Foroglio, Switzerland 4K - The most beautiful Swiss villages - A real Fairytale Village
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Channel: The Traveler
Views: 35,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ticino switzerland, foroglio switzerland, swiss village, foroglio 4K, walking tour foroglio, walking tour switzerland, Walking tour 4K, foroglio ticino switzerland, Ticino, Sabbione, Maggia, Switzerland 4K, stone house, walk, travel switzerland, sonlerto, travel, ticino, swiss alps, switzerland travel, 瑞士, スイス, स्विट्ज़रलैंड, سويسرا, zwitserland, schweiz, schweizer dorf, स्विस गांव, 瑞士村, スイスの村, スイス旅行, 瑞士旅行, スイスアルプス, 瑞士山, スイスの山々, स्विस परिदृश्य, 瑞士风景, 스위스 풍경, 항해, the traveler
Id: 6CN_hYcI_zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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