Forged in Fire: DEADLY DUO Ginunting Swords Create TROUBLE in the Final Round (Season 8) | History

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well gentlemen congratulations the two of you have succeeded and you are both moving forward in the third and final round of our double trouble competition in this last round we're gonna be sending you back to your home forges but we're not gonna be asking you to build one iconic weapon from history we're gonna ask you to make two you will be building these a pair of gnunting swords as one of the weapons issued to the philippine military special forces units the gnunting swords have proven to be effective and deadly weapons the word gennunting translates to scissors and the inward curve of the blade's design allows for deeper cuts while also proving the user with a thin lightweight weapon when paired together as a sword and dagger the longer sword serves its offensive long-range weapon while the shortest sword serves to be defensive post-war weapon the intimidating dual swords are built for brutal combat as well as navigating thick jungle terrain well gentlemen you'll both have four days to build your pair of gnutings one of you is gonna come back here and leave ten thousand dollars richer carrying the title of fortune fire champion we will see you in four days good luck my name is chris o'brien i am 43 years old ever since i was little i loved creating things i loved making things i'm actually an art major and when i ran across bladesmithing i was just like that's something i need to try i'm gonna finish forging out this blade and then i'm going to forge up another billet and do the second blade and then that way i can heat treat at the same time with both blades we're almost there all right we're about ready to hit it that's the sound you want to hear right there i decide i'm going to try a burn through getting the tip just a little hot there that looks good building these two swords this slowing me down a little bit i'm still on track to be able to finish with pretty good time looking pretty good i like it i like it all i have left to do is sharpen the little blade and it'll be all done [Music] my name is brian salisbury i'm 60 years old the reason i got into blade smithing was i wanted a very particular knife for my work i worked for the telephone company so i made it and finally i just said oh the heck with it i'll start making knives it keeps me busy and out of my wife's hair okay i got them forged out the curves look good i got my tangs in i've got to get these things in the oil and that way i know what i'm up against tomorrow there it is she's hard under there so second one going in all right let's see if she skates please please please please not grabbing anywhere very nice nice now i'm going to drill the holes in we've got to finish up the last handle and i am done very similar look to him very happy i got to use these things yeah that works all right bladesmiths welcome to the keel test to find out how lethal your weapons are i'm gonna take your weapons and deliver some slashes and thrust in this big carcass brian europe first you ready for this tear it up you mad dog i will [Music] nice all right brian let's talk about your gnu things here first off forget noon things they're a little bit on the heavier side but that lends itself to cut deep into the big carcass your handle construction is smooth and it gives me good retention and overall sir you're getting things you have a keel nice all right chris your turn so you ready for this absolutely all right let's do it [Music] all right chris let's talk about your noon things here first up what i like about your weapon here is the balance it's nicely distributed the edges you have here are sharp as you can see pretty much cut a lot of this pig up overall sir you are getting things do a keel awesome all right gentlemen you know what time it is it's time for the strength test the bamboo chop to test the strength and durability of your blades i'll be taking your nunting and chopping into our bamboo target here with now remember this isn't about what you're gonna done things do to that target but what that target can do to your ganon tank brian you're up first you ready yeah go ahead ain't got nothing else to do this afternoon all right brian first off they've got some heft to them but they don't feel bad they they actually swing pretty good your blade picked up just the teeniest roll and then on the smaller the two blades there's a again it's just the smallest deflection other than that they held up beautifully well done thank you very much chris you ready to play sure all right chris right off your handle design for me is just about perfect as far as swinging these things man they're super light the balance is really nice on these i don't feel anything on your edge when i run my fingernail up this thing no deflections no rolls so good job thank you all right bladesmiths we know your blades can kill and we know they're strong now it's time to find out just how sharp your blades are this is the sharpness test the animal hides slice now to find out how sharp your weapons are i'm going to take your genuine things and i'm going to thrust and slash across this animal hide brian you're first you ready for this absolutely all right let's do this [Music] all right brian the edges you have here are sharp every cut over there is quite clean no jagged edges and overall sir your weapon you look happy thank you sir chris your turn so you ready yep all right let's do this all right chris first up the grinds that you have here are perfect for this kind of cut because there is no resistance overall sir you're getting things it'll cut thank you well gentlemen we had three tests we got two smiths but we can only have one winner you guys both performed very well but as you know only one of you can go home the title of fortune fire champion in a check for ten thousand dollars the judges have made the decision and today's fortune fire champion is chris congratulations brian unfortunately your blade just didn't make the cut and dave baker's gonna tell you why brian i think i can speak for all of us when i say that competitions like this are the ones we love to see where smiths bring back weapons that are so closely matched this came down to the smallest things chris's blade was a little bit sharper than yours it didn't take any damage you did a great job it's a beautiful blade thank you well brian you're clearly a very talented smith and your work speaks for herself on that but unfortunately your time here has ended i'm gonna have to ask you to please step off the forge floor i put forth my best effort but it is what it is you can't let it each up too bad i wouldn't do a damn thing differently i got matched up against an absolutely excellent bladesmith this time he came out on top we go again he just might not congratulations you are today's forged and fire champion you got yourself a check for ten thousand dollars my blades performed very well i thought it would be awesome for my kids just to prove to them that if you put yourself out there and put the work in you can accomplish what you're after my name is chris o'brien and i am the forged and fire champion you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 583,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, documentaries, forged in fire, forged in fire clips, forged in fire full episodes, bladesmiths, metal, swords, sword making, sword makers, knife makers, blade competition, edged weapons, marine corps, marines, branch battle, will it keel, will it kill, wil willis, doug marcaida, dave baker, ben abbott, j neilson, season 8, S8, season
Id: a6LOsdqU5fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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