Fork, Clone and Create Pull Request Github: Using VS Code and Terminal - Part 1

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hello everyone so i will show you a simple method how to start with contributing to projects so first of all you have to go to the original repository okay this is the original repository let me login to my personal account okay uh it is not necessary that you use this but yeah this is a two factor authentication for protecting your account initially you can skip this okay so let's go to one of the repository from to where you want to contribute basically okay so uh you have to fork this you have to fork this repository and then you have to clone the next step is to clone so copy this so this should be your id remember that and here also your id so you have fork from the original repository so it is being shown here okay then you have to clone this to your local system okay maybe you can create a new directory or you can just clone you will get those directory created iot dynamic dashboard so let's go to this directory and check the branch name okay you can also do the same thing in your vs code visual studio code you can just go here and you can say clone from repository or open folder so i have already cloned let me do it for you it will ask for the directory where you want to basically clone this repository so you can either create let's create on the desktop select repository location yes so i'm creating at a different location here so you can select any folder where you want to open it yes so this repository is being cloned then you can open a terminal and you are in this directory and read me directly so parallely i am showing you on terminal lots also okay iot dynamic dashboard so there are a few commands so that your code will be in sync basically so these commands are i'll tell you the commands basically okay so this is uh you have forked and also you have cloned so you have to basically create a sync from the upstream branch upstream is where uh the original code was there and the origin where you have four to your id so upstream and origin should be in sync so these commands will be required i will put this command in the comment section okay so now let's go to the original directory dynamic dashboard yes this is the original direct so just copy this i have only one branch here master okay that is correct if main is there then select master out of that get remote add get remote add up stream so up stream is your original repository and then get fetch upstream so it will fetch from the original yes it is done and then get merged of stream so upstream is your original from where you are uh from uh to where you are going to contribute the original repository so you have to merge this master of the upstream and your master and then get rebase upstream master okay and then do again get a status so it's on master now create your branch check out minus b [Music] gorham new okay now now i will do my changes
Channel: Penguin Tech
Views: 112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VfvUkyNydnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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