Fort Jackson - The REAL BCT Boot Camp Experience

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] was the worst part it was just a week of waiting had no idea who anyone was you didn't have any friends yet you didn't know what was going on you're just waiting in a line for me he was sleep a little bit in between was the worst part like yeah you could keep your phone but for the most part it's like hasn't really sunk in yet you haven't gone through any huge change yeah so it's just this week of nothing happening you're not learning anything you're not doing anything everyone's yelling at you you haven't earned any respect whatsoever eating is terrible because you just have to eat whatever and that's it so it's just [Music] not as powder-like photos not as bad and he has anywhere is better than thumbs gonna be the first like minute was awful because everyone is like bubbling out of this bus trying to get off as good because they could everyone like they were all like kind of whispering to each other like they start yelling at you and no one thought the windows but yeah they did the whole as soon as we got on the bus it was you put your duffel bag on your lap they said put your head in your duffle bag you know looking around knowing not the windows anything like that so you just you're staring at this green duffel bag for like 5-10 minutes and so how long was to got there and they were taking left here and right here and you try to remember the order in your head because you wanted to escape as soon as we got there no one did that but then they just stand there and scream at you like you got 30 seconds to get off my bus it's just one everyone scrambles out and you're running and you don't know where you're going they're just this block of people going like that way and you've completely lost everybody who you're supposed to be with and now one dude that you kind of know is kind of over there so you go over there and everyone's just running here and everything and then you get to where you're supposed to be you go start and just leash you put the bag over your head and then you drop down the ground and pick my bag up so you pick up her her bag look back on the ground pick it up again and then it was like five minutes that two minute [Music] I was disappointed [Music] mail call actually really funny because it was I'm not gonna say the name and kiss they see this our female drill sergeant was she was the one handing out mail and she's the worst one cuz she's just the way she talks is just really annoying and I had so she handed out about 20 letters and I got the last eight of them and it was funny because no one liked her so anytime she got mad and it was like it was a blessing and a curse at the same time because it's you actually getting mad but it's a really she's gonna take it out on us and it was really funny because I had the last eight she was just like Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons and she just kept throwing out these letters and letters going everywhere and I was trying not to laugh cuz I knew she was gonna make me do push-ups for the next three days first milk call I never got a lot of people gotten both killed during basic like you know some girls would cry the information so yeah the only time I ever got emotional was the first couple like reading them hiding like Parsons wait till I got upstairs ready it was awesome every time I got away just like all the people that Bronson you er you wrote me like twice Riley wrote me for gamers she's not my code should be shamed I can tell by your it does yeah yeah I I hated rosetta stone anyway it was really I love getting letters especially the ones that were just like my Riley's we're always like hey I did this today I did this today with Grace's I did this new mom was like that too you gave me one every day yeah well yeah yours were just I clean this today and I clean this play how often you more longer well something last time the last time we took it down like four notches on remote so we had to vote twice a B is slowly getting chattered ended but those are the best ones where it was just and then you dad you sent me all the like the history stuff that was awesome that was awesome that was the best like those are my favorite ones because reading material is pretty scarce aside from like memos on the wall hey clean the latrine there's nothing good and then you sent Amy so you send me sports scores all the time that was cool Abbi you always had like the same thing I your sense of humor is exactly the same you're right players were just always wrong let's just so we had to do it's normally like you order the latest shoes there's targets to shoot at you shoot targets that's it they have special live fire ranges where there's actual targets that pop up and you're running through and you have to shoot these targets and I have live ammunition drill sergeant is right over your shoulder so it's really like you you don't mess up and the first time we did it you just yelled bang that was us shooting yell bang the drill sergeants were just kind of chilling around whatever so we get down to yell bang bang and it's a better buddy covering while I move so one guys like I gotcha governmental what he did a guy runs up a firing position gets down we did it with blanks next now this was when everyone really ironed out because the jokes are just for like it's an ammunition it's not gonna hurt anybody but it's still ammunition we did was you ran and then you jumped on the ground and that's your next firing so you fire from the ground and then you jump up and run running and instead of running with the weapon in your shoulder like you're supposed to be pointing down I just had a sideways - running like oh willy nilly this way that way drill sergeant saw that yell that before barson see here and every number of expose moves I'll get your weapon out of my face destro started at my bed was like then I did it again and he didn't push me but he liked grabbing by the car like don't do that - I said I got off lucky I squat Jaczko flying into the woods one guy like just some lady put before one of the other drill sergeants she's a female she's like the nastiest one they're like ours is just this one is just like put her foot on some Nutella he was in the grounds like on he was crawling and he accidentally pointed his weapon at this was no ammo in and either like no blacks no nothing so this is like nothing like using em bang and he accidentally pointed at her and when he was crawling you crawl with your helmet like in the sand she put her helmet where she put a boot on his helmet we got down real close and started whispering how's my doing so ooh this is a lot actually was gonna send you guys a letter on this but anyway so there's three different types of eating there's MREs which is you just take the MRE needed I did they give you a little heating pouch I never used it I just needed it wasn't cold but it was like human temperature I just needed I don't care then there's hot days I don't know what that word is but that's just what we called it and I was basically like when they catered to like you know need go to like a hotel they had like the breakfast in the morning it seemed like like little things that they just take out put in doing even when it's all out basically like that that's the worst one by far by the far because if they never give you enough and it's all stuff that's really easy to cook so they have these it's not much it's the veal cutlets it's like chicken patties but exponentially worse veggie burgers those are the big two whether you got one of the other and I don't like either of them and I hate veal cutlets hate you now I've never even had a good veal I just know I hate it I have never wanted veal so much in my life as opposed to those stupid veggie burgers and I don't know why but I always ended up a good educator either or and everyone was like no no it's my birthday today give me the veal give me the BL it's my birthday and then there was the defect which is the dining facility we just call it a visa that was where everyone loved to go because you got juice in you got yogurt you got jello I don't know why they decided we're gonna make tough soldiers and gentlemen but they did and so everyone just marched there and then we send to platoon is usually like our platoons like 60 people and there was four columns so all the columns would line up so it'll be like first Platoon in the second platoon disaster on 4th platoon right up inside the defect by squad so it's like the column basically so there's four squads to a platoon and so first core I would go in the news back in second and then third and fourth all through the platoons and then once you get in there you wash your hands and you stand in line you have to put the tray over your face eyes are deep down that's it so that you can see so you're holding your tray like this when you're walking forward in line the market for is fine when you get to a wall you have to slide by the wall and it's kind of funny because you walk through there and it's just a bunch of dudes in line and there's like four guys against the wall just stand against the wall and then food servers everything and then once you get your hot food you go to the salad bar and then you can get fruit which I had never do I love fruit so much trouble I love the trail mix you can get jell-o pudding yogurt all kinds of stuff everyone almost every I didn't kill eight people everybody got peanut butter and jelly and made peanut butter choices that was the thing and you had to always make sure your heels were together you would sidestep to the salad bar always sidestep to the salad bar and if you didn't have your heels together Joe Starkel make you stop and you have to yell my food tastes better with my heels together how did you could no one ever yell a lot even when they were young you loud enough for young enough let's see when you've got drinks you had to pour your drinks in a hole in your chest like this because that's how you're supposed to open aids - just like this if you didn't hold those to your chest they making me out cops to my chest cops to my chest cops into my chest cups to my chest loud as you could the drill sergeants would like rap normally popular rap songs you like start rapping to you because you're I'm gonna get you on my record label maybe if you did something stupid they made you take a lot and that was my favorite part because they made you do race car noises every time you had to go around a corner you'd go yeah and then one guy wasn't doing that loud enough so then the dog was like guys help him out help now it needs a little bit of help so everyone just calling and he starts to go in here and only get to like yeah all you hear is the entire room the top of their lungs oh yeah the stupidest thing I've heard in my life it was hilarious just cuz everyone was doing and then run back up outside [Music] at least favorite MREs tuna it's not so as far as tuna goes I guess it's okay I'm not a tuma guys to like you but everyone who liked tuna said that it was a good then my favorite MRE had to be menu number 24 they even have a number memorized number 24 to die I think is 11 but number 24 is my favorite in the southwestern beef and black beans like a taco kind of thing and instead of having regular plain tortillas they had potently tortillas we have cheese so I was like you believe this is really good actually then they had a spiced pound cake that was your that was really like dessert they also had spiced apple bits which is literally just apple pie filling except way better like if I could have an apple pie with spicy Apple bits or whatever I would claim this MRE is quality top-notch stuff and then it also comes with smoke counting's so I always a youngins first then I would eat my burritos then I would eat the spiced apple bits and then I believe the spice pound cake and then you also get a little drink oh and then it also comes with a mocha cappuccino I lost 40 pounds to start that off PT was not terrible first thing you do is first thing in the morning so it's like before 30 you just got up first thing you had to do was you had to fill up the Camelbak of water so before you formed up you always make sure you fill up academy back is the drill sergeant n competitions is he who could throw people's camel backs the farthest because we didn't follow they picked it up and they would like twist around a bunch like a I'm not shocked Li but it's a similar shot hammer yeah they do that they spin around spin around and throw it as far as they could so you filled it up with water but anyway you get down on the PT field and there's the PT stand in the middle which is just a big lunch table the Troodos sergeant gets up on and he does all the exercises while you do all the exercises around anymore so it's like this is the PT stand two seconds here first is here fourth is here and then third Platoon which is us was here so you all spread out and you all take a camera back off from there next to you and do all these stretches then after you're done with stretching then you're going to do whatever PT you're doing which it's usually in the pull-up bars or 30 60 s which is we split for 30 seconds that walk for 60 men once after we after like three weeks turned into 6922 so you'd sprint for a minute and then walk then you do but it was like you like you're just pulling down to come off stretches and then you walk back [Music] you need to get smoked all back bad I had to think about it Oh actually I wasn't there for that but because I was on Forge I believe the Forge because my hip was bothering me and there was one thing the dress artist told us that I don't miss her obviously so I went to sit call and I wasn't there for this but they it's like 3 o'clock in the morning at this point probably we had done over 2 days probably about three hours of sleep so we're out there walking around and we were going fast enough you work you know we weren't doing i basically they made of low crawl and high crawl low crawling and high crawling crawling but high crawling you're crawling on your elbows and high crying low crawling you're flat against the you're literally too flat and you go ahead and you pull out you reach up and you lift up with one leg and you basically like slide forward and it's terrible because you're just getting sand everywhere and like every little crease everywhere usually your uniforms rolled up so you unroll uniform at the end then you got sand coming out of everything it gets where it's not supposed to be you don't want it to go it's terribly they made of high crawl on low crawl for I guess like an hour with yeah we have our vests on to our bulletproof vests to so it's a fact and on Howlett's and our weapons my weapons are getting attracted us and - so they're all dirty there's just sin everywhere that was probably the worst they've gotten this stuff I never got my stuff badly the worst I've got my stuff is the Ranger drill sergeant they were supposed to go eat a defect and they told us to warm up on him until he went out in front bawling so we're all supposed to form up on him we didn't do it fast enough and we weren't we were too close to him we were supposed to be three paces away we were too close to him so he did push-ups while we were doing push-ups he bomb like way down that way fall in so we all get up straight down here we were too close or went too fast over something so we made us do push-ups and then you walk o that way and it was like that I want to say it nice like an hour so that was probably the worst I got messed up other than that like [Music] it was wonderful sergeant would really mess people up she was just you didn't mess with her she was the same lady and she would say but I'd do one you run in place where I did when I say to you do push-ups so she would say 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 so everybody stood up and down and up and down up and down and pretty she said 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 and she's like right in your face and you're like I can't get up fast enough I can't get up fast enough and it's it's not so much that there's like a long time it's just the stress of having this label just screaming your ears [Music] so there's one what am I gonna say because but this Philips well I couldn't been talking like five foot one and Rangel as if you'd use me and haven't got pretty good friends he was about the same size and me and Hancock were two really tall guys we also the Phillips and Rangel got a pillow fight and Hancock thought it would be funny if we had beige ousting Rangel got on my back and then Phillips got on Hancock's back and we started running at each other in the bank Rangel my back with a pillow it's built is on his back with a pillow when we were running our all around the babies hit me total pillows and let's see Oh Pierce he's this guy from Southern California just some surfer stoner guy he fell asleep like this one might like this one like and at night one of the fire guys would be funny shave his armpits these changes armpits while he was asleep and he didn't know and he was so proud of it for some reason like guys look I'm pissed even he was walking around all day showing everybody Isis toward the end of the cycle so the drill sergeants were like kind of being cooled us now and they're like kind of joking around with us and they thought that was funny to Peter Scott as our pitch change last one that I thought it was really really funny when you were trying on our dress uniforms I didn't cuz I didn't want to I don't want to ruin it but our undershirts are really long really long and a bunch of the guys are in the bathroom Jania good someone comes up to the guys you gotta see Rangel y'all go in there expecting to see wearing got all dressed up and everything no he's leaning against the wall real seductively in his undershirt and that's it it comes down to a cottage and he's sitting there like flirting with all the boys cuz he's a nightgown he's got that was fun I will say it deep in his figure next question [Music] so field exercises we're all pretty much just worked into the foot marches some marks forbid the mass casualty exercise where basically an entire it was ended up being our platoon because we were in the front so you're marching is like three o'clock morning I think was anyway the drill sergeant turns around as I type to two-year-old a so we're all kind of like get on the ground row up dead so I'll just get on the ground and all the other platoons had to carry out to a certain spot and basically act as if they had stumbled across 50 something people just blame out strong dead some medical ones or we had to patch a guy up they do sergeant okay this guy's got this this guy's got this so we had to like treat wounds I always one of the people getting treated so I just took a nap while somebody put a bandage on my leg that was pretty cool so they're all little stuff like that they weren't that bad the hardest part was doing it at 2:00 in the morning he was funny he was a funny kid but uh he just wasn't all there mentally and so we were marching back and we had to it was kind of tricky because you had to do a left then you gotta take it right and when you take a left because you're four wide the people on the inside are going faster than the people on the outside so the outside people really have to walk fast to catch up because they have a farther to go so somehow someway as soon as we do we turn left and then we have to turn right again so it's just as weird like going really fast guarded is a weird situation somehow he gets outside the formation like he's like at least five or six feet completely away from us somehow I don't know how and you like is aiming towards his bush and somebody's like get back to formation he's like oh and the drill sergeant sees things like no go right for that bush right for that bush it's the only bush it's the only push around like no sergeant which bush use [Music] Sunday's were very relaxed you woke up and you signed up for your church service and you all died online to go breakfast and then once you came back you're just around the barracks until this time for whatever religious service and whatever religious service he went to he got marched there he got marks back and a little religious service we're usually done before lunch and then you'd all go watch then you came back and you cleaned in and around the area you're gonna clean the bays you clean like the company classroom you would clean like the platoon lines reform that the morning you went out you take the pine cone stuff like that sticks [Music] which I used to I used to be but you may find it's pretty easy being away from your phone like no one else has there are winds going through the same thing [Music] this one kid looks just like it sounds like he had the thickest glasses I've ever seen like these are small glasses they were about as thick this way as they are up and down this way but this like you look at him and his eyes look like they're this big around anyway he was up the range near shooting and he was changing positions he got dirt in his barrel the drill sightings like oh good job there killer you got dirt in your barrel he's like real the look the loaded weapons on it wasn't on say training he's got I am watching him - it was like he does it and you don't think anything of it because why would anybody do that and then he's like he gets yelled at or whatever and then you just sitting there thinking like he was the only person that kept his phone we got a phone call he kept his phone and he kept it in his locker he types it behind his locker so all the lockers are up against the wall but there's about a foot of space and he found an outlet behind all the walkers and that's where he kept his phone charging at night and someone knew about it I knew about it because I went to sick call of them because I had a sinus infection so I got medication for that and he was that sick call with me that day I saw him using it into the backpack that he opened up his backpack and he was like using that whatever so I knew he had it but I was like hey I don't know anything like I didn't tell anybody he had it I didn't say anything because it's not my business I'm not good and he would like pay people people would pay him to use it so hey I'll give you 20 bucks ago my parents were like oh yeah sure 20 people found out about it somebody slid it under the drill sergeants door and he knew that somebody had it and it was like 11 o'clock at night or something he's walking on the bay yelling waking everybody else who has my phone who has my phone who has my phone and the draw so I can open the door the next day I just opens everything whose phone is this I've never heard so many people go for silently so quickly hilarious but anyway he threatened to take away the family day of people didn't start talking about it he's recycled stuff like that and finally we all decided that somebody needed to step forward and said even though it wasn't me it was me so that's what somebody did they went through they called all the recent numbers and people that had called their parents they called him down and they they still had family day but they just couldn't go anywhere they had to stay in the bank like around the bay they couldn't go in the bay because you're not like parents and family stuff aren't they but they could stay like downstairs read about in and around barracks so they have family day but they just can stay there the guy who kept his phone got held back to me too they're sending back to YouTube so everybody who use the phone they they uphold we also had a football game that we went to a couple days ago a college football game and they all Bustos - that was cool they didn't get to go over there if they didn't live this much all the football game no one watch the football game they just the football game is really sweet [Music] [Music] army soldiers upward display is a symbol of a nation and an unspoken assurance to all the Cu that you are a willing and able protector of the freedoms clogged so marvelously forth by all booked on the floor and those who will bravely come after you'll become of what you set out to be a soldier in the United States Army the soldier's creed is your declaration of your unshakable commitment to the ideals this nation was founded upon and will continue to guarantee ladies and gentlemen please stand as private Nathan but these the soldiers standing will go through the reciting of a soldier's creed [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Shawn Parsons
Views: 54,980
Rating: 4.7938809 out of 5
Keywords: Fort Jackson, Boot Camp, BCT
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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