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fortnite but chests give you super items The Last Man Standing wins okay my first chest what am I going to get what am I going to get oh my God what is this load out wait what is this a super sword yo what is that oh my God wait a real gun what do I get what do I get what do I get what do I get this chest is freaking thick bro and I just got a fire trap look there's nobody Landing here so I'm going to this guy's contesting my chest bruh yo this guy's contesting me I'm I'm getting this bro yo this is my chest bro y get out of here buddy this is my chest all right what do we got in this chest give me something good oh my God it's an Infinity Blade what this oh he got a sword crap got to go oh my God he's dead come here come here oh shoot he's chasing me okay okay okay okay this is not a good start is he chasing me come here boy no wait he's chasing me oh my God that does so damage oh my God what am I going to do in an Infinity Blade what does this do I got Darkness boy oh I can't see I can't see anything oh I'm so dead oh my God wait why is there Darkness oh my God I can't see oh my God yo oh shoot oh shoot I took the weapons that I'm gone what is this I have a bunch of rocket launcher I can't see anything bro how's the whole map Dark oh this might be good yes no I died yes I killed someone with the Affinity blade oh my gosh I need to find heals bro I need to find heals okay I got mainly rocket launchers from that chest oh please give me something good bro give me some heals man oh I got a Mythic goldfish oh I'm keeping that for sure oh there's another chest bro give me something good ooh I got an Aimbot pistol oh I'm about to aimbot someone who is this okay let's go I'm going to attack my first person here we go they have a sword I'm dead yo oh my God I just one shoted fishy bro oh my God yo he's got to be so mad bro oh my God bro all right all right all right you know this might not be that bad actually I'm going invisible just so I can go look for some more loot let's just see if there's anything in this building let's just break the whole thing down to the ground wait is that a chest up there that's a chest up there I need that chest all right I'm dropping the Infinity Blade oh my God it's the Midas Flopper I can get gold of everything I'm going to wait to use it until I get the chest that's up at the top of this building I'm going to open this chest please be something good come on there's someone right outside yo I got a oh my God a burst quad launcher that's actually insane bro all right I'm actually stacked okay I have invisibility gunet as well I'm going go invisible oh my God that's Scotty oh God oh my God oh my God that's another person yo yo chill my brother there there's a lot of sweats around okay I'm going to shock wave up and use my one shot sword here we go come on oh my god wow what I'm actually broken I I haven't even taken damage yet oh my God I believe I have the most overpowered super sword so if someone else has a super sword it's not going to be as op as mine okay we got to look for more chests o chest here okay come on something good yes heals and a remote someone in here wait someone's in here oh my God I'm popping off bro what he just one shot me hello oh my God wait a button it's a super remote oh my God okay what do I drop I'm I'm going to drop air strikes okay what does it do oh I it gives me full health oh my God that's broken oh okay guys I have possibly the most overpowered item in the game let's start using it oh no he's got a real good oh my god oh he does not know I have a one shot sword bro ready here we go oh no oh no okay I got to heal up ready click the button Max health and let's go oh my God oh my God this is actually insane what what is that sword bro what are you kidding I've actually got the chill out bro who got this chest be something good I got balloons and a sniper yo I'm just going to go in the sky and snipe people bro wait oh my God someone's in balloons up there are they going to get that chest what is this banana doing he's sitting in the open come on whoa get I need get out of here someone sees me I'm screwed wait right there how did that not hit oh my God there's somebody in the in the sky if I can kill this sword guy I'm actually going to be so good what is going on oh that looks great yeah that's it you you want to you want to be in the sky what there's someone with balloons all the way up there oh my God I just hit him wait I'm going to snipe this guy yo oh my God I'm so weak all right so I can get instant full health and I have a one shot sword bro I might be the most broken person in the ow you know what I'll click button and you know what it's time to use the Porta fors let's go Porta for time baby yeah oh my God I I think I have the most broken combo like yeah there's no way I'm losing this what the heck is that what am I looking at y are those floating chests like can we get those how to build up to it I'm going to build up to that floating chest I'm got to be in here right where'd he go oh my God it's way up there okay I don't have enough Ms there's a guy over there okay let's see if I I can just troll this guy I'm going to shock wave and go invisible okay invisibility who's on he's invisible go to go no he just Clinger me ow he doesn't know I'm right behind him though yo get away from me bro what the heck oh no oh no ow ow dude I'm just trying to troll you man wait the food box oh there's actually fire who is this there someone right there I'm just going to let him go bro I need to heal all right what's in this CH heals cuddlefish oh yeah and a remote I got a super remote what does it do oh my God it's the flood button what no who has the flood they're griefing oh my God it's a flood oh my God wait what yo I'm stuck under the building the whole map just got flooded yo someone po the flood wait I can get to that chest then I'm drowning man yo how fast does this water rise all right let me grab the rift fish and let me grab the shadow fish and then let's go up oh I'm drowning wait why is it going down so oh my God this water is so fast there's a chest up there oh my God I need to get that chest bro wait I'm actually going to die dude this goes so high actually drowning why can't I swim epic games what are we doing please let me get up my blood is griefing me oh my god when is the water going to go away oh the water's gone okay let's box up real quick and then let's pick the button to heal up nice we're all stuck up here okay I need to build hey stay back bro I'm dude I'm getting lasered okay let's use our Porta for and try to get to this chest okay let's try to get to the chest come on I'm right here okay one more port for should do the trick okay let's see okay one more one more all right we should be able to no we're at Max build limit I can't get the chest no way oh my God what do I do getting this chest bro yo what the heck come on where is it BR I actually can't get this chest it's Max limit and I can't build any higher bro yo someone's got balloons bro wait I'm going up oh my God I po those balloons all right I'm going up where is the chest wait I'm going to get this chest oh my God I just got a Mythic goldfish bro well I can actually just one shot everyone I'm going to go invisible okay I'm going to use this chest at some bait and hopefully someone falls for the bait and goes through the chest plasma cannon oh my gosh I need this all right let's drop the shadow Flopper I don't want it I'm rifting oh hey what's [Music] up dude I'm causing chaos oh my God what is that noise what is that is that a plasma cannon I'm shooting a plasma cannon go oh my God I hear chest hold on lock it in what do we got open oh my God what is this what happens if I click it oh there's a sword up here wait nobody got this wait I'm actually so stacked I have a one shot sword and a one shot fish there's no way I can lose right here just going to use the goldfish on this guy bro oh he is the one shot he is the freaking the golden fish and not want to get hit by that thing oh there's a guy right under me you know what I'm going to go troll here we go I'm going to troll shock wave and invisibility yes let's go let's go we're going to land right on this guy bro yo what this guy's just running wait I'm actually in such a safe spot right now I think I could press the flood button oh no I'm going to drown oh my God oh my God I'm drowning no oh my God I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm in a building I'm I'm going to die no yo it just got the map just got flooded again oh my God come on this flood is glitched I can't swim man we're this supply drop go I'm blowing myself up bro like I'm dead I have 10 HP bro what is happening I tried to throw the sneaky grenades I freaking blew myself up I can't move I can't swing I got I can't swing oh my God I'm going to drown oh my god get me up get me up oh my God this water is so annoying look at all the people in the water oh my God somebody's going to get the chest up there bro and in that chest is one of the most broken items in the game okay let's let's click this button to heal ourselves oh my God someone's trying to Clinger me okay that's it we're shock waving and we're going invisible oh my God I'm going to land right next to him it's Tanner oh I'm right on Tanner bro he literally has no idea I'm I'm right next to him oh my God yo get away from me he's opening the supply drop ow what is that a fire trap yeah I get hit by the fire trap man oh my god get me there boy I have so much loot in here bro I have 10 HP get away oh my God there's a fight happening right in front of me oh my god oh there's two people down here I'm going in hey oh my God 200 damage what do I do a oh my God I almost died come on give me give me some of this oh shoot oh my God I got to heal okay back to full health just like that one click of a button yo there's no heals in here what the heck look at all this stuff yeah that's goldfish guy I need to kill this banana skin bro he's so weak okay let's let's have some fun we're going in shock wave Shockwave oh I killed Tanner I just killed him I'm dead bro oh my God they're targeting me no Tanner just died oh my God what is he doing just shock waving everywhere ah ah oh you want to fight bro boom what yo had did none of those hit and I just got one shot you're dead oh my God all right top five situation I can win I'm raining down I'm I'm raining down on people oh my God someone has clingers from above who is that okay let's let's heal ourselves up with the button and let's go troll okay we're going to shock wave up and we're going to go invisible okay we're invisible bro oh my God I'm right on relief bro he doesn't know I'm right next to him who was just throwing those oh my God I see him oh my God I'm doing so much damage oh my God wait does he I think he sees the visual sound effects oh my God I'm right outside his box there's someone invisible around me oh my god oh shoot storm's coming in bro do I kill relief or do I let him live look he's so cute look at him I hear him oh oh my God okay we got to instant heal oh we're out of here bro I'm not messing with that bro oh hell no oh my God that just hit him for so much health bro how did he not die wa is someone shooting at me from above oh yeah oh yeah I'm doing so much damage to banana I need to get out of here I need to get out of here wait what the heck I'm suck I'm stck no I'm stck no quit yes yo he was glitched in the rift I killed him though Earth is still up here somewhere all right let's cause some more chaos yo actually grief oh my God I fell all the way down can't I can't reach the chest okay I'm going to try to shock wave my way up here wait nobody's gotten the super chest yet okay you know what I'm out I'm out of here click the button no I'm going out of Zone oh okay we're good oh my God I almost died a freaking Zone what the heck yo what what is this guy doing I just armored up what the heck who is this wait balloons if I grab the balloons I can then go for the chest up top I can Rift my way up uh wait okay that didn't work is this a super remote okay I'm ditching the balloons I'm grabbing the super remote what does this one do it didn't do anything okay we're going to figure out what it does later okay let's shock wave up and then go invisible here we go I see I see someone all right need to armor it up and I need to get Mets oh my it's really he has armored walls should I try should I get in his box I'm going in I'm going in come here yes yo what that thing is op I just one shoted him bro oh my God all right it's top three bro it's top three I think they're at the top of the map bro oh my God how do I get up there bro who is up here you want to fight my plasma cannon all right I'm about to spam this box all right let's check out the purple button now it doesn't do anything guys the purple button does nothing the purple button does nothing I activated the flood button yeah they're just fighting up there I I got to try to get up there bro oh my God it's a flood this is perfect I can get up now oh my God yes okay let's go invisible as well just in case okay we're invisible so no one's going to see where we are oh we got to build oh no oh hey bye oh he's going up Rove up Rove up again oh I I think I just shock waved him yo what the I'm dead please bro I just got launched into Zone wait nobody still got on the super chest oh my God I got to get this chest okay okay give me the chest okay what is in this chest bro give me something good wait oh it's a remote it's a gold remote oh my God what does this do oh my God oh my God wait what wait I can fly I have 2,000 health and I can fly now bro oh my God there's no way I lose okay you know what let's just let's go invisible and start flying around bro it's a 1 V one and M doesn't know I have 2,000 Health can you see my name though I'm pretty sure you can see my name is there anything good in here there's AIG boat a grenade launcher let's use that hey me does he not see me oh my God mer is blind this guy's actually blind I could kill him right now bro D no shoot oh my God what is he doing he can't do anything bro he actually can't do anything I'm I'm I'm literally going to pickaxe him dead no no wait is it just a one V one oh my God I'm actually the most broken character in the game I'm going to pickaxe him bro no no he's pickaxing me I'm scared I don't have anything oh my God that's it I'm rifting oh he rifted come here mer come here stay away from me where am I you're just in a bounce pad I need to find some better loot dude I just can't find him man yeah shut up you're right behind me where is He Man a I have an idea I'm going to kill you there's literally no way you where did you go where did I go yeah where did I go did you go all the way down are you down here oh hey hey M whoa yo chill yeah yeah who's running now come on accept your [Music] fate okay okay you're actually getting me a little weak I'm I'm a little nervous now yeah you better be nervous I could kill you at any point I want bro I can come down there and swing my sword one time I'm not giving up all right you know it's enough mer it's time to end you where are you oh yeah here I here's a beacon oh there you are all right time to go invisible invisible like right on ow oh I missed come here mer come on no oh my God you actually do so much damage yes I hit him 400 come on come on just die what what yes yes I couldn't hit you you oh my God I actually just lost well everyone please like And subscribe
Channel: Txns
Views: 1,013,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite super items, fortnite but everyone, txns, fortnite, txns hide and seek, Fortnite But Everyone Has SUPER ITEMS!, fortnite battle royale, hide and seek, fortnite super sword, txns fortnite, txns superpowers, txns super, super items fortnite, fortnite banned items, fortnite banned weapons, fortnite update, fortnite txns hide & seek, fortnite new update
Id: R5brrurtnHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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