Former Polygamist Reacts to Sister Wives Season 6 Part 2: Personal Perspective on Polygamy

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Brett and Cody had a chat about Joseph Smith and he said they didn't speak for 5 years afterward it's a long time that's a long time for best friends to not speak and that goes to how important Joseph Smith is within all Mormonism within the LDS church as well as if you're going to go fundamental or you're going to leave it all together a lot of it ends up pivoting on Joseph Smith whether or not you believe he's a prophet welcome back everyone my name is Sam and I'm Melissa I grew up in the flds community it is a polygamous group run by Warren Jeffs and I moved out when I was 18 years old I was raised LDS I've been married for 9 years and have two awesome kiddos yes we do if you're interested in just listening in today we do have our podcast available and please don't forget to like And subscribe also our holiday fundraiser is over thank you all so much we more than doubled our goal so we're so grateful to all of you and we hope you all had a wonderful F holiday season if you would like to continue to support us in our mission to create compassion and awareness for these polygamous communities and learn more about polygamy and what it was like for Sam to grow up in polygamy then you can still use the donation button below if you'd like that yes thank you all so much for your support we are back with fresh eyes on Sister wiv season six yes the second part so season six was blocked off into two parts we're in the second part and there was some interesting stuff for any of you that are new to our Channel we like to focus on the religious aspects compare the way that the Browns practice polygamy versus the way that Sam grew up in polygamy Y and also compare some of their religious beliefs as far as like Cody and Janelle being raised in the LDS church and the way that I grew up in the LDS church so that's kind of the angle we take at it we hope you enjoy part two had quite a few things religiously which was exciting for us to talk about we'll go through even some of the things that aren't about that but the first thing is this part of the Season kind of started off with a talk about college for kids right in the tell all later they even talked about the fact that they're going to have like a kid graduating from high school for the next 10 years all except for one year but I think that part that like kind of threw me off about this whole conversation is that they were saying that they've never talked about their finances like as a whole group before yeah we got A Sneak Peak finally and how that all works out and how there's a family pot and then each individual person or adult I guess you could say the parents have their own budget as well yeah and they didn't tell us that until the all at the very end during the actual conversation the beginning of the Season it was just a hot mess it was like so unclear of where the money was coming from and they made it seem like Mary was wanting the whole family to pay for her kids college but that was going to be four times like it was a hot mess that's normally the Brown family but and at the end when they explained it I feel like they did a much better job explaining it how does that compare to how you were raised what were the financial like how were the financial situations there is there is so my goodness the differences between the Brown family and the polygamy that I was raised in is just night and day I mean it is so so different in my home it was as far as the financial stuff goes once again because we all lived together we were all in the same home it was everyone put their money into a pot and then it was dispersed as needed for example let's say my father was making his money so he would you know that goes into the pot some of the older siblings were out working and bring money home that would go into the pot everything would kind of go into the pot and then ultimately father would be the one to disperse who needs what so for example each mother would have a quote unquote budget like okay this is the money you get this week for grocery bills this is the money you get for clothing that the children may need things like that where each each mother had like money I don't I think it was a monthly budget that was like okay this is for the motherly duties for the clothing the housing cleaning materials the food all of that stuff they would take care of so and then once in a while they would make a big trip to either Costco or Walmart which none of those exist in the town I grew up so we would travel to those places St George where I we'd always see polygamist in our Walmarts and Costco exactly so that's where we would go forward buying a you know the bulk stuff where we would kind of stock up on foods and things like that so anyway but it was very much just everybody was a part of the same thing no one really could no one really would make their money keep their money and do with what they pleased with their money kind of mentality it was all out of the same pot yeah so it's interesting seeing them talk about their budgeting as far as college and how that was all going to work out next came Mother's Day where they had all this was definitely a producer idea right like let's get all of your mother-in-laws and your mother and your four wives and watch Cody attempt to do Mother's Day with that many women and um it made for good TV it did and speaking of producers idea I we had a realization this season we think that a lot of the stuff the Brown family does or publicly what they do publicly is I don't think any other family would do that I I I think that the producers are saying hey let's do this and we'll pay for it and then you know and then we'll fill me while you struggle to meet deadlines and things like that to SP spice things up and make it that's sure what it seems like it does seem like that sometimes in some of the things they do but anyway yes it was Mother's Day was interesting the mother's day was very interesting when Cody went and took out his mother-in-laws after shopping though it was also interesting that most of his in-law mother-in-laws are practicing plural marriage right his mom and Janelle's Mom are both married to his father and then Christine's mom is the only one that had left her plural marriage and had left the religion and they were talking about like the relationship struggling and asking Co you know Cody's asking them for advice of how to have the Sister Wives have a better relationship together and and kind of talking about I'd say that's the theme throughout this entire season is that obviously the wives are struggling to connect with each other they always talk about the kids adjusted very quickly but the wives are not wanting to really be like a cohesive unit they like each having their own space which how could they not after a couple years living completely separately right you're in your own space for a couple of years it would be easy to forget that you even had like Sister Wives are just these people that you get together with stuff but like your own world right not to mention that he married four very what's the best way to say this independent independent but not fully independent in the sense of I guess physical things but just very strong wield yeah right like they all have very strong opinions they all want things a certain way and to have them try to be this one family unit is I compared to what I've seen in polygamy I from the get-go I was thinking wow I don't know if this is even going to work at all even when we first started watching this yeah and then they use like Cody's mom and Janelle's mom as an example of like how it's supposed to work but they both admit and it was so sad when Cody's mom was talking about she was like it was so painful and how hellish and hard plural marriage was and it just broke my heart a little bit because when you're practicing plural marriage and the fact like Cody's Mom and Dad they were LDS and then they converted to to the idea of plural marriage and it was actually his mom who you know believed in the principle of it and it just broke my heart that she felt like God's plan for her was for her to live in hell and painful and misery if you believe in the principle that's your belief and then you start practicing it and you realize that it's absolute hell on Earth and the only thing that gets you through is that you think it's what God wants for you and it just made me sad it just made me sad I have feeling that a lot of polygamous wives feel the same way that Cody's mom does in that you know that it's just very difficult but it's a trial that God wants me to prove my prove my faithfulness and I'm going to just stick it out just to prove that I can do what God wants me to do yeah God doesn't want you to be miserable I don't know hard for me that's not a very nice way to live life I would say just to endure you know just to struggle through it you know you can do this but unfortunately not only in polygamy but a lot of people in general feel that it is their duty to struggle through and prove that in the end they can come out Stronger Yeah Christine even asked Cody's mom and was like well how did you make it through and course was like I don't know I don't know how we survive through that and then it just took like a long time basically a long period of time I think she said it was like 15 years or something before they ended up sweet friends but that was a little heartbreaking Christine's mom again is the only one who left her polygamous relationship and this stuff that she said oh was heartbreaking a different way but she said I didn't need to be told how to be a good person and I was constantly trying to be perfect and be what I was told I needed to be from the church as a wife as a mother and I realized that I don't need all of that influence in order to be a good person and be the best friend version of myself and I thought that was super sweet but I also know how hard it is to leave a religion I can't imagine leaving like even though obviously she was miserable in her plural marriage enough to actually leave I still can't imagine how hard that would be to leave a plural marriage or to leave a marriage at all over the fact like over religious reasons right and you have to wonder when she says things like I didn't need to be told that I wasn't good enough I didn't need be told how to live my life I was I was good enough to do it on my own right you got to wonder what kind of marriage she had yeah because just like a monogamous marriage in polygamy based on the person that you marry your experience will be so different yeah there I mean I think that there are some men out there that are living the plural marriage law and actually believe in it and actually are trying their best to be as fair and as good to their wives as possible I do think that it does exist but I also think that there are a lot of men that take advantage of the system in the sense that you know they become the patriarch and that they are in charge and that they rule the land right and I know that some men are being taught that that's what they're supposed to do by the religion that they belong to I do know that but at the same time depending on that person that you marry your experience will be so different and I wonder if Janelle not Janelle Christine's mom was always quote unquote being put in her place yeah I also man we definitely felt for her a lot when they talked about the fact that when she did leave the religion how that impacted the relationship with Christine and Christine and Cody said that they feared Christine's mom and they were so worried about what that relationship would look like not having the same beliefs anymore and I think that that's really common I know even within the LDS when somebody leaves your faith and you believe the same you know you believe the same so there's that idea that you think the same way and then somebody leaves the LDS church I think sometimes you know there's people who have really bad experiences like oh people cut me off they want to be my friend anymore we haven't experienced that luckily but there's definitely been that same experience of where I think people fear us they fear like the changes that we might make or that we're going to be such a different person that now we won't have common ground or be able to have that same relationship right and it's really sad and it's hard to try to like convince other people that you're the same person and I thought it was really sweet that I think it was Mary's mom was like no you guys still need to reach out to her and still let her have a relationship with her grandkids like she's the same person and then when they took the time to ask her this person who had left they took the time to ask her they found out that she still supported them in their marriage and that's how I feel like it is with us the people who have reached out to us after us choosing to leave the elas church who have actually reached out with kindness and love and been like hey how's it going or like I still want to have a relationship with you have come to realize that we're not we don't hate that they're in it that we don't that we are still supportive of them and their religious beliefs and that we can still like have this good relationship but it's hard when people fear that they fear it I mean in their defense I guess you could say we were the ones that decided to change right and I mean we're very grateful for the changes that we have made in our lives but at the same time they've I mean not they people always talk about when people choose to change and step away from a certain belief that in a lot of cases they become very bitter and become these people that aren't fun to be around that's kind of the idea behind it and so I I think that a lot of people within religions fear that when someone steps out they're going to become these monsters I guess you could say against the church and their belief but everyone I would say most people don't turn that way most people are just trying to live the best life they can now that does happen people do turn bitter and in some Cas cases rightfully so based on experiences they've had yeah so I think just showing sympathy and and trying to understand where people are coming from and not just assume that they fit into one category is the important thing here and I think it was super sweet that it was Mary's mom who helped them realize like know reach out and you'll realize that your relationships can still be good with Christine's mom exactly so that's very sweet along those religious lines Brett who was Cody's Mission companion and best friend came to visit with him and his wife and that was an interesting dynamic as well in story to that because Cody talked about the fact that while Cody was on his LDS mission is when his mother and father converted and decided that they wanted to practice polygamy and he was saying that you know he's on his LDS mission and Brett was His companion and when they got home they both kind of had these like faith crisises and Cody ended up going to fundamentalism and to polygamy and Brett chose to leave religion altogether and big difference big difference but I feel like it is so common within the mainstream LDS church and I know we've said it before but I will say it again that a lot of times especially when the church is Progressive in some way you'll see break offs and that's why there's so many break offs there's so many polygamist in Utah they estimate like 30 to 40,000 polygamist in Utah and when the church progresses people go back to the roots or the fundamentals of the LDS church and it almost always leads to polygamy and well there's only two places to go from fundamentals when people are having a hard time in the mainstream Church see if I can get my hands on the screen here right you go back you go back and when you get to the fundamental there's ends up being two ways for you to go I guess three you can either become stronger in your LDS Faith you can go towards polygamy and say the church is strayed from its fundamental beliefs and it can go towards polygamy or it can say I don't believe these fundamentals at all anymore and you end up leaving religion yep I would say a lot of times when people are struggling with their faith hard enough it does end up more into the two they either go fundamental or leave the religion alog together although the third option is definitely happen as well it does happen for sure yeah it was interesting to see that change and everyone just has a different journey and you you would think that maybe they would have a similar joury Journey considering that they served a mission not only did they both serve a mission they served a mission together had a very similar I imagine experience since they were companions in their mission and one person comes back and says religion is not for me I'm out of here and the other one says I'm going to dive deep here and go way into the religion religious side of things since you know he kind of went Cody went back to the fundamentals of the Mormon church so it's it's just you never know everyone is going to end up in different places based on what they feel is best for them and and also a lot of times the people that they surround themselves with does affect that as well yeah also he did say like it was so great to see that they can still be friends now and they can like understand each other and still not like Brett was like I would never want to practice polygamy but like I can support Cody in doing it right and Cody can support the fact that Brett lives differently than he does but I thought it was interesting that they did say Cody said at one point Brett and Cody had a chat about Joseph Smith so again coming back to those fundamentals to the very first Prophet Joseph Smith and he said they didn't speak for 5 years afterward it's a long time that's a long time for best friends to not speak and again that goes to how important Joseph Smith is within all Mormonism within the LDS church as well as if you're going to go fundamental or you're going to leave it all together a lot of it ends up pivoting on Jo Joseph Smith whether or not you believe he's a prophet right because if you believe that he is a prophet then everything else you know from there down including the Book of Mormon and all of the scriptures that came from that yeah are true but if you believe Joseph Smith was a false prophet then once again everything that came after that is crumbles it's a big it's and and I I know the mainstream LDS church especially no even the breakoff fundamental Mormon churches also believe that the Book of Mormon is the Keystone to the religion in a way and that the only way to prove the church wrong is to prove the Book of Mormon wrong and a lot of people claim that they have Pro proven The Book of Mormon wrong but the churches would say nay you have not and so they kind of hold on to that that's because the biggest witness at least when you are raised OS like I was you don't try to find like physical proof or evidence we're always told that all of the proof you need is like a spiritual witness so in the end of The Book of Mormon it says that you should you know nail down and pray to know if these things are true and that you'll receive a confirmation that they are so once you have that in your life and you believe that and you pray about it and you believe the Book of Mormon's true physical evidences don't matter as much to people within Mormonism or they typically don't if they do start mattering and people start searching for physical evidences and they can't find that that's when people can have you know certain Faith crisises over that but anyway it was really cool I'm glad that they are friends now and that they were able to work through that and realize that just because people have religious differences it doesn't mean that you can't be friends it seems like they sort of manded their relationship during or at the time of Robin's marriage to Cody is when that kind of they came back together but yeah it seems like they're fine now yeah which is good Brett's wife while she was there asked some good questions because again throughout this whole season it's very clear that the wives are having issues that they don't get along as friends very well it definitely seems like Mary is kind of like pulling herself away she talks about the fact that she's going to be an empty nester but Cody doesn't know what that feels like and so now she's feeling the separation from Her Sister Wives because they're all raising children together right and then she's going to be an empty nester and when the other wives try to say like oh what part do you want to take in this like we don't want to force you to be a mom to our kids but like what part and she's just very indecisive which is classic Mary you know like oh I don't know I need to think about it I'm not sure and it gets on Robin's nerves like Robin's like no you should want to be I'm home to my kids too like you should want to be a sister wife Robin seems very sure of exactly what she wants right and she just wants everyone else to be on board with that and so it upsets her when Mary is indecisive on what exactly she wants but I think there's things behind the scenes going on here definitely that that we're not seeing as far as relationships the the relationship between Mary and Cody for example when she says empty nester she means ay Nester as in her child is no longer going to be there and also very likely she will rarely see her husband anymore and so that is going to be a huge change for her and I can see that that would be very concerning and you know she's has she has this big house now what is she planning on doing at this point well and she kind of said that in the tal she was like I need to see if I need to go like discover myself and I love the interviewer was like what does that even mean she's like I don't know Mary doesn't even know what it means she doesn't know she already man after watching season 18 like we know where Mary ends up and it feels like she's been in this divisive I don't really know where I fit in here clear from season 6 and it took it until season 18 before she leaves I'm like that is just such a long time to drag out but I mean my heart goes out to her it's it's would be incredibly hard to watch everybody around you have children rearing children when you wanted that but yeah it's going to be interesting to see what happens with her these next couple Seasons now that she is an empty nester her going to the graduation party you can already see where Robin is becoming in between Mary and Cody oh yeah there's been multiple signs of that just like in the retreat right in the retreat where Mary doesn't feel like she can stand next to Cody and Robin goes and holds both of them their hands and is like how about now does that feel better now that I'm right here and Robin's like you need to be the husband that I know you can be and they said later they were trying to hide from the cameras as Robin's telling Cody that he needs to do what Mary wants because this is the graduation and I don't know and they all admitted that when when Mary wants something and doesn't feel that Cody is on board she just goes and tells Robin and Robin gets him on board yeah so that is just right there alone that says a lot about the relationship and I know that Janelle in the tell all she tried to make sense of it you know that oh yeah once you've been with someone for a long time then it brings up past things and all of that but I mean yes that's true but at the same time if you have a good relationship and you're trying to make it work I feel like you could both at least try to be more understanding instead of just go tell on the other you know the other sister wife hey can you go fix this for me you know I it just seemed very off the Sister Wives try to bond when they go on a trip to San Francisco which again Mary was like I'm not excited about this I'm super nervous about this there's obviously a contention between the other wives and Mary it seems like Christine and Janelle seem fine Robin's just desperately wanting to fit in and have everything be normal and then Mary again was like I'm not excited about doing it and Christine's trying to be like light-hearted about it Christine's like well aren't you excited to go with us right and Mary literally couldn't tell her yes she was like uh I wouldn't say that like oh my gosh and Christine's again just trying to be like lighthearted like you should want to be with us like try to be with us and Mar's not excited the whole trip was super awkward I know they're supposed to be bonding I hope that they got bonding in cuz everything that the camera showed was just so weird from like Robin's friend taking them to a boutique Boutique where only Robin can fit into clothes so Robin's trying on clothes so that other women could see what they that's the weirdest thing ever and then they go to a plus-size place where and the lady just looks around and says we have absolutely nothing for you like it was just so awkward and so cringy like the entire time none of them found any dresses after all of that oh no dress drama was big in this season there was oh my goodness there was none of that but I just I hope that they had some kind of bonding it was awkward at dinner when Cody called and they're all like trying to like give space for them to talk and but it again it was so weird Brett's wife said it really well where she was asking about affection to the other wives and she's like well you guys know that he sleeps with all of you so why would it bother you if he like gives Robin a hug and a kiss in front of you right and Mary was like well we just don't want it shoved in our faces and I was with Brett's wife on this one I was like okay you don't need to be like making out but the idea that like giving a hug and a kiss you know that he has other wives and if you can't get past that point then how on Earth could you make a plural marriage work that's all I'm saying and obviously they don't but it seems like they all got into this plural marriage thing for religious beliefs of course right that's the reason they did it they seemed that it they felt that it was the best thing for them I think all of them underestimated how difficult it would be yeah except for maybe Janelle Janelle seems like she's you know what I like my space I like that he's occupied with other people I like my space I like my my she's very independent yes well and she's the one that made everyone feel a little uncomfortable in the therapist office and they were talking about putting on cvas their mission statement and Janelle's like well I don't know if we want to on canvas cuz what if Cody gets another wife M and everybody in the room was like what don't even say such a and Janelle's like I'm just saying and he's like well I don't think so and she goes well if you're saying it's cuz we're not going to see it coming like we didn't see Robin coming and here she is Robin's face when Janelle said that we didn't expect Robin Robin oh man yeah that was so awkward as well but yeah Janelle seems to be the only one who's like that's what I signed up for and I wonder if part of that is because she so obviously chose it from a different religion like she was in the LDS and she said she would go and hang out with her like novel polygamist friends and then decided marry into Cody's family and I feel like she fully more I don't know knew what she was getting into where even Christine said with her mom she thought her mom was happy and she thought that everything was good and then her mom ended up leaving so it makes me wonder like are some of the kids in these polygamous families not realizing how tough it is and their moms are putting on Brave face like you said you never knew that your moms were jealous or not until ever your sisters told you later yeah I would hear stories and there would be some some I guess you could call it bickering in the house at sometimes but it never came across as them being jealous yeah so so if you're raising a polygamous family and you think that your moms are just fine and that it's all hunky dory and so you get into a polygamous relationship and then you find out oh holy crap this is so hard MH and you didn't expect it here's the thing as well Janelle had no pressure could get into a polygamous marriage yeah she chose it she chose she she was in a different lifestyle different religion she chose to move from that religion to another and get into this polygamous marriage whereas if you're raised in a religion that is polygamy then you're going to feel some kind of obligation I would think and based on what I saw within the flds yeah some pressure and obligation to get into a polygamous marriage as well so you know it's likely that some of these wives felt the pressure and just did it because they felt they needed to not that or that people around them were watching and so they had to you know follow suit yeah so it is funny I will say too we got a little insight into their modesty standards for the Au when they were on the San Francisco trip because I was kind of curious they obviously dress modern they're not in Prairie dresses like Sam GRE up in at all or not that you grew up in dress PR dresses I used to wear you know the uh the modesty standards of the flds it's not the same for the Brown family but they did mention that they needed it to be 3/4 sleeve or longer and their pants needed to be 3/4 or longer so they're like one step more scandalous than the llds but they're not mainstream slightly but then the LDS we still had strict modesty like you had to cover your shoulders but then the Browns aren't going to show even their upper arm right so you have like the rest of the world is in a tank top LDS you get short sleeves or cap sleeves we try to pull when I was a teenager you'd like try to get the the modb undershirts that would go like as close to the top of your shoulder as possible without being a tank top because that would still be considered modest you go there so that's LDS and then the Au is obviously 3/4 and then you have the flds all the way down to the risk that's why as flds we thought ourselves as the most righteous because everyone else was showing more skin so F LDS most righteous most righteous au's next most righteous LDS is the least and then the rest of the world the Kingston's other the other big group in Northern Utah that practice polygamy the Kingston are they just dress like normal like everyone else don't they I think their modesty standards are closer to LDS okay we have to ask Amanda Amanda I guess Define everyone else because in my mind coming from the flds the mainstream LDS church dressed like everyone else you know in my mind I didn't when you you're like we are not dressing like everybody else yeah I didn't really see the difference coming from there now I see it you know because I've seen and been around so many LDS people now I see that they try to be a little bit more modest but I don't know that's also a family by family thing and it might be the same for the Brown family maybe there are some people within the Au religion that don't practice the same standards of uh modesty or maybe there are some that are a lot more strict with certain things because we do see some of the in the Brown family start to wear less modest thing as things as time goes on yeah I noticed that with the children I was like oh okay like I'm seeing some tank tops I'm seeing some short shorts so it seems like their children are definitely adopting more to Las Vegas culture than Utah culture because even in Utah even if they were going to regular Public Schools you're going to end up with probably closer to the LDS standard of modesty which is also changing like you said I think it was just within the last couple years like when I was in being raised in the LDS church we had the first strength of Youth and it specifically said like no short shorts no tank tops no bikinis like it was very specific and then they just redid the for strength of Youth and I believe now it says to like take it up in prayer with your and talk with your parents about what you feel comfortable in and just make sure you're respecting yourself which is awesome that they're going more in that direction of just self-respect instead of these strict rules that is not how it was when I grew up though yep so things have definitely gotten a lot different than they used to be in all of these religions for sure definitely the irish beers at the pub again that's a huge religious thing definitely noo in the LDS we would not even taken a sip like I would not take a sip of alcohol even just to try it for the local culture like when we were LDS we wouldn't have done that I have a feeling since all of them kind of mentioned that oh Cody's not in charge of me instead of instead of saying something along the lines of oh we don't do this because God doesn't want us to it made me think that they take the word of wisdom this the word of wisdom is a guide of what you should and shouldn't eat from Joseph Smith MH but it was a recommendation it wasn't a commandment originally yes and it continued as a recommendation in the flds I know for sure and most likely in the Au as well the religion that they're from and so I I have a feeling that they didn't think that God was frowning down on them for piing a sip but it was more a Cody Rule and it's a recommendation for your health is how it's written in the scripture and the LDS it's a commandment now so modern day prophets have said it's a commandment it is necessary for you to abide by it in order to receive a temple recommend so it's very much like black and white within the LDS church like you said other on still consider it the recommendation that it says also within the word of wisdom itself it actually says that you can drink beer and the mild drinks are okay so also changed within the mainstream lbs Church yes exactly so now you definitely beer is still definitely a no-o but if you're following if you're going to the fundamentals and you're reading the scriptures directly and exactly what the scripture says and believes that that's fundamentally true and you're not listening to modern day prophets the scripture itself says that fear is okay so that was interesting yeah the next episode basically made me cry the whole time because I am a contagious crier This truly about truly getting sick and having acute kidney failure and oh my gosh okay having little kids they're little kids should not be able to get sick it just breaks my heart and seriously I think I cried like through that whole episode watching the family though and they even admit later in the tell all like watching the family come together and put aside their differences and all just do what needs to be done and truly be there for each other in a moment of Crisis was sweet to watch oh yes if if without any notes if someone said what was season 6 about I would say it was about truly that's the biggest thing that stood out to me it was the most important thing that they had to deal with and man that's just one of those things like they kind of mention this that when you have a child they're your everything they are your world everything revolves around them all of a sudden you know and it's just instincts I think at least it should be in my opinion and when you have a child that is on death's door like like truly was it just all of a sudden nothing else all of the little things that you often are stressed out about or concerned about just don't matter anymore right it just and they mentioned that I think it might have been Cody that all of the little stuff just all of a sudden was no big deal and it helps bring a family together and it helps in some ways make a stronger relationship and a stronger family when you realize oh you guys are what is important important to me not all the little little things yeah exactly so so glad truly was okay so scary so so scary but yeah I think it really did bring the family it seemed like it brought Christine and Cody a lot closer together and Christine was talking the same thing about how the little things just didn't matter as much and that they needed to focus on their family and the family unit that they are and I will say in the oneon-one at the end they talked about whenever they talk about their kids being raised by other their comfort level and their kids being raised by The Other Sister Wives that's probably the only time you see them all in unison agree quickly right you know and all sorts of other things Mary's hesitating or this person's hesitating or one person's talking more than the other but when they say you know would you be comfortable with your Sister Wives raising your children if something was to happen all of them immediately go yes or when Mary's asked like would you raise Christine's kids if something happened to her and she's absolutely like no question well they've always been around the kids these kids have grown up together maybe not always in the same house or anything but together and they've known each other and the Sister Wives have seen the kids the entire lives of these kids and so I can imagine that they would feel some kind of responsibility and care for them definitely even if they do not like the other sister wife they they are still going to care for the children yeah which kind of comes into the recommitment ceremony that they had their party of recommitting to each other once again Mary was like hesitant throughout whole thing and it seemed like it took a long time for their Vision to really come together it was a lot of this season as well but in the one on or in the tell all at the end I thought Mary had a good point where she was saying she was hoping that they could kind of overcome their differences and be closer before they recommitted and then she said but maybe we were just making a commitment to start enjoying it to enjoy our commitment to each other and that's commitment we're making more than things are going to be perfect cuz we're never going to be perfect and so rather than waiting till everything's perfect to recommit we're recommitting to we're going to enjoy this and we're going to enjoy being a family so I thought that was sweet the commitment ceremony them all coming together coming up with the family thing watching the kids have this moment where they're all telling the parents what they're grateful for about them and the things that they learned and stuff I think overall it was very sweet there was lots of drama in between that with the dresses and the Christmas lights and the different things that you can go and watch because I don't want to relive it no lots of drama but in the end they they pulled it out they were able to have a good night and hopefully that kind of signifies the beginning of the Sister Wives trying to be closer as Sister Wives I don't know if it's really going to work well we do know we know we're not going to spoil it for you oh wait sorry we already spoiled it but that's a long time from now before it all falls apart so hopefully hope there some good times before exactly big part of it as well was the fact that Cody's brother and dad passed away within a very short period of time yes and the they went up and visited the grave and all of that so anyway that was very sad and heartbreaking especially I mean I know that his dad was getting older and sometimes who knows maybe they were expecting that to come but for his brother that just passed away in an accident that is just I can't imagine and how difficult that was for Cody's mom to get over that and well probably still hasn't fully gotten over it that's not something you just get over but it would just be a very difficult thing for anyone to try to understand how how hurtful that would be yeah and there was a lot I I feel like when they were in Wyoming you also saw the family come together Mary took the kids back to the house where they all had their handprints and stuff and I think kind of reminded everybody of their Roots as a family and I feel like you know like you said earlier tragedy can really bring people together right and they went through a lot like back to back so it was Curtis passing away then truly getting sick and then you know Cody's dad passing away and it all happened within like a six-month time span like it was all really really close what a heck of a summer jeez yeah and so but I feel like you could kind of see the family coming together a lot more and being more grateful for their life and their connections and their family more than ever before because of all this tragedy that happened so we'll see if that close and bond continues on into season 7 if you want to hear more of what it was like for Sam to grow up in polygamy then please like And subscribe and we are so grateful for all of you and hanging out with us as we have these fresh eyes on Sister Wives we'll be back at it next week with season 7 so stay tuned for that yes thank you all so much for being with us again we look forward to talking with you soon talk to youall [Music] soon
Channel: Growing Up in Polygamy
Views: 16,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polygamy, polygamist, flds, lds, mormon, sister wives, growing up in polygamy, escaping polygamy, warren jeffs, hildale, colorado city, fresh eyes on sister wives, kody brown, the brown family, janelle, christine, robyn, meri, brown commitment ceremony, sister wives reactions, latest sister wives, sister wives 2024, sister wives 2023, season 6, sister wives season 6
Id: Cn6h9hUCqlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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