Forged in Fire: The Partizan Final Round: John vs Philip (Season 6) | History

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Phil John congratulations you guys have landed in the final round of this competition now we're sending you back to your home for just to recreate this iconic weapon from history the partisan good luck bladesmiths we'll see you in four days today's day one and the main thing I want to get accomplished today is forging out that socket I don't get that done that's gonna put me behind where I need to be for tomorrow oh the spear is gonna go inside for the blade I'm starting out with a good chunk of sheet steel 1095 high carbon there we go I am overcome with joy with the amount of progress that I've made today first thing we gotta do is get the profile established get our media will rage ground in take a lot of the weight out and get it ready for heat treat a weapon like this is meant to be swung so it needs to be well balanced it can't be too top-heavy but uh I need to balance that was strength as well so the plan for heat treating the blade is to clay up each blade individually and differentially harden the edges so that it stays nice and soft and springy and only our cutting edge gets hard if the whole blade was as hard as the edge it would be really likely to break let's Street now we're gonna clean he treat the flanges one at a time last quench right here oh yeah things hard as woodpecker lips today is day 2 and the plan for today is just to get that meteor Ridge situated just right what I got to figure out is how exactly to do this Smith stood been making medial ridges for hundreds if not thousands of years but when all of my research that I found I could not find how they traditionally put Muller ridges on blades that were so pronounced so I'm really happy to go just a little different route than I think what is traditionally done I'm gonna take bar stock tack weld it throw it in the Forge Forge weld it throw a bead of weld and then I'm gonna go in and clean up those welds so I get those really drastic curves the weight of the piece is gonna be heavier but I'm gonna have structural integrity that is sufficiently ground I think we are ready to heat treat [Music] I think we are good day for sons finally out today's mostly refining work fit and finish getting everything cleaned up sharpened and in the spirited so now I'm forging a nail to fix the spirit of the shaft so I'm just going to use the square stock taper down we're gonna cut it off with a pair of bar and chuck it up in the nail header there's our nail I can do better see how the heads off Center I don't know this one it's gonna be in sight you're not gonna know it's fine oh god I'll know though I'm gonna make another one that one's better but my spear brings to the table is the good blend of form and function and with the way I made it it should be pretty much indestructible feels good the plan for today is to clean up the surface grind get everything nice and shiny then continue on with the bevels and then start assembling just gonna kind of do a dry fit and see where I'm at with the hole here not gonna paint it I still need to take it all apart for some more work but just getting that step in the process done and ready to move forward with it whoops I'm thinking it'll come right off no problem I was wrong it's like why am I taking this out if it fits up well but to keep working on it I need it out Wow I'm an idiot that's not budget as I'm prying on this vise trying to get the bar out it dawns on me heat up the metal burn the wood it'll come right out voila disaster averted of all the things to go wrong right a major build $10,000 on the line it prematurely gets his wooden staff stuck in it so I'm not planning on testing right now if it's gonna malfunction it because you break at this point I want the judges to have the honor of destroying something that I've built not me that feels good all right bladesmiths this is the kill test to test the lethality of your weapon I will deliver killing blows on this ballistics dummy Phil you're first you ready for this yes sir man let's do it going into this test right heart starting to pump a little faster Doug hopefully just gonna destroy this ballistics dummy and we're gonna have pieces flying all over the place and blood on the walls [Music] [Music] alright Phil the design you have here is scary that's a very thick spine you have it the edges are sharp as you can see very deadly the one thing about this is that it's heavy that is something to take into account when you're carrying something like this into battle and you got to move multiple times but more importantly your weapon will kill thank you sir all right John your tear you ready let's do it I'm feeling good about the kill test I know my blade is sharp and I think it'll cut really well [Music] pushed out a rib all right John I love the feel of the blade you can really fight with because it's lighter your blade also is very slim that it penetrates in there and there's no resistance even enough to push out a rib more important I love the balance I love the feel and it will keel thank you sir all right gentlemen it's time for the strength test the pike push and armor stab now the partisan was often used in castle or in city defense so to test the overall strength and construction of your blades I'll be pushing against these pikes with the blade and then stabbing into the armor now this test is not about what your weapons do to the targets spell those targets you're gonna do to your weapons Philip you're up first you ready yes sir [Music] alright Philip this thing is a beast the weight the shape of your tip really makes it a good penetrating weapon the issue I have is a partisan was a standoff weapon you've got to be able to control it and at full extension that weights hard to control I like the fact that you have this high medial Ridge I like your design my only issue is the weight good job thank you sir John you ready let's do it I am a little bit worried about the blade going into the strength test you know stabbing at armor with the blade being as thin as it is I was really concerned about keeping the weight down hopefully it holds up [Music] [Music] okay John the weapon is light it's well balanced I really like that issue I have is down here it looks as if this is the thinnest spot now you've got a differential heat treat you can actually see those lines and that soft core it may be what's affecting this blade so as soon as I stabbed in and locked up that blade went with this Bend it's not safe to test this blade anymore it's gonna keep on bending it's gonna get harder and harder to control John your blade has suffered a significant deformation in the course of our strength testing its received a vote of no-confidence from the judges I have to ask you to please leave the forge I completely agree with the judge's decision with the way that blade bent I wouldn't be comfortable testing it either even though I'm not a forged in fire champion I am proud of the work I turned in bill congratulations brother you did a great job and I'm happy for you Phillip you are the new forged in fire champion that's a title that comes with a check for $10,000 good job I just want forts in the fire John you're awesome dude an amazing competitor the sense of joy and an accomplishment knowing my daughter is gonna see there's so many emotions right now there's I'm overwhelmed I'm trying to hold back tears man taking it home to Texas [Music] you you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 5,639,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history channel shows, history shows, forged in fire, bladesmiths, metal, sword making, sword makers, knife makers, blade competition, edged weapons, forged in fire season 6 clips, forged in fire history, forged in fire s6, forged in fire se06, forged in fire season 6 episodes, The Partizan Final Round, John vs Philip, The Partizan, Partizan polearms, Ballistics dummies, forged in fire s6 clips, forged in fire se06 clips, forged in fire clips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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