Foreign Women on Dating FILIPINOS | Philippines πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­

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it's kind of complicated text you every morning every day did you eat did you sleep how is everything otherwise it's gonna be super hard I had so many friends and few of them also like dream on them just like left the counter because it was kind of impossible hey everyone in the previous video I asked foreign men about their insights on the dating scene in the Philippines so a good follow-up video will be to ask the same type of questions to foreign women so that's exactly what I'm going to do this time I'm back in BGC and I'm interested to hear the insights of the woman this time so let's go around and ask them foreign all right so what's your name away from my name is Alona I'm from Ukraine okay nice to meet you so today's video is going to be about the dating scene in the Philippines uh so what does the dating scene like in the Philippines I would say mostly people use here Tinder yeah and bamboo or something like that because I heard from my friends I was sitting in Tinder quite a few times when I was single um honestly Tinder just like if you want to find some body Filipino guys for dating uh they probably I will describe them like they will helpful they're gonna be with you every time they're gonna text you every morning every day did you eat did you sleep how is everything could say some kind of women will like it and it's cool uh some kind of human will like get it it's annoyed because I was annoyed like oh don't ask me a question I just woke up I don't want to talk to anybody but they definitely are family oriented most of the Filipino guys here family oriented and they gonna treat you like a queen if you wanna be some Queen so what's your name Bianca Bianca Okay you're from I'm Brazilian okay and how long have you been living here I'm living here for five years I think for the girls it's kind of complicated I had so many friends and fill up them also like dream on them just like left the country because it was kind of impossible yeah and like for the I don't know maybe the guys are too girly sometimes I think for a guy it's easier then for a girl I don't know just my experience I think I think the date you see me here is really it's fast because we have a lot of foreigners coming yeah so can be like super passionate and someone might want to marry you but also there's other foreigners coming and like traveling around so it's also easy if you don't want this kind of commitment so what's your name and where are you from um my name is Winnie and I'm from I'm from I live in the Philippines but I'm from Taiwan you know to be honest I'm actually thinking about the best candidate because I I dated my boyfriend since high school okay so we're a high school sweetheart right yeah okay I mean so maybe you can come on like what's something that you think is like typical Filipino when it comes to something that maybe you're not going to see in other cultures um I think maybe family Orient like um you have to be very family oriented here in the Philippines meeting and approval of family is very serious in comparison to I say Western families right it's not like a western family you make your own decisions like it's really up to you to you have the autonomy to be like hey I'm dating this person and your parents are like yeah I trust you to do that a lot of Western families are like that but like in Filipino families it's like we have to love you in order for you to have right like to have the approval and to keep dating this person otherwise it's gonna be super hard like what's the big difference uh when you compare to Brazil what I feel you hear like everyone is looking for a wife or a husband yeah so in Brazil is not like that and also we don't play so if you want something you're gonna tell something and that's it there's no there's less drama around and I think we are more straightforward like for the points and if you just want to set I just want to sex if you want to Merit and that's like we're more more clear about expectations yeah I was gonna ask like how is it any different from the dating scene in Ukraine you already mentioned a couple points uh maybe something else uh it's not that much difference from uh Ukrainian guys and Filipino guys I will say they also like try to take care of yourself you yourself and they also try to put you in the position that you are women so you're doing your women job and I'm a man I'm doing my man job uh which is I will say consider in Ukraine to be close to it not 100 the same but so close to it but in terms of Western uh guys it's just such a different because Western mentality are like a North American mentality it's more about like we are Partners so so you providing I'm providing via team together we are making team together and here is this guy like don't worry be at home pops up babies and I'm gonna do everything for you and as I say like for some women it's cool I would say maybe for definitely 50 of women will be like oh cool like I can sit at home I can be a woman and I can do whatever I want but for some woman just like oh I also have Korea I also want to be successful I don't know if I can sit at home like I can pop up the baby for you but you're gonna see yourself okay so but do you have experience with Filipino guys or no my best friend she is married a Filipino guy and I remember that when I saw him I was just like so concerned so concerned but later when in a new story how they met and when he didn't do usual Filipino stuff to her so one of the story which he brought is like they driving somewhere and she's asked him can we stop to 7-Eleven I need to buy a load she expected yeah which is most of the time I'm gonna be like that that he gonna come with her and he gonna pay for her Lord but he's just like okay go buy a load by yourself and needs I think what whereas here uh let you know that you're not gonna use me because it's also unfortunately some of the women can take position of these guys to use them yeah for something for better life without like actually have feelings and it's very as uh I would say a little bit concerned for Filipino guys because they easily can be used they you should keep it you still should keep in mind yes you should treat your woman as a queen and everything but are you sure that it's your queen are you sure that she seen you as a king so yeah if you date a Filipino Filipinos I did I did yeah I did a few of them a few of them kind of they are looking for a wife yeah it was that time not my timing okay okay so it was like kind of I had a kind of drama yeah and people calling you it's like just don't call me they're good with commitment yeah they are really looking for commitment and they're relatively passionate yeah but I think they are looking for commitment with every single person like just chill would you be as interested in dating a Filipino as like a foreigner or would you be as interested in dating a Filipino guy as you are in of course it's not about like Filipinos or not Filipinos just because here I found this kind of commitment more stronger than the other countries right but I don't have a problem about it so we just see a lot on those three there's like uh like a foreigner guy with a Filipina girlfriend but you don't see it really like the other way around like a foreign woman with like a Filipino guy what do you think that is I feel like it's ingrained in Social cultures yeah I feel like a lot of females maybe because of social culture and what we see online maybe women gravitate towards these Western cultures because they like um the Independence at Western people have or like you kind of just glamorize that yeah so that's why you do see a lot of foreign guys with Filipina girls what do you think the opposite is not so much because for example to me I'm like 170 I'm not that tall but the guys here they're like kind of small yeah like short and also they're they are kind of uh they are too feminine sometimes feminine oh yeah like no beard like uh kids face so the peanut butter you're looking for or what do you like it so for me I don't think it's a problem I just didn't find a right Filipino maybe yeah is it is it tough for you to to date here in the Philippines since relatively speaking there are not so many foreigners here in the Philippines uh I would say now after kovit uh done finally uh now move for a nurse uh here but most of the foreigners for now coming back uh they're coming here for traveling so they're not long-term uh they're not looking for long-term term relationship yeah and during covet it was the same because everybody who stayed here for a long time after a year been in lockdown and face mask just left so now while one of my friends is searching for for her love Yeah Tinder um I just said YouTube YouTube yeah I will just go to the last question so what's an advice you can give to a woman coming here for a woman I would say be open for every opportunity don't look it on the Filipino people as a week they're not big they gonna if you will fall in love with some of them you're gonna be treated best ever you can imagine don't think that every Foreigner here gonna treat you the same and keep in mind that foreigners here they're still foreigners here most of the time they came here for vacation and most of the times they came here just to have some fun right and if you're really searching for a long relationship don't search them in Tinder or don't search them and bamboo just find your people around maybe through your community like I have a lot of my Russian Ukrainian friends from Belarus so who is meet Filipina people go around have fun on poblazon maybe in one moment you will find somebody don't put a lot of I said oh he's the one in the beginning yeah but also don't consider him like oh it's definitely not my type he can he can open for you from different side like us I will say don't like the face like the soul take a time to find his soul right okay nice thank you thank you so what's an advice you can give to foreign women coming here to the Philippines when it comes to dating um I think if you if you you can find everything here like you can find like foreigners and Filipinos so many nationalities and also you can find what you are looking for like if you're just commitment I think and find commitment with the Filipinos most likely because the foreigners are like traveling yeah and if you just have like fun I think it's also easy to have fun here okay yeah nice thank you welcome you know I've watched night do you guys watch 90 day um fiance I don't watch it personally yeah one of the biggest tips about like uh between like Western and like Asian cultures Etc is to really understand the cultural nuances and differences in the culture or else you're just not going to go along if you plan on dating somebody you have to accept them wholeheartedly and like the differences that you have otherwise it's just not going to work because you have to understand that everyone grew up differently and the social Society Norms are different for each culture so understand that and I think that you will have a flourished relationship right don't understand that it's not gonna happen okay yeah nice yeah all right so that concludes today's video hope you guys enjoyed it uh this video actually took three days to make since there are not a lot of former women here in the Philippines that can fit this topic most of the time you will see foreign guys dating Filipino girlfriends and not so much former women dating Filipino guys so for that reason it was pretty hard to make this video but I'm happy that I did it so yeah if you're interested in seeing more of these type of videos then you can check that one out where I go on the street and as foreign guys about their experience dating Filipino women or you can check that one out where I asked about the Filipino culture and how important family is for the Filipinos so yeah with all that being said hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will see in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Rob Wanders
Views: 877,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asking women, Dating filipino, Dating filipino men, Dating in philippines, Dating men, Datingabroad, Filipino dating, Relationship philippines, dating, dating abroad, dating advice, dating advice for women, dating in the philippines, dating tips, dating tips for women, datingforwomen, online dating, online dating tips, relationship advice, relationship advice for women
Id: 770rppR5wRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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