Foreigner on the Habits She adopted in the Philippines (Street Interview) 🇵🇭

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no this is my home bro like I really don't wna go back I'm happier here than in Belgium I mean cuz like you see a lot of poverty here in the Philippines but even with all the poverty people still manage to smile what's your name and where you from I'm Lisa and I'm from Belgium Belgium yes Belgium for how long you have been in the Philippines uh at the moment I'm here one year and a half how did you know about the Philippines uh so the go friend of my father is Filipina from dag and then I had a lot of Filipino friends in Belgium already and then my ex from 9 years is Filipino oh so yeah we came here on vacation so yeah so wait you came here in vacation with your ex yeah when was that uh the first time was 8 years ago and then I already came three times after that and I yeah I just fell in love with the place so that's why I decided to move here and yeah found work and everything so how was the reaction of your people knowing that okay you have been in the Philippines before but now you deciding to come and live in the Philippine what was I mean the reaction good question they thought I was crazy cuz uh they already heard me talking about it for like eight years straight every time I told them like oh I'm going to move to the Philippines I'm going to start my career there but it never happened because yeah I Choose Love uh above my yeah career and my dreams so during pandemic I'm like okay I'm so done with Belgium so I decided to really go for living in the Philippines so I looked for a decent job here and then I got hired and when I told my family and my friends they were all shocked so yeah they were like are you sure like you have a life here you have a house you have uh decent work and you're going to all leave that behind just for like live in the Philippines and you don't even know how it's going to work we're going to see you back in uh six months like be sure of that and yeah now one year and a half later I'm still here and everyone is asking me like are you ever going to come back I'm like no oh really you don't plan you don't plan to go back to BG no this is my home bro like I really don't want to go back I feel at home here I'm happier here that in Belgium so yeah every day like when I wake up I'm just like still like pinching myself that I'm literally living here and I yeah I love Belgium as well cuz like my family and my friends are there but I was kind of depressed there and I didn't feel like I was living my life so here it's like just a crazy movie that's all my life has been so yeah beautiful and I'm super duper happy that you you here as well you feel home you feel like as you said this is my home as a foreigner me being here for a while as well I mean hearing this from another Foreigner it makes me happy and I'm pretty sure to everybody watching especially like the Filipino watching them making you feel home it's really kind of like beautiful and let me ask you this how is the Philippines I mean I know you have been here eight years right so but how is the Philippines right now for you uh it changed a lot because yeah before I was just here for three weeks and then I was always with the family of course so I didn't really explore it that much especially also with the party scene so now that I'm like living here alone yeah you can really see the difference from 8 years ago with now um I also actually never been to BGC or Uptown so I was amazed with all the foreigners living here actually and then yeah I like it more cuz um I've been traveling around the past year and like I saw so many amazing places that I didn't know about so if I could choose Philippines like eight years ago or now I would choose it now though it's yeah it also became like how you call it more uh as well so but the only thing that didn't change is a bad connection yeah so that's the only thing I'm still waiting for so yeah but I think that's it like it's better now I know you have been traveling around and we met uh in borai but now we here in BGC how often do you get to travel in the Philippines well um I'm really lucky with my job so I need to go two weeks in the office here in my and then the other two weeks of the month I can go work from wherever so the past year I traveled a lot so especially to borai I think the time we met there was like already my 11th time so yeah I keep coming back to that Island and then yeah I work there as well cuz like I found co-working places with good internet and then like I just go to the beach in the morning morning and then once I need to go to my work I do my work and then it depends like after that is going to the party are going to sleep so yeah why do you think it makes you come back to boraka for all this time that you have been there why why borai um so the first time I went there was with my best friend from ILO ILO and we were two single girls so we're like okay let's go to a hostel so we did a sharing hostel there um I actually met a girl from Belgium in my room and then I met other people also a guy from ILO ILO and then other uh people from all around the world so it was already amazing time there and like I was like okay I really love the place because of the beautiful uh sea then after the other times I went back I went there for Holy Week and then la borai um I was planning to stay three days with my friend from ILO ILO and then I met locals they invited me for their birthday and I yeah I just extended my stay for one week and yeah every time I keep on coming back I keep on meeting more locals as well as foreigners who live in borai so it's also more as coming home for me so cuz I always go there alone mostly and then I just meet with all my friends who live on the Island and we always go to the same place to friends so like it's also like a community there that's really close so yeah it's just like the feeling of having a home away from home yeah so yeah that's why I keep on coming back and of course like it's really a beautiful island bakai like you have everything there you can chill there you have a really great food and then yeah you meet people from from all around the world and until now like I still have connections with those people and we're also planning to go back to borai together so that's like the most amazing thing there yeah beautiful beautiful and you mentioned about you I mean knowing a lot of local having some local friends what is like being friends with Filipinos as a foreigner uh it's fun crazy but fun cuz um yeah for me yeah I moved here to the Philippines to really explore the Philippines and I actually I was always better with foreign people even in Belgium I had like friends from Kosovo from Morocco so I feel more at home with the Filipino people here as well because yeah there's like a certain mentality sometimes if you meet a foreigner it's it's like yeah that kind of Vie you have in Belgium well if you're chilling with uh Filipino people you really get to know the culture they introduce you to their family they introduce you to their home um yeah you will eat uh home cooked food from the moms so that's what I really like just to like explore with them cuz yeah you know like Belgium is just Belgium so it's nice to know more about the culture here right okay so yeah wow beautiful and you mention about traveling all like going around all these Island how is the cost of living and the cost of traveling here in the Philippines um it depends on where you go of course BGC and like Tek are more expensive areas so yeah if you want to save money better not to go here uh but like if you really like I say I'm eating local food I go to the cend area so that's super cheap actually for me and then um it's also really good cuz and the party scene yeah Filipino guys are really hospital hospital yeah so they will treat you and they will really take care of you so like with the parties in you don't really have to worry about how much you're spending cuz yeah they are the ones who are taking care of you anyway and like it's nice because I can explore all the places I also do hostels for the price of course cuz yeah I I don't want to waste too much money on like expensive stuff I'm already good with the cheaper places anyway so yeah I think like I can still save even while I'm traveling and yeah and the good thing as well is that I know a lot of the uh family of family and then friends or friends so like I'm going back to bakai for LA bakai and I'm going to stay with my friend there uh for free for a couple of days so I also don't need to spend money and then after that I'm going to do hosle as well and you mentioned that you eat in C area Filipino food what is your favorite Filipino food c yeah I love cik so like that's my one favorite then cig gang as well cuz I learned how to cook cang and then uh for I think sweets like uh Halo poo and um Leed FL as well yeah those are my favorites crazy that in one year you can already cook CCE guys hopefully next time she going to invite me to her place to try and eat some cang right what is like traveling in the Philippines without speaking talog um so I already know um tagalo I can already understand it a lot cuz I used to watch Tes area and thing uh but here in the Philippines the good thing here from all Asian places is that their English is really fluent and like they really try their best to uh speak English with you and of course like my main language is Dutch so my English is also not super fluent so I always um if they are struggling I always let them know like hey it's okay like take your time and like if it uh if you cannot uh get it in English try and talo I can also uh understand it so we can like come both ways so it's yeah it's been a good thing that I know both of that and then it's really easy yeah yeah can you say something in Tagalog definitely they want you to say something in Tagalog what do you want me to say though something easier oh I mean I mean wait how Gip like it's like what what are you doing here in the Phil yeah I'm still okay okay uh so at the moment yeah I came here like I said for a job I'm working in a call center in it uh but then in my language and then in my free time I am also kind of doing modeling um I doing some influencer stuff but my main dream really was like I was watching T so one of my yeah that's that's good yeah uh so my main uh goal for years was already becoming actress or then also YouTube but you you should open YouTube I think you're going to do well on YouTube thank you I hope so can you shy maybe do you plan to open your YouTube before the interview before I upload it I don't think so oh otherwise I could just put on description I mean on description below and ask channel oh you already have the channel so guys it's going to be in the description below please go there and leave a comment so that she'll she'll be motivated yes please guys she will be motivated to open a YouTube channel and just before we go what advice would you give to other forers that they want to come to the Philippines um don't be scared because I always get the question like hey you move to like a country where there's what they hear on the news like the oh the nature uh stuff then there's a lot of um how you call it like pick pockets and everything well I'm living here one year and a half I only had one uh earthquake and it was a small one and then I never been pickpocket until now let's hope that and just like explore try the local stuff don't yeah don't stay with the foreign mindset really be open to exploring the culture and you will be amazed about what the Philippines has to offer you so I'm was again I'm super happy with the mindset that you have I'm pretty sure let me ask you this do you think the Philippine have changed you as a person it has it really has CZ um actually already from in Belgium because I was watching their Tes area and everything all my Filipino friends were already saying like you're Belgium with the looks but your heart is Filipino so like it really changed me because like I also have a better mindset and I think one of the most important things that the Philippines learn me is like it's okay if you struggle it's normal but always keep on smiling keep on the good mindset keep an open mind to everything like cuz like you see a lot of poverty here in the Philippines but even with all the poverty people still manage to smile and like be grateful for what you have cuz there's so many people who really don't have anything and they're still like yeah happy with the small things they have right so like really appreciate it and yeah always be thankful to God I also became more faithful here in the Philippines and in Belgium so yeah like those are the stuff the Philippines really teach me I'm super happy for you I'm happy for you to to take the courage to leave your country come here now here you feel like home and you happier here as well just before we go any message to the Filipinos watching us right now thank you guys for welcoming welcome in me in your home uh thank you for always uh being sweet to me and yeah like thanks to your personality and your mentality it's uh a home for many foreigners so never change like cuz so many foreigners love it here because of you so I think that's my message yeah thank you so much and I hope you guys have enjoyed I hope you guys have learned some something with her story and that you guys are more motivated to move on in life please wait go to her channel on the description below support her and show her some love as well and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't subscribe to the channel yet on that way YouTube will push the video to more people so see you guys on the next street interview or a podcast bye-bye
Channel: Calvin Castiel
Views: 307,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philippines, philippines travel vlog, philippines travel, manila, asia, street interview, calvin castiel, life in the philippines, foreigners on how philippines changed their life perspective, bts philippines, the philippines, why this europeans chose boracay for life, foreigners in the philippines, first impressions of the philippines, german in the philippines, tagalog
Id: PVQ9tBeDwso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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