Ford v Ferrari - What really happened

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[Music] 24 hours of lamang in 1966 was one of the most significant races in motorsport history immortalized on the silver screen by the Ford versus for our movie the Hmong 66 was all about two automotive Giants going head-to-head in the tale of two very different words just shut your mouth and let me do my thing while the film Center on the story of the relationship between Cal miles and Carroll Shelby the real significance was the arm-wrestle between the manufactures we have to keep in mind that the creation of La Mora is in 1923 and from the beginning until let's say the mid 60s the car makers wing at the mall our whole European car makers and the best one from that era is Ferrari with nine overall wins at them oh never never an American car manufacturer walnut Lemoine that period [Music] it is true that at the beginning father came to learn not to beat her to destroy her because of that economical war they had trying to buy Ferrari so I mean l'amour was again as a fielder to solve the difference they have between the two the two guys Enzo Ferrari and Henry fought the mid-60s that was an era actually until the mid 70s that endurance racing an f1 were unequal foot in term of Technology in term of budget and in term of worldwide audience and in turn of media interest as well the two categories were really going head-to-head for worldwide audience and for to get the best drivers to get the best manufacturers and get the best teams out there in the blue corner the blue oval henry ford ii personally oversaw the racing project spurred on by ferrari using ford's interest to ensure fiat bought a majority stake in his company that ensured he would be able to remain at the helm of its racing projects when Ford had decided to enter llama the way they change racing was also massive in term of budget because we all know that they had an unlimited budget for this race for the first time whether it's Formula One of whether it's endurance racing or even NASCAR money was no object at all in order to win in the red corner Ferrari took lamang just as seriously those days as it takes Formula One today an Enzo Ferrari was all about racing he started making cars and selling cars just to go racing the Scuderia had won the previous six editions and Enzo Ferrari was in no mood to allow fourth in particular to break its stronghold of success it was a perfect rivalry to automotive Giants that genuinely hated each other Enzo Ferrari said some really nasty things about henry ford ii so there was a lot on the line the 1965 race had been a disaster for ford it couldn't afford another failure it really was a winner all cost effort from their side in particular henry ford ii was honorary starter waving away the 55 drivers to run across the track and jump into the cars seconds after he does so the four of Gen Widmore and Ferrari of ludovico scarfiotti collide right in front of Kim miles in the number one car that leads miles to being forced to pit at the end of the first lap as his door required fixing if one champion Graham Hill led initially in Ford number seven and four takes a 1-2-3 lead by the end of the first hour with miles still regaining the ground he'd lost Dan Gurney was now in front of the Ford number three but Myers was storming through the field and would take the lead by hour 3 by 8 p.m. only three cars remained on the lead lap Lamar's leading gurney and Petrov Rodriguez in the best place Ferrari sucks is the early pace that records seems certain to fall but it comes at a mechanical cost as both Ferrari and 4 suffer earlier technical failures a major crash occurs as jean-claude OG lost control and spilled oil and his rammed heart by francois parkia in number 54 OG suffered two broken arms and his car sparks a major fire changes the nature of the event the spectators as darkness descended rain began to fall this played into the hands of the more nimble Ferraris and suddenly the Scuderia surged into a 1/2 as Ford's encountered brake problems which was their Achilles heel the solution to this was a quick-change system which allowed them to change both rotors and pads simultaneously by midnight the rain had eased and Ford we established its earlier 1/2 of miles ago Ferrari suffered overheating issues and one by one the beautiful works 330 p3 s and private T entries dropped out of the race with transmission and engine failures costing the Italian mark dearly scarfiotti also crashed out in the Ferrari number 24 wasn't without problems then as gurney retired from the lead with the head gasket failure at 9 a.m. on Sunday morning having been racing very hard against miles at a time despite this Ford held a 1-2-3 with miles number one car well clear of Bruce McLaren and Chris Amon number 2 car in the very early morning car number one driven by Ken miles and Dana Ewell was leading the race with more than two laps ahead from the car number two Chris Amon Bruce back line and then the the gap was really bigger we scale number five and the others still in the race distance the five prototypes at well stacked up behind these are the two Ford's out front the war at the two then came the finish which remains disputed until this day under instructions from Force Racing director Leo Bieber miles was told to slow his pace Ford wanted the formation finish that was posed for the world's cameras to see its moment of glory in his post race press release for insisted it was attempting a dead heat for its winning cars without knowing that the race organisers had decreed that in this event the car would score the longest distance would be the winner and that was the McLaren amenca which started well behind the miles human machine in the film you see miles crossed the line in front of McLaren on a beautifully sunny day that didn't happen for a start it was raining and McLaren took the checkered flag first with miles clearly in second place he checked up before the finish line it's not this is this is not a documentary sold many little details of course they got it either they got it wrong or they they cut the corners but that's a movie so you have to change a little bit to make some times of small details a little bit bigger to have a perfect understanding for a general attendance I mean not only for regular passionate fans of doctor of the sports cap I don't trust him Minj we heard he is difficult no no Ken's a puppy dog there's certain things you can say we're not accurate I mean you know my father never threw a wrench and broken windshields never got in a fistfight with Shelby so but that said the portrayal of his personality was actually pretty close you know he was he could be short-tempered or aloof or even arrogant but he was probably with other people and Moses he was so self-confident that they didn't really care for that food didn't care for miles that part of the film was accurate but the great mystery is how did he lose those laps' he was leading the race by one version of events comes from Shelby's crew chief Charlie Agra whew he was the mechanical whiz kid of the team and says there so many dim breaks that was meant for miles his car was actually taken by McLaren steam it meant miles got a set of brakes he just couldn't drive with they haven't been prepared and he just wasn't anticipating the way they'd handle miles had to make two extra pit stops while they worked out what was going on they found an extra set of brake rotors but nobody was sure where they're bedded in or not but you sent him on his way again was this self sabotage by Ford to get the drivers they preferred on the top step no I don't think that corporate for any of the guys in there made an effort to sabotage or favor any particular guy they just wanted Ford finish and they wanted one two three if at all possible so yeah they had my father slowed down but you know depending on who you talk to he was leading by a bunch of laps where he's reading by you know 40 seconds or four minutes you know it just depends McLaren and Amon would crumble among winners with henry ford ii on the podium moments later they were joind by human miles who walks across and congratulate scimitar I think Christian Bale played miles very accurately in the I think ken shook Henry's hand on the podium probably without saying a word then he strolled over to Bruce and after sipping his champagne probably asked him about those brakes there's victory within defeat right he did achieve this lap that was record-breaking they did do it their way there is no surprise the corporations behave this way that they're not out to be purist races as these guys are but they they still they still knew that they bloody did it they really did now there is a version where you can do a whole film about just that what happened there the different perspectives the different ideas everyone still to this date disagrees about what actually happened you know it's always hard you know when you're making a movie to our movie it's it's really hard to distill people's lives down into that amount of time so you got to take license and you got to kind of figure out what's your angle of attack and and and once they kind of narrowed it down to this relationship you know you've got Ken and Shelby and then Ken with his wife and son and and it that's kind of just that you know what kind of perfect amount to make a movie about so there's a question as to whether my father was a little mad at corporate and actually hit the brakes - slightly disturb that perfect finish or if McLaren got on a little bit it's another one of those debatable things and if you talk from what I heard from Chris Amon was I wouldn't be surprised if he did that and then you heard a story from MacLaren's supposedly a letter to his father that he set the whole thing up so no to me I'm just it's a piece of history and I'm just okay it happened it happened I'm sorry my father didn't win I wish he had but it's you know it's this way it is it's okay it's all good I think the ladies facing the podium says it all I'd love to know what she heard him saying Ford's victory 1966 paved the way for a string of success for the blue oval which would win the French classic another three times and full Ferrari Ferrari has never won Lamont outright again just think about that four gt40 was a car that changed a sports car landscape forever this victory was seismic in every sense in the battle between henry ford ii and enzo ferrari the juice won American Muscle be Italian sophistication [Music]
Channel: Motorsport Images
Views: 653,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ford, Ferrari, FordvFerrari, Ford v Ferrari, Ford vs Ferrari, Ford movie, Ferrari Movie, motorsport, motorsport images, motorsport photo, motorsport photography, Film, Movie, Academy Awards, Tom Kristensen, Ken Miles, Carroll Shelby, Le Mans, Le Mans 24, LM24, Le Mans 24 Hours, Le Sarthe, Le Mans 1966, 1966, Enzo Ferrari, documentary, Ford film, motorsport tv,, motorsport network, racing, racer, race car, race car driver, circuit, autosport, gT40, What really happened
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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