Forgiveness - Release Anger Guided Meditation - Louise Hay

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hello this is Louise hey welcome to my personal power through imagery series of visualization in this exercise anger releasing is one that I have done in my workshops and many of the participants have asked that I record it so they can continue the releasing process whenever anger comes up as an issue holding on to old anger is a way of keeping yourself stuck in the past and creating illness there's nothing wrong with anger if we have it and express it in a positive way and then let it go anger held for a long time becomes resentment and resentment eats away at the body and contributes to diseases like cancer and arthritis in this exercise you will have the opportunity to release anger with five people in your life you can do this exercise from time to time to clear your subconscious mind each time you do it you may have different people or some of the same people it doesn't matter our clearing is done on levels and layers however you do it is right for you remember you are always safe and you are always in charge you can stop the exercise anytime you want by just opening your eyes breathe deeply and relax your body completely just let go and in your imagination I'd like you to walk over to an elevator and enter that elevator and push the down button and you feel the elevator doors closed and the elevator goes down and down and then it stopped and the doors open and you step out into a large well-lit room and you feel so safe in this room and you look with wonder all about you and you look up and you see the most beautiful crystals everywhere you know why you are here you have come to leave your anger behind so that you can be free take a deep breath and in your mind ask for help someone who will keep you safe and will help you deal honestly with your anger someone to be there with you so ask for that now and from a corner of the room comes a helper a guide as they approach smiling it's as though they have waited for you for a long time they welcome you and then they begin this helper now brings out the first person you remember your anger at them and the guide brings out the second person and places them a little apart but in a line with the first then the third person comes out you realize how very angry you are at these people then the fourth is brought out and placed in line and finally the fifth person walks up and you see them all standing there before you your helper comes and stands behind your right shoulder to let you know that they are there to support you you take a deep breath and you walk over to the first person look into their eyes allow yourself to feel the anger towards them allow this anger to build allow your body to experience this anger start telling them how you feel and what you are so angry about this is not a time to be polite tell them what you would like to do to them because they have caused you so much pain tell them now he is loud and as angry as you want to be tell it all hold nothing back let your body move shake your fist do whatever you need to do express your feelings your guide is there to support you and to give you strength tell them everything you need to tell them do whatever you need to do you know it is safe to do this and then let yourself finish what you have to say to this person and then move and stand in front of the second person and look at them allow your anger towards them to be expressed feel free to tell them whatever you want to tell be free to express your anger at this person tell them about the pain about what they did to you tell them about the loneliness tell them about all the times you needed them and they weren't there do it now do it tell them everything in the most clear and direct way that you can tell them all you have a right to your feelings they have to listen say what you need to say and then step back take a breath and [Music] move over to the third person and really look at them and just when you thought that maybe your anger was gone here it is again building in your chest you remember all the times you had things to say and couldn't now is your opportunity tell them tell this person [Music] let them know [Music] tell them about all your feelings how you felt be as angry and as physical as you want you have a right to be physical let it out let it out tell them show them make them feel your pain safe you're safe it's okay it's your turn it's your turn now express your feelings go for it just let all that stuff flow out from you until you feel that you are finished keep going until you finish with this person and know that there is more in there good good [Music] alright let yourself finish with this third person let it go out take a deep breath feel the support of your helper behind you know that your guide is there now move in front of the fourth person [Music] maybe this person surprised you a little but you know what you're angry at you know and you know where in your body you've been hiding this anger let that space open and then you tell them with the total intensity of your anger be real a real do it now do it now let yourself feel and let yourself express it safe to express let yourself express get that anger out you don't want to hold it inside you it's been there too long let it out let it come out of the joints let it come out of those organs let it out it's been eating away at your body let it out [Music] that's it let it flow out let it out okay all right all right and good good let yourself finish with this fourth person let it go you've got one more person to go just step back and touch the hand of your guide know that you are okay that you are safe you are supported and protected okay now let's move in front of the fifth and last person oh boy this is old anger this is old anger and you feel it your body feels it you feel this anger its way in there okay go ahead and let this person know what you are really angry about you never have the opportunity to tell them you are always afraid of them you never let them know all right go ahead go ahead let this person know tell them tell them what you're so angry about let it out let it out let it out tell them tell them they need to know they need to know this allow yourself the freedom [Music] tell them how angry you really are let that child and you express what you feel let go good all right yes you know it's in there you know it's in there now let it out good wonderful let it out it feels so good to let it out just let it go whoa that felt good that really felt good just let yourself finish with that fifth person and as you finish with this person let yourself step back a few steps and you just stand there and you look at them all look at all of them see them in a line in front of you [Music] and you look at them and you think about all that pain and all the destruction and all the wasted time all that time you wasted holding all that in and as you look at all of them you concentrate now on that first person you really look at them and you allow the anger to build you feel it in the bottom of your feet and you let it come up and you feel the rage all that rage locked behind your knees the resentment in your pelvis you feel it all all that hurt in your stomach you feel it you feel it all coming up your body gather that fear in your chest and come up to that stuck place in your throat and that locked place in your jaw and all the painful thoughts in your mind and you take all this anger and you bring it up in your right arm and you bring your right arm above your head and you point your finger to the ceiling and you gather energy from those crystals on the ceiling flow all this anger into your hand and your finger and you point your finger and as the intensity builds and as the anger builds you lower your arm and the anger shoots out of your finger and blows that first person apart [Music] absolutely blows them apart and a little pile of dust settles where they once were and they're gone they're gone oh and you feel so powerful so you look at the second person and once again you take a deep breath and you raise your hand to the ceiling as you allow this anger to build again and you feel the rage in your arm in your hand in your finger and you lower your hand again and all this rage shoots out of your finger disintegrating the second person oh boy there they go and once again there is only a little pile of ashes left that's all that's left then turn to the third person with all the anger you've released you find there is still more there's a lots more you're determined to be finished with it this time make contact with this third person look straight into their eyes [Music] raise your hand to the ceiling and gather your power and your anger and your rage and lower your arm with all the power you have as you bless this person to nothing and you watch the dust settle [Music] then turn to the fourth person as you breathe deeply feel all the old fury feel that fury and as your arm goes to the ceiling gather your power in your hand and in your finger and then it comes down with a determination and an absolute laser of power leaves your hand and destroys this fourth person and all that is left is settling dust and then turn to the fifth and last person and remember the old anger bring it from the bottom of your feet all through your body and you raise your arm one last time and you let yourself feel the intensity of this rage all through your body and you raise your arm one last time and you let yourself feel the intensity of this rage and you draw your power into your arm and your hand and your finger and you know what you're angry about and then you lower your arm and you release the rest of your rage at this fifth person who absolutely explodes and becomes a tiny little pile of dust and you look before you and you see the destructive force of pent up anger and you realize how dangerous that can be and it's not how you really want to be and you turn and look at your god and you feel their compassion and they are so pleased with you for finally letting go of so much of what you have carried and for a moment you step into their arms and place your head on their shoulder and you allow yourself to be held and comforting and you think and then you step back and as you step back your guide turns you around and there in front of you are the people you have just destroyed only this time they are very different when you stand in front of the first person just a few inches from their eyes and you look in their eyes and you see what you haven't seen before you see their sorrow and their pain you see all the self-hatred and if you can you feel compassion for this person and you step back and you surround them in violet light and if you're ready and you can honestly say so look them right in the eye and say I forgive you and let the violet light begin to vibrate you see their body begins to vibrate and they become part of the violet light and fade up and out through the top of the room in your forgiveness you have sent them free and you are free to now step up to that second person look into their eye and you're startled as you see the amount of pain they have been carrying and it surprises you that they could be alive with so much pain if you can you open your heart and you agree to forgive them not to allow them to ever hurt you again but simply to forgive them if you can surround them with violet light and look into their eyes as you say I forgive you the violet light vibrates they become the violet light and lift up through the ceiling to be set free now look into the eyes of a third person and you see what is really there you notice the sorrow and the self-disgust and the fear and you have compassion if you can surround them with violet light and say to them I forgive you and if you can watch the violet light vibrate until their spirit is set free to move up and away and then you move in front of the fourth person and you look at them for a moment as you really see them you see what's really there and if you can surround them with the violet light and look at them as you say I forgive you and what as they disappear into the violet light and the light floats up and away and now the sisters stand in front of them close to them and look you will see them wince as you look into their eyes you see so much fear and you have compassion you lovingly surround them with the violet light and make sure they see you as you say I forgive you and you watch as the violet light consumes them and they disappear up through the ceiling and all is done and gone except for you and your guide and you take a deep breath and notice how much lighter your body feels and you know that once space is cleared it is important to fill that space with light there is so much beautiful light in this room you take the light the beautiful colored light and you feel the old spaces within you where the anger once you fill those spaces with light and with color and with rejoicing and you feel like dancing and you dance around the room first separately and then with your guide [Music] and you find yourself filled with joy and freedom you feel so light and so joyous and you dance in the air and your feet don't even touch the ground we're so light and so free then you end your dance and you bow to each other in honor and respect and you realize that it is time to say goodbye to your guide knowing that you can come back to this room anytime you want this is a very safe space to let go then you say goodbye to your guide and you return to the elevator and the elevator takes you up and you feel so secure and free and loving and as the elevator door opens you go outside and you look out in the evening sky and there is a shooting star greeting you in welcome and enjoy and you realize you are helping the whole planet by releasing the darkness and bringing in the light and you watch the stars twinkle and shine you feel one with everyone and you let this experience be real for you and when you are ready you can return to the room be gentle and tender with yourself all is well and so it is i am lovable because i exist [Music] you are lovable because you exist [Music] I feel good about myself [Music] you feel good about yourself [Music] I feel good about my life [Music] you feel good about your life [Music] I release the need for self-criticism [Music] you release the need for self-criticism [Music] I speak up for myself [Music] you speak up for yourself [Music] I am comfortable with my power [Music] you are comfortable with your power [Music] I use my power wisely you use your power wisely it is easy for me to stand up for myself [Music] it is easy for you to stand up for yourself [Music] [Music] I am self-confident you are self-confident [Music] I acknowledge my self-worth you acknowledge your self-worth [Music] I love and approve of myself you love and approve of yourself I am wise and wonderful [Music] you are wise and wonderful [Music] I appreciate myself [Music] you appreciate yourself [Music] I work at a job that gives me pleasure [Music] you work at a job that gives you pleasure i express my feelings [Music] you express your feelings [Music] I am in control of my life [Music] you are in control of your life I radiate self-respect you radiate self-respect [Music] I am respected by others [Music] you are respected by others [Music] I have wonderful loving relationships [Music] you have wonderful loving relationships [Music] I experience love wherever I go [Music] you experience love wherever you go [Music] I share my joy with everyone [Music] you share your joy with everyone [Music] i express my joy through singing and dancing [Music] you express your joy through singing and dancing [Music] I take care of my inner child [Music] you take care of your inner child [Music] I am a gift to the world [Music] you are a gift to the world Oh [Music] I feel my oneness with all of life [Music] you feel your oneness with all life [Music] I attract prey [Music] you attract crane I give praise free you give praise freely [Music] I am loved by others [Music] you are lost by others I rejoice in my uniqueness [Music] you rejoice in your unique [Music] I deserve to be successful you divorce indoors I am successful at everything I do [Music] you are successful at everything you do my creativity is always in demand [Music] your creativity is always in demand I care about myself [Music] you care about yourself [Music] I love my world you love your world [Music] I deserve good in my life [Music] you deserve good in your life [Music] I am a magnet for mirror [Music] you are a magnet for miracles I create harmony wherever I go [Music] you create harmony wherever you go [Music] I reflect the beauty of life you reflect the beauty of life [Music] I am all that I can be you are all that you can be [Music] I love myself more every day [Music] you love yourself more every day I am loved by my parents [Music] you are loved by your parents [Music] I am a receptacle of life [Music] you are a receptacle of love I am safe just being mean you are safe just being you [Music] I am good enough just as I am [Music] you are good enough just as you are [Music] I expressed my self-confidence and self-worth [Music] you express yourself confidence and self-worth [Music] I am at peace we did you are at peace with it [Music] I am pleased with my appearance [Music] you are pleased with your opinion [Music] I am glad to be me you are glad to be used [Music] I am at home wherever I am you are at home wherever you are [Music] I admire my mind [Music] you admire your life I am a good person [Music] you are a good person [Music] I am inspired by life [Music] you are inspired by life [Music] I know how to have fun you know how to have fun [Music] I allow myself to play every day you allow yourself to play every day [Music] I am proud of all my accomplished [Music] you are proud of all your accomplishments I am filled with positive energy [Music] you are still with positive energy [Music] I am the treasurer I have been seeking [Music] you are the treasure you have been seeking [Music] I cherish white men [Music] you cherish yourself [Music] I am tender and gentle with myself you are tender and gentle with yourself [Music] I am worth loving you are worth nothing [Music] I am a blessing to the world [Music] you are a blessing to the world [Music] I am safe and secure you are safe and secure I am lovable because I exist [Music] you are lovable because you exist you I feel good about myself [Music] you feel good about yourself [Music] I feel good about my life [Music] you feel good about your life [Music] I love and approve of myself [Music] you love and approve of yourself [Music] I feel my oneness with all his life you see your one with all life [Music] I care about myself [Music] you care about yourself [Music] I love my world [Music] you love your world [Music] I am all that I can [Music] you are all that you can be [Music] I love myself more every day you love yourself more every day I am at peace within you are at peace within [Music] all is well in my world all is well in your world [Music] all is well in my world [Music] all is well in order please know that my love poured our wisdom as you move along with a birth to a healthy joyous loving life I love you [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Book Audio
Views: 16,824
Rating: 4.6653991 out of 5
Keywords: Forgiveness - Release Anger Guided Meditation - Louise Hay, louise hay
Id: B7K506zeoKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 24sec (3744 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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