Form Validation Done Right | Ward Bell | ng-cof 2022

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hey there I'm Joe Weems before we get into the video I want to remind you about NG conf 2023 happening in Salt Lake City Utah on June 14th and 15th head over to to check out the speakers check out the talks and to get your ticket before they all sell out we'll see you there [Music] foreign okay so I'm here to talk about form validation done right that's a polite title it's really you're doing it wrong and I'm here to save you yeah yeah yeah so so I did this kind of talk last year for NG comp and uh it was all about how reactive forms no template driven yes and one year later it's still true everything I told you is true everything you know you've been told about reactive forms is not true you know that already um but let me sort of summarize the talk a little bit you may remember that this is what you do in reactive forms and I hear that there are a lot of people here who are really excited about type safety in here is there anybody here who thinks that's great of course you do you want to know how I feel like why all right because I don't need the type safety there's nothing to write there's no type safety needed why are we working so hard put this in your brain why are we working so hard to do something that we shouldn't be doing so I claim well I'm carrying on that idea here the theme then was really right let's do more the theme today is right let's do more I hope you'll say it with me at some point but let's talk about validation and I just put together a little screen here it's got three rows two controls the top two rows in the second one in the shorty and the third and how would you like to write the template for that what would you like that to look like at the end of the talk it will look like this it's got yeah you can see it three rows two controls in the first two controls in the second one control in the end you can figure it out there's no sign of validation there's no sign of binding there's no sign of form control it's got only what you need to write the form that's where we should go oh yeah no code in the class all right so validating user input hey I think we know what that means you know you type in something and if it says it's required you better put it in or it'll tell you there's a problem uh you know if you only do that once not a big deal but if you write big forms over applications like I've been doing forever and you can't rely on the out of the box for a custom validation you've got to write your custom validations you got to rely on them and if you don't get it right somebody doesn't get paid all right so it's no fooling so let's all together write a form validation validator uh the way we've been taught so we start with a validator function I don't remember what the syntax of that is because of course it's a function that returns a function that returns uh errors and so I look it up and then I go fill it in and if I'm reactive I'm saying well at least I'm done but if I'm template driven I've got to go write a validation directive and I don't remember how to do that but there's a sea of yellow telling me all the routine things I have to do and then I have to go find the thing my template and I put that attribute on there and I've done one validation rule and if I want any more I do the same thing now this to me strikes as a lot of pain if I've got over 100 custom validations what am I doing what am I doing writing one valid area per validation rule writing one validation directive per validation rule writing one attribute onto decorating this thing crazy with us and we haven't even gotten into how hard it can be to write a complex validation well there's a first principle of engineering and it says when you have an unnecessary requirement get rid of it and I'm here to tell you it's not needed you may never write a validator again all right yeah that's what I want to hear okay but there's a deeper problem and that is that we're our architecture is wrong we're trying to do validation in the UI and that's not where it belongs all right let me show you what I mean by that okay so you know we know how to do this and you know I just showed it to you but you've got an ad company button and you press that button and it takes you someplace and what if the name of the company is not on the form where you happen to go you know is the whether that's valid or not is that valid therefore how do you know that the whole thing is not valid because there's no legal name there if you don't visit the form all right you don't know about it a tree fell in the forest and you don't know let's take it up a notch okay right so I I let me back up and say is that form battle is that model valid no is the form valid it says it is because it's you didn't go there so it's not really valid so let's go up a little bit let's suppose uh my company is moving from California to Utah uh you know for tax reasons or because it's too costly or I don't know why people are doing that but they are uh and when I do that though this is a payroll application and when I do that the taxes on every employee change okay there's nothing on this forum about taxes so what we've actually done is invalidated the model but we've done it on two forms that we haven't even gotten to we don't even know that they are there all right is this form invalid no it's not all right you can't invalidate something if you don't put something on there to validate can you block the user from leaving no that makes no sense they've got to be able to change the address there's you you can't stop them from doing that they couldn't fix it if they wanted to you can't warn them because validators don't have a warning feature they have an errors feature they don't know what to do to fix it they don't know where to go and even if you told them they might not go there and if they don't go to The Forum you don't know that it's invalid the model is invalid so let's just pretend that this is not a problem you may be able to do that but I can't do that okay in fact what I do is want to create a great validation experience so when the people navigate higher to the sort of this navigation screen this dashboard I want to be able to give them visual clues about what's good and what's not so that they can drill into places that where they can complete the deal oh and I might want to have a review page where I can summarize all the things that are right or wrong about the model and they can click on something and it'll take them there and when it takes them there why don't I give them a panel on the right hand side so as they March through the things they have to fix the application takes them from one place to the next isn't that what they want well I don't know about you but that's what I do in my application this is real all right so can you do that with UI validators matamba says no no no no no all right we got to do something about that and it's something we're going to do about that is called Model validation by model I'm talking about like the whole domain that your user application is interacting with which in our example which is a payroll application is everything that the company is trying to set up about paying all of their employees and you cannot do that on one form okay it's distributed over a whole bunch of forms in a whole bunch of places so so all the logic all the you know all the logic about the model which is this whole thing that the user is interacting with we have to worry about and so in this architecture it's the model that sets the rules not the UI it's the model that knows the employee name is required not the UI it's the model that knows that when you change the work state the taxes change it's the model that knows that if you change the type of the employee to a 1099 contractor you don't have to pay taxes you don't have to cover their taxes at all right and moreover once we have this and we let's suppose we composed all of these rules at the model level we want to be able to cover the gamut of things that our application should do in terms of validation so sure we want to expose it at the field level and sure we want to expose it at the form level but we also as we saw want to expose it at the Domain level in a myriad of ways all right and we want one set of rules to do that and we don't want to run away to some validator functions to talk about it so let's talk about what model validation might look like in angular and I assure you you see a lot of times you come in here with a solution and now you've got to say okay I'm going to be sweating bullets there's a whole bunch of stuff I have to do but what if I told you that the solution I'm going to offer you is actually easier than if you do it the way you've been taught as a matter of fact the first time you write a custom validator is the first time you should switch over to this approach because it will be easier for you all right so there are three elements to this model validation solution the first is we need we got the with them we put the validators aside we need some way of expressing validation rules that's really comfortable for us and we need that something to be able to execute deliver the judgment about whether something is valid or not and this is angular and so let's integrate whatever we choose for a validation engine right into angular so that we do get the benefit of what angular does offer Us in terms of of exposing errors and then we want to look at it and say all right but man there's a lot of junk here let's see how much of it we can get rid of and I call that solution application widgets so we're going to do those three things the first thing is the validation engine now we wrote Our Own and I before this talk I was worried I was going to have to show it to you because it's awful I'd hate to say it but it's you know it works and we know it but I was saying oh man how are we going to explain this and then I went to webbrush the podcast you should go through every Thursday and in that we had a guest who had this solution for this problem and he had done it for reactant View and um one of those other ones escaping me and uh but he didn't know angular and he had no idea how he was going to tide in angular and I said I know how and I've got this talk coming up and his name is and he wrote this library and I've been using it as my validation engine and my validation rules for months now and I am ready to say yeah go do this don't write it yourself he's maintaining it it's beautifully documented he cares great guy use it you'll see um what I mean in a second so I have to compose a validation rule right custom validation Rule and I don't know what this looks like to you but let's see if we can figure it out together okay so there's that word test there man that looks a lot like an it and it's true that's probably the property oh here's that message that you know I usually say in it is about this thing uh yeah that's good in force boy there's a word that I use somewhere that's kind of like expect and then there's the value and then oh man there's a whole kit full of expectations a library of them all can for me maybe it's even extensible that looks a lot like tell me what it looks like people thank you unit test right yes and we know how to do unit tests so I don't really have to explain to you what that looks like and what do you do with unit test do you write one of them no you don't you create a suite of them it's the sweet validations and of course when it comes time to write another validation rule do you go back to your validators and write a validator function yeah of course you do because you love to code but I don't so uh I write more unit tests all right and I create sweets of these and they're all together and so when I want to know how my application validates I know where to look I don't have to run around to 200 components and wonder what validator are you on all right it's here I can write unit tests on my unit test by the way all right so I have a great way expressing it I got to be able to execute it wherever and whenever I need it in my application and that's uh not that hard right we had that it's a function that wraps these things and I throw some stuff into it I'm not going into what the stuff is and I say go do it and then I say give me the errors and then I do whatever I want to do with those errors okay but there's an async version but you don't care um oh um so here's another thought I go to all this work of writing all these validation rules um but like you know I do this all on the server I'm sorry on the client but when you do validation on the client that's for user experience that's not the real guardian of your data the guardian of your data is on the server that's where you do data integrity and why oh why would I write one set of rules on the server and another set of rules on the client I don't have to I can do validation as a service with a server think about it so this is step two we got our angular we got this apparatus we want to plug in we want to tap in to the form control validator system it's really simple I'm going to create a super validator that calls vest and then I'm going to have a way to run around to all the controls and put that validator everywhere that you have a form control how hard can it be well it ain't that hard all right I'm going to show you a validator function this is the super function right I don't remember the structure so I have to go look it up again and okay that's kind of it all right I get the control value that just changed and I had this model that I was binding to yes I am talking to you about template driven forms and then I smush them together and then I call we just learned how to call the validation suite and I call the validation suite and one of the things I give it is the field the property and so it knows inside this validator that I'm not valuating the entire model I'm validating this property the one that your control is bound to and so it doesn't execute everything it just executes that part of your Suite nice and then I expose it all right now there was that other stuff I had to get in there so it's a factory thing but you know and I do all this stuff that I where I can get all this other stuff and that's not important today just know it works and I make an async validator that's just like it and he's the only two validators you will ever have in your application how do I know that because they're the only two validators in my client's application and I wrote them you don't write them although I'm going to give you the code and so as I said you may never write a validator again thank you so now we have this this problem though we've got to kind of connect the dots I got you know I got the validator function but I got to get it into the control somehow how am I going to do that particularly if you're a template driven forms fan like I am and oh it turns out it's kind of sweet you see there's that NG model up there well behind the scenes that's an NG model directive and what does an NG model director do I know you've all wondered this uh it creates a form control of its own that connects to that HTML element and if it's going to do that well then I can write my own directive right and that directive can go find that NG model directive because it uses the selector that says hey I'm going to go look for the NG model attribute and when it does it it grabs it and it pulls out the form control and it goes in there and stuffs those two validators into it and viola you have it hooked up and do you ever see this thing no because this way the selector works it's going to find it for itself and I am not going to have to put that attribute on anything so we're back to the theme I'm writing less when the you I mean we the application developers are writing less and we're getting a lot more from writing less okay so there's still some of this crud lying around because I you may vaguely recall that I had to pass some information I got to know what the model is where that has the data I kind of got to know which validation Suite because I wrote a lot of them which one applies here so uh and I want to keep saying that over and over again because I hate saying things over and over again so I have a validation scope directive and so here's where I say hey this is the model object when you look for that first name or legal name you'll find it on that and here this is the name of the suite I want you to run all right and I can create much mobile multiples of these Suites of validation functions I don't have to have one Uber one but I just have to name it and I go find it and when I do that now I can drop in there and the only thing I have to say is the property I'm binding to which I have to say anyway because I have to relate the input control to a data property I'm going to say that anyway but I don't have to say all this other stuff and let's suppose I'm a good programmer and I take this gigantic form and I carve it up into you know component forms that same scope is going to penetrate all the way down so I'll never you know ideally I might never have to mention this again but believe me it's called a scope because you can have multiple Scopes so if you need it you can but basically you get the idea say as little as necessary and that's cool but I still have all this boilerplate left and I hate that I hate boilerplate so uh you know I mean that's boilerplate the errors that's boilerplate that's the glass this is boilerplate It's specific because to my angular material stuff but it's over and over again so uh repeat after me please write less do more all right that's our Mantra and so I want to take all this stuff and I want to boil it down to that that's all I want to have to write maybe I have to write a little bit more occasionally but that's what I want to write and it's all because I wrote widgets which are components this one's called input text you know in your application you probably have five sort of modality patterns of taking input you use over and over and over again you put the investment into five widgets and you'll be writing code like this and that means when you're back to that work address again with the three rows and it'll look like this without the widgets and it's an eye chart and you don't want to see it you're back to this the minimum you have to say and there's no code get the goods get the goods here that will be available to you everything is in there including the validator directors and stuff like that that you could absolutely use everywhere anywhere the rest are sort of teaching examples and you'll end up right here writing less and doing more thank you I am Ward Bell and see me around [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ng-conf
Views: 9,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angular, angularjs, javascript, ngconf, ng-conf, programming, angular conference, ng conference, angular javascript, angular tutorial, Javascript Tutorial, Programming Tutorial, Computer Programming, Google Angular, Google Programming
Id: EMUAtQlh9Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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