by flixie grabs himself the rare Havoc shotgun he knows that player is going to be around and this is why you see a crucial importance of early game farming right out of your drop spot you don't want to be stuck between a rock and a hard place unable to defend yourself if shaco's continues to be on the Run Friday and flixie are just hot off the Chase and know exactly where he's going every single step of the way he's even trying to hide the fire back does begin but enough is enough shake goes goes down and a great early game start for graphene flexing not bad at all the team that's a I want to see sort of get back to some of their better form we've seen them at times this year be so so dominant so impressive I love to see them head back in that direction 72 over third 52 over second almost a hundred or more over everybody else that's where you see Shady stilts nebs contested right out of the gates here does look like he doesn't have a teammate so he might be looking to try to disengage but artist knows it he knows who so though he's on him on the chase there he's at least trying to figure out which direction he's going as Kate and Jay Ox finish an easy fight over towards Breakwater Bay they get the rest of that POI to themselves you know 11 what's your favorite POI you're Landing right now he had to pick a POI not a split drop where's Levin's kill oh that's tough I like Brewer Bastion I don't know why I could have guessed that you'd like to fight you're one of the best players in the game brutal Bastion probably one of the most contested drops in any game mode I'm telling any game mode brutal Bastion has half the lobby there I feel like this guy mode I am not one of the best places to do this I have time every week to make sure people know how great you are but for now we need them to know Ronnie and got weed looks like they're getting chased just a little bit but that's the thing about the early game chases like if you don't have that damage at least the shield being gone it's very very risky place to continue to Chase Baja mix and we see them go down very very early on in game number two they're trying to make up for it here 66 points so far he needs to try to catch up because he tries to make his way into the box Joe by himself that's a 2V1 situation there goes his teammate trying to backtrack yet to him in the same box and this is where 22 finally is gonna play out for the peak through the builds control over this one's gonna be important back and forth it goes everybody just trading shots but it's mixing who has the biggest advantage thank you you saw what black I can do as a solo in 1v2 situations so just imagine how these guys will start to look and both of them are up 2v2 in people I like the idea dude look at his augments real quick do I have Key Master can I go to the hollow chest and does look like they're gonna disengage especially with that third party team slowly but surely closing into the gap we want to go ahead and try to grab as many points as possible the Breakwater Bay will initially won by Kaden diox very very early on but the third party slowly but surely creeping in try to steal away the loot they are in zone so they can fight here Presley forever long as they want but they break down into the box Cade his teammate's gonna go in he tries to edit him out for the shots are there deox bites off more than he could chew Cade as well the pressure is on they're trying to survive but it doesn't look like it's going to be enough he continues to try to run but acid continues to fall down follow him all together and send that team back to the lobby now Breakwater Bay is theirs or at least whatever's left of it show them and they're laughing a team who very much are gonna have eyes on them because one of the few teams who's vying for the secreted Spire that was actually able to make it through and so they almost get to set the pace at the tempo right and I think based on how they do today we'll very much determine what week three looks like we expect a couple different teams to make it through so Dave will have a good week now they're going to be in the power spot the power position they'll hold all the marbles headed into week three the future ground take a different angle gotta be careful Vortex takes a huge shot not necessarily going to be traded off between the two Clines is getting backed up he's the healthy one out of the duo on the low ground as blue she continues to fight for every single one of these pieces you can see that he's not playing too risky he's not fighting off more than he can chew because he knows him and his team they are separated so he's being very very passive very very tactical in his approach probably has his protractor out trying to find that right angle and that's what you see him just backing off all together High Ground low ground different layers different Peaks between the two Vortex on the other side but the longer this one goes more teams are going to come in here because the Vault actually spawned at shatter slab this time around was it protracted to what you used to get a right angle up that's how you get your angles yeah use a protractor it's like it's like the half moon the half circle thing since I've done maths yeah I trust you I believe I'm Gonna Get You I do not want to go back to mass I'm good the only math I do is Count enough points we could do that we can do that you can see the disengage coming through even though they're disengaging and it looks like they're trying to run away their position on the map will always be known because they have the key card in their inventory so if they want to go ahead and sneak around they have to drop it otherwise everybody's really going to know where they're at it's put aside Sneezy towards the Citadel they already have everything that they need and more so they're just trying to continue their position high up in the sky and just try to go for surge all around them from any team that's rotating but since we're on the corner of this map a lot of the teams that would be rotating through Citadel have probably more or less already made their way past yeah it's interesting because these guys have a lot of experience learning history they you know you'd expect to be much more familiar in terms of understanding how much search you can get in and out of this spot right now though it seems rather quiet but as I suspect of somebody behind that Hill well yeah eventually you've got to think they'll start moving away finding some more search another Avenue Kylie looking good a little bit late End Zone to rotate on out but the early zones don't deal too much damage so as long as you have the heels you will be well off but storm surge that's a huge question in a Lobby like this I'm gonna go and throw it over to mini monitor to break down fast stroking Kylie's storm surge traffic thank you Jacob yes false frokey and Kylie landing at the south side of the map just to the west of kenjutsu Crosley let's break down how they go about their off spawn strategies we can see them very very split looting up separately they actually dip into the Zone in order to get some of those storm surge attacks we see Kylie doing that on the screen right now and something that I find really interesting about this Duo is as soon as they do get these tags they actually dip back into the storm and that's the position that we're seeing them in right now on the live feed so this is what they're doing they're going back into the Zone able to use these natural heals like the slurp trucks and of course these slurp barrels that are all the way back here really really great map Knowledge from this team but if the zone does continue to fall North they might run into some problems so we'll see how they do so the storyline has been laid out by mini Miner we're gonna check in to see how that team is performing if the Zone continues to pull North and we might even check him out if the zone does not see how they're taking control of their advantages in a lot of the situations you see Vortex and Belushi using the kinetic ore to try to rotate as fast as possible a lot of teams having to think outside of the box and use things that wouldn't normally do as they're just trying to capture that shattered slabs Vault so they're going to be there for a while before we tune in with them again acetian Cami already in a fight multiple teams nearby at that not just them and another one as head drop that's dexy on one side and it does look like The High Ground is going to be taken away from Camion City so if they're looking to rotate they're gonna have to go through blah mixing and dexy and hedra unless they just go right back into the zone and figure out another way to rotate that's not the case finally being wrapped up here is nurbs in Hellfire fought so as I say that I think it never stops here does it said your favorite POI was brutal a lot of these players are saying maybe a Breakwater there's a lot to fight for especially this could be the slower side of the map with not a lot of teams Landing here in the zone pulling towards that direction but not much compared to that South Side as swizzy and putrick just trying to Bob and weave in and out of these covers deal some damage but keep themselves on the advantageous end of slow Bay using the breach or to break through the builds get it all underneath his control has to be careful there you turn the corner at the wrong time you've entered your opponent's builds it could be all over and you see his teammate taking The High Ground and going all the way to the front side to try to figure out exactly where they're located so they continue to put down this pressure but at the feed Cami goes down to fastroki does slow down just a little bit you see ASA just trying to hide his movement hide his location that way swizzy probably Peaks at the wrong time but on the other side slow base deal dealing damage with that feature and there goes the peak I was talking about doesn't land the shot so that opportunity went right out the window because he asked her very much trying to control the direction this one goes through the end of the future though it'll be quick to wrap around him come up from behind swizzy he's no stranger to hitting big shots and that's what we'll do here it's gonna be scary for anybody about you know he has devious intentions with that in hand continue to stay here they can take this fight both the Democrats whatever long it takes early storm damage not far to rotate to Zone as long as they have some heels in their back pockets not gonna be too much of a worry once you see that not really wanted to disengage just yet when you expand as many resources as they have in this fight it's hard you can see the fake going out swizzy's fake running away putrick's finally gonna follow they didn't Peak quick enough so now this is just gonna be a pure disengage and his teammate do you blame him no I can't it's too long for my liking and you saw their inventory they didn't have a ton of Heroes so even if they didn't take much damage to the storm once they get out they're gonna have to be looking for more instead of rotating trying to get a better spot in the zone so they want to try just beat them to the punch foreign [Music] going down it's there laughing and show them new drop spot and now the rift Island extra chance at those mid-map objectives and they're gonna take 15 just like that that's nice we know that this is a team that wants to play for it we want to play that way they want to dominate everything they want to have the best loot in their game and the four slurps and showtimes inventory is uh put to your line with it I'd say Max Materials as well I don't really get much better than this Jacob definitely does not especially you add in the height that they have with that mammoth once they start feeling comfortable enough to start peeking off that's where a lot of this Lobby will begin to feel that pain Savage of a deal if they get the ball underneath ripped Island not as fruitful of boot but at least it's something you're seeing them kind of change in and out get extra ammo top his Shields off with those barrels to try to give himself the best chance but a fight's gonna break down from one side to another trip instantly ends one and you help from hedra on the other that's another Duo down and out of this lobby but now the eyes are set on about draft cards and tripping as they have a long journey to go before they're End Zone yet again yeah they need to just all white line their way in here it's going to be hard for them to wrap on either side they've got to try cutting but even then they'll be difficulties there has done well there the players sort of stuck in your face you just gotta hit the shots and he did kind of go into those situations Ronnie missed the breacher it's not as easy to hit those breach or hip fires especially when you're moving and grooving just like that but those are those pains that if I would have just hit the shot it would have been a different song and dance it's fast stroke and Kylie in the feed he took down Cami very very early on that's their one elimination that credits to 315 above the damage threshold when it comes to storm surge it's just their position right now they're unable to continue moving forward you see how busy it is on the southern side of the map so they're not going to bite off more than they can chew in any one of these moments they're just playing calm cool collected to get to the next stage of the game is the zone closed next one he's going to begin to reveal itself and that's where a lot of these players are gonna have to rotate but as I called out Cami being down Cami being out well he's back up and now they have storm surge to worry about you know this is not the kind of position we're accustomed to seeing them in we often see them in bad positions more controlled more say on how other people around them have to play the game Halo scrambling for anything that will keep them alive at the moment for trying out Hill if they still have their heels they can try to finally could do the funniest thing ever here oh man I just got you up that's tough but I know for mine it would be very happy about that sources said he realizes he probably can't wait so he's gonna try to fight his way out and while he exited just a little bit different way than he'd hoped back to the lobby see refs guard healing up back side of Zone and since it wasn't them that actually fought him he could actually rotate almost unnoticed especially since the zone is now pulling back in their Direction below the damage threshold this is where a lot of these teams don't necessarily get to dictate how they get to play anymore if you're above on surge you play comfortable if you're Below on surge you need to figure out how you're going to be able to find it a couple shots into the distance unable to land any so his job continues that's a couple teams around him but doesn't want to put himself in any position in which he thinks is dangerous player down low goes up 1v1 situation a chance for storm certifications just backing up there goes the one pump and there goes the surge that he needed to barely tip him over the top nowadays well it was a nice little map what he could see was the head and I thought he had to hit to clean it up from one side that is just stacked and heavy is this side of the map that very little teams have a chance to rotate to just yet the center of the actual Zone that just seems stacked five maybe even 16 there battling it out for now in trying to make up once again a big play and a big shot gonna be fired onto him he gets forced back but money maker is there to alleviate some of that pressure he's gonna drop down start the fight but another team smoking we begin to move in and the drop from the top lead doesn't see it coming finayan is able to knock down one battling from behind gets that piece underneath his control tries to go back to back but it's a deal out of nowhere with an elimination and a chance to get Mr Savage back up and back into the game I feel it was gonna be all over for a moment when Savage dropped there they seemed like everything was going against him but they were doing the business the problem is though and not time that Savage has been brought back to life it looks like another team is tripping and refs I'm gonna have something to say about him we know tripping and Reps have been so over just lagging behind his whole game playing the ketchup and finally now an opportunity to finally get ahead of they'll try and move in front of Brave about this all is rest guard even got trip and reboot card and back into the game during that earlier fight that we saw go down between seti and Cami and now this is their chance a second life here in game number three especially for tripping with 66 points this is the last game before the half and it's very indicative of how you really get to perform on the last half of the day especially if you're fighting for first to get as many series points as possible cushion your lead before week three but Mr Savage goes down to the backside of Zone a short-lived revive for him now it's all up to the deal yet again for the size Sneezy another game we're here at this stage They're just causing Havoc they're really making it difficult for players you see they're just crashing onto flexion Griffin raps and tripping are down now you see hide on Bush and Nixon taking down each of those two players graph pays going down as well so many teams getting stacked and jumbled due to storm surge and for those that are above that get aggressed on it's just one of those situations where you can't really control it you just got to get away from all the madness as video is still doing good by himself quickly goes towards the mud before he rotates on over unfortunate enough he ends up in the water so no more mud for you if you don't have some height to overcome see some teams rotating in a distance even one behind that tags up the deal just a little bit he has six big pot Shields aren't necessarily a worry for him it's just getting to Zone saving as much of that HP as possible and he did both even get up and over that Hill there and often see players just getting stuck underneath and cool out especially when their solos the video doing a brilliant until moving through here great timings blocking his back off making sure not to take too many arrests not getting too greedy and it is paying off for him it's paying off tenfold slap juice being popped for POTUS side trying to get himself back up to Tip-Top shape spots out Belushi on the other side of that cover it's not a fight he's willing to take just yet they know they just got to wait a couple more seconds before his own begins to pull they're one of many teams on the front side as well so getting greedy here could be disastrous for anybody in this Lobby feels like a rest of the lobby there was once a time where these two would have been considered arguably the best duo in all of fortnite and even though we are far removed from that time this is a chance for them to kick it back to the pass for just one game at least but it is always difficult to hold on to Hype from this early of the zones always gonna have so many players looking up at it you see snazzy and pulled aside playing here second height they're gonna potentially start looking if they can stay alive Sneezy just fell to fire bro there and the deal will profit from that one as well you can oh my goodness I might just walks into that but how is he gonna walk out with a player in his box he needs to try and create some space creating some distance and he's gonna have to use all the remaining builds he has really need to just try and get away from his solo clutch third Zone in week one so watching it here again in week two the deal is a must watch in everybody's eyes but hen Oogway they've solidified and reinforced that High Ground POTUS is a solo without Stacy trying to travel through all this chaos without very many builds trying to drop somebody into the palm of his hands the shot's gonna be fired but that's a decision he's gonna regret he gets turned and burned taken down sent back to the lobby now they're laughing and show them they're trying to be the Front Runners here with another elimination being found and now they get credit with a slurp juice they can preemptively pop this and have a chance at height if they have the builds to match it yeah this is a decent find for them but you can see them struggling to actually get back into the zone right the timing of that refresh was that too ideal now they're gonna be the ones lagging back behind as they went for early in the transition are able to sneak their way into Zone but again using this time now to settle down use some hills but her action will continue his own moving again you see them transitioning much earlier that time moving towards front side low ground as quickly as possible their intentions are clear cello and loose very much now trying to stick together side by side shotguns in hand they just need to make a place to survive anything they can find and they might just have their eyes on the players up on height you can see them looking up for it they realize that might be a weakness for them not looking at it not watching their flanks and they will get caught out this is the problem with holding height for so long you can just get caught up falling asleep and it won't be Oogway and hen to hold on to high ground and doing his best to stay up but as he drops all the way down eventually he will be forced out of the lobby show them and they're laughing did their best to try and find a good spot but they ran out of materials and so had no real space to claim huge for their life and Zone pulls back that allows him to pop that slurp juice his teammates download to the low ground he's passing all the mats all the resources let's show and SUNY steno towards The High Ground holding it on putting pressure down everybody below Dexys here as a solo trying to maneuver trying to bypass everybody so many pieces are not his so he's gonna have to give up his position They're laughing now staggering himself towards the backside of Zone he's asked to stop the men Miss though in order to edit out Lucio is there towards The High Ground he gets tacked up just a little bit Shields are gone and so is he back to the lobby they go They're laughing has done so well to stay in this game and he's gonna try and extend his lifeline and it won't happen almost just almost swizzy he needs to try and move up this hill but no materials is gonna be so tough for City to even really do anything boot trick trying to stay alive as well but again you're seeing as all these players with such low mats are trying to move up it's going to be a matter of who just has anything to even build with and protect themselves right now and so for comeback he sits above comfortably and he's just gonna weigh it out he doesn't need to make any sort of movements any sort of plays all of his opponents are gonna just fall at the way inside it's too easy for comeback as he just sits there he was the one with the builds he was the one with the prime position and so he can sit back relax kick his feet up and claim the victory maybe you will be chuffed of a heart at one's gone through yeah it's one of those games it doesn't kind of pan out like you think it did but you close it out in the end a huge effort that was a big find on The Lucy there and that's where they continue the ball rolling they continue to pressure all those teams even though farhawa did eventually go down towards the back side of the Zone these refreshes that comic was able to find were massive and set him over the edge because he doesn't even have any heels look as much as combat gets all the Praises for being the one in the final moment to close things out but Hollow was going crazy five eliminations as well the work he put in to set them up to be in that kind of position should not go unnoticed this Duo again will be very very tough the zones worked in their favor and they're able to claim a win because of it yeah but we did see at the beginning of that game Thomas And malibucca 52-point Lead they went down early which opened the gates up for anybody to close that gap or even take first but we're gonna throw it over Zeke in the gang to break it all down thank you guys so much as these guys just talked about that team in first place dunzo right suddenly flood gates are open every duel is looking around thinking we could make a comeback we could jump up these standings can't we friends right you can we can and it becomes a Mad Dash in the end though combat and purchato they get themselves a victory Royale eight eliminations as well a massive Kickstart to their day here yeah and I mean to just highlight the con The Comeback that you're mentioning I mean first and second place in Camion City both of those teams going down so it's gonna be even a larger jump up but yeah I mean for this Duo comeback here the cop the comeback for them individually as a team right their first two games they got 50th and 24th so the transition those two performances into a victory Royale is huge it really just came down to comeback and having the ideal positioning again they were one of the they were essentially the only team that was basically able to keep up with where these moving zones were actually pulling back over some of that natural Heights from this natural hilly terrain and fortunately enough for combat the fact that he didn't have any more of that men Miss remaining kind of just had to bank on whether or not other teams were essentially left with no kills of their own but I I kind of could not but notice and seemed to play a little bit of spoiler there for their laughing and show them because they were not expecting that drop from height for hen when he was initially chopped out by sheno and lushi and it was unfortunate for sure to to xihen and Oogway kind of struggle there with maintaining The High Ground but when you don't anticipate these teams to be dropping from those layers into your box into your vicinity it's easy to get caught off guard but won't impact their laughing and show them too heavily as they've actually worked their way up into second place yeah and remember malabooka Thomas they had a massive lead so though they dropped the ball here it's fine right they're still okay but they're laughing show them remember we did talk to Pablo which is one of those two uh at the beginning of the show and they're trying to kind of put on a show for us here in week number two now again we're halfway through the competition they're trying to put Series points on the series Point leaderboard So based on where they end after these six games we'll determine how many of those points go on that separate leaderboard there's still so many more things so many more duels to highlight um but I think we have an upcoming very special litter interview with a shining member of our community that we get to in just a little bit very quickly though how did this feel right finally we get a do those top two Duos going down and for me I'm like what happens does it did it go the way you guys were anticipating anticipating this to go you know this game was a it was a little bit slower than I feel like some of the rest that's how I feel too it was also yeah yeah not a lot of teams live in the end game there no it definitely felt like a lot of solos action as well coming into play here yeah very chaotic very disjointed but it's all good remember three more games to go now I talked about and tease that little interview it is ready a shining member of our very own Community we've had her on before why not bring her back it is none other than Mama Benji fishy how is it going how are you doing yeah it's going well thank you yes enjoying the games that's awesome so Mama Benji fishy we have to talk about this no Mobility meta a lot of these Duos are struggling do you have any insight any advice for the Duos to try and make something happen especially because a lot of them still need those valuable Series points um obviously no rotation or it's a lot harder so you've got to just be more strategic aren't you in in the way you rotate um how you get surge um obviously then it makes end games much more skillful Etc so I think you've just got to see what's around you and and try and make the most of it of course keep your eyes peeled and you know everybody watching the home is keeping their eyes peeled on a lot of these Duos that are still in the running for a spot at the global championships and out of the ones not qualified yet who do you have your eyes on uh well obviously I want to see Mr Savage in the deal uh get through to the final course um as well as some of the sort of like the ogs so like andretta leche but also like I quite like to see Jalen and Vico those get through as well but this it's tough there's so many of them that I would like to see of course everybody loves seeing some of the competitors that we have for these Duos but one fishy you are known for basically attending every single fortnite event so with the global Championship happening in Denmark later on this year can we expect to see you there and if so what are you most looking forward to oh absolutely yeah so I've already got everything cool books so really looking forward to coming along um I think it's a great opportunity to be able to meet everyone in person and the whole atmosphere of like a lan event the last rally event was was incredible so I'm looking forward to seeing the just the I say the atmosphere of the land and again to meet you guys hopefully absolutely we're gonna make that time now of course for all the fans where can they find you uh just quite straightforward Mama Benji fishy on all socials so straightforward fantastic well thank you so much for your time we appreciate it and of course we can't wait to hang out with you at globals yeah no that would be great thank you so much for having me on the broadcast absolutely Mama Benji fish you guys gotta go and follow her follow her for sure but it's that time halfway through what happens let's find out right now this is game number four we're jumping right back in it is time for us to continue today we've had free games we need to have been very very attending Jacob about how this competition is looking how the season is shaping up as we head towards the grand finals look look [Music] I'm gonna say this we need to be very very very very very excited as we have game number four right on the way let's jump in you mute let's hop into the action Jacob is Sir in the fun free game so far that I've seen of course that previous one was a bit of a switch up in Pace and temporary the first couple we were seeing these two Titans on our screens where Liberty and Thomas dominating the play and let's see if we can actually get them doing that again of course they went down or spawned after winning twice in a row and malibucca he's in that rifle like a laser beam but there's another player here what what's going on it's not just two teams here now it's free relatively quick so it's not going to be an easy clean up and shoot him and I was getting very very worried there for a second go in and run it they were trying to they were trying to start something they were trying to get involved in the action unfortunately for Malibu and Thomas it would be a business as usual in regards to the spawn battle between them and my boots and hiney it didn't allow that long weight to derail their momentum they've pushed on rather strong foreign and to me it's big for a number of reasons because now they have the confidence I lost that off spawn Exchange in that last game and if they didn't have the confidence before now they know they could bounce back they have that mental stamina to keep themselves going and swizzy and putrick they're looking for another opportunity especially with that knock on the roadband and now they're on the hunt to where that solo teammate could be hiding at but they're gonna take a pause they know it's gonna take some time if they want to go back and get that reboot card so they're gonna stop get that Hall of chest bolster their loot before they continue moving forward oh there it is in that Flapjack rifle to work this is day one of the season they come up said like this rifle the sound of it is just so intimidating when players are just spraying you down in it and then seven seconds of continuous spray because of the 45 bullets in the mag and then you add on the slower rate of fire than some of the other rifles if you time to write with your teammate you can continuously make that player hold on to their covers Thomas and malibucca just going up and around it's like you tried a third party me you see exactly what happened to The Bleak of an eye down goes one Thomas is there ready to clean up the next has the sharp tooth the back to back as well with the shot coming in from above possible third party lending that helping hand and that's their laughing who steals away that elimination but it started off with that Mammoth and Thomas HD causing so much chaos from across the map but a fight that we've seen so many times slow Bay and also just trying to go against their opponents a lot of shields just being dropped down MK out for dealing out so much damage and they have them separated slovay is gonna be the first one there trying to knock on the door of swizzy not allow him to heal and there goes that knock as he tries to get away now it's up to putrick to try to figure out what he's gonna do as a solo and he's spotted out from a mile away and the shot continued to get fired off in the distance luckily for him he turns the corner at the last second to keep his game alive as much as they haven't maybe had the influence of some of the latter game they've definitely been ever present in sort of the earlier and mid game pots see them not afraid to take fights and sometimes it punishes them time like this they will come out on top so for a lot of these teams you get your early damage elimination whatever it may be put in your back pocket you can continue to have your eyes set forward steady but seemed like a smooth game plan throughout the first two now getting more and more contested more and more players rotating in their Direction so it's not going to be as easy as a drop as it was up until this point and that's team who has that little bit of High Ground Joe Claus is separated along with Cami so he kind of have mirrored situations between the two but again it's the mammoth pistol coming out from Cami that makes the difference allowing seti to go forward he sees that as green light he's ready to go but he disengages for that short second Cami gets fired back on and now they both have realized the situation that they're in they're gonna stabilize and reset last game for Camion city was not in line with the kind of games you expect them to have very much struggled a bit and so this time round not gonna be the same at least from the beginning it looks like it looks like I don't feel to play the game a bit more accustomed to the way they're used to fight we haven't seen a few times today again you can see by the minimap alone the two actual teams Landing there are taking way too long to deal with each other which kind of forces in third parties even saw Savage and video rotating in that direction to try to go ahead and clean that one up get more points for their totals get surge early on so they don't have to worry about it as much later in the game and they know at least one more players there Griff how to be careful if you're popping The Minis in the big pots they will hear you healing and they will know you're down there and that's exactly why you could see them not even looking like they're disengaged and they know somebody's down there and they're ready to look for them no matter how long it takes or the stubbornness cost them those the question in terms of timing unfortunately for stroki is right there because fumble like Griff really could have made that interesting caught Kylie out yeah it's that that last switch you said here so as soon as he switched the Havoc tried to defend himself that's the same thing that gave him away Janice and reason trying to pick up the pace here in the second half of the day but it's nevinson Hellfire who they have in their lines of sight they're continuously falling trying to push them outside of the Zone there's another team right in the first shot from ma'am is gonna be fired a near Miss as nebs survives he's able to rotate a lot quicker he's using the ice in the minimap you can see it to try to rotate very very similar to what teams are doing with the money and to be fair considering the state for them it's been quite a quiet day we know that they need to be one of the teams doing much better today of course they missed out on significant amounts of serious points again qualified through to round three we need to make up for that here today show them in their laughing doing exactly as they need to be doing right when you are trying to claim a spot that is so heavily contested like secluded spire when you do get the chance to play out at that spot you need to be dominating you need to be playing well that's exactly what they're doing especially if the ball spawns on that side of the map you got to take advantage of the free three points all that loot and then the rotation this Zone would be perfect for a rotation out of that POI but it was once a 52-point lead for malibucca and Thomas has been cut down little by little if they want to continue to build on that lead that they started in the first couple of games they're going to need a huge momentum shift especially since they won that off spawn exchange quite easily and you add on the fact that there was actually a third party there as well probably going back into the vods watching what goes down towards the racetrack and in their mind they thought hey this could be a free third party especially if they don't see us coming but it actually was the opposite they finished their fight quickly turned around and then took out the team that was attempting to third party and that's just adding to their totals now that you see them quickly trying to move into its own and they're one of the teams that we know goes for Rift Island more times than not but not today so far so I'm expecting it's about time that they try to contest up there yeah I'd love to see them have it I feel like a lot of the rift Island fights we've seen today haven't been quite as grueling as what we saw in week one at times foreign just instantly trying to rotate across the map they have some sort of blueprint or sense of wear that zone is going to pull and they're putting all their eggs in that basket as we tune into potassium Sneezy who are getting their loot cash unfortunately it isn't legendary but judging by their Loadout right now it is definitely going to be a massive upgrade to what they currently possess Ed there goes the shots again you can kind of see when the player is getting chunked out by the mammoth Shield bar just disappears with just one shot and it's kind of like that double-edged sword it deals a huge amount of damage the potential for a knock but same thing could be said if you're one rotating the open just like we're seeing Kai Lee and fast stroke you begin to do they don't got far to go before they are in steamy Springs and they have options they can kind of white line to the Zone where you see me Springs ending or they continue to rotate towards the South where more times than not is going to be the least congested side of the map it's gonna allow you a little bit more flexibility to kind of rotate in and out of the zone cardio for stroke you very much been the kind of teamwork given the chance to get their search out the way early and pick their spots they will often pick the right spots where we're seeing them eating games really just making things happen I think it's gonna be sort of aggressive early plays right where they are going for surgeon this kind of manner capitalizing on teams who maybe quite haven't got their rotations on point a lot of those teams that were already North rotated earlier on in this game so it doesn't look as as congested right now but a lot of teams need to prepare if it continues to pull towards the South Side it is going to get more and more congested where a lot of the teams are going to stack up and not necessarily try to gate keep but that's just kind of what happens when so many teams are stacked up on that side of the zone is video Mr Savage are taking that rotation I was talking about early on you just continue to go south you go to the least congested part of the map but it only really works if you're piled up on that storm surge damage which I hope they are there's certainly been opportunities for them too as they've rotated all the way from the East to the West this is a moment for Paws they have all that loot here in this situation we talked about the mammoth pistol and how much damage it does in an instant so they want to make sure that their Shields are topped off that way if they do get tagged up in the distance lessons the potential of that and getting down and if you see in the feed as I saw the deal or not video reason going down somewhere maybe even Janice so they're probably stuck in a fight just like a lot of these teams that are on the north side of the map as the Zone continues to pull towards the South yeah it's not it's not easy to survive through but last season we saw players were very much sort of almost cheat rotations with the katanas it was quite easy to get from point A to point me and now we're seeing these guys getting punished much more often oh my goodness they're laughing and show them are gonna be cut out from the lobby matter they would have liked it's just one of those situations where we talk about opportunity to the vault have to be able to capitalize and they're laughing he just didn't get the memo to back up and change layers by the time they went to reunite it was just too little too late and a huge reward for teeny and Joe Kloss they got four slurp juices six splashes as well not gonna waste any time popping the first because he gets beamed trying to go up towards Rift Island this is where the contest is Gonna Come Out teams game after game are realizing the valuable 15 points that is up for grabs and the loot at the top of Rift Island party shots coming into the distance your class gotta be careful damage from all around being dished out he can feel the pressure but you can see teeny comical collected not making too many anti-plays to try to save his teammate keeping his angle and let his teammate reunite with him that's where they're gonna find the safety and the strength of numbers huge opportunity there tries to go for a jump shot it's better and Dom who take him down see the loot the Mythic MK Alphas you can tell they at least traveled through Rumble ruins to get that one and they're continuously putting that pressure to try to back down their opponents layer by layer keep everything that they're around underneath their control and it's just right there from being captured so they can somehow push Joe Claus and teeny out of this position they can easily capture and then backtrack to get them let's see both these teams just again playing it slow trying to claim and control every single build that as possible patini and Joe they're just gonna try to catch one of the players out they know that they're somewhat split here they see them protecting from both sides almost about picking which one do we aggress on to how do we change the tempo and the pace of this fight catch them out when they're not really expecting it damn though very much gonna be the player who didn't get focused and so as both players split Joe and team will execute the panther Perfection jumped in on better when Dom wasn't ready and then once they picked her better they switch their focus onto Diamond took him out rather swiftly as well these guys currently are very much on it when it comes to these 2v2 fights yep those are those Split Second decisions that make or break the game but we're gonna go ahead and throw it on over to mini so he can show us the impact of these vaults and these mid Mac objectives thank you Jacob we saw teams battling it out for that island that is of course very valuable but another thing that's valuable are of course these vaults we can see teams really prioritizing these when they're at their drop spot and when they do get the spawn of the key we can see Acer and slowly going inside of that Vault and it's valuable of course you get three points for it but you have of course also get some loot as well that Mythic Flapjack and of course all the extra heals that are there these guys are set up for success and they've got a boost of points I'm excited to see how they do in this game a little bit of an understatement for a team I really want to see perform the best their abilities but malibuf has seeming like he's already knocked they have four eliminations now Thomas has his back up against the wall I already even see in the feed catch up the eliminations have been cleaned up Thomas was just getting third partied and sprayed out for that moment and you see him expending these extra builds just so that way he can build more real estate build more cover to try to get that Revive on to malibucca they're back into the game let's see if they can make up for that opportunity that they almost just lost yeah there's no time to waste for them right of course one of their biggest competitors the team that could potentially catch up has gone down so they need to try and do their best to extend the lead and just for us for the sake of the story imagine how incredible that would be the three games you actually see them get to play out three wins that would be pretty crazy refs currently now trying to avenge tripping has this fight well not a favorable angle but he does actually come up the favorable player swinging to his left through a window in it that's not one often see and both places the siphon comes in from both players as well and so we're getting Max to a decent HP spot so you could use yeah I don't seemed like he was toying with the idea of taking the mammoth but you kind of see the situation is you have to travel all the way to Zone he's gonna need those Med kits later camy's gonna need something his teammate goes down he gets a knock on the Hellfire but the luck has just run out nebs again it's that breacher Mammoth combo tearing through builds and now you add in that Mythic tactic it's almost over yeah that's really tough man all these players on congested getting caught in these little fights so they can't really escape from and even after all that battling you still gotta make a pretty long retention into Zone alongside a lot of these different Angry teams that you know are going to be hungry for surgeon episode ain't gonna worry about that is it 500 above and it looks like I couldn't even actually choose to watch they will see how that plays out for him well surely not I think we're literally gonna see how it plays out for us oh my gosh not again surely not oh my goodness Thomas HD unbelievable yeah I feel like every fncs should have been a warning event every single stay on my timeline I'm seeing people posting their best Clips you know hitting shots with this oh my babe Thomas he's telling everything I don't know what are we watching I don't know for some reason I'm not scared for him he's licking he's the best he can't stop him who's better I don't think there's anybody else he's stuck underneath some builds here and look there's a good chance he might go down stuck between like two or three different teams but the entertainment although he just got from Thomas HD that is why he is considered one of the best in the game oh my goodness that was unbelievable I literally thought we went from one replay to another replay of Thomas HD but now that was live that was in action and quick thinking coming out of him but unfortunately him and Malibu were just a little too separated there you saw Malibu could go down and then him one by one separated is that what you want to have happen but Mikey masrick they're in a nice position here especially with his own pulling and opening up in other direction that's gonna allow them more comfortability more options about where they want to rotate to similar to potassium Sneezy the north side of the map they're gonna slowly take all that space knowing that there should not be any teams positioned here at this stage in the game yeah the best positioning they could have in the lobby and look at the setup holder side all the heels he could possibly ask for maxed on materials the best spot in the zone and I think this should be a top top game for them considering a lot of their top top opposition have fallen already yep back-to-back games where a window of opportunity has opened for a lot of these players to climb up the ranks and and this this is going to be a tight leaderboard after week three for those teams that are at least maybe 40 through 50th would typically kind of go to Surge week along with the rest of those teams it's going to be very very tight very very close as Debs is still in that same pressure if he can get out of this live he has four slurp juices it's not going to take him long to get healthy in this situation and that player change was huge if he would have stayed there they would have continued to put that pressure he would have been unable to pop the slurp juice but because he changed layers he went up just one different box that's going to make sure nebs is as healthy as can be for this next rotation yeah but going into the moving zones of only with available Jacob is never the kind of sport you want to be in as a player so vulnerable so weak to the rest of the lobby as good of a player as he is with the mouse in hand it's going to be a really really tough end game for them to really make anything happen Senate and I resume it in a little bit but they don't really have what it takes to hold on to Hype the resources they have available just aren't good enough right now since they did pull Zone they're gonna be one of the first teams that have a huge opportunity to take away that high ground and try to hold on to it and looking healthy up into this point fast stroking Kylie just trying to rotate they're the farthest team out right now they don't have very many teams in front of it but the ones that do they not only have high ground but they have that Mammoth pistol which drained Kylie Shields just like that it doesn't look like they have very many heels to get them back up to Tip-Top shape so they're gonna have to kind of think outside of the box we know eventually a siphon and a refresh is gonna be in the back of their minds but where are they going to be able to pick it up at everybody getting a far pool this time around I think maybe six teams getting the front side of the zone so this is where you see a lot of players begin to rotate side by side with each other and making that decision do you fire the shots do you gotta go unnoticed along with that player is going to be so crucial and impactful in order to keep you alive we're gonna see it here right in front of us the shoe and Deno just continue to rotate toward the outside of the zone They want to go through unnoticed but potassium stay easy they're just going beeline straight towards the zone and that's what's causing them to take so much damage there's a lot of teams that are positioned that don't have to rotate just yet that have now made them a focus including the ones right under Sneezy and that's why he's going up this is a great layer change at this stage of the game especially if it continues to go unnoticed so punishing that zone for those teams especially because so many other teams are just set up perfectly to absolutely capitalize off of it Sneezy now I'm just gonna have to run through you see all these stairs being placed behind them trying to block off his angles as he tops his way in and this next Zone transition is going to be so crucial to how the rest of this game plays out you see Kylie infrastrophy up from second High maybe looking up towards it to see who exactly is playing for it and what they can do that actually very low material so look yeah they're gonna look to try to drop down they want to find a refresh elsewhere and it's not going to come for sure keep a bit confused you can't even see who's actually taking him out looking in all different directions it's like he's fighting a ghost right now and Kylie with no materials left really just have to hope and pray that something can fall into his path but you can see just how tough it is all the changes in elevation Lucia dropping all the way down and it's actually favorable forward I personally felt like a bit of a mistake and maybe now it will feel like a mistake because he looks like he's going right back to the lobby both players down that would have been a great time to rotate with the kinetic or if he was able to stay alive that's neither here nor there but a sneezy's chance to sign but he has one build and you see teeny that was the player that just took down a couple of them that's Joe Kloss as well they have The High Ground And if the Zone continues to pull in that direction they can solidify it by connecting but Kylie goes down slovay takes him out and he gets granted almost every heel in the book he starts off with the slurp juice he has two medmiss in his back pocket but Zone hasn't closed yet he has to start making a way forward or it's all for nothing creeping his way in Usher isn't that and all these materials now are going to be just enough to keep him alive T just putting that pressure there he's just looking for any opportunity with the mammoth but staggering himself to the back side so no sneak attacks come through Joe Claus is putting the pressure there with the Flap Jack trulics a solo staggering himself outside of the Zone the men Miss it's now or never he's trying to out kill anybody for those placement points and already he's going to get two more for his efforts running out of that men Miss it's tasked to think about where he's going to push where he's going to get that siphon and Vico and pink might be the Targets in his sight it's not been the kind of day they will be riding home and celebrating about but if they can do this game to turn things around it will be the best momentum Bruce Fordham struggling though they can't really do much of it and hit their shots now no materials and Timmy and Joe are not gonna let it happen they drop down at the perfect time and kick up the win they're never present Force throughout these games and finally picking up a victory out to match it yeah you've seen them pick up huge eliminations in the distant third party stealing away in back foot points from around the lobby and you can see from the moment they have that High Ground they did not let it out of their sights and dropping down at the perfect moment they realized it was a 2v2 situation they had to jump on their opponent and there goes the first knock on the Vico and from there it was easy as can be they saw pink and they caught him out in the open to get that second elimination and the VR yeah pink and Vico did incredibly well that under the circumstances but just at the end they didn't have enough to hold on and really make that final to be something worthwhile right they couldn't build and protect their angles nothing like that it was all about teami and Joe dropping down at a perfect time and a really nice win for them again they build a team that's been here it's not like they've come from nowhere they have been a part of all these games and we've seen their Journey throughout the day and they finally pick up a win in a game where a lot of the people up at the top of the leaderboard didn't quite have the best game Shaker yup that means that window of opportunity to jump up as many spots as you can is going to be there and with the first game of the half done I'm gonna go throw it over to Zeke in the game to break down that leaderboard [Music] all right listen Vivid Taco this one was a weird one okay there was it was just chaos from beginning to end now don't get me wrong there's some really cool highlight moments there were some crazy clutch individual solo plays but overall this has got to be one of the more chaotic games I feel like I've seen in EU in a while yeah I mean Logan was popping off with all that chaos we're talking about meanwhile Joe and tenure kind of just riding it out on The High Ground like Jacob had mentioned there once they got a hold of that High Ground nobody could even come close to contestant for them I feel like every other game that we've seen today we've seen these little contests go for the higher ground this was more like one of those week one style games where iron was just able to ride it out and just build you know those flats and those cones and that was it yeah it's not even like teeny ninja had like all of the essential materials that you wouldn't necessarily want I mean they were running relatively low on bills there towards the very end it's just that nobody else in the lobby has even close like they don't even have a fraction of the bills necessary to try and begin even making that Trek to tarp through into second high and then look up towards that ultimate High ground layer I I think that the idea there for Vico and pink they were trying to utilize as many of those Builds on the bottom to kind of provide as much coverage for as long as possible but eventually it just runs out and then you have to go for the challenge and it's a hard one to win from that position yeah very very tough uh tough rather let's take a look at our leaderboard I want to see how the standings are shaping up remember we only have two more games to go and then we're diving out some Series points malibuca and Thomas uh yeah yeah I mean yeah Thomas decided I'm alone gunman I have a mammoth pistol you say is basically sort of like a sniper in hand I'll just chain together a handful eliminations Habib just stay up at the top why not oh yeah well why not just hit shot after shot after shot after shot after shot after shot after shot with the new Mammoth puzzle that does big damage when you do manage to land those shots at me and just incredible efforts out of this Dewey and it's one of the ones where it's just like yeah they didn't necessarily make it into the end game but the shots were being landed the eliminations came out I mean I have no idea of what I'm even watching it's like it's like his own highlight reel Thomas was doing such a great job though at disorienting so many other Duos in the lobby teams that were trying to establish some form of mid-ground control and just positional control but when you have these shots just breaking through from directions that you're not anticipating from a solo player at that sure Thomas winds up getting pincered at the very end there but he still managed to basically keep himself in a vying position to where they can maintain their top placement right now in the leaderboard but there's a reason why Thomas is looked at as one of the best snipers in EU and he doesn't need the heavy snipe rifle to do it a Manifesto apparently is just going to be the same exact thing for him just disgusting coming out from Thomas HD and again this is kind of two rough games back to back remember they won the first two games kinda had have two subpar games had have had some difficulties but with two games left to go I'm sure they can look to pick up some steam and close out strong I did want to highlight this Duo that just jumped up into second place there vasque and older suddenly they're looking to contest they they're trying to say Malibu Thomas look we get it you guys are nuts but we when I can first place finish if possible yeah very consistent team actually three top tens for them already that game was actually gonna be their worst place he'd won so far with the 16th so hopefully they can kind of return to form in game number five and I think they could definitely contest them in first place if Thomas and malibuca have a tough rotation like they did in this one I think a lot of it also just boil down to the fact that these were some pretty brutal moving zones the way that it started to pull back over shattered slabs it could be very difficult to actually micromanage that shift in layers and especially when a lot of it's just from the natural terrain that shutter slabs has to offer but so many of these teams just doing everything in their power to try and make sure they don't get caught up in somebody else's box yeah the again this no Mobility meta it is brutal right and for some of these Duos sometimes things go their way they get that zone pop close by they think it's fine other times they have to travel very far distances across basically the entire Lobby and hope that they can make it out now I did want to look at the the kind of overall damage we've seen by the Numbers here in the competition so far so we're gonna highlight kind of a total number of damage dealt just in the four games we've seen better and darm uh 8 000 damage you know what's crazy is I would have expected Thomas to just be in first place right you put a mammoth in his hand and say I don't know man just send some Shots Out pick up some eliminations but looks like for better and darm they're the ones pumping out the most damage so far yeah this is games one through three so after we calculate in and include game number four right there I'm sure Thomas will definitely bump up but I'm happy to see Sneezy and POTUS side right there in second place because they have had a very consistent day as well every single one of their finishes has been top 15 and they're in fourth place right now and I love the way that they position themselves in some of these end games including that game right there unfortunate that those moving zones pulled completely opposite to them or I guarantee we would have saw a victory out of them as well but again when you're seeing such a substantial difference between first and second place as far as damage output overall you almost have to wonder for better and darn If part of the issue might actually be their time to elimination some of these engagements they're taking might be going on for just a little bit too long to where they're having to compromise their rotational capabilities and if they're not able to find that ideal positioning you can have plenty of storm surge damage but it's not going to really do you much good if you're not able to find that ideal spot to sit in to actually utilize it later on and I love that point right how many of these fights have we seen go like 30 seconds to a minute to two minutes in the storm of as well like we needed to start going in getting these eliminations and getting out right because remember with no Mobility that those even 30 seconds is so valuable to a Duo but we gotta Focus back up on the competition only two more games to go so I'll send it on over to our casters for the next one game five is right here right before us and this is where a lot of those teams if you're lower on that leaderboard and you had a bad week number one there is no time to waste you might have to change up your game fight and get a little bit aggressive to pick up those points yeah Jurassic times cool for the drastic measures Jacob of course it's the age of story this is a season where you can't rely on a surgery to save your surgery what's that no none of that Series points is the way you have to have top performances in these round threes and for the teams I went here last week you cannot let these two games just pass you by you have to change it Destiny you have to change your fate not change starts now yeah especially for the early Front Runners on the day from games one through three going down early hitting some speed bumps in the road those are opportunities and vital opportunities at that that you need to be able to take advantage of as a team because you don't want to sit back look at a low point game from one of our top leaders and realize you also had one of those low point games so with game five and game number six even around the corner it is a must for these teams to really pick up the pace are there any individuals that you're looking at that need to have a big game five I got my eyes on all the individuals let's jump right into game five foreign right here you're seeing and west to east bus path a little bit South at that tail end helping some of those teams get to their drop spot that much faster but There Goes Thomas and malibucca hiney and my goop yet again right out of the gates and they get a little bit of a split malibucca didn't even get a gun Thomas he's trying to back up and hold his position because you cannot let that slurp truck go for free either hold on to his position his height or Malibu because he's hunting but he has to go far to get any bit of weapon which means they have to disengage that start truck has gone on over now Thomas has to be on the hunt for Shields of his own especially if they're looking to take this fight because Heine is stepping up to the plate he's ready to hit it out of the park if you give him an opportunity yeah they are hunting but I might just leave a window a gap from malabooka to sneak in and I think they're a bit cautious of it so yeah they will continue to just run it down midnight Thomas but it's interesting right it's rare that you see this fight so if divulging to disengage like this especially with Malibu and Thomas right there rarely after the guys to disengage in such a manner that's gonna be a different boost of confidence on the other side no wait you just backed off one of the best teams in the lobby trying to build up that confidence but you don't want to get too greedy simply don't want to buy that more than you can chew especially going up against a team like this and then that's why you're seeing the continuous disengage nobody really taking the bull by the horns to try to fight this right out of the gates especially with third parties looming around every other direction say because we've not heard or seen that much from today in the news up a bit a bit more quiet than what we typically would expect from them there are still two more games to try and turn that around shots in the distance as well username shakos have a decent footing here on the map but when it comes to heels and getting themselves up into fighting shape they need a little bit more but luckily for them that team that was just right around them began to disengage Money Maker as well who is a solo this is gonna be a big game for some of these teams to try to put up as many points as possible doesn't matter how low you are on the leaderboard each position up that leaderboard grants you more and more series points added to your week one total you add it to your week three total and our top 50 teams in series points reach the grand finals Ariana and Kaden do we see them in these kind of spots right where they're just targeting a player and really just sort of hunting someone down and you sort of look and you go okay that's nice right you guys have started off well kicking off and then it never turns into much more than that no more waiting around Grove clown ski towards the bottom Oogway with a little bit of height it's basically their choice if they want to continue to try to contest this hold them out of Zone first shots can be fired off get denied entry peace control cannot go over just yet blueway continues to back up clown skiing for all is hot on the chase they don't want to let him go for free you even have that potential third party closing in on the distance Landing some shots Oogway is going to go down and you could see them immediately disengage as this fight ended they just they just wanted damage they didn't want to fight they just wanted to storm surge damage and they're well on their way [Music] than any other EU player absolutely astonishing from Thomas HD I spoke to him recently and I was saying to him as much as he's not one that all elusive fncs like when you look at his consistency in competitive Fortnight history there's nobody in EU that comes close to it's ridiculous he is literally probably the only player that you could argue has been a top 10 player in every year of EU competitive fortnite you look at 2019 he was sort of in and around that area then after that 2020-21 22 23 has been unprecedented the consistency from him it's primarily impressive due to how much The Meta actually changes season after season the POI has changed season after season chapter after chapter it's almost yeah you have to relearn crucial aspects of the game so being able to stay on top for so long just like you said not many say they can do the same and show them and they're laughing their new drop spot here and there's no hiding because they're laughing has the keys so they're always going to know where he's positioned at Asbury stash begins to put down the early damage onto the builds just trying to break through and there goes a huge shot from the side hide on bush with a sneak attack can land 140 damage on show them give them the advantage here in this fight yeah this is nice to begin things oh my goodness oh man I I praise this guy too much and so I don't want to be with the girl in Levin's glazing again but are you kidding me what have we deceived nice I think anybody's a fan of a play like this he turned I mean come on what are we doing here what are we doing there they've not been having the best day I don't do some mustache it's actually been a pretty touring Day by their standards they've not been getting along they've been arguing Jacob in fact so much so they literally played a couple games with like just no comps they've just both were muted up not even talking to each other just playing that's how bad it was getting today hopefully in the second half or the last two games they can make up for it in my head I'm thinking you know what what Duo what couple doesn't face adversity within their own team they fix it they become stronger at the end just in a weekly finals that's where it becomes a little question sneak his way in Heinie's already down this is a fight right out of the gates I don't know if it counts as off of drop but there you go Thomas and malibucca looking like they already have one elimination Lucy and steno take away the other so split the points between the two and it looks like they're doing the same with the loot foreign foreign pool here the west side of the zone you have that same fight just gets the piece instantly and that's the peak you just don't Peak Thomas I feel like I need to write that down as rule number one don't pick Thomas in a box fight doesn't matter if he has speed control or not punch the effort that's a pretty decent rule don't peek Thomas probably gonna be safe more times than not right so it's one randomly separating these two teams but they're gonna Rift out try to find some safety elsewhere it's just are they gonna follow or they just going to Zone click the answer I think they were probably thinking in their head and try to follow get as close as you can with shots coming in from both MK alphas and the mammoth pistol that's the decision you're gonna regret for a little bit until you heal up at the very minimum it's Protestant Sneezy kind of what we see them do here as long as the zone is towards the Citadel it's already elevated high up off the ground naturally and then if you build on top of it you're gonna get a great line of sights to try to get surge but an interesting Loadout from Pokemon shotgun on one side of the map from the other from castles to jungles Savage of a deal just toying outside of the zone for now Savage just getting that much more damage for his storm surge total but the deal just oversteps his boundaries lushi is able to get the knock but it's from the distance you can see them trying to close in on that distance you see it in the mini map as well Mr Savage is trying to time this right he's trying to go for the revive does he get it off is the question especially with shots coming in from steno he's gonna stop that one coming through and gets the cleanup onto the deal loose I've not been the easiest team to come up against in these games so far and I don't often associate real brute forcing high level fighting with these two but maybe I thought it should because that's what they've been showcasing today you can see with this fight taking place hide on Bush and Mustachio we're just waiting on the outside for it to conclude before jumping in if you might see that there yeah I think Center just spotted one of them now so both players will slow down a bit because this is how much continues to try and make his Great Escape have these three teams directly in the fight make it four as they finally enter The Fray solo and another Duo towards the outskirts here and all this action they want a piece of that pie CE Dash not dropping down immediately Savage is out Vico is out vacant is gone as well luckily for mustache got tagged up with the slurp juice is popping so he's immediately able to get up to tip top shape with the fight breaking down it's over just as quick as it started in a lot of these you've seen a lot of these players disengage they don't want to continue to fight especially while having to rotate to the next Zone he has the Exotic slap splashes get 30 HP instead of 15 longer duration with your Tactical Sprint see he's on the hunt right now he looks like he was going back for the reboot but shaco's going to beat him there so we have a 1v1 with so much on the line other than just the elimination points but a chance to get your teammate back into the game and just like that there's another team rotating from The Zone and a chance for them to try to pick up something here at least some shots when it comes to Surge but that third party is going to be detrimental to one of these players if they do land a shot here and just getting chased around shaco's just doing all that he can just survive this even with a third party coming in that's Thomas and malibucca of all teams I don't know if they know it was him you noted as soon as as soon as they started pushing up both of those players disengage oh there's gonna feel that one in the morning as Thomas continues his domination with the mammoth pistol and the distance I thought he was I thought he was at least going to go for the attempt there I saw that one should I mean I don't want many things in life I don't really complain much but if if I can you know get some more Thomas number of highlights I I'll shut up for a long time if you want me to keep going great find on the men Miss they still got some traveling to go before they find that safety net into the zone it's gonna be one of the last teams there as well and I think they have the experience to know what is waiting for them on the other side reboot coming off see the information being gathered at the top of Rift Island plenty of heels on the side of Marco and Timber there's one team that's positioned right below him directly on Rift Island one more right below them on the mountain below Rift Island who's trying to travel closer and closer to the center Zone and a couple players towards the outskirts sprinkled around looking for right now with a mammoth pistol this amount of High Ground a great opportunity just get somebody when they least expect it I don't think anybody expects it the Mana pistols unbelievable but look it wouldn't be a mid game without having our lovely friend Minnie Miner dropping us with some updates Minnie what's going on well 11 snazzy and Poe to slide everything very good so far their fourth place unbelievable but I feel like we haven't seen too much for them let's break down their off-spawn strategy and how they're maximizing the loot that they can get from The Citadel we can see here prototype getting as much metal as possible spoiling the Tea Party breaking every single play and Cutlery on the table just trying to maximize all of the metal that he can get from this drop spot meanwhile they also have a loot or a vault nearby that they can loot from so it's an Asian prototype get a little bit of that loot as well and also they are able to capture a flag at their POI so these guys are not short on loot at all that's why we're seeing them keeping up this consistency and let's see if they can continue it here in game five and I think a big thing is just they do that all so quickly and they're not setting up in positions right to go out there get their surge dealt with that can sometimes be the key too many times I've seen teams in positions where they're just over the Looting spending way too much time doing it too slowly not efficient in their pathing and they really costs you know extra couple of minutes you lose out on so one thing I know that wasn't hit on is the capture point in the vault combined gave them more than enough gold to be very picky very choosy with their augments and how they want to line up all four of those they can set themselves up would be maybe a mammoth destruction they could specialize in the ARs they can even reload their shotgun just a bit quicker but V is going to go and get tagged up fast stroke he's by himself you realize there's another player there so this where he's immediately gonna try to disengage even though he did deal a good amount of damage since the damage pours right back at him he's just trying to disengage and Escape he has three slurp juices he could definitely get himself into the zone as well you see how close it is especially if it does begin to open a lot of these white heels that he's finding on the ground from men Mists and so on and so forth he's gonna allow him to stagger himself even more depending on how much damage he's taken up to this point I don't think storm sickness will be that much of a worry the rapping his way into the safe Zone Hell Fire running behind oh yeah I'm not surprised anymore why am I surprised that Mama pistol putting in work and hellfire with some crisp clean locks hitting heads that's tough it's it's definitely it's definitely one of those things and you can see him combining that Mammoth pistol with the augments to give him even more damage and you can see in games one through there were more elims with a mammoth pistol than ARS I wonder why I don't think it takes a magic eight ball to see that one players on the ground you one shot him players standing up you one shot him you could double pump with the sharp tooth and the distance and hip fire it's just one of those those weapons is almost a must-have and you could see Thomas on the receiving end of some shots trying to fly through with that Rift and you can see how it's a huge double edge sword for these teams yeah I think one of the key things that sometimes gets overlooked right is that when you are gliding as a Duo a lot of the time the first player is fine right the first player whoever's leading is cool because people aren't really expecting them people are reacting in time it's the second player the person that's following you have to be very conscious about how you're gonna glide through and how you're gonna survive because at that point everybody now is aware of you and is watching and in that case Thomas gets caught out because of it always much harder to be that second player have to be even more aware hopefully that's a bit of a freedom on Malibu the side to play exactly how he wants as said you can slide in pick up another elimination in choosing what am I gonna bring along with me on this next adventure into the center of zone right on top gotta be careful most of the teams are already in zone but fast jokey a solo with a Duo right next to him has to be careful and you can see all the way Westward of shattered slab there's a whole fight breaking down and both of those teams no matter who wins that fight need to be careful because by the time it's over chances are everybody else is already going to be in zone another shot slap Zone somebody's you know clearly in the favor of the Zone blocks right now but the big thing is is as we saw with last game those changes in elevation as you go through shattered if the moving zones do pull that very very tough to deal with you have to think ahead you have to plan ahead and Bush and mustache is going to be playing the same game as they do weren't doing that last time round and so hopefully now a change in their fortunes as they look to climb up the standings the chance for a change in so many every player's fortune in this law because we saw there a moment ago the leaderboard flashed up top three teams are down and out again in our fifth game on the day which opens up an opportunity for anybody any one of these teams even Sneezy and potusai here to try to climb up that leaderboard try to position themselves at the top nice shots off into the distance they pick up that elimination unable to really get all that loot for their efforts for at least one less player in the lobby they have to worry about is by that corny his teammate on the other side they know he's a solo and that's the interesting thing as long as they have that information they don't have to act on it now they can wait until zones begin to rotate and spot them out on rotation it's gonna be a tough enough battle yeah he's above on search but he doesn't have a teammate and he has some very aggressive players looking at him from all sides all the angles the prices even stayed along a lot this long dodging bullet sliding through and it's up down over under how have you managed to survive that you eventually gets taken out but for stroky putting on a show before he went down what a player we're gonna see that on social media probably a few times throughout the weekend but take note of this I talked about the top three teams being down you clued fast Roki that's four of the top five teams are down and then you continue to look down that leaderboard out of the top seven there's only one team alive it's Nazi and potusai and this is the game that could really climb them to the top of the leaderboards and give them momentum going into our sixth and final game they could be the team to take it all when I think a lot of people were looking at some other names in this Lobby and that's why I love fortnite for that reason when you least expect a lot of these players that are going under the radar become the top dogs this is the chance this is that moment the others have allowed them to have this opportunity no one to blame but themselves they wanna force their way up are always gonna be a presence in these kind of games and the setup looks really nice for them the Zone Pool isn't too bad and you know exactly what they want to try and do stick to those higher layers let's see if they can disrupt height a bit if it's there to be taken they will definitely take it but more often than not we see them moving through claiming those logo on layers and just absolutely bullying ahead Me solos that are scuffed down there vortex pelusi they're trying to cause problems for themselves and that's exactly what they'll do Protestant Sneezy re-establish their height Fortress getting chopped out for a moment you can save some builds from crashing and falling down to the low ground when it all got chopped those are huge but 255 above the damage threshold you stay easy going out going wide trying to go to the front side Mercedes he's trying to go in Chicho goes down trulitch two to follow and that's hide on Bush and burst Dash with a huge late game refresh and elimination they quickly disengage out of the box right into another though mustache taking so much damage trying to survive him and his teammate were momentarily separated before they find themselves reunited in the same box once more this could be the game that we show exactly who they are these guys have been fncs Champions this year they are no slouches at all Vortex and Below seat we saw them much higher up a couple moments ago but things have quickly taken a turn this was all up to Vortex now as a solo to try and make some sort of masterclass happen he does have some decent loot to make it a possibility combine that with five eliminations so far they've already got the ball rolling you see him be very very careful not to forget Any Corner to check even Tripper and trying to break down height refs guard going into the Zone trying to pick up as many of those refresh mats as possible didn't even splitting giving them all over the trip and he's gonna be the igl the lead or the guy that's tunneling and tarping them way into its own standing on Lucy looking towards the back side they found one on to Ronnie that gives him two more points of their total but only but surely this team is climbing up that leaderboard and this is a different kind of game for Kami he has to do it all alone and he's gonna do his best at it you can see your position isn't there from Todd points to the tally and he knows how to take them can't finish off anything just yet he knows he can't be overly passive in this game if he wants to survive Sneezy potusado up in the sky and they're holding on good great use of the body deployed by candy let's go ahead and get in zone as fast as possible let it slurp too smooth a lot of the work to try to get an HP up he gets the peace control in the edit but misses the crucial shot but the second slurp juice is there no worries For Cami as he continues to try to go in zone side by side by lushi catches him slipping takes him out and gets a nice set of refresh mats it's not much but it leads to something to work with For Cami the perfect opportunity for him to stay in this game Stena is going to be wondering what on Earth has just happened come in now he's going for the open door panel he's not going to let them survive more peace control from him trying to be attempted but they'll just rely on the aim rely on the AR and it will pay off and he gets the men Miss he's keeping himself alive I talked about Sneezy and potusai's chance being one of the only teams in the top five well Cami and seti are the second team in the top ten trying to take this opportunity by store but they go down 2v2 situation though Stacy and podicide they have The High Ground they cannot be shot out by now so the pressure is there from the flapjack on the low though nebs Hell Fire trying to Fire Bats you see the mammoth pistol in hand trying to break through the builds and drop him into the palm of their hands but this one is going to go down to who is daring enough to try to make the play into stassi first stazzy goes down he takes down nebs 2V1 situation here as the heal off is gonna begin podicide trusting in his teammate to do all the work and he gets them down low else Fire gets taken down by potusai and Stacy Sneezy and put aside they made it close in the endless Sneezy drop down now I was thinking oh my goodness is this gonna pay off but it did in the end he'll find an episode of the Brendan jump to make it as close as it was because those guys were big chilling for a large part of those moving zones and still though at every given opportunity to try and take somebody out they took it and took it well that Fallen shot the drop shot there not something you see often but when it comes off it is so clean and he almost got both of them to be fair but it was Hellfire he was able to pick him up before POTUS I closed things out a nice game for the Frenchy's there Jacob and one that I'm sure will be very very fruitful for them in their pursuit of first place no it definitely is and the biggest thing to note is he stopped his own heal up to make sure to take down Hellfire before this I've been actually came in he is making sure to stretch his limits he's using everything he learned in fortnite up until this point and I said it first was down second is down two teams in the top ten overall late in the game were the only two teams alive and you best believe that leaderboard is in shambles going into our last and final game I'm thrown out over Zeke and our analyst to break it all down thank you guys so much only a single game left to go here in EU and man it has been a wild one to say the very least once again our teams in first and second place have gone down this means everyone else can try and make plays can try and catch up remember after six games on the day wherever dual places they're looking to put Series points on the series Point leaderboard Sneezy and podicide that get themselves the victory Royale we've seen them kind of in that top 10 situation several times today but finally Vivid they put all the pieces together and they get themselves a win I've been one of the most consistent teams on the day for sure they haven't placed out of the top 15 yet today and I just mentioned ask him I like the way that they are positioning in the end games it seems like they always have the positional advantage over the rest of the lobby they've just been waiting for the zone to pull their way and finally in game number five it does and they take full advantage of it by building up making sure they have the higher ground and it was just played so perfectly even Sneezy right there dropping down playing the mid ground for a split second in order to get that refresh so that way they could continue to build out and then the ending closing movements were just way too clean and this falling shot right into the water being aware of that so smart it's just the comms and the coordination between these two because when Sneezy goes for that initial drop shot as well you have to keep in mind he's doing that with full trust in the POTUS eye to actually have the backup pieces necessary to properly pressure from two separate angles and it's definitely not an easy feat to try and control the lobby as well as these two have done and not just this end game instance that happened to work out for victory out for them but even some of our earlier matches we've seen them time and time again at least looking to try and challenge for The High Ground whenever they're actually at that late game opportunity momentum they have it can they do it once more well we'll find out in just a moment first let's take a look at the standings a single game left to go here in you what does this all mean how does it all unfold for the first time today Malibu and Thomas HD finally get dethroned they've been in that number one spot for five games well technically I guess four now on game five though at the conclusion POTUS I say you know what we are Kings look at us but with Duos like seti and Cami and now someone like steno and Lucy they're in fourth place this could still be anyone's game Vivid yeah and I mean I'm looking at set-in camera because they were placing so high so consistently throughout the day and after game number four they slip down to that Ninth Place but that solo clutch out of Cami was so bumps that back up in the top three and just real quick on the right side over there that storm surge damage they went into the seventh Zone with like 1200 above and without an not even having an elimination yet like we talk about time and time again when it comes to the storm surge they can very easily make it to the end game just every single game because they are just a step ahead in that category yeah and you can tell that the cogs are always turning here because even one of the clutch plays that cami had for his solo clutch opportunity was chopping out a Duo's box and forcing that pair to be isolated so that he was even in a position to find a nice refresh he gets some siphon going for himself and a couple of elims to boot and it's not easy when you're in that solo side situation you see a lot of times you'll see teams when they are left with that solo player just trying to play full backside of Zone trying not to put themselves into a position where they can become the target focus of the lobby but Cami just didn't care he was ready to get active and he did a phenomenal job at clutching up some of those points for the leaderboard position and like how many duels in that same position would just crumble right they'd be like I'm a left alone I have one elim maybe they are eliminated like 15 Right For Cami to make it all the way to top five remember there's points for eliminations there's points for placement so he played it so well constantly teetering on that line so well executed from him and another Duo Neves and hellfire coming in second after that game this is a duel we've seen in the past do very well and though they've been relatively quiet on the day they finally make it in that top two trying to make a play happen trying to fight for the victory Roy ow but I mean just look at the number of eliminations finally they're trying to just bring something online for this final game and I feel like they've had some solid mid games throughout the day I keep seeing some some Mammoth pistol highlights out of this though right so the storm surge has always been there for this though it's just all about finalizing those closing moments and actually make it into the end game and when they did popping off with 10 eliminations I mean that's gonna be a huge game for them leading into the last one [Music] yeah I mean I think ultimately it's just going to be about consistency at this point and some of these teams that didn't necessarily get the strongest start on the day in our first three games well you can always close out strong and I think nebs and hellfire have definitely put themselves in a position where they could certainly look to challenge four top five in the leaderboards I like that but this does make me think about that 20 right the 11th or 20th places just really quickly let's just touch on this let's see which currently sitting in that little margin right take a look this is our top ten we'll flip on over to our 20th as well because again we're looking to place as high as we can after the day is done 14th Place a Duo like Janice and reason right take a look at 17th Place nebs and hellfire up to 20 places Vivid they can do it again it could happen but it's crazy right like look at this leaderboard there's only 14 point difference between 20th and 11th so close it is way too close it is way too close with only this here the final game in EU One Last Ride One Last Time casters over to you this is it the last ride the final go around for a lot of these teams and you got to imagine that top side of the leaderboard is stacked it's worth fighting for for teams that didn't have that placement in week number one for some that have already achieved a top five and they're looking to kind of solidify their spot in Grand finals with this week here yeah and I think it's fair to say these guys have how they feel for their games today you've had so many chances to have an understanding going into this last game you know there aren't any excuses that you have to make this one count yeah it's all or nothing in this last and final moments and we're gonna see a lot of teams change up their game plan from very very early on we're gonna see a lot of aggression right out of the gates into maybe a slow and Style game plan into those final moments to take it all so everybody needs to scavenge around you're gonna see some players caught out of position and players taking advantage but the last game of the day starts right now foreign we've had five games that have built up to this moment our last opportunity for many of these teams some of these teams is a good chance Jacob we won't even see them again this season with just how grueling and difficult it can be to even make it back to this stage of course the hope is that we will see a lot of them get another chance at it in week number three but that all starts with their performance here in game six and it all starts with these awesome battles Malibu print Thomas up against my group and Heine both teams trying to land on any sort of weapons they can find another player out if possible the big bush bomb can be used to try to Cloud his position immediately it goes out see them fighting for the third truck which they're gonna get finally gets the best end of it all 200 hp and shield which vanishes In The Bleak of an eye Thomas continues to put out damage malibucca is there the trading the bait and switch goes through and they come out on top yet again Thomas and malibucca are ready to take that first place position back I love what I'm saying I like where I'm seeing a quick a quick clean or spawn battle and a transfer them to remind us of how they started the day of course if you have tuned in late those two won the first two games back to back just a big part of why they're where they are in the standings see this trouble in Paradise that looks like somebody got taken down out of the sky maybe combat for how I'm maybe tagging him not letting him even touch the ground protest going for the reboot they immediately beeline over they want to take him down twice two different times that's four points I'm just Sneezy alone and that's putting a ton of pressure onto POTUS eye away hidden in that building I'm sure they'll check it Maybe not maybe I'm just gonna go right for the head right for podocyte cool suspicious of every corner every angle I'm not gonna go to the extent to check every single building interesting wow We Come Back Spin in the block and he will find Sneezy good find right there wait we didn't check the closed buildings probably what he told himself let me just double back check it one more time and this is where they're just trying to take height they spot out potusai in the distance not a lot of ammo for that Flapjack to deal damage into the distance he's quickly Gonna Pop That slap juice try to get unlimited standing right now so he can close the distance onto potusai but it's basically a game of of cat and mouse hide and seek if I'm put aside I'm never gonna stop tight yeah I think they know that as well they've done enough damage though right they've completely derailed they gate we've seen these guys comfortably land that they're sitting they'll blew up very quickly very efficiently you know Capture the Flag get the ball you know do this all that and now you go find a new way to play this game and that's not what you want to be doing in game number six you want to already know with your established plan that's got you so far oh the mess the last pull it out of the flapjack started off with the mammoth and that's what you see in that stat about the eliminations with that mammoth it's much easier just to spray through your targets with a slap jack and the MK Alpha and then kind of finish it off overall with the mammoth especially if a player is weak as they continue to loot up frenzy they're just pushing everybody that was contesting them early on they're just pushing the power to frenzy Fields making sure people know that is their Boi to kind of hold down tough and they started this game off in third place 180 points they were 14 point shy of second so they have a gap to overcome the slove and ASA immediately end that fight as soon as we tune in limbs start for them it's all about those Series points here even if you realize like it's 100 Point deficit to try to take first you want to gather as many as possible the late Rift and try to get himself out of the tough spot volco's gonna go down you can see I'm going right back to the scene try to get that boot third party coming in Hell Fire just taking so much damage being backed up against the ball luckily for him though nems is right there and they have the potential Rift as I could get out of jail free card trick underneath their sleeve thank you not see much of them apart from them being on the receiving endo a little piece of skid in this area of the map it's like he's begging for someone to do spot him out shoot in that direction maybe using it as a way to kind of figure out where his opponents are at you see back into podocyte last we saw him he was disengaging so far out of the Citadel to try to stay alive but his eventuality coming into play that he needed to backtrack he needs to go back if he wants to get sneezy's reboot card and work together as a Duo they have a 30-point lead to start this game but with Thomas and malibucca hot on your heels that is not a 30-point feeling of comfortability that I would have at all yeah not at all especially with their propensity to often play towards the vault towards the island sorry and just their raw ability you know at any given moment these guys can set in a limb record and win a game right so who is on their GSC it was the original combat power with the original players that did take down potusai's teammate so they had the wherewithal to stay in the vicinity of the reboot card as soon as he went try to get it you see them close in on the distance but it's too sneaky he's just a little quick he was able to disengage and depending on where the Zone pulls this side of the map might be one of the least congested and there might be a high probability of that reboot card getting off yet again he's already done it twice third time might be the charm this is not ideal at all we're a couple minutes into the game he's got barely any materials no teammate no surge bro's just existing right now he's still alive he's still alive Lisa is existing on the map that's that's one of the biggest things that you got to get away from the island he could easily be watching in Legends Landing along with the rest of us if that one did go sideways but knowing when and where to abandon your teammate is huge it keeps you alive it gets you that chance to go back for the reboot card but what he does from there on out because now not only do they know he's there they know what direction that reboot is so they wanted to go push and try to take out Sneezy for a third time that is there but they're laughing and show them they're just going to continue to move in towards the Zone they got themselves a possibility at legendary loot thanks to that weapons cash bucks who they get it for free of course they're very aware that vasque is around the corner stash down in the field at the hands of the deal after seeing him picking up Mr Savage so tasting can clutch up there that 1v1 against the deal he's just trying to get information you see that he's just trying to stretch go One Direction figure if there's anybody positioned high up on Rumble ruins goes back it's all about preparing for the next stage of the game similar here said he and Cami they boxed up on their own loot cash said he's there just being that igl being the brains of the operation figure out where that next rotation is good to see right now that they spotted out casino and Lucy in the distance they know they're there they know Vico and pink are there on the right about what they do with this information seeing both sides about action well that's an easy way to get some ice let's go to the restroom you never say no to those kind of moments Thomas though seems to be the one under achieve an end of that aggression a bit of a different spot though and so I'm gonna get some time to eat that glue a nut smell cleans up on Street legs Thomas has been doing almost all day long and you see him going in using the big pots able to save the slap Splash is eater and there you go we literally that happened almost exactly because we saw Thomas get tagged up as he was tagging up somebody else and you see that's basically the duality of the Mammon if you take too long to line up your own shot you risk getting tagged up yourself excitement at his finest as they reach 200 points but Thomas and malibucca have it running wild in this game we're thrown over to mini Miner to break down every stage of their game yeah of course let's take a little look at the race for first place right now Thomas HD and malibucca let's take a little look of course we saw the winning or spawn and let's have a look at their loot malibucca has that breacher shotgun which is going to be really useful when combined with Thomas HD with that Mammoth pistol I've seen so many teams use them in conjunction with each other and finding great results podocyte left as a solo but does manage to get the reboot on to Sneezy so hopefully for them they can maintain that top spot and seti and Cami these guys are also in the race of the top spot as well Cami does of course have that sore and Sprint augment which we saw him using that solo clutch and some great lutaboo I'm excited for this team as well foreign for this game the way he's breaking that one down we're gonna have what could be a photo finish at the end between our top three teams and anybody else willing to step up to the plate because fourth going into this game stand on ushi 170 only 10 points shy of that third place he got Basque and older 164. so a lot of this leaderboard is stacked right close to another so if you have a repeat of last game with our top teams going down it definitely opens up the possibility of somebody else taking first as a fight for Rift Island breaks out pink takes the brunt of that damage using the rift to get there they're laughing and show them they take both the actual capture point and the building on top of Earth Island They're laughing spotting trying to make that rotation late pounce is on him to deal a good amount of damage he needs to be able to solidify some time here for show them to try to heal hit more than enough Cirque juice is now active you see they're laughing pop in the big pot as well pink to get the tone information in this fight is huge especially for third parties coming in to try to cause even more chaos that's a 15 point potential for this Min map objective and all that loot that so many players are beginning to scrounge for they want to climb up the leaderboard as quick as possible in these final moments yeah that swing is huge that's why they oh that's really wants it so bad especially in this last game where every new opportunity for points are so vital they did most of that capture he pushed off and back down now is not what you want to have happen but Pico and pink a little bit surely stepping forward taking these pieces underneath the control and they're laughing doing a good job of backing him down by the trade in shots They're laughing and show them are gonna have the advantage for now as they continue to try to push down Deco and pink back since it is about halfway captured at the very minimum they need to continue to play Hot Potato yeah these are the kind of moments where I want to see Biko show his worth and his value to the team right created that open and create that separation hit that shot get that peace control that really changes the tide of the fight this game so you're not trying to find a different angle at least be careful there's also play just in front of I don't even realize I don't know if you notice it other players looking to jump in and get involved in this fighting Pink's still the Wonder trying to be the main aggressor here he's not careful we might get caught out vehicle needs to make a play and soon you'd think someone needs the right word to see Zone pulling away from rip balance in time is now going to be limited for these guys to try to continue to fight for it without taking too much damage to the storm but he loves so many teams on the outskirts of Rift Island below ripped Island they hear too much damage and they rip the B the players going down that could be an opportunity to third party but pink is doing a good job of not backing down doesn't matter what angles they're being taken from show them and they're laughing but they're just up and ready for the challenge you can see them separate beat go on low ground pink on The High Ground the multiple angles I just proven to be a little bit too tricky they're laughing and show them not finding their confidence just yet but I might have spoke too soon as he tries to bull rush in Pete sees that one coming lands a great shot to trade off couple of missed opportunities from their lap and that is keeping him on the back foot even though the igl he does have ability in box fights to apply pressure and hold people off giving room for vehicle to try and make a play here handling both players we might just see it now if you could trying to get in Taps on the wall and they're instantly aware of it The Zone coming in really does sort of change the dynamic of this fight when it comes to the timing all those other teams and say hey you're distracted let me use this launch pad let me just get out of here you guys continue fighting for it now go my own merry way but a lot of this layer control still going over there laughing and show them it's pink and Pinko not wanting to to give up the potential 15 points and all that loot 155 on the side of their laughing and show them so this could be a Difference Maker for their lap you can show them that 15-point jump that'll put them contention for that top three but potusai podocy goes down POTUS size gone Stacy's by himself 11 HP he's trying to stay alive but that's trexer on the other side hi Joe's already down so it is a 1v1 situation and they're one of the only teams in zone as well with very few Hills on to Stanzi the timing is right for trexer but it does look like he has options you can either play aggressive try to back down Stacy or bait out that revive as the shots continue to get fired off and traded between the two but Stacy he has no Shields to regain here in this situation so he has to be very very careful how he approaches and continues to aggress on a trexor this is so tough that first place positions slowly slipping out of his fingers and he's desperately trying to keep the dream alive Now or Never 30 point lead with the amount of destructible players in this Lobby I'm not sure it'll hold but Stacy goes down I might not be sure but they have their fingers crossed that 224 points hold on they're gonna be praying that everybody below them slowly but surely gets out of this Lobby because now it's Malibu and Thomas for the taking yeah and I'll be real it does not look like something they're gonna be able to hold on to 24 points in the rest of this game for Malibu and Thomas that's easy that's barbecue chicken for these guys you'd think at least three of Limbs already so far on the date many more to be had Vico and pink on the rift Island Rico doing so well to get in and hits a big shot Pink goes down was able to trade so again I said I want to see him taking charge on those fights and he did well to make sure he closed things out stay cool and calm and now with both of these guys up oh that loot and the chance to continue to play this game out things are looking on the up for these two that's a huge win yet the points get like a free rotation toward the zone I'll see him kind of landing on the tail end but Lucy and Steno go down as well top teams beginning to fall very very early on with cascading placement points have not begin to set in just yet shimoki and wheat feeling the pressure that they once put on somebody else only 40 but as I say it's three below the damage threshold so even though they find the elimination their job of getting damage is not done just yet even though they become the focus of the lobby and spend just enough resources to get in the zone but now they have to worry about Surge and a teammate a player trying to break into the box shimoki's gonna go down leads by himself but they did just enough they landed a good shot to get above the storm surge threshold but the pressure the focus of the lobby is too much Smokey and wheat both go down you never want to be the lobbyist enemy always a tough spot to be in many of that much pressure coming in in so many different angles and a limited amount of builds this is where they take over this game one of the two teams you see the whole leaderboard getting wiped out this is looking like an fncs classic malibucca and Thomas Toe to Toe with seti and Cami in our final game and to separate these two teams to start the day off there's only 14 points and look game number two they were the final two teams in that game they've literally gone head to head for a victory earlier today and now it could be head to head for the for the tree overall at the end of the six games let's not get too ahead of ourselves both teams still have a long way to go and there's still 46 of the teams that stand in their way from being able to do that they're one of the top teams right now 295 right in front of them you see the deal and Savage they're not in zone just yet as it is gonna pull far away refs guard and tripping they have that slow side but if they didn't get that zone pull it's gonna be hard for them to go up and over the mountain yep they not only have to go up and over the mountain they have to go across a little river to make it there but seti and Cami one of the Front Runners 184 points depending on the eliminations between them and malibucca and Thomas like I said it was only a 14 point differential between the two so going down at any stage of this end game is basically going to give up that position over to the next team foreign at the top of leaderboards remaining in that 10 he'll make it the very very worth his route 187 to the Dome and that was crucial for them in terms of the storm surge position for the rest of this game box right next to him cannons and reason I'm just trying to reunite with each other 99 above the damn threshold you can see a lot of teams and players not having that same style of game and it's not as easily able to gather that storm surge the video takes down Julian him and staff are still doing a good job mix didn't take so much damage you see Blaha getting backed up as well they have to reunite somebody has to hold the wall so that way they can heal Thomas and Malibu could find another one on the lazarik they sent him back to the lobby and you see the go in for the loot but if you look at the builds if you look at the resource that wasn't a ton that Thomas was able to gather but he's gonna have to make it work Jacob there you know there's not much more you can do now tripping any refs up on height it's in the name for refs and even though we haven't seen it much today there's no better time to show off your high prowess than here in this last game first moving Zone will pull towards the Southfield for her Rumble stroking Kylie they don't really have many materials to sort of top and cover their wave through they need to find a good time and run their way in and get a refresh difficult for a lot of players especially in the zone we're going down a mountain up a couple Hills for how I was feeling a little bit of that pain quickly Peaks on out ready for any sort of Escape Plan setting in Cammy breaking through the walls talked about one shot said he has in that Mammoth looking to make it count but he actually goes down jumps into the wrong box that was actually Thomas takes down setting steady cammy's now trying to stay alive it's all up to him so much pressure on one player's shoulders as now the loot and the change of the game has gone over they have tied Sneezy and potusai up into this point at 224. they sent me one in the head to head and these guys are giving it to us entertainment on a whole different level but for the rest of the players in the Soviet it's their job to stop them from stealing the show Cami goes down in the feed and so that's gonna be the end of the run for those two players the deal falling as well all things going on so many players struggling to make it through these zones a big shot from Kylie the one that will not be reciprocated malibucca Thomas now it's their time to really run away with the show they've already overtake in the first place and now they just adding to that tally trying to take over prove their dominance here in this Lobby it's been a while since these guys have tasted first in a fncs weekly finals Lobby and this is their chance to reclaim that throne but they have so many players to go through trip and refs guard they have The High Ground malibucca thinking outside of the box ends up on Rift Island their chance to take over girls trying to make a cheeky play going out of Zone but he gets spotted and taken down by malibucca into the top eight we go as clownski he's still trying to hide at The High Ground outside of Zone these guys all they do is adapt and improvise but now it's going to be a question of how do we get down from here it was open us coming up but how do we move down Thomas is falling and malibucca might just follow him that might be his face he doesn't really have anything to say alive for much longer we're just gonna fool and eventually we'll fall to his demise that's the end but they are still an unbelievable teamless blessed us with their prowess today Hell Fire an episode very much trying to get Vengeance they came so to a first place earlier and now when I make up for it and claim the victory out now it has a couple hundred Series points up for grab they started the game in 17th Place her child it takes a huge shot backed up convict is there on the low ground as well you have to be careful because he climbs up nebs Hellfire they have full control even though they're on the low ground continuously putting pressure high up trying to drop them into the palm of their hands at a moment's known as a well-placed mammoth shot like that could just break all the builds and this is exactly what Hellfire the Nets are looking for they have so much materials they can continue to spread out and build down low but he take it in the hands into the game in his own hands combat drops down huge shot onto Hell Fire but it's not going to be enough neb's with the other angle and they make it a 2V1 situation as things slow down just a sliver of HP on perhale he gets dropped down into the box and sent back to the lobby in our final game second place early in the day and they do it in style as well they had me a bit worried there at the end Jacob from Hellfire wasn't the best he was peeking a bit too ambitiously and almost got punished for it but nebs came to the rescue look at these guys so the domination from them I said at the start of the day they played their best fortnite with each other many many seasons ago and now they're looking to try to get back to that form and this is how they did it side by side hit to hit but people always say and make it in use of them shotguns a big big win for nebson Hellfire yeah a big win that you're saying that series points leaderboards after two weeks they started that game six in 17th Place you best believe they jumped up tenfold but there's only one way to find out Levin let's turn over to Zeke and our analysts to let us know who won week two big thank you of course to 112k and Jacob ER for an incredible set of six games and enhancing Hellfire this is why right before he came in this game Vivid I looked at you and I set up 20 places could it happen again well that was in Hellfire they have the answer for us the answer is yes a victory Royale with eight eliminations or nine rather excuse me man what a way to end week two in EU what a raw I mean game number five to get second plays with 10 eliminations and like Zip mentioned up 20 places because of that performance you go into the last game you're like you want to know something why don't we just go ahead and one-up ourselves to make this comeback in reality a first place to close it out oh my gosh yeah that's why you can never really feel all that comfortable even if you're sitting in top five placements on leaderboards as long as they're still one more match two more matches to go you have these experienced Duos well I mean it might be neb's a Hellfire reuniting for this season but at the same time as individuals they've both got so much experience underneath their belt and I think they really shine with how they ended up closing out today that momentum that they built up in game five certainly carrying over here into game six well we only have one question left taco and that is who overtook that number one spot how high up the nebs and hellfire climb up 20 places before how many now will the standings will give us all of the answers as one final reminder don't forget wherever the Duos place at the end of the day will look to put Series points on the series Point leaderboard malabuga and Thomas they only lost that first place for a single game but then say our bad everybody this was just a joke we wanted to just give you guys a moment away from us but we are back they will hold down that number one spot now in fifth place nebs in Hell Fire up team now in two games with it they have suddenly found themselves the top five going in the game number five you are 37th Place and after game six you are fifth what a performance out of nebs and hellfire but speaking about performances I mean there's there's one that just takes a cake for the entire day they came out strong they won back-to-back games number one and two I mean it's Thomas and malibucca what a run from this though also clutching up and the last one there with that very smart play right to Rift up to Rift Island Unfortunately they quickly realized that uh oh you know coming down off of this is gonna be quite Troublesome but they still clutch up points because of it and even from the very beginning where we noticed that Thomas and malibuco were going to be initially contested at their drop spot it's just an area that they're all too familiar with and pressure is just seemingly where they tend to exceed expectations their standard for how they actually choose to maneuver through these low and mid-ground layers you would think that they are a single person with how well they're able to essentially connect their mindsets but at the same time Thomas malovuka I had to give him a shout out as well for this play that Hail Mary called the very end to to jump up onto the ripped Island for a moment it looked as though it was going to be one of the most promising plays of the day but it's it's that Innovation factor that you can never really count that duo out as far as top three finish is concerned just imagine right if it had been like on one of those corners of risk Island where they actually have the launch pads they would have gone up come back down it would have been wild but of course still phenomenal play and I can't wait to see more clips of just Thomas HD with the mammoth pistol in hand just filming people left and right just wild another Duo really quickly Cammy and seti oh my gosh Tammy is well putting on the solo clutch like two games ago to end that game in fifth place with several eliminations these guys are on it right and now we just have to go one more week and then we'll see them in Grand finals oh yeah I mean at the end of the day they got fourth place and it was really well done throughout the day I think that they are a little bit ahead of all the rest of these other Duos especially going in the finals Grand finals that is I mean their storm surge was just so consistent looks like they can make every single end game if they play for their strategy and they showcase that perfectly today hey every little bit counts they were six in the week one fourth year today and you never really know because it'd be cool if they actually did manage to walk away as that first place position for week three finals because that would make them a first Duo to have a weekly finals win for every single major so far this chapter that would be pretty wild I feel like especially with their their current score line we will see them in Grand finals but you know you just want to be sure once we get there we'll see how things go overall I am very pleased with EU today it has been there have been a couple of weird games where things are just chaotic there's only solos left people going way too ham but at the end of the day after these six games I am I'm happy I feel like I've had everything that I could have wanted Vivid yeah I mean I saw some great performances I mean we've talked about studying Cami Thomas and malibucca look like they are inform I want to shout out potassium States it because you know me looking at their positions in every single end game which they consistently made it to by the way it just looks like they kind of were always like on this like dead side where they could just save so many materials without a lot of those end game rotations so I'll be looking forward to their week three performance as well and considering that there were 31 new Duos essentially competing here in week two finals in comparison to week one that is a lot of makeup time that those 31 Duos have essentially been able to accomplish and now it's gonna really come down to the wire as far as week three finals is concerned these teams do not want to have to try and chance it they want to be in Grants absolutely and of course when is that when is the last chance major all that well we have a broadcast schedule for you all at home in case you're tuning for the first time you're like hey this is actually pretty cool I want to check out more fortnite well take a look here this is week number two and we're already wrapped up and done here however next week we'll be back on August 5th for week number three grand finals will be two days August 12th and 13th you want to come back for that and then finally key date here August 20th Last Chance major that will be the final opportunity for a set number of Duos to try and qualify for Global championships is going to be wild now of course as I mentioned Global championships maybe you're like hey what's that about we have a special video for you guys check this out this is the global Championship the best players in the world all battling it out insane matches already today these are the moments that make these Players Championship material one chance to make it happen and they take it by force it is gonna be absolutely insane tickets are indeed still available and you know from that halfway interview after game number three Mama Benji fish is gonna be there we will be there we hope you will join us for the global championships now of course Before We Say Goodbye I want to get closing thoughts from our amazing analysts well uh number one top of the list for me is going to be that the mammoth pistol is very very strong and second on the list is that Thomas with the mammoth pistol is also very very strong look we saw some real highlight moments from a lot of individuals today as far as that man pistol is concerned but looking towards North America now to see whether or not they can keep it popping with the manifestal highlights I mean anybody catching Twitter saw Reed with a nice little trick shot so curious to see what na does with this new weapon that's right North America will take the stage tomorrow so if you didn't want to wait till next week to watch more action in EU come back tomorrow North America six games there as well as always don't forget Legends Landing is a great place to go and of course thank you to all of our incredible team our analysts our casters and we hope to see you all tomorrow and don't forget as always we love you keep yourself safe and we'll see you on the battle bus [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
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Views: 104,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 17sec (14057 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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