Fort Sumner New Mexico - Billy The Kid Museum - US HWY 60

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[Music] hey all rusty Harvey TV welcome the journey continues were heading down u.s. 60 west we're in New Mexico we're heading up to low town called Fort Sumner there's supposed to be some historic sites up here ones Billy the Kid his grave there's supposed to be a museum the big question is are is there anything open due to the pandemic so we're gonna find out we're getting close we should only be a mile or two away the grave Billy the Kid grave it's about three miles off 60 here I kind of mapped this out here just a little bit ago it's getting on in the afternoon this is gonna be the last stop of today's travel from here I'm gonna keep going to low ways and then find a place to camp for the night then tomorrow we'll continue on so far the scenery has been kind of like this open flat farmland I could hook here's the sign what's it say oh okay well here hey we gotta make a left up here New Mexico is a pretty place now when we get farther on we're gonna be in some mountains - all right yep there make a left billy the kid' grave site all righty looks like this is it great there's a sign for the museum we'll check that out afterwards alright looks like we got about three miles to go here pretty area looks like a lot of Ag farmland I bet they get snow here though we're up in elevation I'm not sure how high but we're up there all right that sign says Fort Sumner historic site must be these buildings up here well let's check it out and I don't see a single car I bet they're closed gosh darn it that's chamber commerce huh yep there's the grave right there I seen the open gate let me go up there and get turned around yeah this thing's closed a bit what do we got here looks like an entrance and the gates closed yeah this is it this is their memorial site and the sign says dude close due to the Covent stuff pandemic all right well that gate was open down here let's see we can get in there and at least see billy the kid' grave i kind of figured this this is not a surprise at all pretty much everything New Mexico is for public type venues are still closed but let's see what we can find out all right Cemetery and the gates open yeah we'll go in there cool walk around here look it says open but points of interest sign seen better days Chamber of Commerce information see it's all locked up but says open all right let's check it out the gates open [Music] oh this must be it billy the kid' grave see what the sign says Billy the kids at tombstone was stolen 51 26 years they recovered it now they shackled it and built the thing here it was stolen twice look at that so that's shackled to his foot of his grave look at that that one says pals so he's still in jail look at that Billy the Kid there you go huh and I'll be darned don't see what this says Memorial is another one old old old time Maxwell [Music] all right that's hot I'm gonna keep going there you go there's belly the kid's grave the recovered tombstone shackled to the foot of his grave so he's still in jail forever [Music] all right well walk around the building see if there's anything else to see neat place to bet it's not open well if I ever get back this way I'd stop here again there's some Oh storyboards over there huh let's take the van over there in the way out [Music] old Fort Sumner and Billy the kid's grave all right well let's drive over them storyboards real quick check them out the sign there says it looks like it's open Wednesday through Saturday but now with this covert stuff Fort Sumner historic site Wednesday through Sunday sorry [Music] alright see what this says Garrett captures a kid there's the story about it there's a big building back there and close due to the Cova do Mexico it's gonna be shut down a while and more info all right let's go all right we'll go into Fort Sumner and go check out that Museum like right now well we'll get back on us 60 westbound yeah once I go through this low town I'm gonna I'll get a few miles in I was kind of looking at the maps looks like a pretty big stretch of road before I see any other towns try to get through that and find a place to camp for the night and hopefully by tomorrow should be up close to that i-25 by Albuquerque all righty here's a community Fort Sumner a lot of trucks rolled through here just like a quaint low town nice look at the trees because for a long time I haven't seen any trees dug out here pretty open land a green grass yay okay well we got up here there's a super 8 motel colorful look at the colors on it ah there's a museum I see it is it open I see cars that's a good sign there's three cars in the parking lot another one falling in cool here we go billy the kid' museum let's go check it out [Music] it is getting warm here very warm humid too [Music] and the sign says open yeah let's go on in if you'd like to sign our guest book this right here to the left it just needs your name where you're from okay well the yellow ropes and arrows all the way through thank you [Music] all right signed in Wow look at all the stuff there is there's belly the kid [Music] huh old clock [Music] look at all the old furniture barber chair horns [Music] Wow they've been collecting a long time don't be darn [Music] billy the kid' room Billy the kids rifle walk around here first look at all the old glassware lamps furniture what's that Native American stuff huh well done more stuff clocks look at all the old clocks all right let's check out Billy the Kid Wow look at the guns whoa pistols [Music] handcuffs guns another picture of the kid must be in this pistol what a collection though some old-timers warned that wall Billy the kids rifle right there huh interesting [Music] all right this must be the dish room dishes whoa No what a collection of rifles it's very serious collection horse saddle old uniform there look at the huh [Music] well let's go see what else we can find what a gun collection if you're in the old guns check this place out Wow look at the pictures whole school deaths you just follow the arrows on the floor the yellow arrows and ropes that's what the guy said wagon these guys been collecting a long long time look at all this this place is huge [Music] old stove oh wow look at that look at the artwork somebody spent a lot of time doing that [Music] now that's cool right there moral stoves wagon with steel wheels I'll be darned Lu the lanterns well this is the buggy room [Music] oh you gonna get a one-way riding that one hearse buggy Wow [Music] well I think it they could talk the history huh it wasn't a really good shape been restored yeah kind of looks like the end of it here some old bells there arrow points in here let's check this out few more dishes furniture look at this old-time ice boxes look at those things need a dr. pepper dimes only [Music] I'll be darned well let's wander back I want to keep going definitely check out this belly of the kid museum though it's more than just that it's just a big museum itself look at all the Western history here [Music] [Music] [Music] bunch of saddles look at them old-timers [Music] amazing how long leather lasts like that Oh grinding wheel I didn't go in here yet bottles old photographs [Music] it's more stuff [Music] all right yeah look at that picture at the old train I loved that one of them hats that is cool New Mexico history right there [Music] many theatres I'm not gonna take the time today oh cool let's go check out their gift shop arrowheads look at all them very well done [Music] yeah this is this year yeah look at this gift shop I was just talking to the owner here he's third generation they've been collecting a hundred years here a hundred years all right time to go how far till I get down to interstate 25 or whatever well you go north of here is i-40 but I 25 is west of here and you can stay on 60 and go all the way across and get 25 at Socorro okay how far is that that's gonna be 120 okay okay all right well thanks man this is company oh man this has been a treat a real treat thank you [Music] alright there's us 60 get a shot of the front here definitely I recommend this how fun thank god they're open it could have been closed it's amazing they are over ready back to the van everyone in the van load up we got some miles to do all right here we go 60 what he said a hundred and twenty miles clear over to interstate 25 I crossed 25 to keep going I'm not gonna go that far I know the maps and I checked it it was pretty open long stretch there's a town named Vaughan and then onward there's some more towns I'll see how far I get yeah look at all the old building just a cute little town Fort Sumner New Mexico all right well the journey continues next video who knows we'll see what we find talk soon [Music] you
Channel: RVerTV
Views: 36,449
Rating: 4.9226913 out of 5
Keywords: Fort Sumner New Mexico - Billy The Kid Museum, US HWY 60, Billy The Kid Museum, Fort Sumner New Mexico, billy the kid, fort sumner, billy the kid museum, fort sumner history, fort sumner new mexico history, fort sumner state monument, fort sumner cemetery new mexico, william h. bonney
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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