Fortnite | 007

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my gosh what is up youtube coming out here from fortnite it's omg it's ludan and ninja8127 the boy you probably hear him in the background oh no well i may not be able to move oh wow why no well like a like i can still move but like it's low battery so i can't you need to make sure it's charged right could be a lazy let's go lazy oh yeah thank the bus driver [Music] let's go all right first game on let's try and get a victory yeah if we get a victory you gotta like and subscribe everybody who watches this video one victory one like two victories gotta leave a comment as to how good my internet is as well the relay internet is the best in the world not very very not victory royale comment down below oh i got a um i got a splash video should be okay so i'll just get these chairs not chests these uh ammo containers don't die i'm mining i have no guns i'm gonna go check the garage not one i will take your gun yeah i need help okay it takes ages to revive i think they've they made it slower didn't i stay there just stay there and do it boom okay it's literally only two chests um i don't know leave the car [Music] i want the road hack okay cool there's a green one there's a there's a green one over here [Music] hopefully yeah i got one killed one was it he just died straight oh there's one yeah not one that was insane you're right i think it's best that i may take some time looting for ammo yeah me and you both yeah and also maybe some shield yeah i got a big pot big big pot that's cool stick it on yeah i put it on we ruby [Music] um i don't know it depends how you use it like [Music] i know i don't know why it keeps doing this just make sure i don't die there we go [Music] so good it's all right i will get the bottom parts no i killed him please help me yeah i have no health yeah i killed him right do you see your minis yeah i will throw you down too yeah i've got 40. oh what's that oh yeah that's what i was gonna i was gonna nick that one or flopper just what i needed baby [Music] [Music] health i took no damage i must have done that big splash down there yeah [Music] oh somebody got that chest oh no there was no chest how fast oh i've got a little way to go okay it's not crazy blue assault [Music] a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you're in a car no it's all good no battery oh but i may be able to get as long as we just get one game in because then we can play later yeah wow oh i've gone out loud i was hearing gunshots yeah let's not go to hunter's haven [Music] all right don't go too far off all right oh you have knocked it's like when is delicious delicious don't drive into me knocked one help oh my gosh why can i not shoot home i'm coming pretty good oh headshot headshot headshot all right you have to you have to get over there and dude that's why we need to stick together i've taken a storm scout for you the stone scout looks absolutely insane if you find one of these then you will be the most overpowered person pick up all that ammo pick up all that ammo okay right ar ar oh nice nice nice nice leave the bow leave that it's going to be hard to use possibly don't worry about that i did you need to get to the van you haven't got you haven't got along huh all right groovy gravy oh no we need to go yeah i do need a weapon though yeah i will give you the weapons and what are you yeah but what if i get shot at like we are now [Music] dad i've only got 20 i've only got 20 bullets so i do need even if it's just the blue ar like don't worry i have i have scout's sniper dude can i have a gun please [Music] right mate there's people behind you we need to do this quickly all right this is only got four bullets as well no just keep moving keep moving well these guys seem pretty good yep let's try and beat them to the circle all good grief those guys to do that all right there's two coming behind us oh how was that myth oh oh sorry bud but you no longer keep crawling yeah what other gun have you got uh rifle and attack can i have attack yeah sure oh thanks thanks well now you need that right there's a dude to our right oh crikey i'm mate this is ridiculous how have you you picked up all that ammo i don't understand how you lost all your ammo so quickly oh well it's good pretty decent start to be fair oh wow i got four eliminations but we need to stay together okay we need to make sure you need to make sure you pick up more ammo as well they did but if we had more ammo it would have been okay could be one could be duo's could be three o's could be quads smack smash [Music] pleasant i want to find a llama with a gold scar two gold stars now that would be pretty cool if you've got two gold scars out of one llama yep there's no way 100 percent nope what though some people went to dogo's house i wouldn't worry about doggo yeah we just need to find weapons and ammo oh we are starting off with batman map one two three with a sniper rifle oh you got a sniper noise i need ammo you need ammo ammo weapons that take like a lot what one of those weapons because like mine only has like one i don't i don't know what you're on about the weapon do you have what about them flipping nora have i got a close range weapon is that what you're asking this guy will have oh by me where's that oh no wow it's fine because it would it'll just be over here oh yeah true one of them i don't want that's cool come on come on no what waste [Music] oh he's got a beam on him as well it has to be scouts where is it on top of the house take my sniper it will be easier oh good grief great so again none of my bullets register and he won't hit me oh dear oh well let's keep going cupid's bow [Music] same with the dragon breath shotgun takes ages to reload but it's all good it's all good [Music] hey flash hey flash i don't like you flash because i'm from marvel and you're from bc you are the worst character that's not very nice well i'm a marvel character he's a dc character i beat you all right where we going where we going where we going i fancy somewhere pardon me we can go pleasant that's fine sorry to whoever watches this video okay are you ready three two one [Music] okay coral castle because that's the place where it has like one shark okay so io guards have to wash up the iron guard [Music] all right drop in and load up i have to remember that rule you're right left last um please give me good stuff call of cake peace doll i do not want peace doll appreciate cub scouters alligators ah don't die all right all right don't engage yet we need more stuff please get oh that's not a good weapon i'll take it though actually no all right what's going on what's going on what's going on not nice dead butcher coconuts i need to eat coconuts a lovely bunch of coconuts um what's that wait my name my money the money yeah don't run it yeah good because i want to see it's a gnome that's brilliant wait a sec [Music] you're very loud yes okay as long as you're aware of that that's fine i crashed cars [Music] it would be quite amusing [Music] i need ammo you need ammo i need ammo and better guns cool i did not ping that i am still looting i've took ammo how far is oh it's not too far should we bust a groove i need to find a cupid's bow [Music] cupid's crossbow [Music] i have a new spray yay i have a new spray cool go chuck splash ready stay still did you just pick up my green ar oh sorry i thought i was just lying there oh we've got someone [Music] this is a trio now it's not a duo it's a trio yeah it's a trooper trio did you just get shot at yes i did yes i did any word can you tell there is a random wall in the water i've got him he's over here keep following me oh dear that was random okay eat doggo whoa oh what i stick ball down [Music] uh i'm gonna try and be sneaky knocked one [Music] he's healing right i killed him oh no oh no flippanora yes i can't i'm gonna i'm probably not gonna make it oh no i've left it way too late oh i forgot i had a medkit that sucks i shouldn't have tried to kill that guy oh wow let's keep going keep going we have had so many fails here today we have we have we're doing okay though we're doing okay let's keep it going keep it going [Music] i actually want to try out cupid's crossbow drop in and load up stay inside the eye of the storm last year's standing winds what is that well that it's a helicopter where the blades are spinning so fast the camera can't pick it up i don't know if that's i'm not sure if it's real or not if anyone knows please let us know let us down inside if you want to get lazy laser deon imagine if we did imagine if we managed to get every single kill yeah it would be pretty awesome uh you just yeah um oh my screen oh there we go [Music] just ignore it that is my phone well it was my phone well if you hear any buzzing sounds it's either mine or dad's phone hello i believe he's a bot anyway do you need help probably not oh my days this is not hot flipping norah nice that was random shooting from that person fairly sure it wasn't helped i need i need a med kit oh no there's no heels i need some heels where are you you're with me okay have you got heels have you yeah just bro oh thanks cheers big ears no problems [Music] there's pete there was people over by the um the van reboot van yeah okay oh there's people over i there gonna get you wait don't there's two of them mate don't what are you doing yeah but don't just run head-on into them that's what we keep saying you have to listen and shoot him up the bum i don't know where the other guy went to be fair was it no because it sure looked like deadpool and plus i destroyed him he cannot hate me because he is the noob oh don't just stand still okay [Music] go all right let's just play this game yeah let's get a good game in oh big pot i will take that big part have you been into big building there's a crossbow here pardon me okay i'm coming back i thought you said you'd been in here oh white cupid's girlfriend it's a sniper rifle oh my gosh oh no what um okay my controller turned off oh no oh my gosh um randomly and i don't know all right let's press the groove bust it past it pasta mastered it bust it faster is that you in the car yeah hawkeye [Music] um all right you need to go quick because the storm is coming in very quickly very very slow don't really want to go to hunter heaven haven no oh my gosh what's up my thing is literally randomly turning off no [Music] don't worry it is back on but for how long for like one or like 20 seconds oh dear i am inside the storm if i encounter someone this will be very very bad the storm is moving seriously quickly yeah i do not know why it's part of the game probably give me a medkit nope we do not i see your name tag says i can't great don't shoot me ow no i doubt you will seven six five four three two one no oh it's freaking too i'm trying to make my way over to you come on these are snipers yeah i know that's what i'm going for but there's people around so keep an eye out for people okay me and my crossbow all right eat that med kit almost chuck the splash i don't need splashes oh yeah that's true oh no that's a very fast storm you need to find a car fast oh my word oh my gosh the storm moves so much faster than it usually does can we get in that car is that a car rideable yeah it's a green car you must get in it and drive away or pick up this gun pick up oh my gosh yeah that was slick loving life i'm dead how have i not got in the storm all right no come on come on get it okay cool cook [Music] all right it's all right i know what i'm doing i know what i'm doing kind of because there's some i saw people up here so i don't want to get too close to them low and i'm going fuel attack them with him where is he [Music] see that's why you don't necessarily need to always do the shake down oh what can i can i suggest from now on don't shake them down okay because every time we shake it every time you shake him down and end up dying yeah all right let's get one more one more try and get one more out because we're actually playing pretty well at the moment so this guy must be extremely good with the i think it depends a lot on your internet as well but plus just the amount of time you spend playing the game as well i guess like with anything oh smack i say lazy okay all right let's hope we have some better luck luck with circles luck with internet luck with players one victory royale you have to leave a like down below oh chest all right oh no please give me something matthew what are you doing yeah you're gonna break it by doing that though oh i'm kicking it off with a purple short noise and i'm hiding in here right now i think this game could be like a 10 out of 10 recommend yes please special surprise and can you guess what that special spread no [Music] i've got one [Music] i'm joining the dark side no don't join the dark side we are the right side we are the light side right the person over there just [Music] um [Music] thanks oh yeah i will take that one not his faux show did you just drive into someone and kill them yeah you savage they call me king of this jeep or something king of the savages i'm thinking of mischievous hello i'm coming for you i went to this place why did i just pick up the same gun there we go have you looted everywhere are you sure because you said that last time and you hadn't you keep missing ammo boxes [Music] i knocked one where's that coming from nice oh you're there let's concentrate the sniper over where i told the guy well the people okay yeah you'll take no foreign i think those people over by um catty corner direction pay attention ladder pay attention what the hidden chest okay a fishing rod a fishing rod why do they call it a fishing rod because you can go fishing cursed splash [Music] yeah it's quite annoying rather annoying i've just walked into this random house um oh would you like to come [Music] snipe it oh no said player 338 runs off with a bang and i did not throw those grenades wow i'm coming to help you knocked one nine killed where's that is that behind us yeah all right can i have some of the ammo please dude get out my way you've got an amazing habit of getting him away sorry that's why we call me king of mischief where's that where's that um it sounded pretty close [Music] [Music] uh i'm just going to get the rest of this stuff if you get back up to the roof keep an eye on me okay cause i don't know how i missed all this all right there's only 17 left [Music] i see you i see you who you oh no what the frick man definitely was not me no i know i caught the wrong part of the roof don't waste your ammo i won't this has unlimited ammo whoa was that you shooting i don't know so yes does it actually have unlimited ammo yeah it's pretty cool yeah pretty cool way when i fire it at like anything except for people and it grows pink but then it goes to like sad heartbreak oh on the hill can you see the dude on the hill on the hill is that over there somewhere there's two of them two of them don't oh no we need to oh no they need to come to us so if we can get to the circle oh dude so keep coming with me man so we can get high ground on them and keep them as they come in so down i'm not in the circle yet i know thank you was i on fire did you hear something yeah could it be maybe a a they're coming there's one's coming wait one's coming oh my gosh oh oh it's a two here if you have heels [Music] are you for real see you you've got to move around don't just stand still and shoot right keep an eye out for his partner [Music] flipping nora right where are you where are you oh wow all right knocked one yep this guy seems very good [Music] um after these people please where's this stuff is it now no [Music] mommy okay are you for real oh flipping nora all you want yeah you can do this oh where's all this stuff gone is it where is it down there great it's just leaving me really exposed hey maybe we should get him to die a very quick song [Music] [Music] hello oh thank goodness for that you have to leave a like down below and subscribe and we will see you all next time peace out ninja trolls into the sewers take it easy cheers guys
Channel: omg itsludan
Views: 6,299
Rating: 1 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 14sec (4094 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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