Forgotten Legendary Creatures of America - Documentary

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

They aren't forgotten to me. I think about them shits all day!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/The7thMrsRosenblatt 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bottom center is reverse flash

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wet181 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
across the north american continent numerous creatures and beings have been and continue to be reported which have thus far evaded scientific detection perhaps at least in the case for some of them intentionally we tend to call these creatures cryptids in the field of their study cryptozoology north america specifically the united states seems to be the most significant cryptid hotbed in the world the public is well aware of many famous american cryptids sasquatch the jersey devil mothman but hidden behind these more famous cryptids are beings which are just as if not more interesting mysterious and frightening in this video we will be looking at these forgotten cryptids of north america reviewing the associated folklore and considering if perhaps some of the witnesses of these creatures may in fact be telling the truth thank you for joining us as we now add another video to our campfire playlist a series focused on mythology folklore legends the paranormal and more before we begin i'd like to thank noedubke sean duffrey kennett samuel williams donna may akeem hughes ryan beverks julian michael barosa steve davis tim russell drowski name mcnameson jw orchard yalda volek dylan diaz kirk lang and michael bowles for being our most recent supporters on patreon they join these supporters who help make these videos possible now then let's get to it lee county south carolina july 1988. seventeen-year-old christopher davis is driving home from work at around 2am on a road near swampland known as escape or swamp but then experiences an ordinary problem he runs over something sharp causing a flat tire and is forced to stop just as he finishes changing his tyre however he hears a noise he looks around and in the moonlight spots something much less ordinary about 25 yards away a pair of menacing red eyes as it approaches him it reveals itself to be a humanoid figure but not a person rather a sort of monster he described it as being about seven feet tall or about two meters green wet and scaly with three fingers and long black nails on each hand startled by the appearance of such a thing davis got in his car and tried to flee but he wasn't fast enough in his rear-view mirror he saw a blur of green chasing him which managed to catch up to him at speeds of about miles or 64 kilometers per hour the creature had managed to get on top of the car and clung to it as he sped off davis swerved back and forth and then braked suddenly finally causing the creature to fly off he was only then able to escape the monster when he got home he immediately showed the horrifying damage the creature had caused to his father this was the first encounter with what became called the lizard man of scape or swamp davis would not report his encounter to anyone besides his father immediately two weeks later however on july 14th another incident took place the lee county sheriff received a report that a car in nearby browntown had been what was described as mauled overnight it was no mere vandalism the car reportedly had tooth marks and scratches on it with hair and muddy footprints left at the scene sheriff liston truesdale began investigating and it was then that a number of residents began to report sightings of strange creatures when word reached davis that officer truesdale was looking for information about any supposed monsters in the area he and his father brought his story up officer truesdale believed davis davis even took a lie detector test administered by a private company which he passed the story was then released and became famous with it being reported in the news across the country and beyond reporters flocked to bishopville and browntown many others some of them armed were interested in finding the monster and showing it to the world real or not local businesses jumped at the opportunity to begin selling lizard man merchandise as the days passed more people reported encounters only some were actual sightings of the creature most were simply of damage the cars attributed to the monster a local radio channel offered a one million dollar reward to anyone who could capture the beast this simply increased the amount of traffic and attention in the area finally a month later a local member of the air force kenneth orr produced physical evidence scales and blood which he claimed had come from the creature after he was successfully able to shoot and wound it near highway 15. when he faced charges for illegally carrying a handgun however he retracted his claims and admitted the evidence was fake his intention being to keep the legend alive reports of the monster waned as the summer ended but the legend did indeed remain alive however not everyone was convinced benjamin radford a famous skeptic from new york was among a number of skeptics to dissect this case one thing which stuck out to radford was that after such a fearsome battle with a seven foot lizard man there was no evidence of damage to davis car furthermore officer truesdale claimed that one reason he believed davis was that he repeatedly told the same story which in his words you can't do when you're lying radford discovered that this wasn't true davis story did change over the following months and years for example he initially described the beast as scaly whereas later it was covered in mud furthermore there were other concerning details davis claims to have gotten a good look at the creature but the area was pitch black with trees shrouding any moonlight the creature approached him from the rear where the only light which could have been emitted was red taillights which weren't on when the creature was first observed it would be difficult to describe anything with accuracy up close in those conditions let alone something 25 to 50 yards away although photographs of the area where davis said he encountered the beast do appear treeless so radford may have that detail of the story wrong furthermore why did a creature which could move at such great speeds that it could catch up to a car going 40 miles an hour takes so long to approach davis initially and why did such an aggressive creature only reportedly pursue davis in this way davis is the only person to have reported an attack you could argue especially given other reports of weird damage to cars that perhaps it was only interested in the car and chose to pursue him only as he took off but then why surely it wouldn't take too many attempts to figure out that cars weren't the best source of food as for the lie detector test well as we've discussed here before they aren't nearly as reliable as is often believed it's also worth noting as is the case with many cryptid stories that movies featuring similar creatures were popular roughly around the time of the observation skeptics argue that davis encountered nothing more than a bear or that he simply made the whole thing up if there was in fact damage to the car some have suggested that the whole thing was a typical teenage cover story well perhaps not a typical one but a cover story nevertheless an interesting explanation though is that he did encounter someone a local farmer named lucius elmore lived nearby who was evidently angry about thieves in the area farmer elmore had reportedly made it clear to neighbors that he intended to stay up all night guarding his recently purchased air conditioning units quite valuable in south carolina in july the area where davis stopped that night was about a hundred yards from farmer elmore's property local al holland claimed that elmore claimed he and his dog pursued a thief that night remember that it was reported by davis to the police about two or three weeks after it happened if davis mistook the farmer and his dog for a monster he would have panicked and fled and in his rear-view mirror perhaps he would have seen the farmer's glasses illuminated by his red taillights did farmer elmore jump on his car and run after him at a superhuman speed of 40 miles an hour probably not but skeptics like radford point out that the details of whatever he thought was on his car are very ambiguous and that he never actually saw the creature fall off it's possible davis could have simply hit a branch and in a panic assumed the beast was atop his car ultimately though he admitted it could have been a bear or something else christopher davis stuck with his story for the rest of his life however mr davis passed away in 2009 if there were more to his story he may have taken it to the grave however overall there does remain more to the lizard man story in 2015 there were reports which included photographs of the monster taken by individuals who only gave their first names if anything such as sarah who took this photograph i will let you decide how convincing it is this suggests to some believers that the creature lives on regardless of what is out there bears farmer elmore or undiscovered creatures local officials remind visitors to be careful around the scape or swamp flatwoods a town in braxton county west virginia home to less than 300 people this humble town might not have stood out against the many similar towns throughout the region were it not for the striking display next to the town hall a wooden chair featuring the creature is said to have once terrified local inhabitants some called it the green monster others the phantom of flatwoods or the braxton county monster but most commonly it is known as the flatwoods monster the incident happened nearly 70 years ago yet it still haunts residents to this day on the evening of september 12th 1952 three to five boys and it's important to note that there are variations to the story including fred and edward may saw a bright unrecognizable fiery red object cross the twilight sky while playing in the local schoolyard the boys claimed that eventually this object whatever it was landed on a hill on local farmland appearing in fact to have crashed confused then startled by what they were seeing the boys ran home to tell fred and edward's mother kathleen may according to some reports she and the friend had been having coffee and listening to the radio around the time the boys said the crash occurred and she claimed that it had violently shaken the house and interfered with the radio for 45 minutes upon hearing the boy's story she called on a local national guardsman 17 year old eugene lemon to come with them to investigate as night fell kathleen may her two sons their friends jean lemon and possibly a dog named richie began to move towards the crash site as they approached the area they believed the crash had occurred the group saw a pulsing red light off in the distance as they moved uphill a strong odor began to fill the air which they said burned their nostrils and eyes it was described as a metallic smell similar to sulfur or a burnt out tb tube according to a newspaper article from 1955 one of them claimed to have seen a ball of fire about a hundred yards away though this was not recounted by other witnesses as they drew closer among the trees jean lemon saw the eyes of what he thought was a possum or a raccoon and shine his flashlight on it it was at that point that they witnessed something they did not expect the group described it as a tall figure perhaps about 10 feet tall though it was estimated to be anywhere between 7 and 17 feet tall it had a round red face with a hood or some sort of head ornament shaped like an ace of spades in kathleen may's words it had two round eyes which emitted a kind of greenish orange light light also emerged from behind the head and on the lower portion of the body mrs may claimed that the eyes glowed in the dark like flashlights before the creature was observed it had a dark green body or clothing which resembled a metal dress that again according to mrs may hung in great folds and claws again however they only had a brief glance of a second or two which may have been obscured by whatever mist was in the air and so there were different descriptions offered by the witnesses none of them claiming to have gotten a good look at the face or much below it it seems it was originally claimed that it was leaning against the tree but later newspapers claimed it had been levitating either way as the creature was spotted it rose in the air screeched and flew over the group releasing a strong cloud of the odor which they had smelled on the way up lemon startled dropped the flashlight and the group ran off each of them returned safely but following the event they reported feeling sick with symptoms such as nausea vomiting and throat irritation lemon's symptoms were reportedly so severe that he later suffered convulsions though it's not clear where that claim came from and others say he only suffered vomiting the group attributed their symptoms to the mysterious mist according to frank fischino jr who later did research into the incident providing what he claimed was new information the group suffered health effects for the rest of their lives they quickly reported the incident to local authorities namely sheriff robert carr once he returned from investigating reports elsewhere of a plane crash the local authorities investigated the area but saw smelled and heard nothing the area was also visited by the owner of a newspaper the braxton democrat a lee stewart who claimed he did encounter the nauseating smell the following morning at approximately 6 30 a.m a local unnamed school official claimed to have seen an unidentified flying object take off from the area ailee stewart returned to investigate the area for himself in the morning discovering tracks and what he described as an odd black gummy deposit which he said did not burn whatever had happened one thing was immediately clear this was strange officials newspapers and ufo investigators like gray barker of fate magazine and ivan t sanderson who quickly came to the area began questioning the townsfolk and investigating further phone calls flooded the formerly quiet town as it became a national sensation as time passed hundreds would arrive to the area to investigate and talk to the witnesses a minister even came to see if the incident was identical to the one which he dreamed about in the past gradually more intriguing information surfaced others evidently claimed to have experienced similar things around the time of the event one independent investigator william smith discovered that a 21 year old girl about 11 miles from the area had been hospitalized prior to this incident after being exposed to the same odor and reportedly seeing the same creature likewise not long before the incident it wasn't clarified when amiss adora harper and a friend of hers claimed to have seen a very similar creature while walking through the woods near her home in nearby heaters west virginia she said they saw a ball of fire on one of the hills in the distance however she dismissed it at first believing it to be a light from a foxhunter however when she looked again she claimed the light had vanished and in its place it stood a tall dark silhouette of a man-shaped figure the friends were terrified and fled the area another incident was reported to have occurred the day after the incident about 20 miles south in strange creek a couple george and edith snatowski along with her year and a half old son were driving in a rural area that night when their car died mr snatowski could not figure out why the car stopped nor was he able to get it to work as he struggled with it it is said a foul odor filled the air and a bright light emerged from the darkness after a few moments what was described as a 10-foot creature emerged and hovered over the couple's car the creature described as reptilian and bony dragged its hand over the car then it re-entered the woods and disappeared the car reportedly began working again as soon as the creature disappeared the couple would not report this story however for around three years so what was going on well it's difficult to say many who have researched the story namely dr joan nichol of the committee of skeptical inquiry remain skeptical firstly it's difficult to establish what exactly happened as i said and as you can see for yourself if you'd like and the sources listed in the description different newspapers report different variations of the story as newspapers tend to do but more concerning is the fact that each of the witnesses had somewhat different accounts of the story as well namely with the description of the monster lemon saw a face shaped like a man's mrs may saw an ace of spades typhoon behind it she was also the only one who claimed to be able to describe the bottom of the creature likewise one of the boys claimed to have seen a ball of fire that no one else did the history channel claims that it was reported that some of the trees had been singed by the fireball but that's probably something that would have been easily noticed by everyone yet which wasn't reported by anyone even people who appear to have been fine with fictionalizing the story a bit when so much of a story rests on eyewitness testimony it's of course best to not have differences or worse contradictions in the account but what about the physical evidence produced well the tracks and strange black material were later proven to have come from the truck of someone going over to investigate the area for themselves prior to the arrival of the newspaper owner regarding the initial observation of the burning aircraft dr nickel points out that it was very likely a meteor probably not coincidentally a meteor was also observed in nearby pennsylvania and maryland on that evening though some claimed the ufo merely passed over this area as well furthermore the plane crash that sheriff robert carr was investigating elsewhere probably stemmed from this sighting as well likewise dr nicholl points out that aircraft beacons which are red and pulsating were also visible from the area as for the sighting of the monster itself skeptics looked at the creature which has terrified many inhabitants throughout the world for many years and given birth to a myriad of stories owls in this case a barn owl the very description of the creature claimed that it had a round red face with an ace of spades type of headdress or maybe head shape large glowing eyes two small claws for hands perhaps a long green dress or body was possibly holding something and was anywhere from 7 to 17 feet tall it's quite possible that this was merely an owl on a branch owl's eyes glow when light is shined into them as we've discussed in the past two episodes because of a layer of tissue behind their eyes barn owls have faces similar to the one described female barn owls in particular have somewhat reddish faces the owl's talons could have been mistaken for the creature's arms the long green dress that the creature supposedly wore which was never described in detail could have simply been green plant life below it which was viewed only by a flashlight making the figure appear much larger than it really was likewise the behavior of the creature described when it was spotted that it screeched and flew at them is what you could expect from a frightened owl all of this happened within about 10 seconds in either the dark or poor lighting what does stand out however is the noxious gas reported to have been in the area some have claimed that the symptoms supposedly caused by the gas are consistent with those of mustard gas poisoning others however claim that the symptoms are similar to those of hysteria and that the smell which may have indeed been real was not connected to the symptoms later induced by the hysteria it may have just been the smell of the local vegetation it's also worth noting that extraterrestrials and ufos weren't exactly an obscure topic in this time 1952 was referred to as the summer of the saucers this was a time when there was great excitement about what could possibly await mankind in space the first man in fact would be sent into space less than a decade after this event sci-fi on the topic of men from other worlds was booming and indeed incidents like that at roswell were very recent with how little was known about space in this time many sane and intelligent people legitimately wondered if we were in fact being visited by extraterrestrials simply put these folks likely had extraterrestrial invaders on their mind from the moment they saw something strange in the sky the aforementioned frank pescini along with many other enthusiasts claims that there was a cover-up story encouraged by the government as a part of a disinformation campaign to subdue fears of extraterrestrial invasion which is why many people including those of flatwoods stops taking it so seriously however it seems more likely that the story was discredited because it wasn't very credible the variety of exciting and exaggerated stories published by newspapers across the world suggest that the government wasn't very efficient in any supposed cover-up indeed the group themselves took the possibility into consideration that it was just an owl that scared them finally the incidents surrounding the event such as the meeting between the creature and the snotowskis and the sighting of miss harper and her friend have also been drawn into question when something exciting is reported it is very common for people to come out of the woodworks to claim that they too saw something perhaps before or in the months following the incident sometimes it's honesty other times it may be honesty but it may be that these fresh exciting incidents encourage witnesses to believe that something they only vaguely saw was more remarkable than they thought often however as we've just seen with escape or lizard man it's an opportunity for members of a community to jump on the incident and have their 15 minutes of fame too so they make something up some would call this too many coincidences others would call it the simplest and therefore most likely explanation either way whatever actually happened the monster has not been seen again since 1952. were it indeed an extraterrestrial it does not appear to have enjoyed its stay in wild wonderful west virginia while the flatwoods monster is frequently categorized as encrypted it perhaps fits much better into the category known as ufology the study of ufos and extraterrestrials outside of scientific astrobiology however the lines between the two fields are not often clear with some likewise claiming that certain cryptids like bigfoot or el shubacabras are extraterrestrial in origin ultimately exploring ufology is something that won't be a main focus of this channel but which i plan to investigate on this campfire series over on our science channel loosen ox enfield illinois a small town with a population of less than a thousand on april 25th 1973 the night it happened at around 9 30 p.m on a very windy night six-year-old resident henry mcdaniel and his wife lil returned home and were informed by their children that they believed that something had been trying to get into the house while they were out later henry mcdaniel heard what he claimed was scratching noises on his door when he went to investigate he found according to some reports that the screen on the door had been torn and that a slimy substance had been left near the scratch marks he then saw what he assumed was a bear accordingly he grabbed a flashlight and a pistol and went to get a better look however when he came within eight feet of the creature he shined his flashlight on it and the light revealed a creature far different from a bear or any other creature known to man for that matter a short greyish hairy by some reports almost human-like body stood at about four or five feet tall had two small arms and pink eyes which glowed as brightly as the flashlights which mr mcdaniel compared to truck reflectors mcdaniel shot at the creature and was able to hit it at least once which caused it to hiss in a way which he said was similar to a wild cat he said it then hopped away covering 50 to 75 feet in just three hops this was the first sighting of the enfield monster also called the enfield horror once the creature had fled mcdaniel immediately called the police when they arrived they spoke to mcdaniel and claimed that he appeared rational and sober indeed investigators discovered footprints which they did not recognize saying they resembled the dogs but had six toe pads they also discovered hair near where the creature had been standing furthermore they did indeed observe scratch marks left on the house however they weren't able to find the creature responsible for making them mcdaniel unable to think of what else it could have been claimed that it must have been an extraterrestrial and that were it found though he only saw one himself he felt certain that there would be more the incident took off immediately with the press being discussed throughout illinois and indeed throughout the country about 60 people gathered on the mcdaniel property to discuss the event however according to the reading eagle newspaper which reported it at the time though nearly everyone talked about it very few locals actually believed him two weeks later on may 6th mr mcdaniel claimed to have seen the creature again this time after having been awoken by the neighbor's dogs he merely observed it as it walked along a nearby railroad track sometime around three in the morning later on that day mr mcdaniel called the local radio station wwki to inform them of the incident wwki's director rick rainbow arrived at the area near mcdaniel's house with a search party and went off to investigate indeed this search party found the creature and observed it in broad daylight in an abandoned building near mcdaniel's house they said it appeared ape-like and even claimed to have recorded the calls that the creature was making these recordings however were never released to the public they then shot at the creature but missed causing it to flee during and after these incidents there were other sightings but were revealed to be hoaxes and silliness on the parts of the witnesses still mcdaniel's sightings remained unexplained as locals took greater interest in it many outsiders flocked to the town to see if they could see it for themselves including cryptozoologist lauren coleman concerned by the growing attention and number of people many of whom were quite excited and posed the risk of causing trouble the local sheriff roy posthard jr tried to get mcdaniel to quiet down about what he'd seen not long after five armed young men were arrested after shooting at an unidentified grey monkey-like thing in the woods they claimed to have the intention of shooting and capturing the beast this led locals to be concerned that someone could be hurt in the excitement naturally leading the sheriff to become more frustrated with mcdaniel excitement soon waned though mr mcdaniel claimed that others had seen it in the end there were only three first-hand eyewitness accounts two of which were from mr mcdaniel and the other coming from the radio team unless you count the half serious report of the five young men in the woods the creature has not been reported since so what happened mr mcdaniel remained adamant that he had seen something bizarre which he thought was an extraterrestrial skeptics weren't so sure but even some of the explanations they offered were rather odd was it all just a hoax well perhaps not the presence of tracks hair and damage to the house along with certain elements of the story suggests that mr mcdaniel really did see and encounter something on that spring night furthermore mr and mrs mcdaniel weren't exactly benefiting from all the fame they received given that much of it was negative the town evidently thought he was crazy and the local sheriff threatened him to get him to stop sharing what he had seen however the fact that he went out of his way to report it to a radio station the second time suggests that he wasn't exactly opposed to the attention either and wasn't necessarily afraid of the sheriff skeptics turned to the variety of animals in the area for an explanation the bear that mcdaniel initially thought he had seen remained one viable candidate along with many other animals but ultimately no local animals precisely fit the description the closest to some was a kangaroo now you don't get many kangaroos in southern illinois so it wasn't exactly an explanation many people turned to immediately but then came a letter from allen yorkshire of elyria ohio he claimed to have had a pet kangaroo which went missing around this time he thought it was possible that the kangaroo had made its way to mcdaniel's house and that that may have been what he observed that night it was said that the creature moved by hopping had three legs and short arms the tail of the kangaroo could have been mistaken for the third leg yorkshire offered a 500 reward for its return however as it happened mr mcdaniel had also apparently once owned a pet kangaroo he was stationed in australia while in the military where he briefly owned one and had become quite familiar with them and therefore concluded that it couldn't have been one furthermore an anthropologist examined the tracks and concluded that they were not kangaroo tracks an anthropology graduate from the university of illinois claims that it could have been an ape stating that apes had been observed in the area ever since 1941 though apes are not native to the region either so that begs the question of where it came from the incident became the subject of a case study undertaken by students at the university of illinois headed by david l miller looking at collective action following unusual events they too concluded that it was likely a natural animal perhaps an exotic one which mr mcdaniel had been observing it may also have been a diseased mutated or injured animal or perhaps it was something else entirely ultimately we may never know the creature seems to have come and gone and has not been reported in the area since that incident nearly 50 years ago louisville kentucky there is a haunting railroad trestle bridge here which crosses over nearby pope lick creek which locals warn not to venture towards on foot the trestle has been the scene of a number of unfortunate deaths some of which have been attributed to unnatural forces and a supposed resident under the bridge who may wield them some say it lures unsuspecting victims to the tracks with hypnosis or by mimicking the calls of children crying for help leading them to be killed by passing cars others claim that it kills the victims itself with a blood-stained axe or by holding them down in front of a train by reaching out from under the tracks and grabbing anyone who crosses them still others say that the sight of the creature itself is so horrible and disturbing that it drives all who see it to take their own lives the creature is described as part goat part human and or perhaps part sheep likewise the origin tale of the pope lick monster or the kentucky goat man also varies some say that it was a circus freak that escaped and took up residence in the area following an incident in which the train on which it was held crashed others say that it was brought into this world as the reincarnated forum of a local kentucky farmer who performed an evil ritual to acquire satanic powers as mentioned the bridge has indeed been the scene of numerous deaths and injuries whether there is a supernatural influence at play or not a number of people have wandered onto the bridge and found that when a train is coming there is not much time nor room for escape the most recent incident being in may of 2019 when tragically a train struck a 15 year old girl accordingly officials have fenced off the area and warned that trespassing will carry significant consequences the local fire chief sean f dreisbach warns that escaping is not as easy as it seems in movies and that despite rumors that the bridge is abandoned it is in fact used every day despite the legends associated with the events no one has ever come forth publicly to report having seen the goat monster louis mem whatever the goat man of pope le creek is legend abomination or satanic presence it is not alone legends of goat man type creatures are present across the country there is a frightening tale of a half-goat half-human creature which comes from beltsville maryland as well likewise this creature is said to be a murderous menace according to one legend the creature was formed by accident when a scientist at the local beltsville agricultural research center was performing experiments on goats one evening the experiments backfired and a scientist was turned into a goat himself now enraged over his new form he is sometimes seen roaming the area attacking travelers at night especially teenagers the beltsville agricultural research center however has dismissed the legends there is also the sheepsquatch also known as the white thing of southwestern west virginia primarily in boone county not to be confused with the white thing of alabama the term sheepsquatch is a portmanteau combining the word sheep with of course sasquatch the world's most famous cryptid the first reports of sheepsquatch began in 1994 when a member of the navy reported seeing a strange creature in the woods it is generally described as a white ram-like quadruped roughly the size of a bear with a long hairless tail long saber-like teeth a sulfur-like smell and a horrible disturbing screech over time however the image of the sheep squatch has changed and many depictions of it now show a biped a kind of mix between a ram and a sasquatch perhaps because the legends have been altered from the original reports the creature has been said to be aggressive with numerous witnesses claiming they were attacked by it finally there is the lake worth monster of fort worth texas the incident surrounding this creature which took place in july of 1969 was so real to residents that it resulted in a police investigation and even photographic evidence there were evidently reports in the area of lake worth specifically near greer island ever since may of a strange white goat human hybrid terrorizing visitors but the police generally laughed off these incidents as nonsense on july 9th of that year however their perspective changed six people reported being attacked by the beast while visiting the area together in their car according to them at around midnight the creature leapt from the trees onto their car and tried to grab at a woman however the group was able to flee before the monster could grab them petrified they immediately reported the incident to the police showing them an 18-inch gash on the side of the car which belonged to mr john reichardt the next day the police went out to investigate and as the story made headlines they were followed by people looking to catch a sighting of report on or for some armed visitors to hunt and kill the beast on the night of july 10th with perhaps 40 people gathered in one area the creature did not disappoint and made another appearance atop a cliff where it is claimed it screeched and threw a car tire at the crowd causing them to panic and disperse then in autumn came the photograph on november 19th alan plaster and two friends were driving around the area at 1 35 am when they spotted the creature stand up across the road as it fled the area mr plaster was able to snap this photograph it is the only extant physical evidence of the creature however mr plaster himself was not convinced years later when telling his story he stated that he believed it to have been a prank and that whatever it was it wanted to be seen sightings of the monster waned after this november report alan plaster was not alone in his skepticism indeed in the years since numerous people evidently have called and written letters some of which were anonymous claiming that they were the monster of 1969 or at least that they had some involvement in the incident with some suspecting that perhaps at least one of them is telling the truth indeed it has been pointed out that the sightings of the beast which began in the summer and began to wane in the fall would be what you'd expect from a teenager who was keeping himself entertained in the summer but found less time for prankery during the school season the police were also never able to find evidence of the monster's existence however others like cryptozoologist craig woolheader believe that the monster was real and may have simply been an undiscovered species of primate passing through the area the incident in which the tire was thrown took place when it was quite dark a group claiming to have been responsible for the hoax claimed that what appeared to be the goat man throwing a tire was actually them rolling it off the cliff whatever the origin of the lake worth monster its legend seems to have been cemented in local folklore cryptids and related legendary creatures sometimes the incidents are merely laughed off as pranks or imagination sometimes they become the icons of tiny obscure towns sometimes the incidents associated with them are left unexplained and leave genuine scientists baffled about what happened for cryptozoological investigations to be taken seriously they must be done scientifically this means presenting all sides of a debate equally and favoring the conclusions with the greatest evidence the burden of proof is generally on the claimant not the skeptic as we continue to investigate these cases and this research in the future and these cryptid videos will be a permanent part of fire of learning and lucenox this attitude will be maintained not because i don't want cryptids to be real but because i'm keenly interested in uncovering something that is real i hope you enjoyed this video if so i invite you to come check out the rest of fire of learning especially our campfire playlist which has more videos on things like cryptids and to subscribe for more videos like this in the future you can help support the production of videos like these by donating on patreon the link to which is in the description i'd like to thank our current patrons listed here for their support we're also on instagram and we have a channel like this that focuses on science called lusinox so come check us out there too sources are in the description thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Fire of Learning
Views: 424,435
Rating: 4.8980231 out of 5
Keywords: Lizard man, Scape ore, Swamp, Flatwoods Monster, Braxton County, Braxie, West Virginia, Enfield Horror, Goatman, Beltsville, Fort Worth
Id: cLkLJgE-P-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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