Forget Google SEO! 4 Better Ways To Get Traffic To Your Online Store

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Google search is dying and the e-commerce landscape is changing fast now while Google is once the primary Gateway for online shopping they're losing their grip on product searches and I predict that within one to two years no one is going to be using Google to shop the way they do ever again so in this video I talk about why Google's influence in e-commerce is going down the toilet and give you powerful alternative strategies to drive traffic to your online store but first off what exactly is going on right now the main reason Google is going downhill is because of AI if you look at the state of Google search today you enter in a question in the search bar and out comes a bunch of little Blue Links where you have to manually search through pages and pages of content to find the answer now this method of finding stuff has been great for the past 20 years but with artificial intelligence and Chad GPT why would anyone want to weigh through pages and pages of ads and Blue Links when AI can just tell you exactly what you are looking for right away according to stat counter Google has been consistently losing us search market share since August of 2023 when it was at 89.0 3% not only that but Google is cluttered with ads if you do a search for anything on Google today you literally have to scroll through a full page of sponsored listings before you get to the real search results and don't get me started about their paid deal with Reddit if you do any search on Google today you'll notice that Reddit Kora and Linkedin now dominate the search results all the smaller Niche Publishers have gotten pushed down in the ranks and you are now getting information from from Anonymous nobodies on forums or sites like Forbes meanwhile Google's attempt at AI search results had been a total flop recently they added and retracted their AI overviews feature when Google started providing dangerous results for example one user told Google that he was depressed and asked Google what he should do and Google's AI overview told him to find the nearest bridge and jump off of it because Google took a sarcastic redditor's answer as the AI overview now this continues I give Google search one to two years Max before people stop using their search engine altogether because right now it's horrible now as an e-commerce store owner what is an alternative way to get traffic well the first and best way to get sales for your online store is through email and SMS marketing now if you look at my online store today over at bumblebe about 30% of our sales are directly attributed to email and the best part about email is that the people on your list already know who you are and want to sh shop at your online store and the average Roi for email marketing is 42x that's right for every dollar you put in you get $42 out in fact I consider my email list for my store like an ATM machine whenever I send out an email it always makes money now I've taught e-commerce for over a decade now and one of the biggest problems I see with new e-commerce store owners is that they don't email their people enough because they are afraid of annoying their customers but that's the absolute wrong way to think about it people are on your list because they like your brand and if they aren't interested in shopping from your store you actually want them to unsubscribe because you are paying for every person on your list now overall I recommend that you email your subscribers at least once per week and preferably at least twice the same goes with SMS in general text message marketing is a much more intrusive marketing channel and as a result your SMS subscribers are mainly going to be super fans of your brand as a result it is perfectly acceptable to text them once or twice per week now personally I'm on many text lists for the brands that I love and I actually look forward to getting texts about the latest deals and new arrivals but the problem with email and SMS is that you can't grow the size of your list without traffic so what is the best way to get your name out there well the best way to get traffic for an e-commerce store today is through social media channels like Tik Tok and Instagram reels and the beauty of these platforms is that the number of subscribers that you have means nothing and the amount of views you can attract has very little to do with your follower account all the content you create is merit-based which means that you are in a Level Playing Field with even the largest brands starting a social media account is free and here are the types of content that work really well for Tik Tok specifically one you can make a video about how you fulfill your orders sounds dumb but people are fascinated by how small businesses work all you got to do is just take your phone and video yourself packing in order you can also tell your origin story as the founder of your company and demonstrate how your product is made people just love this stuff you can also film videos of your products in action and the best part is that the production quality doesn't have to be great and minimal editing is required in fact the videos that work the best on Tik Tok are ones that look completely unprofessional for example my buddy par who runs pu literally makes videos of his staff fulfilling orders on his phone and it's his primary sales Channel now when it comes to e-commerce Tik Tok is especially ahead of the game because social selling is where many transaction are made today and the beauty of Tik Tok is that you can experience the product firsthand from someone else's video and if you see someone you recognize pitching a product well chances are you're going to buy that product Tik Tok has their own platform called Tik Tock shop where you can easily pay other Tik tokers whenever they refer a sale you can also list your products directly on Tik Tok and take orders seamlessly Tik Tok already has everyone's credit card information and users can check out without even leaving the video that they're watching now in addition to Tik Tok Facebook and Instagram are still incredible channels for traffic and sales if used properly back when Apple released iOS 14 it really hurt Facebook's ability to find customers for your shop but since then Facebook has doubled down on AI and machine learning and their ads platform is now better than ever with just the Facebook Channel alone you can scale your e-commerce business to seven figures and Beyond now the secret to successful Facebook advertising is to Target the emotions of your customer now if you haven't read the book cashvertising yet I highly recommend it in the book Drew Whitman talks about what is called the life force 8 which are the eight base emotions that cause a person to buy anything for example people will buy any product that increases their sex appeal or any product that alleviates pain or any product that levels up your social status now my favorite example of the effective use of the life force Aid in advertising is with a company called true Classic te's this company literally sells solid color t-shirts which is one of the most saturated products to sell on the planet and if you look on teu you can buy plain t-shirts for a dollar or less so how can a company like true classic te's possibly charge $29 for a plain shirt well watch this clip of one of their ads true classic te's makes you look buff in their shirts even if you have a beer belly which improves your self-esteem and your ability to attract the opposite sex now their ads really triggered my vanity and I own a couple of shirts myself this is how you must advertise your products Facebook and Instagram ads still work extremely well if you use the right messaging by the way if you're enjoying this video so far make sure you sign up for my free 6-day e-commerce mini course below now another great way to generate traffic for an online store is through influencer marketing even though I hate the term influencer technically I am one and companies are willing to pay me between 5 to 10K to promote their company on YouTube now I rarely do this and I only promote companies that I love in this channel but you get the point as a brand you can give away your products to people who have large followings and have them promote your stuff now I use influencer marketing with my store over at bumblebe Linens when we first launched our line of motherdaughter aprons I gave a set to an influencer named passionate Penny Pincher and to make it a win-win proposition I created a special affiliate link for her that gave her a 15% commission for every sale she referred and by posting this video on her Facebook page of millions of users for our custom embroidered motherdaughter aprons I made thousands of dollars in sales over the course course of a couple of days people just like to buy from people they trust and you can leverage other people's audiences by offering them a cutof the sale another great place to get traffic and sales is through online communities and Facebook groups for almost every Niche you can think of you can find a Facebook group that caters to it for example I once had a teenager named Eric on my podcast Who Sold aasum pins you heard that right aasum pins sounds random but if you were to look on Facebook you will find many aasum groups with hundreds of thousand of users anyway Eric managed to make over $1,000 per month by posting her pins on these Facebook groups and keep in mind though that there's a right and a wrong way to Market your products in a closed community the wrong way is to start posting your products right away and if you do you will likely get banned by the group admin or moderator instead you must spend a couple of months to ingratiate yourself within the community first be a genuinely helpful member of the community and get to know the other members here's the exact post that Eric made to to introduce her products to the group it was very casual and she simply asked what do you think of these AP posum designs that I just made and when she got lots of responses she replied to each person individually and said hey I made some pins with these designs check them out on my Etsy store I only made a couple just as a test and I have a couple left over and just like that she sold out of her first batch of pins I had another woman on my podcast named Vivian who started an e-commerce store selling hair extensions online and she built up her business to over $6 million just on Facebook groups alone do not underestimate the power of Niche communities and then finally you can also generate traffic and sales from online marketplaces like Amazon Etsy eBay and Walmart now of the four I would probably start with Amazon because Amazon owns over 50% of e-commerce in the United States now even though it's getting more expensive to sell on their platform it's still an excellent place to sell your products because of Amazon FBA Amazon will handle storage fulfillment and even customer service on your behalf for a fee and recently Walmart has been investing heavily into e-commerce and as a result they've been rapidly gaining market share as well and if you sell primarily handmade products give Etsy a shot and for everything else eBay is a decent platform for additional sales overall though here's what you need to realize about selling online everyone has their favorite places to shop some people will only buy from Amazon Some people prefer to shop at online boutiques and some people will only buy from Walmart or Ebay the goal with any e-commerce business is to sell in as many different marketplaces as possible to maximize your sales but one thing's for sure Google is getting disrupted and the best way to protect yourself is to diversify your sales channels now that you understand what's going on with Google and the best Google Alternatives make sure you watch this video here to learn the exact steps that I would take if I were to start all over
Channel: MyWifeQuitHerJob Ecommerce Channel
Views: 16,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: search engine optimization, shopify seo, ecommerce seo, organic traffic, free traffic sources, free website traffic, how to get free traffic to your website, how to get traffic to your blog, how to get traffic to your website fast, how to get website traffic, how to increase website traffic, website traffic, make money online, free traffic, increase website traffic, google search, tiktok, instagram reels, tiktok shop, ecommerce seo 2024, website traffic increase
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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