Forming the Lion Pride - Dean Schneider

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[Music] [Music] hey guys now this is the video everybody was waiting for it shows the final step of forming the hakuna matata line pride it is all exclusive content nobody has ever seen it it is extremely exciting inspiring educating and I hope you guys will have fun watching it I personally will watch this video with you right now and talk you guys through the entire process we're gonna do the very first introduction right now nyla is gonna come over into this section of the baby camp while Kiara and kaliesha are in the top part of the baby camp I cleaned out both of them and today to get a meet for the first time that number one was to separate nyla from the rest of the pride because once she means cure and kaliesha want her to be alone and to be herself and I'll have too much backup from the boys right now this is the very first time where she saw the two ladies and actually the first time she saw two lionesses in her life in the beginning is actually went quite well she was just very curious the little ones day straightaway wanted some love and affection while she wasn't really sure if this is a good thing going on here or not and then after a few minutes all of a sudden she turned around and kinda attacked them alright so what I'm gonna do now we just witnessed some type of dominance and aggression towards them I now want to go over there to show nylock that they are part of our family and that I'm cool with them maybe this is gonna change something alright let's check all right so that was it now for now for the next two to three days the plan is to keep it exactly the way it is now and with the Tom nyla will realize the cure and kaliesha are the only lines in the environment she can socialize with so as I thought only two days later already Nyla's behavior completely changed I did spend a lot of time with both of them and they they saw that we are actually supposed to be one family so both raised the desire to socialize with one another so after seeing this I decided straight away to open the gate and introduce them to one another let's open up this gate I think that's the only right thing to do now [Applause] we are gonna be sisters for life okay so such introductions are always combined with aggression with some slaps and bites because nobody wants to be the submissive one in such situations you can also clearly see that nyla isn't really sure about what you do she always comes back to me to get some back up making sure that I got her back in case something goes down that's how it happens and but in the end of the day we are super super super happy and excited that this worked out hahaha that this worked out so well after only three days actually and the signs are super good I mean I'm really happy really excited we extended our family and the first feeding session with the ladies was actually a key point in building the relationship with one another because once we are sitting on the same table eating a meal together humans same as animals that's where you get to know one another a little bit better and especially with lines that's where you will know where are the limits how far can I go and what is allowed or not [Music] so Leah's introduction to the ladies was pretty chilled and I was super happy about that I mean he's the brother of nyla and since he was anyway the only male in this situation he didn't really feel threatened by the ladies [Music] all right so Leo spent now 24 hours right next to the ladies in the camp next to them there was zero aggression positive body language and now it's a talking to one another of course there was one or the other situation where he had to show dominance and to make clear listen I'm the boss here I'm taking over now but this is absolutely natural [Music] and the next one to join the pride was snow the gentle giant his character is just unique and he's just such an amazing life our same as with the other introductions snow got first the opportunity to meet them through the fence they already accepted looks like he knows them it's kind of he trusts Leo and this is why they're cool I think this is this must be love at the first sight can't explain it any difference only love can do something like this and after a certain period of time and seeing that the body language was amazing we introduced them to one another [Music] so the moment they met each other first time without the fence in between was just magical there was zero aggression in between and everybody knew his position where they belong to and as I suspected this was pretty much the easiest introduction of all of them and last but not least King Dexter now it's time to introduce the King to his pride so as soon as we opened up the gates the first reaction was happiness he was happy to see other lines again his actual family as well as the two new ladies but shortly after that he realized now is the moment where he has to show everybody that he's in charge now is the moment that he has to prove that he's the king there's absolutely no aggression in between them you can see there will be little fights little rank exist to make clear again who is who you can see now he's going a little bit harder but obviously they know each other now since him and his brothers Snowe and Leo know exactly where they are standing he started to basically show dominance towards the ladies and the first ones were the new ones the young ones which is Chiara and Khaleesi nothing serious gonna happen nyle is going right in between that was an amazing turn from my life just to make sure that they will be okay police is fine as well now what we can see in this footage here is actually absolutely natural tomorrow it sounds pretty hard it is pretty hard and aggressive but this is just part of being a lion so after a certain period of time the actual previous pride of Dexter which is nyla leo and snow decided to choose the side of Dexter and now it was those four against Cara and Khaleesi which is absolutely not a good situation this is why I decided to separate them again so I decided to separate Dexter cure and Khaleesi into one camp from the other ones which will be right next to them so now Dexter is forced to build a bond with Chara and Khaleesi because they are the only ones who get interact with and once I achieved them to become a little pride a little family it's gonna be super easy to add the other ones to them and it happened exactly the way I suspected Dexter started bonding with the ladies and once they became a little family themselves introduced the rest of the pride to them and finally that became the hakuna matata lion pride as you guys know it today I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you want to see what's next then make sure to subscribe my youtube channel right now and if you want to see more content you're so welcome to follow my other socials as well thank you so much for watching and see you guys later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dean Schneider
Views: 4,563,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dean schneider, dean, schneider, hakuna mipaka, wildlife, wildlife sanctuary, oasis, animals, forming a lion pride, Hakuna mipaka lion pride, dean Schneider lion pride, lion pride, dexter pride
Id: A-qPhvwESvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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