FortiGate Initial Setup & FortiCloud Connectivity | Lecture#2

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welcome to lecture number two of our fortigate installation series where we install a fortigate fireball on our network step by step and today's topic is fortigates initial setup and the 40 cloud so in this video we will connect our 4860e firewall via gui and take a look at some of the basic stuff that pops up at the very first gui login then we will look at the more confusing topic of connecting to the 40 cloud which in turn connects to 40 care by making an account on the 40 cloud step by step afterwards we will briefly have a look at the configurations of our lan and van interfaces and prime up the fortigate for internet access finally we will set up a hostname and time zone of our fortigate firewall in this video let's jump in now that you have the physical hardware overview of the 48 device which is at our disposal it's 4860e to be really specific now it's time to really access this device to access this device there are basically two ways that you could do that you could actually connect your console cable over here and configured by the cli which is normally not done it is done in the vm i would say because you don't actually have an ip address on any of these lan ports but in a physical 40 gate device low and middle end 40 git firewalls you have the ability to actually connect your ethernet cable on port one and you get an ip address from the one nine two one six eight one dot zero slash twenty four series uh from this forty get fire all because all these ports have dhcp enabled already so what we're gonna be doing is we are going to be connecting um our cable to this port of the 48 port number one and we're gonna get an ip address uh let me just do that okay i've connected my lan to port one of the 40 firewall and now let's see what ip address did we actually get going to i don't actually like the windows sound way of uh seeing that opera you know i was i was more like a windows 7 guy and it was pretty easy to do that but still okay i have a lot of adapters but the one that is physical is this ethernet one let's see the details now as you can see i've got an ip address of 192.168 size 24-bit subnet mask the default gateway is and that is also our dhcp server and we have some dns servers that 40 git already has configured globally so we get those we can also change those if you want and we'll see that um later but the thing is we've got an ip address and the gateway that you've got is basically the 40 gates ip address so if you were to go to [Music] and straightaway we get this connection error basically what it's saying is that uh the certificate authority who signed this certificate is not trusted by me uh so we could actually fix that later uh so that we don't have this certificate error coming up so we go to advanced for the time being and go to continue um it is unsafe obviously so here is the first login screen that you see now by default as we saw in the previous previous video if we type in admin and the password it has no password so we do just do login and now it's saying that uh type in the old password the new password and confirm the password we don't have any password configured so there is no old password so we will leave that blank and we're gonna set up a password here and there it is okay so okay so now we have to re-login again with our new password even if you go from the cli it's going to do the same that's just you know like on the cli and not on the gui gui obviously is pretty much easier to manage okay so the first thing what i see is uh it's saying that 40 gauge setup perform the following steps to complete the setup of this 40 gate now specify host name obviously that's optional but you should actually specify the hostname is for your own good i mean you can manage the devices uh hostname wise and that's obviously the first thing i do on cisco devices and stuff and you have to register with 40k now this step is already done but i'm going to be showing you how you can do that um truth be told i actually um booted this 40-gig firewall before making this video series and i actually had to register it with 40 cloud which is in turn connected to 40 care uh so we are going to be seeing that uh how do you do it do that actually in this video so uh the change your password that's done i'm not sure about the firmware upgrade i don't think it's upgraded uh to the latest because the latest is a seven um let's see that okay so i'll do that later i could actually begin it or from here or i could just skip it for the time being uh so let's skip it now this is the first dashboard you see uh first off whenever you log in to your fortigate device uh you can amend this dashboard but we will see that later but the thing is the first thing is the licenses now a by default it's not gonna be like this okay i'm really gonna be honest it's not gonna be like this it's gonna be different uh because you have to register with 40 cloud and in turn it's linked to 40 care uh so we're gonna be seeing how you are going to be making that account and registering your fortigate firewall we can't register this one but i will show you uh where it is on the 40 cloud and how you can do that uh okay the first things first uh host name is 40 gauge 60e which is um the 40 gates model and then you have the serial number the firmware version aha there it is so firmware 6.4 it's not sam1x uh so we need to upgrade this i don't know why it was saying check mark that okay it's done i don't think it's done it should be like upgraded and we're going to be upgrading that uh so licenses uh first of all let's go to 40 cloud and i'm gonna be showing you how you can make the account and what it looks like now i had to disconnect uh from the 40 gates lan because i had to enable my wi-fi for the time being i won't hack have access to uh this firewall i i could actually do it if i have a static ip configure on my lan but for the timing i want to show you uh the 40 cloud what it is and how do you actually register your device with it so 40 cloud as you can see already in the search history also that is in the history so you go into 40 cloud and you click on register so as you can see 40 cloud allows you to access all your 40 net cloud services in one place and a 40 cloud cloud is also integrated with 40 care so management of entitlement and support is also just a click away so you get everything in the 40 cloud everything you need and if you have licenses binded with your fortigate firewall they will also pop up once the 40k talks to the cloud so let's type in our email address here whatever that might be calm okay so uh clicking on nest so it's gonna send a verification code um automatically let's see if i get the code so putting in my verification code that i received via email it's three four five six four seven okay um captcha d a uh it's zero p l i guess okay hitting on next verification required uh the code failed let me type that again for five three four five six four seven oh great type in it again i hope i don't have any errors this time okay so there it is so let's type in a password for your account and clicking on nest next sorry about that slip up with the tongue so here you will put in your company deals so let me just put that up so i have put in my details here just a regular stuff nothing too fancy about it and you're clicking on agreement and it's you have to if you want to read this agreement which we don't actually do but i i wouldn't recommend anyway okay so hit on register so as you can see it's complete now completing the registration and i will be moved toward my asset portal not yet to type in my account login okay so there it is uh it says you have zero registered products um you must register products to receive 40 yard services and con and contact customer support so we have to click on register now if it's a new deployment you actually go ahead and hit register now and it will take you to this registration code page or sorry the registered product page in which you can uh put i think three things you can put your serial number of your device service contract registration code or license certificate number to start to start the registration so you can put that 40 cloud key over here and you can also select non-government employees now this particular fortigate device is already registered with an account and i'm going to be showing you how it actually looks like when you have registered this device okay so we've logged into our specific account on which we have three fortigate registered um for some um privacy sake i cannot actually show you everything over here so i have to grade out some things uh because this is not actually even my account so um as you can see over here you can see 348 firewalls this is the 40 uh this is the network overview and you can actually go into services and asset management now in the asset management page you can see your products um it says you have total three products and you can actually go ahead and see my assets and you can see those products over here and you can go ahead inside of those products those specific 48 fireballs and see the entitlements these are basically the licenses that you have registered with them uh with that serial number and there's a lot actually you can do with 48 cloud um on the back end it's also connected to 40k so if you want to do firmware downloads vm images and stuff you can actually get those and you can also create a ticket this is a 40 care 40 carries basically for crap for the support uh like created creating a ticket managing those tickets support contact and all those stuff so this is um i would say an essential step and you should take this and for this to really uh happen you're obviously your fortigate has to connect towards the internet at least once after some time period it will want to connect it over to the cloud again uh but the thing is it just needs to connect to the cloud only once that doesn't really really need to be connected all the time uh but uh we have connected our 40k device once and as you could see in that login page which is not available right now we will be switching over to the lan in a minute uh but you saw those licenses popping up like green everything was green because 40 gate connected to the 40 cloud once and it didn't really need it to connect it again so let's hop onto 40 gate now and let me show you how to connect to the van and get internet access on the 48 firewall okay we're back on the 40 gig firewall now and uh just to show you i can actually get the cli or asset session of the fortigate firewall as well uh because it's enabled by default on that lan port so let me just go to pass a username is admin password is okay there it is so you can actually get this uh 40 gauge cli uh you would actually get the same uh cli from the console as well so let's execute a ping to 4.2.2 obviously it's not gonna work because there is no ip address configured for the van side and actually there is no cable connected to the van side so let's do that so to see what's happening with our ports van and lan let's go into network that section and interfaces pretty simple right so we have this hardware switch now remember i told you that the ports one two seven are kind of like bundled in a hardware switch and this is that bundling and you can see interface members 1 to 7 are present there this one's green because it's up and i am connected to this port as of right now you can remove these ports from bundling if you want to uh so they all actually whichever port you connect to you're gonna be falling into this subnet and it also had dhcp enabled uh over here as you can see the dhcp server is enabled the address range is 192.168 to 2110 and this was the ip address i got when i connected my lan to port one um so uh this is just okay uh the lan that we have over here let's go and see the van port that we have uh when one specifically i'll just target when one for the time being and let's go and one nothing pretty much configured here dhcp meaning that address mode is dhcp so if i plug in a cable and which i am going to be doing right now i have a cable that has internet access so maybe you've heard that pop and sound off the 48 and in a minute you should be getting the ip address so it's green at least that green basically means the layer two is up now uh specifically not the layer three as of right now but it will be it's uh not a big they'll get an ipad or soon enough um okay so there it is so if you've got an ip address of this is the series that is running inside of my home network which my wireless lan and lan users use so specifically it doesn't have to be really a public ip address it can be a private ip address as long as i get internet access on it that's pretty much good now we can actually get the cli from the gui itself so we have this cli console over here which which we can go into without logging in and asset switching in and we can test some stuff out which we will need to do again and again so let's try to ping uh 4.302 now you can do that and let's try this thing so that basically means that dns is also working now so we've got internet access on this device now as you can see the 48 cloud status is now activated it wasn't activated before this is activated because it's it's now connected to the cloud let's hop on over to the cloud and see if we can uh see a green symbol on it and let's go to services for a cloud and we're going to be seeing those three firewalls but the third one which was my firewall that i'm working on was uh not in a green tick kind of symbol okay there it is the status is now uh up the tunnel is up so basically we have a tunnel now to the 40 cloud and you can see the firmware is quite old it's not new it's not 7.x so we're going to be doing that but the thing is it's now connected to the cloud okay the last two things that we're going to be doing in this video is that we're going to change the host name from this 40 60e to something else and the other thing that we're going to be doing is changing the time zone so we go into system and we go into settings so we go to settings and then we have this 4860 this is the host name so i change it to dn uh fdt uh all right that's pretty much it and the time zone uh we change it to asia where is this you know [Music] okay there it is it's not about karachi so this is basically dmd plus five which i am right now well i hope this has been informative for you and i'd like to thank you for viewing
Channel: Doctor Networks
Views: 102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forticloud, fortigate, setup, fortinet, fortigate firewall, fortigate firewall configuration step by step, fortinet firewall tutorial, fortigate 60e configuration step by step, fortigate 60e, forticare
Id: y7Ba54yql-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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