Forgotten Playground : Abandoned Honeymoon Resort Deep in the Poconos

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the search for this property has been completed and that is why I am in the middle of the Birchwood resorts it is now an abandoned property this is where the capture occurred but I really want to give you a sense of how sort of creepy this property is take a look at this this is just one building after another just abandoned an old resort here in Pocono Township Monroe County now we don't know if he was here the entire time but we do know that yesterday US Marshals came here and they saw him walking towards the hangar that is just down the road from where I am let's take a look at the video that I shot about an hour and a half ago that video shows that there was a big wide runway and a big abandoned hangar the u.s. marshals took him down apparently he was quite surprised that he was being arrested now in earlier the day I talked to a property owner who is beside this property and he walks the property quite often and he said it was really surprising on Wednesday he saw the registration door of this compound opened and he thought it was strange but he really didn't think freeing could be this far and hiding here you know so far away from the search here and that's why we there we weren't afraid I mean we weren't thinking that there's no way he's going to be down here that's why the even call the police and I saw the doors open I said oh come on they're gonna laugh at me it's 20 miles away Oh you Oh everyone this is dan bell and here we are at the Birchwood resort in the Pocono Mountains and starting right out of the gate we're going to go in and check out one of the cabins one of the cool things about birch wood resort was the fact that there was very little vandalism I think that has a lot to do with the fact that there is a security guard who works here and looks over the property so we didn't know that when we went to film here and we thought it was going to be like Penn Hills which if you haven't seen the Penn Hills episode in the Dead Motel series I highly recommend that you go watch that as well but we didn't know that the that this place had a security guard so when we went we found his office and you'll see it later on in the video but it definitely was a little unnerving finding this office with a light a lamp on the desk with the light on but you'll see what I'm talking about a little bit here's one of the two-level cabins and you can see there's this little walkway here that overlooks the bed and this cabin sits on the lake which is actually quite nice I like how they have the little cubby there for the television built into the brickwork and here's a bathroom with a toilet and bidet and here's one of the whirlpool Jacuzzi tubs this resort is sitting on a piece of property that is absolutely beautiful it really is it probably would have been a really nice place to go and stay and its day when it was still open you can see here the lake which is part of the other lake that is on the other side of the world this is another one of the resorts that sits on two sides of a road and here is their motif which was an eagle with kind of a heart underneath of it and we're about to get a look inside of the rifle range which is coming up you're going to see a rifle range this is this is what it's so incredible about birch wood you're going to see a rifle range let me think hold on rifle range basketball court a bowling alley indoor swimming pool indoor tennis courts indoor putt-putt and I might be missing something a nightclub and a bar and a big restaurant so much stuff here it's incredible wait till you see all the stuff that is coming up it's really cool here we go into where the basketball court is this place that's such a great vintage look as you'll see some of the signage and stuff that is around it's really cool you know what would have been a lot of fun is if I had come here a year before and had run into that cop killer Eric frein lurking about the place that would have been a lot of fun that's something I always think about you know when you go into these places you think am I going to run into somebody and you know it it it is something that is very uh heavy on my mind when I go into place and if you think about running into a guy who is part of a huge manhunt who's been evading capture for weeks and weeks and weeks who have you ran into him he would probably kill you I mean I don't think I don't know what else he would do he would probably end up killing you so that would be the end of my filmmaking career would be over and I would just be laying there me and my camera hopefully my co-producer on this project will would have ran off and escaped but just thinking about it is a little bit creepy Oh you you yeah it stinks in here here we are going into the tennis court area this building is huge and I believe they call this the tennis barn was the name it Birchwood gave this building basically they would do everything they could to keep couples from leaving the resort which in turn would make them spend more money of course well look at this this I love it's like John Wayne but he's protecting Birchwood you do not want to screw with that guy so here's a little putt-putt area so what I was saying is birch wood you know would do everything they could to keep couples on there was at the resort on-site spending money which is important and it works for a long time people have a lot of good memories at this place oh here we go the bird to a tennis barn as I said if you honeymoon here please leave your experience in the comments section below I would love to hear stories about this place there actually isn't a lot of information about it online which is very strange so I'd like to hear from people and here are their experiences that they had at Birchwood another very large room I love the wallpaper in here it's so great looks like they left up the wallpaper and switched out the carpet at some point probably in me looking at the carpet I'd say 90s maybe 80s 90s I'm going to say 90s like early 90s what do you think oh my god I think this is the last meal they prepared here oh do it God so for us so here is one of the bars there are two bars well there actually there's one bar there's this bar and then downstairs below this is a nightclub called the Red Baron den and you can see they use these World War one and maybe World War two I'm not quite sure motifs as the theme of these nightclub bars so we're going to go through here and go downstairs this is probably my favorite part of the video is finding this vintage kind of sealed off time capsule of a nightclub it's hard to believe that it's down there but this is the coolest part of this video for me maybe not for you but I love this part of the video so we're going to go in it's right out of like if you haven't seen beyond the valley of the dolls one of my favorite movies and you'll hear a song from beyond the valley of dolls here in a minute that's what this this little bar remind this little nightclub in here reminds you of anyway have a look at this it's crazy anyway you guys I want to thank you all for watching make sure you check out the other videos in the Dead Motel series there's a playlist of episodes you can check out also check out my other series the dead Maul series and I want to thank you for watching
Channel: This is Dan Bell.
Views: 173,243
Rating: 4.956718 out of 5
Keywords: Pocono Mountains (Geographical Feature), Honeymoon (Literature Subject), Camping, Holiday, Resort (Industry), Summer, Cabin, eric frein, manhunt, Pennsylvania (US State), abandoned, Urban Exploration (Hobby), creepy, bowling alley, vintage, Dirty Dancing (Award-Winning Work)
Id: 0fFePXnDkkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2015
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