Forgotten NBA All-Stars Of The 2010's...Where Are They Now?

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if you look at the mainstream media today you think that the only players that mattered in the last 40 years were Jordan SL Kobe to Bryant goes to work Bryant the drive Lebron 15 seconds left LeBron drives in oh maybe bird and Magic I wish we could compete against each other right now well you know what you could do is you could go out and buy a baseball team now but there have been nearly 4,300 players in league history and in the midst of it all there are stars who played at an All-Star level for Seasons that have been unfortunately forgotten okay I don't want to throw around the term forgotten too Loosely none of these guys were completely forgotten but the fact is they aren't recognized nearly as much by the media fans or NBA Community as a whole well today I'll be putting respect on the name of some of the all star of my favorite era the 2010s we're going to look at what made these guys stand out how good were their playing careers actually and why aren't they more relevant today some of these guys became stars in other leagues after the NBA While others became YouTubers competing with the likes of yours truly for the views so yeah let's see what happened to these former NBA Allstars how good were they actually and of course where are they now okay so remember how many guys played in league history yeah this graph again well only 50 of them have scored over 20,000 points in their career scroll down here and yeah yeah I'm using Wikipedia but look at these guys most of them are either in the Hall of Fame already or will be as soon as they're eligible and then there's LaMarcus Aldridge now we hear me out I'm not saying Aldridge shouldn't be there it's just that people never really talked about Aldridge being a Hall of Famer well starting he never won a chip he only had a chance to compete for it in two or three seasons one of which was at the end of his career and he wasn't on the NBA 75 list despite being a top 50 scorer in NBA history heck even basketball reference gives him basically a 50-50 chance of making it during Aldridge's career it always felt that he was missing that little something to get him over the hurdle of becoming a superstar but don't get it twisted that man was a beast when Aldridge came into the league people still thought you needed to be a big man to win I was drafted in 2006 that's when um big men were uh valued more so kg physical you know I'm going up against Zack rof in practice physical so to me it doesn't look physical because I've seen worse I've played in worse to me you know are comparable so that was his play style back to the basket great footwork fundamentals he was like a Tim Duncan light granted he was never as good of a Defender as Timmy but the two of them had similar games for instance while he was strong Aldrich wouldn't do much bully ball instead he would back guys down hit him with the fake and then knock down jumpers with E I just read the the guard if he curls to the Lane and my man helps and I pop alge was also pretty tall and also had a high release point so Defenders like kg Ben Wallace and yes Timmy didn't block his jump shot that often and like Duncan he didn't do too much talk on the court he was one of those let his game speak for itself type of guys does it bother guys that you don't get you don't show a whole lot of emotion so if I'm playing against you um you don't change too much do you uh I think people on the court might think differently I definitely talk more on the court you know whether it's to my teammate to myself or to my opponent if they're talking trash to me so uh I but who's talking trash to you nobody anymore who and he was like that from the beginning of his career after being one of the top teams in the west the Blazers fell on hard times during the mid 2000s the team was more known for its off court issues than anything their best player Zack Rolph had let's just say his own issues During the period Lamarcus and Brandon Roy who were picked in the 2006 draft were seen as the breath of fresh air the two were relatively quiet passionate but calm on the court never got into arguments scuffles or fights the complete opposite of the infamous jail Blazers while I'm not saying Lamarcus doesn't have a great personality I mean look I don't know the man but from what I've seen on the court he never really liked showing it but as I said Aldridge let his game do the talking during his time with the Blazers Lamarcus averaged over 19 points in Awards and also is named an All-Star four years in a row from 2012 to 2015 he still ranks third all time in Portland history and both points and field goals made he joined the Spurs in the 2014 through 15 season in six years underp he made three more All-Star appearances and finished off his tenure with the organization as the 10th all-time scorer in his prime he had some insane performances like when he opened the first round against the rockets in 2014 with back-to-back 40-point performances that twist the ankle tough young man a lot to do with that it's almost G it away on the or when he had 38 against OKC in the first game of the West semis in 2016 their passing ability and it's a two-point guard and 41 in the second for three and while everything seemed to be going great for him when he joined the Nets in 2020 that's when the real trouble started see back in his rookie season alich was diagnosed with a heart condition known as wolf Pinson white syndrome its symptoms included a fast heart beat shortness of breath and loss of consciousness just we're feeling different yeah like you pass out it's kind of weird it's kind of like Catch 22 cuz it's like as you get in better shape symptoms get worse which don't make sense right cuz you supposed to work out to get better but it's kind of like so my is slow down too too much like when I'm out of rhythm and I can pass out after getting the vaccine his symptoms worsen he felt in a regular heartbeat during the Nets Bulls game that year and it didn't stop after he got back home I was like I got to go home and like figure this out so I go home to my doctor and he was like I wouldn't risk it like and he was like I've studied you when you were here for 5 years and I've never seen you do this so he was like you got kids man like I wouldn't risk feeling uncertain about the conflicting advice Aldridge made the difficult decision to retire from basketball to prioritize his health and family next season with some help from his doctor Aldridge tried coming back it was a long ass process bro cuz you know at the NBA they don't want you dying either obviously but they don't want that liability so then they put me through a whole another ringer of like 10 12 tests passed all that but anyway so then I I didn't really play towards the end and then that was it damn so what's alge been up to since leaving the NBA for me it was more like let's figure this out let's kind of like move around do one trip You' be good to go so I did Spain and did that one trip and then now man I just be doing that so it's like traveling the world going to like different places and just talking to people hosting camps and stuff do you ever see yourself coaching or or working in a front office uh I thought about front office where I feel like I've learned um what's needed to have a good team and what pieces are needed to you know make a team go so I feel like I've definitely thought about front office so what's the deal with his perception why don't more people hold him in a high regard some viewed him as soft for not playing in the paint more from 2008 to 2015 I mean altridge did both shooting percentages of 41% from 10 to 16 ft and 42% from 16 to the three-point line another problem was his teams never won with him as the first option and at some points it was hard to tell if he even wanted to be a second option during his prime years alridge had multiple co-stars Brandon Roy in the first part of his career then Damen Lillard and finally Kawhi Leonard in in San Antonio while he never had any major problems with them I'm told that Aldridge also failed to build any meaningful relationships either with them lastly he never had that look at me personality most NBA stars have and he only played in a big Market with New York at the tail end of his career spending most years in smaller markets of Portland and San Antonio as for his Hall of Fame chances well some people think that he has a strong case for it and he'll be eligible for it in 2026 so if you're watching this video then and he's in spam the comments and I'll notice and if not well then just continue on while we go on to the next person since we're on the topic of Portland let's talk about my man Zebo some younger fans might not know much about Zack Randolph except what happens to bullies where he's from Zebo always had an old school style to his game never making flashy passes you look at a guy who who's not you know jumping 45 in in the air and dunking on people and not the fastest not the quickest Grizzlies getting to it Zebo he doesn't dunk it's like slow motion and for his height and position he never dunked much in only nine games ever has he dunked twice in a game and he has never ever dunked three times in any NBA game he's been so inconsistent here Rand what did he just dunk the basketball he just dunked the basketball he had an excellent mid-range game too sometimes he would hit threes but not consistently although if he played today I'm sure he would be able to knock down more more three-pointers while his defense was lacking he was a great rebounder both defensively and offensively and he was strong just to ask Perkins hand Blake Griffin techical oh and get him under control Perkins looks like Griffin locks him up and then tries to pull him down then Zach Falls over while the skill set was distinct it fit perfect with the grit and grind Grizzlies in the early to mid 2010s but let's not get ahead of ourselves everything was rough about Z Randolph his play style attitude and even his upbringing growing up in a single parent home in Indiana young Zebo had a rough childhood his family was poor and he was once caught stealing a pair of pants and had to spend time in juvie because of it like a lot of other talented athletes the only place he could have escaped from all the turmoil was the court he was a solid talent in high school and a great freshman in college but he was rough around the edges he decided to go to the NBA after one season with the Michigan State Spartans because he wanted to support his family Zebo was still young and kind of wild so he fit right in with Portland and remember this was the jail Blazers era the team was full of guys who were known for getting into it with their opponents on the court and a whole lot of trouble off the court while Zach didn't see much playing time in his rookie year he made headlines after his fight with teammate Ruben Patterson however randol's potential began to shine through once he made it to the starting lineup for the Blazers he was averaging like 20 and 10 but soon as you played like you came right in and F the void like 2018 I was like oh he here yeah it was it was a no-brainer I knew just for the damn near for the rest of your career you going to get 20 and 10 by his third season he fully emerged averaging over 20 points and 10 rebounds per game and earning the NBA's most improved player reward while he established himself individually in the mid 2000s his team wasn't doing all that good Advanced stats were becoming popular and among stat hounds and media members many accus Zebo of putting up empty stats on a bad team bleach report even did an entire piece trying to debunk that narrative in the late 20 000 he first got traded to the Knicks then to the Clippers where he still put up good numbers with little Fan Fair then in 2009 Zebo got news that he was being traded to the team he averaged the most points against you know who you average your most points against one team in your career the Grizzlies yeah what what was it about the family and the friends at the time few believed he could Revitalize his career in Memphis with many viewing him as a liability you know because of his past behavior and all the empty stats talk but with his father passing away during that period zebo's mindset changed he was determined to prioritize his career and make the most of his talents he embraced his role and started playing the best basketball of his life and became the Grizzlies leader when you came in there you felt what y'all had going on in City guys coaches and they used to tell tell me and the players man like they didn't they didn't want to come and play like they don't want to come here they scared to come like you know when you was coming to the for it was you got to tie them up tight like it's on like you know what I mean like it ain't going to be easy so get your rest and um you know we was ready man you know under rand's leadership the Grizzlies underwent the transformation embodying a gritty hardworking ethos that came to be known as grit and grind old man game is is Zach Randolph and what he does it's all about inches and all about getting in position where you don't have to use athleticism where the rim the body the basketball your teammates all become helpful in getting your shot off Randolph's commitment to improving his game and supporting his teammates paid off as he earned his first All-Star selection and led the Grizzlies to their first ever playoff series Victory while the team never won a ring during this period alongside the early 2000s Kings and mid-2000s Sons they are one of the most popular teams to never do so Zebo made the allstar team helped Revitalize Memphis and turned around his reputation completely during these years man just like you said just you know being able to relate you know we can relate you know what I mean relate to these people you know what I mean to these folks so you know just that and you know um being a blessing you know cuz you give a blessing you receive a blessing you know that's how I feel all in all Zebo had a pretty interesting career to say the least I mean he's been known to fight teammates beef with multiple other big men and also had some let's say interesting rumors about him but on the flip side he's also known for paying other people's bills giving money to teammates and helping cancer patients in recovery Zebo is a layered person when you're done with this video of course I recommend you watch the 54 City documentary about zebo's time with the Grizzlies in 2021 Randolph became the first player in Grizzly's history to have his jersey number retired showing just how important he is to the city of Memphis oh and he's also running a rap label he actually started endless entertainment while he was still playing in 2016 with Marcus head Howell money Bago was the first artist to join the label and since then he's become a star andless expanded to include artists like big 30 and big homie G who also achieved billboard success and zebo's also still part of the Grizzlies organization as an adviser will he ever give some advice to jaw only time will tell I swear it was just yesterday that DeMarcus Cousins was becoming the next dominant NBA Center he was the guy that was supposed to make being a center cool again not nicolea yic or Joel embiid but times have changed sure young fans may think that he isn't on the same level as today's modern centers but let me tell you cousins was for sure one of the first modern centers he could grab rebounds run the floor take the ball coast to coast and dunk over basically everybody he had yic like dimes in the post and Boogie was even shooting threes before cat however where cousins truly shine was in the low poost where he displayed unmatched skills and finesse his footwork strength and ability to finish around the rim made him a dominant force in the paint so what happened to this man did the injuries zap all of his talent like the monstars is he being blackballed by the league will he ever play again in the NBA N I have to be anomatic here most people people know why Boogie's career didn't go as it was supposed to I got two words for you Sacramento and kings and worst franchise ever okay it was more than two words but you get the point and okay fine it wasn't 100% Sacramento's fault Boogie wasn't the most mature guy coming into the league he had anger issues was known for throwing an elbow or two on the court and some may have deemed him uncoachable early in his career but he was so talented his ceiling was enormous Boogie was a diamond in the rough and it was the king's job to polish him while the man was playing great right out the gate the king struggled with mismanagement and failed draft picks hindering Boogie development cousins feuded with the coaching staff all the time until the Kings hired coach Mike Malone nuggets Boogie cousins is in the house hugging it out with his former coach Mike Malone and look all is well not only did cousins like Malone and not only did he thrive in his system making the first All-Star team in his career but he helped the Kings win comparatively to the previous season they weren't making the playoffs back in those years ever but at the start of the next season the Kings fired Mike Malone because of a losing streak even though Boogie their top player was injured I hate to had to end his way he has my respect um I feel he's a great coach losing continued in Sacramento cousins was always a passionate guy he loved to win when he didn't he would get frustrated real quick and the kings were well you know horrible so Boogie was frustrated a lot it's ridiculous it's obvious what's being done out here it's a nightly basis I hope the world can see now what's really going on out here cuz it's getting ridiculous he played great in the 2016 through 17 season averaging around 27 and 11 but still the king sucked no matter how good he was organizational turmoil lots of drama and constant coaching changes at one point they did have the best center in the league and Mike Malone on their payroll but while the Nuggets turned that into a championship the Kings blew the thing up in less than a season and a half a trade to New Orleans Pelicans in 2017 paired cousins with ad seemly creating a equivalent of the Twin Towers of Duncan and Robinson for the Modern Age but then getting traded going to uh New Orleans playing with ad was it kind of like a weight lifted like you kind of out of a bad situation into a newer situation that you had some positive out look on in the beginning I'm just like why would you trade me with ad and we like play the same position and uh obviously uh ad was younger he was a younger Talent so it just didn't really make sense like so um you know once I kind of spoke with the organization and they kind of told me what their plan was I'm like well damn this could really be something special cuz throughout my career so far this is the most talented guy I've ever teamed up with right right and all I've ever wanted in my career was a guy that I know I can go to war with exactly cousin slim down got into the best shape of his career and started playing even better than before that season he was averaging 25 and 13 with more than five assists more importantly he fit perfectly besides ad but as luck would have it the success success wasn't long lasting cousins time in New Orleans was cut short by a season ending Achilles injury cousins went to the Warriors to team up with you know but he got hurt again just like KD and Clay so even his ring chasing season fell through anything else of note and AC te while paying pickup before the season ensured he didn't play a game with the Lakers although they did give him a ring he reunited with Mike Malone in Denver for a year playing a backup role to yic however he never made a full comeback and after no one from the leagues Came Calling DeMar has played in Puerto Rico putting up monster numbers he still believed that he was the third best center in the league behind yok J embi but he still wasn't getting any calls from NBA teams as of 2024 Demarcus said he's done with the league and that he's no longer interested in playing in the NBA he told Hoops hype that this part of his life is over and that he's looking forward to the next chapter he last played for the Taiwan bear leopards in the T1 league and if you're on YouTube you've probably seen that he started making his way to plenty of different channels recently while cousins has no regrets about his bball career it's still unfortunate how his story turned out Boogie has not only lost his best years to injuries but has also lost millions of dollars due to injuries 150 million to be exact and sadly this isn't exclusive to professional athletes each year millions of people get injured in the workplace resulting in billions lost because of it and remember Boogie is lucky NBA players have millions plus the best medical staff paid to help them but for everyday people like you and I getting injured on the job can take away our income leaving us with PES of medical bills struggling to figure out the next step but it doesn't have to be that way there's a team out there that can help you who also happens to be the sponsor of today's video Morgan and Morgan America's largest personal injury Law Firm these guys know how to win and they win like a lot but over 1,000 lawyers they've helped clients recover over $20 billion and yeah that's billions with a B for example one of their lawyers Nick Russo helped a New York veteran win a $6.8 million verdict after being hit by a bus while driving his moped some of their other lawyers like Matt Morgan and Keith mitnik won $8 million for a woman who was hit by a junk driver and had to undergo multiple surgeries whether you've been injured in a car accident experienced medical malpractice or a 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shot just get the ball to Joe when yeah let him ISO and just like Lamarcus he's one of 50 players in league history to score over 20,000 points and also just like Lamarcus Johnson might be one of the players that will not end up in the Hall of Fame he also has the same number of All-Star appearances as guys with way more notoriety like Grant Hill Tracy McGrady and Scotty Pippen there are more than 800 game winners in NBA history Michael Jordan has nine he leads all the players in the second spot there's Kobe I mean yeah makes sense Bryant was known for having ice in his veins and you know who shares the spot with him yeah that's right Joe Johnson has made eight game winners during his time in the league five of them while playing in Brooklyn despite his impressive scoring numbers and clutch performances Johnson's popularity remained relatively low compared to some of his peers you won't see many lists having him as a top five guard of his generation so what was it was he too lowkey like Aldridge was he just a stat filler or something else well let's see one question for you guys do you remember Joe Johnson in a Boston Celtics Jersey yeah me neither still he was selected by the Celtics with the 10th pick he didn't stick around for too long though during his rookie season he was traded to the Suns and instantly started improving in the first two seasons his numbers increased across the board by the third season the Suns promoted assistant Mike dantoni to head coach Joe became a starter and broke out he averaged nearly 175 and four next year the sons acquired Steve Nash and Johnson had one of his most efficent Seasons averaging about 17 points per game on an impressive 48% from the three-point line the suns were one of the first teams to play modern style basketball they shot threes like crazy played quickly and Joe was a huge part of that do you sort of take credit for where we are with basketball right now because of those Suns teams I think the Phoenix Suns should take credit you know it's like I'm I'm part of it proud to be part of but without Steve it wouldn't have worked without Joe Johnson it wouldn't have work without Amari it wouldn't worked without Shan Mar you know I go on and on and on he was a major contributor to the Suns playoff run that year until he suffered one of the well nastiest injuries of all time just thinking of a broken orbital gives me the griefs in Atlanta he became a primary scoring option and he also became an All-Star but because he was on the Hawks it's also a point in his career where the problem started Joe and Co didn't turn the situation around Hawks teams during this period while solid were never like real real contenders they won games and had good Seasons but were never taken seriously so despite averaging 24 and 5 Joe wasn't being mentioned in the same breath as guys like Kobe AI Wade or Allen or most of the other star guards of the time in 2012 Joe went to the Nets who recently moved to Brooklyn and were looking to compete right away in the 2013 through 14 season the Nets went all out to create a super team these were all the rage back in those days too they brought in Pierce kg and Darren Williams so they could have a chance at the title Joe was still a reliable scorer he was was still making all-star teams and of course hitting game winners but even though this team was supposed to be the next big thing they never ended up even getting close to a title however ISO Joe did get a new nickname though don't be Joe Jesus that's we' like to call him because when you call on him he might not be there when you need you know when you call on him but he's there when you need him Joe Jesus towards the latter stages of his career Joe had sent with the Miami Heat Utah Jazz and Houston Rockets before leaving the league at the age of 37 so what did ISO Joe do after the league well he just continued playing in March of next year Joe signed with Ice Cube's big three League that year he won the league MVP and the championship with the triplets in 2021 he won another big three MVP before retiring The Following Season at the age of 40 Johnson returned to the league signing a 10-day contract with the Celtics he even managed to make an appearance in a single game playing 2 minutes and scoring two points against the Cavs and he even returned to the big three in 2023 to what can I say the man has a thing for comebacks and what are the odds of Joe becoming a Hall of Famer well as per basketball reference he has the same chances as Aldridge he's one spot below him on their list nonetheless some fans and some of his peers think he should make it Reggie Miller praised Johnson saying he had ice water in his vein when it came to closing out games is Joe Johnson a Hall of Famer oh good one seven time Allstar 20,000 points ooh down the road fourth or fifth time the hall comes the knocking yes ISO Joe and ice water in his veins oh in basketball reference only had Reggie's Hall of Fame probability at 31% so you never know ever since his college days Rondo has been known as a hardnose point guard a great facilitator that makes his teammates better rebounds better than most players at his position and plays great perimeter defense when needed at Kentucky he was the first player to lead the team in rebounds and assist in school history Ronda was basically Jason kid without a reliable jump shot and Westbrook without the dunks back in the days he had stat lines like 195 and 14 29 18 and 13 18 17 and 20 yeah Rondo also had huge hands at only 61 he had the same hand length as Wilt and Wilt was an entire foot taller than Rondo dude Rondo's hands are huge you shake his hand to not look down really trust me John great job [Music] B allowing him to grab rebounds at a much higher rate for a point guard he could also make deflections and steal the ball a lot more easily and of course he was mainly known for his High basketball IQ I have been on the sideline and watched you point out to an opposing player oh oh no no no you're supposed to be over there I like to actually try to mess with the coaches mind as well understanding like you know what they were trying to call or they're try to disguise a play knowing just from the the setup of their end that be able to disguise and call out to my guys and give them the an to the test basically all these skills made Rondo a point God during his best years some days you can mistake him for Chris Paul gu my favorite point guard Chris Paul man Chris Paul man what's up man you a Chris Paul no who are you although I don't think Ronda would really appreciate it although best known for his years in Boston Rajan Ronda was actually selected 21st by the Phoenix Suns in 2006 but GM Danny a really liked his play style and traded for him the Phoenix Sun select ra Rondo from the University of Kentucky after a relatively quiet rookie season Rondo got his big break when the Celtics traded for Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett to form the first modern big three uh Paul recently said on draymond's uh podcast that you went to ticket University early on I did what did that mean I did what did that mean and what did you learn uh man I learned so much um you know he was the one guy that when I did up you know he always called me be like yo you was right or you was wrong and he always kept it real with me and I appreciate that from a from a vet standpoint because a lot of people wouldn't tell me the truth you know I mean they probably continue to kiss my ass or not hold me accountable to the level I need to be held accountable to if I wanted to be great number nine soaked up the game from his All-Star vets and quickly improved his game between 2008 and 2010 he helped the Celtics go to one Eastern Conference Finals two NBA finals and win their 17th Larry O'Brien trophy with Rondo as their starting point guard by 2010 he became an All-Star and one of the top passers in the league and by 2013 he was having 20 plus consecutive games with 10 assists and being voted as an All-Star starter unfortunately that season he tore his ACL I was still playing to that point now I went back into the locker room um the doc came back um so I go back to um lay on the training table and he does the knee check he's like oh you're not playing like I'm like what I'm surprised I'm like I'm about to get this triple double we're about to win my whole mindset is already in the game so I go get the MRI we get back in the car and I look at the doc like is this Doc is this true who who said this like you don't even know you even you don't have the disc so where'd you get it it was being I don't remember specifically but it was being reported that there was a torn ACL he did make a comeback but he wasn't the same and shortly after he was traded to Dallas 10 seconds into the third quarter is his third foul of the game and Harden and Rondo got a little bit tied up afterward then to Sacramento look at Rondo saying Demarcus don't worry about the middle you go guard the corner then to the Pelicans by the late 2010s he wasn't an All-Star anymore however he was still one of the better point guards in the NBA and in the summer of 2019 he went to his former Rivals the Lakers to play with LeBron and AD I was in Louisville standing in the living room in front of the TV and I was watching him play and I was like if I get a chance to play with him I'm going to win like he's been to the finals I think eight nine times in a row and I was like if I could play with LeBron I'll win another championship after winning a title in the bubble Rondo became only the second player in league history to win titles with the Celtics and the Lakers who was the first well a guy named Clyde lvll a guy your father or my father probably never heard of and I know my dad watches these videos so let's see if he says anything lvll is actually a four-time All-Star and a Hall of Famer who has one of the best postgame press photos I've ever seen after winning it all in La Ronda spent a few years bouncing around the Wei and then 2022 he called it quits burn is is is have we seen have we seen the last raan Rondo in the NBA absolutely it's official you done yeah I'm done I can't I can't uh I got to spend time I rather spend time with my kids we see you enjoy that you know making $200 million and you know telling them certain thing they like ah like no I'm going to go with my kids over here when you sit back and look out over it what do you think uh what a time you know what I mean like it was um definitely something that I would never took for granted you know while I was in the game uh I loved every minute of it and you mean I've learned so much in this game and um it's made me the man who I am today uh for me it wasn't necessarily about the money it was about when I first was introduced to this game My Mentor is Mike babby der Anderson now it was just their free time in the summertime while Rondo's Peak was relatively short he still made four all-star teams four all defensive teams and one all-nba team and he led the league in assist three times oh and he was one of the only four players in league history to aage 11 assists in at least four seasons that's a lot of force not bad for a first round pick a knew back Back Then and Now on how to scout so what has Rondo been up to in these last 2 years well he's been staying busy you can catch him on some of the most popular NBA podcasts talking about his career and analyzing today's game that's probably just practice for Rondo who's back in college too and he won't believe what he's studying can you tell me about that flip I mean this is the guy who didn't want to talk to the media now he's working to Media working to be media learning about the media uh the change that that it's made in in this days to world we in today it's it's been fun and being in class at 37 versus 18 I just going to take you now I'm paying a lot more attention so besides attending classes with the Kentucky prospects like Rob dillingh hand and Reed Sheard Rondo has also been busy running his own aeou team Rondo Elite and someday we may see him on an NBA court just in a different role I want to but obviously where I'm at in life now that's why I kind of been on the pause you know what I mean I got a I got a teenage daughter she just got her um her license plate yesterday so she on the road man like that going on I'm in school now I'm about to finish my degree hopefully next spring 2025 and then I'm ready to go into that level but like I said right now obviously kid focused getting my degree continue to challenge myself learn more and more daily things and actually I appreciate being in college now and I did obviously when I was just locked in trying to get to leave so Paul Milsap while he's far from forgotten I think many of us don't really remember how good he was just a decade ago while he spent his best playing days in Atlanta playing for a small Market team for a large chunk of his career he played in Denver and Utah but those also didn't really add to his popularity either with them both being small Market teams as well he wasn't too vocal after the games either I can't really remember any sound bite from it even 2K recently lost the rights to Milsap and I haven't really heard an outcry to get him back into the game but still he was a heck of a player for starters Milsap was strong he could establish position against bigger Defenders and finished through contact he had a bag of post moves that included hooks up and unders and fadeaways later in his career recognizing the evolving nature of the game Milsap developed solid ball handling skills for an undersized forward this allowed him to attack off the dribble create scoring opportunities for himself and make plays for his teammates he was also a solid solid rebounder being an undersized power forward his whole career Milsap compensated with Relentless energy and a commitment to crashing the boards he constantly worked to position himself for rebounds both offensively and defensively as his career moved along he became an even better three-point shooter in his 30s playing with the Nuggets he was shooting well above League average and all these skills made him a four-time Allstar and allowed him to do things like drop 11 points in less than 30 seconds once Three Fires it up three three short rebound yes so how did Milsap get a start opting to stay close to home Milsap enrolled at Louisiana Tech he continued to excel leading in the western Athletic Conference and the nation in rebound for three consecutive Seasons during his three years in college he averaged more than 18 points and nearly 13 rebounds in two blocks he would end up declaring for the draft hoping his college resume would be enough to get him selected as a late first rounder but he fell all the way down to the 47th spot where he was selected by the Jazz he came into the league under the legendary Coach Jerry slone who had a reputation for not playing young guys which wasn't completely true milap was getting more and more minutes each season playing mainly as a backup to Carlos Boozer with boozer's departure before the 2010 through 2011 season Milsap became a starter despite the team undergoing a rebuilding phase Milsap thrived as a focal point of the offense averaging 17 a game while showcasing an improved outside shooting touch by 2013 Milsap left Utah as a free agent and signed with the Hawks for two years he would actually spend four years in Atlanta and have the best seasons of his career with the Hawks Milsap averaged 17 points eight rebounds three assists and nearly two steals in a block he made the All-Star Team all four years and was part of the team that broke Hawks history by winning 60 games in the regular season in 2015 but while the Hawks were winning games and finishing near the top of the Eastern Conference outside of hawks fans not a lot of people viewed them as real contend ERS during these years they were ranked pretty low in viewership and weren't even taken seriously by the media I sweet Atlanta Hawks you leave us with fond memories Hawk Bros sir Foster and good D you leave us with great heartache like the Cavs hitting a zillion thre but goodbyes are not forever and goodbyes are not the end they simply mean we'll miss you wow they did make the Conference Finals in 2015 they were easily swept by Lebron in the Cavs and during the 2017 off season Milsap left and signed a 3-year 90 million contract with the Nuggets during his stint with the Nuggets his stats suffered a bit averaging less than 15 points for the first time in 5 years however he gelled great with the team's young stars yic and Murray in 2020 Milsap inspired the Nuggets to come back from a 3-1 deficit against the Clippers who were the favorites to come out of the West that year in the crucial game five the Nuggets were trailing the Clippers when Milsap got into it with Marcus Morris in a foul down low and Morris and Milsap as Milsap put it that was the Tipping Point for him the Clippers were trash talking them the entire series and so the Nuggets yeah they had had enough after being down 17 with less than a minute and a half in the third quarter the Nuggets managed to get back into the game and win and win the entire Series in seven in large part thanks to Milsap Paul spent another year in Denver and then after that signing with the Brooklyn Nets in 2021 he would be traded in February of 2022 with hard into the Sixers where he would finish up his career yeah milab did retire with little playoff success he left the Nuggets just before they got really good so what's he up to now since retiring from basketball milap has returned to Atlanta and taken on a leadership role in one of his companies core for athletics complex a training facility to support the development of athletes in shambley Georgia map has also become an investor in Atlanta's latest professional sports team the Atlanta Vibe a pro volleyball team and as a man with three daughters milsaps committed to helping as many female athletes as possible by providing opportunities to train at the highest level I'll always remember Roy Hibert as the guy who popularized the term vertical it I don't remember hearing about it much before Roy and not much after him either you see Hibert was a defensive Center in the vein of Marcus cambi Dwight Howard and Rudy goar he wasn't a hyper athletic Defender he wouldn't just spring out of nowhere and slap layups into the third row often instead he would plant his body in the lane jump high in the spot and use his well verticality to stop the offensive player over the first few years his career improved immensely in 2014 Hibert seemed like he was on top of the NBA he was is the defensive anchor on one of the top teams in the league he just earned his second All-Star selection he also finished second in the defensive player of the year voting and was selected in the all defensive second team but by the end of that season he was having scoreless nights was getting benched at the end of games and looked more like a guy on his way out of the league than an Allstar and that would turn out to be true and he was out of the league just a couple of years after that so what happened to him when Roy Hibert received a scholarship from Georgetown no one expected much he was a legit 72 however he was overweight and couldn't really run well like at all the first time his trainer put him on a treadmill Hibert couldn't even handle the lowest speeds in his first season Hibbert looked stiff he was averaging less than four boards while averaging two turnovers and two fouls no one could imagine him becoming a good college player let alone an NBA Allstar but Roy got better he worked on his body and skills and by the end of his fourth year in college he was first team all Big East and a consensus second team All-American that increased his draft stock quickly Indiana needed a center after Germaine O'Neal left so they picked Hibbert at 17 Again Hibert struggled as a rookie but again he improved steadily by his third season he became an All-Star in a much weaker conference but still he averaged 139 and two and now we need to take a quick second to explain how something called verticality helped him this was Hibbert's bread and butter see that's the new way fast break ht's defensive technique involved him well jumping vertically with his arms expanded upward without initiating contact with the offensive player again Roy Hibert dropping back it allowed Hibert to contest shots while minimizing the risk of committing a foul and yeah those were three examples of verticality from the same game Hibert used to spam this move all the time Hibert seemed to reach his Peak during the 2013 through 14 season where he earned his second All-Star selection and was considered a front runner for the defensive player of the year award for majority of the season however his performance took a huge downturn in the latter part of the season and and into the playoffs his first round performance was well in seven games he averaged only five points and four rebounds per game shooting a dismal 37% from the field yeah Roy Hibert good lord I can't I'm trying to be nice Roy hibt looks worse than qu Brown teams use big men who could stretch the floor and take Hibert outside the paint limiting his ability to grab rebounds and play a style defense they also limited him to four scoreless games that playoffs including two consecutive games in the first round after that showing Hibert declined quickly which had to do with more than a couple of different factors ref started officiating verticality differently so Hibbert started being called all the time for defensive fouls team started exploiting his lack of mobility and his skill set wasn't fit for today's three-point shooting lead and it looks like he developed further confidence issues Hibert visited a sports psychologist many times throughout his career but even therapy wasn't helping after Indiana hiber went to LA Charlotte Milwaukee and Denver where his playing time and productivity dwindled in 2018 he officially announced his retirement from professional basketball concluding a career that spanned 662 games with averages of 10 points six rebounds and nearly two BLX per game so what's going on with hit's career post MBA Beyond his appearance on the Eric Andre show Roy welcome to Roy first question [Applause] did have some acting chops appearing in three episodes of parks and recreation in the 2010s but while he hasn't continued acting he's still a part of the entertainment Biz in a way if you like watching NBA content like my Channel or Jimmy High Roller or Dom 2K then you may want to check out Hibbert's Channel he offers analysis on various aspects of the games including player movements defensive strategies and offensive plays basically Roy may not be playing anymore but the man knows basketball so if you like this type of content then you should give him a watch I often wonder how will we remember some of these lesser Allstars guys that still made an impact on the game but aren't in the top five top 10 or even top 20 conversations I mean think about it without Rondo The Big Three Celtics may not get their ring without Paul Milsap the Nuggets probably lose that match up when they're down 3-1 and that may change the trajectory of their franchise will people over the years forget about these all stars and their impact probably but this is my attempt to help us remember a video that will last forever and can be watched for generous generations and generations to come
Channel: Lockdown K
Views: 364,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lockdown k, nba, forgotten nba all stars, what happened to these nba all stars
Id: 2153tztTPyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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