Formula for a Breakthrough | Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection this December at free chapel we have a lineup of special guests productions and events for you and your family to enjoy December 8 through 10 is this year's Christmas production Christmas in color this year's show is filled with world-class visual artistry live music and the story of Christmas like you've never seen it before following the final showing on Sunday December 10th will be the Christmas in color after-party with Santa snow reindeer and more on Wednesday December 13th is Christmas under the stars at Lanier Islands join us for uplifting Christmas music and fun for the whole family Sunday December 17th we'll have worship and Christmas music from Grammy Award winner Jason Crabb followed by a message from Pastor Jentezen Franklin our annual Christmas candlelight services will be on Sunday December 24th at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. come and celebrate our saviors birth with your whole family you can find more information about our events on pre Chapel org Merry Christmas and we hope to see you at free chapels soon don't worry about anything well that's easy to say how did in the world how is that even possible how do I not worry about my children how do I not worry about the bad doctor's report how do I not worry this is why fasting is so powerful it takes your mind off of worry and it refocuses on God and his promises our God is a healer of broken dreams you're gonna walk through the door you've never been able to walk through because he's the god of breakthrough I want to talk to you today from 2nd Samuel chapter 5 because God has dealt with my heart and I believe this message today is exactly what people under the I prayed about this and I said god I want you to put the people whether it's at every campus they're in Buford they're in Gwinnett or Orange County or wherever you're watching this online or on TV wherever you're hearing this message if you're listening this and don't you change that channel wherever you're hearing this I'm about to give you something that will change everything in your life if you'll lean in 2nd Samuel 5 in verse 20 and David came to bellperre ISM and David defeated them there and he said listen to these words the Lord has broken through my enemies before me like a break through of water therefore he called the name of that place Bell Perrins him the word break through and that's what he said the Lord has broken through means to burst asunder a sudden burst like a breach of water to burst means to force open when he said and he called the name of that place bare Bale perineum it literally means translated the place a breakthrough or the place a burst God burst on the same broke through the resistance the doors that were shut were and me a whole new level was entered into everything changed because the Lord of verse the Lord of breakthroughs David said came on to this place where I was fighting a battle for my life and I had a breakthrough and he called the place one translation says he called the place the Lord mastered my breakthrough in this place you see a breakthrough is a sudden dramatic important advance according to Webster some of you need a health breakthrough some of you need a financial breakthrough relationships are at an impasse it's stuck it's not going anywhere God wants to give you a breakthrough here's something God really spoke to my heart he said if people will seek me if they need them I'm going to give them breakthrough ideas you know God can give you one breakthrough idea and it can change your whole world and there are things that don't happen until we fast and pray according to mark chapter nine and one thing God said he was going to do on this fast this year is he's going to give people breakthrough ideas breakthroughs with their kids breakthroughs with God now here's a big point breakthroughs never happened to anyone in the Bible who did not seek them that's a big statement you'll never find anyone in the Bible who got a major breakthrough that didn't seek it that's why Psalm 77 and verse 2 says when I was in distress when I was under source when I was outnumbered I saw the Lord I stretched out my hands to the Lord and I had a breakthrough fasting is a sign to God you're serious about not staying in the condition that you're in now look at me just a moment are you really are you really thinking that something's going to change if you just keep going like you're going I'm telling you that no one in this book ever got a breakthrough with a relationship or in their finances or the kind of miracle until they started to seek the Lord and when you start seeking the Lord you get God's attention heaven bends its ear and God tunes in to your cry it's a powerful thing there are two kings particularly that needed a breakthrough the first one we just read about David he had just been chosen King the Philistines came to attack him that's how it goes a mountaintop and then a valley you get a you get a victory and then a test it's just like the enemy comes at you and what do you do the Bible said that he moved to his fortified place if you read the story you need to move into that fortified place and he said God should I fight this battle he asked God first you ought to always ask God on this fast what battles you need to get it do you I need to get in that legal battle do I need to get in that financial battle do I need to get in that relational battle do it should I make an issue at work should I make an issue about this with that person Lord and should I do it and when he asks God God said yes yes fight this battle I'll go with you I'll go before you and the Bible said that God so defeated his enemy that David when he sought the Lord saw a breakthrough and he said I watched the Lord break through my enemies like a mighty flood the Lord broke through and that's what is going to happen in your life on this 21-day fast you're gonna point that and say that was the 21 days I didn't even know it maybe you won't experience it during the 21 days rarely does the miracle come during the fast usually it'll hit you on down the road but sometimes you get it on the first day but the Bible said that he said I'm naming this place the place of break through the valley of trouble became the valley a blessing because he sought the Lord in fasting and prayer and that's what's gonna happen to you you're gonna look back in 21 days you gonna say that was the place a breakthrough in my life I'm naming it bill Paris 'i'm the god of burst he's burst open the resistance and the doors that were closed the other guy who got a breakthrough miracle king was named Jehoshaphat notice the part last part of his name fact I probably think they probably called him fatty for short he had three enemies the Moabites the amorite sand and i can't remember the other one the termites that's what i'm going to call him but they were they were attacking his life and the Bible said in second chronicles 20 and verse 3 and after these enemies attacked him he feared greatly and King Jehoshaphat sent himself to seek the Lord and proclaim a fast throughout all Judah that's exactly what we're doing we're setting ourselves to seek the Lord we need breakthroughs in our family breakthroughs in our homes breakthroughs in our careers breakthrough ideas breakthrough creativity breakthrough in ways and things and moments of clarity that God gives us total and complete direction and peace about what his will is for our life and what happened Jehoshaphat the Bible said had the Lord come through a prophet and he said because you fasted and you prayed God's going to give you a breakthrough if you read that chapter and the Prophet said you will not need to fight in this battle the Lord's gonna fight your vital beast eale and put the Prazeres out praise is going to come alive during this fast in your life praise and worship I have not you know the early church Ravenhill Leonard Ravenhill said that the that the early church had an upper room with fire but the modern church has a supper room with smoke and I'm here today to declare that we're tired of suffer rooms with smoke this thing was born in the fire of the Holy Spirit and we need fire today come on somebody I'm not gonna live off the off the supper-room of smoke I want the Upper Room of Holy Spirit fire it's time to drop the h-bomb on our enemies the Holy Spirit drop him into that situation and he'll fight the battle for you and you'll get a breakthrough take a praise break and clap your hands and give God a great praise if you're believing for a mighty year a breakthrough whoo Anna lujah notice Philippians chapter 4 tells us exactly what those people did and Paul comes along and emphasizes it in in chapter 4 he says these words he says don't be anxious for anything the word anxious means worry some translations say don't worry about anything don't worry about anything don't worry about anything well that's easy to say how did in the world how is that even possible how do I not worry about my children how do I not worry about the bad doctors before how do I not worry listen to this this is why fasting is so powerful folks because what fasting does is it takes your mind off of worry and it refocuses on God and his promises that's how you don't worry you refocus on God and there's nothing like fasting that will cause your faith to refocus and and fervency back in your prayer life worry is worthless worry is stewing without doing all you're doing is sitting worrying stewing students still running your blood pressure all the way over there in the red the the meters all the way up worrying and it's totally worthless that's why Jesus in the fasting chapter where he taught how to fast in Matthew chapter 6 in verse 6 he said don't right in the middle of it dropped this bomb don't worry about tomorrow don't worry about the future don't worry about the rest of 2017 I am your provider I am your God and if you'll refocus on me you'll remember I've given you everything you've ever had and see the enemy wants you to the enemy wants you to die on three crosses and here's how that goes he wants you to have a cross from the past that of things you can't change the past is over you might have messed up but you can't change it so live in that if you can't get you to live him on that cross he'll say then then worry about the future worry about what might happen what could happen and you'll die on that cross but what happens is when you get when you get given all your day about what I should have done could have done the past and what's gonna happen what's gonna happen the future guess what happens then he puts a third cross in you kill today worry is worthless don't worry about anything but in everything here's how you do it pray and notice what he said he said I don't want you to worry about anything I want you to pray about everything so if you take a notes write this down don't worry about anything well how do I do that I refocus on God's Word when worry starts attacking me I'd go back to God I worship Him I fast and I pray and suddenly my focus has changed don't worry about anything there secondly pray about everything well it's kind of silly to probably to pray about what I'm thinking about I prayed about my face breaking out I would put it this way if it's big enough to worry about it's big enough to pray about well well pastor you don't understand I mean it's not a huge thing but but my kid needs braces and I just don't know where I'm gonna get the money from if it's big enough to worry about it's big enough to pray about I need a house I need if it's big enough to worry about it's big enough to pray about children this going on one of my kids this one there and you sit around don't worry about anything pray about everything pray about it pray about it pray about it now I want to show you something everybody take your hands and this isn't this isn't something I came up with if you google the praying hands you'll pick up a lot of these points off of many many many much material on I didn't know the history of the praying hands you've seen it in pictures just take your hands all of you and put you put your praying hands up notice that when you do that the thumb is clothed the thumbs or closest to your heart right and they're pointing back at at you all right so I want to give you a quick prayer outline to pray during this fast they listen to me so this this hand the left hand tells me who to pray for notice this thumb pointing back is closest to my heart so here's what I'm gonna pray for in five minutes a day three times a day those closest to my heart who's that my family and my friends so everybody say friends and family best that represents the phone so let that remind you closest to your heart friends and family all I'm a pray friends in the morning when I get that first thing I want to get out friends and family then this is the index finger and it points the way and my mom when I was little she used to do this sometimes no no no no no so it rebukes me it corrects me so you ought to pray for those who lead you and who pastor you that they would have courage to not only point you to the good things but correct you and preach sermons that convict you and keep you in love with Jesus Christ come on pray and then notice the middle finger are the tallest finger and they don't make me hold it up by itself but notice that it stands out is the tallest finger it's the one that stands out what does that represent influencers who are the influencers in our cut and our culture musicians rock stars rappers the president the politicians the movie stars what whether we like it or not the truth is that many of these people Bill Gates people like that they have massive influence we need to quit talking down to all these people and pray for the Kardashians and pray and fast for come on pray and fast for Kanye and praying fast don't just wear his tennis shoes pray for it this is the ring finger what does it represent it represents our marriages our relationships but it also is the weakest finger it represents weakness it represents the poor pray for the poor it represents the sick pray for those who have cancer or going through chemo pray for people that you know that are infirm the shut-ins that those in the rest homes pray for the little children pray for the poor pray pray for the disabled pray for the handicapped pray for the sick and the weak we don't do that and if it's all about us isn't it but these are things we should pray for while we fast and then the last one is be yeah God loves me and cares about me but the focus the last thing and the smallest thing is me because if I seek first and do all of these things and put others ahead of me guess what God's gonna take care of me now watch this let me show something real quick now this hand let it remind you of this that that this represents what I'm praying for so if the thumb is coming back at me I'm praying for a clean heart for me and my family and friends a clean heart he said in Jeremiah that if you search for me and seek from me you'll find me when you search for me with all of your heart half-hearted religion is an abomination to God pray for your own heart to be clean guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows all the issues of life you'll make easy decisions you'll get in terrible relationships guard my heart God guard my heart my heart be clean give me a clean heart and a right spirit David said pray for a pure heart then pray that God will lead you and God will rebuke you that God will open doors that way and he will shut doors no no no that's not my will for your life pray for greater influence again the tallest finger that you personally will have growing influence in a new year that God will take you higher that you will stand out and your influence will grow on your job your influence will grow with people your influence will grow in the field that God has planted you in the city and the place where God's called you young people start praying give me greater influence I never dreamed I'd know the President of the United States but I know this one and I'm praying for him and that's not a political nothing it's just my god can we not pray for those who are in influence I did for every other president I'm gonna pray for this one too God knows he needs it all of us needed pray if you'll pray for influence you'll be astounded where God will take you pray for your own weaknesses and lastly pray it's the little one for material blessings because if I seek first the kingdom of God all of these things but it's totally in order to ask God for material blessings but my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory through Christ Jesus and the Lord told me to tell you in joy chapter 2 in closing this is what it says it says if you'll return to me and fasting and in prayer listen to this I will restore the years the enemy has stolen our God is the healer of broken dreams and he is a restorer of stolen years and this is the year when God is gonna breakthrough in your life and everything in your life is going to change I really do believe when I'm preaching you're gonna get a breakthrough and and instead of being a prisoner of an appetite for for because you're an alcoholic or a drug addict and that's keeping you in a inner inner in a place that you can't get out of and so much God has for you you're gonna walk through the door you've never been able to walk through because he's the god of births he's the god of breakthrough I feel the Lord lift your hands up and shout break through three times come on get it big in your mouth and say breakthrough feel it church somebody's gonna get a breakthrough in your health then you're gonna get you your health back this year help is on the way I'm so thankful today that you joined us and that you've heard this message I think if you hear the heart of what I'm preaching today that it is the heart of God to send breakthrough to your life and I know personally there's nothing that has brought breakthrough quicker in my own life than when I get serious with God when I start seeking Him and even when I begin to fast and pray with a tremendous focus saying Lord I'm coming after you these days I need a breakthrough I sense many of you are in that place in your life we're about to go into a new year and you need breakthroughs in your family maybe with an addiction maybe in some area of your life you feel like that there's a ceiling and you can't seem to get where you're trying to go there are things that happen when people fast and pray but most of all Jesus is our breakthrough you don't have to do anything except receive him and really the fasting and the prayer is not to move God he's already for you the fasting and the praying is to position you to get in alignment for all that God wants to lead and guide you to and break you through and so I'm believing with you that this season as we prepare to go into this fast and it's coming in 2018 and I want you to join us we will teach you how to do the Daniel fast we will teach you how for 21 days to seek God in in in the word and in fasting and in prayer and there's gonna be pop-up prayer meetings I guess you could call I'm gonna be facebooking live a lot and and leading in prayers and in prayer meetings with people who are all over the world who are fasting with us it's one thing when you fast but when you join corporately with many other people in Wow that's when the breakthroughs begin to happen for you and for your family your church your nation and we're believing God for that kind of revival really to hit this world we need it don't we so I want to pray for you maybe you've watched this program and use something in you yearns for freedom and forgiveness that comes through Jesus so pray this prayer say these words Lord Jesus I ask you now to forgive me to cleanse me to help me to empower me with your Holy Spirit I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit today I want to walk in freedom today I want to know who you are so Jesus I give you my life I surrender save me cleanse me forgive me in jesus name amen and amen listen we would love to hear from you this is why we're on TV this this very moment this is a miracle moment this is a destiny moment and the reason that you're watching this program is God set it up I believe that pick up the phone dial the number that's on the screen go online send us an email tell us I prayed with pastor Franklin and Jesus has changed my life and to help you get prepared for this fast because we're serious about God we're serious about seeking God that's why we fast and pray every year and I'm telling you we hear the reports all year I heard them today as a matter of fact I heard some reports of the fast last year it's remarkable what God does and listen I've got a brand-new brand-new book that I'm making available this has never been offered it's called 101 most asked questions about fasting everything you can imagine about fasting that people ask is in this book we took the one which did a survey and the 101 most asked questions this book will answer it along with my New York Times best-selling book on fasting we have several other books on fasting material we've got all kinds of stuff that we're going to help you with on lines to be sure and go on and I want to say in our closing moments together how moved I am how appreciative I am at the body of Christ that is responding to our Holocaust survivors residence center that we are now renovating in the beautiful city of Jerusalem we're joining with Friends of Zion my friend dr. Mike Evans and we are coming together as the body of Christ and because of you we've been writing the checks every month is paying for the renovation it's happening and I'm telling you you are responding my announcer is going to tell you how you can be involved remember this when you sow into the nation of Israel and the people of Israel Jesus said it's just like your giving to me as you have done it unto these the least of my brothers you've done it unto me check this out and do your very best at the end of the year as a way of saying thank you Lord for giving me a great year and I'm believing you for many great things next year and I'm sowing seed into good ground to many the Holocaust seems like a horrific chapter in history but to the 190,000 survivors in Israel that experienced the horrors of the Nazi death camps it is their personal story sadly more than 50,000 of them continue to live in poverty some even homeless kingdom connection friends and partners have always responded to the poor and needy and now we are partnering with Friends of Zion to build to assisted living facilities one in the heart of Jerusalem your gift of $1,000 will provide our Jewish brothers and sisters with a safe place to live where they can experience the care and compassion that meets with your one-time gift of $1,000 we'll place your name on a special founders wall at both buildings in Israel and as a special gift of appreciation we'll send you a personalized crystal plaque when you send your gift of $100 or more we'll send you a special founders certificate honoring your investment in this project and everyone who responds with a gift of $50 or more to help provide housing for the Holocaust survivors may request Jenson Franklin's new book fasting 101 every gift counts together we can be a blessing to Israel and see God's everlasting covenant a blessing come into your life visit us online at Jensen Franklin TV we hope you've enjoyed this teaching by Jensen Franklin and thank you for your continued support of this ministry your prayers and financial support make these programs possible [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 30,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Free Chapel, Temple, Saved, Save, Christianity, Faith, Depression, Healing, Radical, Devotion, Devotional, Islam, Mosque, Suicide, Struggle, fasting, breakthrough, warfare
Id: SgiUjVb0WeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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