Forging a Scottish Knife From a Farrier's Rasp (Sgian Dubh)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Phil Baumhardt
Views: 9,201
Rating: 4.9156117 out of 5
Keywords: scottish dirk, sgian dubh, the scottish dirk by forman, Blackheart Forge, Phil Baumhardt, Highlanders, Lowlanders, Stewart, Campbell, black knife, blacksmithing, charcoal forge, low tech, DIY, backyard, bladesmithing, bench grinder, Ken Onion WorkSharp, knife making, knife made from a knife, using a file for knifemaking, hand forged, hammer, tongs, boot knife
Id: SAY8_fgRAfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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