Ford Bronco 2 Door VS 4 Door

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hey guys we have a lot to get through today not a lot of times let's get right through it today we are comparing this Bronco two-door to this Bronco four-door if you guys are new to the channel this is performance on Wheels my name is Austin this is my dad Todd and we just recently took delivery of this Bronco four-door wild Trek we have owned this Bronco two-door Big Ben for about four months now and today we're going to compare the differences between the Bronco two-door at the Bronco four-door and which one you should buy if you have other interest on the Bronco make sure you check out some of our other videos where we compare the trim packages the price differences all sorts of stuff related to Broncos but stay tuned for four-door versus two-door before we get started let's go over the topics that we're going to go over in this video comparing the two and four-door we're going to start with the back seats overall the Comfort differences and what it feels like sitting in the back seats of the two-door sitting in the backseat to the four-door which one we like better and overall the differences between the two then we're going to go ahead and move back a little bit further to the trunk obviously the four doors a bit longer so let's talk about the differences in size in the trunk how much further the back seat sit or if there's is any more trunk space at all we're going to go over that as well not only that but we're going to take them out on the road and drive them we're going to share both of our opinions be being behind the wheel of the two and four-door what they are like driving on some winter roads here in the state of Minnesota but let's get started with the back seats we are going to do our best to keep the trim differences out of the opinions here and just talk merely on the size differences yes yes they are they are very different trims we will have a video comparing the trims but let's get into sizes let's go ahead and get started with the overall seat comfort in the back of the Bronco two and four-door starting with what it is like getting in and out of them so you know where we're standing here we went to each of the front seats in both the two-door and the four-door and I adjusted them being six feet tall to where I could comfortably go as forward as possible but still be comfortable so that's where these front seats are sitting right now let's see what it's like getting into the four-door we have the running boards as an option on both the wild track and the Big Bend you'll see that I do have to be mindful of my head getting in and out otherwise I will whack that they have that nice grab handle getting in you have the door so that is easy it's still a very fairly narrow passageway to get in here and believe it or not even with the seat forward there's not tremendous amounts of leg room in the back of the four-door let's have Austin jump in the back of the two-door and see what that's all about so getting into the two-door there is another step involved so there is this handy dandy handle that they do actually have on the four-door or the two-door I meant and you just grab that handle it folds the seat forward and it also moves it in one sway so I grab that handle folds It Forward seat moves forward and then I step on that optional step put another foot back in the back seat sort of crawl and weasel my way in between the B pillar and the seat I pull the seat back then I pull the top of the seat back I sit down and boom it's easy as that it is a bit more of a hassle getting in and out and I will say that the narrow space in between the seats and the B pillar of the Bronco can can be a bit of a pain in the butt and I do commonly whack my head on the roof trying to sneak my way out between here however once you're back there it's not bad yeah you do have to get back there my mother-in-law has been in the back seat of the two-door which gravity may have helped her get back to the seat a little bit it's a bit of a challenge with where you have to position your feet to get back there yeah but once you're back there let's get into what that's like let's do it but two of us back here in the Bronco four-door this is totally doable I could easily get around sitting back here leg wise my knees sit a little bit higher than my legs but they're at somewhat of a 90 degree angle I wish the seat sat maybe a hair higher yeah other than that it's roomy however unlike the Bronco two-door we actually have a middle seat and a seat belt here as well yeah I don't know that I'd want to do it between the pillar and the ground yeah as well as what that does for shoulder room I mean you can see that we can touch each other if we want to we did actually have three people three adults three adults in the back seat of the Bronco day one of ownership um adult one was sort of sitting over here adult two was sitting over there it did not work so if you're buying this and hopes to use the middle seat um yeah it does not work that that's not going to work for you it's your legs is the issue as well yeah because there is the transmission tunnel in the middle as well so you have no legroom either one thing I definitely notice is yeah so you have the your cup holders are in the the armrest in the center and the four-door there yeah but what's goofy about it is the height of it so it's like you have to lean if you want to enjoy the armrest and the armrest on the doors and this is kind of a complaint on both of them yeah is it's so small on the door that it's kind of awkward to use it is a little bit awkward we need mini me arms however you can use the upper one right under the window that's not too bad right the last item on the four-door Bronco worth mentioning is the fact that if you do hold the handle that goes forward right that's the hand though I'm speaking about you can actually recline just a little bit there's two lock points so you can be more like 90 degree sitting position but you can also get like a three-quarter inch to an inch recline out of it which does add the sitting adds the difference to the sitting position surprisingly uh you wouldn't think this in my opinion I think sitting in the back seat of the two-door is more comfortable than sitting in the back seat of the four-door yes it is quite a hassle to get back here however once you are back here you have more legroom forward wise yeah way more knee room I agree you have more room side to side I have more spots to put my arms yeah um and it's just overall roomier you are the optimistic one and I will be the Devil's Advocate okay I'm not disagreeing with anything you said I do feel ultimately more comfortable sitting back here however when I'm going to dig into the negatives of it yeah so you can't necessarily bring your feet back because of the tunnel that the seat is sitting on but you can move them forward and you have more room for your legs but you could also just kind of you know do the sideways leg thing right and just kind of sit like this on a long road trip and I know it's hard for you guys to see me but we'll get a clip of it here um but it's just you can move around more there's more areas to move more areas to put your arm you do still have a place to charge your phone granted we are lacking cup holders back here yeah I would say that the back of the seat is that just it's a slightly odd position but what I would say about the four-door is the butt part of the seat is at a slightly odd position yeah so they didn't nail either one of them both of them has the little tweaks but at the end of the day I agree it is more comfortable once you get back in the two-door sitting back here everything's a hard surface so from your like elbows elbow standpoint um your middle elbow doesn't have anything to rest on but the the two spots you can rest your elbow everything's hard everything would be hot if you had your top off or whatever so it's actually a surprise to me I was not expecting this I wasn't either but I would like to see this down in the comments below because we're not trying to bring trims into play here however we're not a big fan of the front seats in this Big Bend uh the back seats are even worse they're just kind of hard they're not very comfortable I am curious if any of you have a higher trim two-door if your back seat seats are softer or have a bit more cushion than ours or if that's just a back seat thing in the two-door yeah now that you talk about front seats let's hop up there really quick just to point out minimal differences we really don't need to get in the front seat so that was kind of a joke because they're identical the seats are identical The Only Exception is that you have different seat rails on the two-door to accommodate getting to the back seat so it might have a little extra opportunity for leg room let's check that out to show you here I am legs forward I can fully extend my leg getting onto the kick plate so we'll have to show you that on the four-door as well but the real thing I wanted to show you guys is obviously the door we have a bigger door and you'll notice that right in this section with that bigger door also comes a bigger window and this might be part of an issue that I've noticed is with that bigger glass if you have it down a little bit it can really be prone to some shaking in that two-door let's hop over to the four-door quick and check it out on the driver's side look looking at the four-door now you can see that there's that whole panel that's missing compared to the two-door so you have a piece of glass that has some more rigidity to it but you also have that shorter arm rest that arm rest is the same size in both the two-door and four-door you just get a little more plastic I went ahead and put this seat all the way back and you can see that if I were to bat I'd bet I'm getting about a quarter to a half inch more of leg room on the two-door versus the four-door so if you are the sole owner of the Bronco and you are vertically challenged in the positive manner meaning you're really freaking tall you might want the two-door that pretty much wraps up the back seats of the two and four door overall to summarize it we enjoy sitting in the back of the two-door a lot more I think it's more comfortable over it's hard to get back there and the seat quality isn't great if we hop in the back of the four-door we it's easier to get back there however there isn't really as much room as What It ultimately feels like I do want to briefly talk about the tops so here on the four-door we actually have more tops believe it or not we have two up front we have one middle section that is just one piece removable then we have this back section as well if we go over here to the two-door we have two single tops up front and then this entire back piece is like basically the same as the last back piece on the four-door so this has to be entirely unbolted where the second row of the four-door is just a clip on as we segue the video into talking about storage capacity and cargo room I do want to point out that in the four-door as long as you don't have the seats folded forward you do have a nice opportunity to fit a bunch of stuff underneath those rear seats those rear seats in the two-door are right to the ground so there is not an opportunity to do that however let's get into what's in the back of these things now we're about to talk trunk space between the four-door and the two-door however I would like to say it would be greatly appreciative if you guys would take the time to go down hit like hit subscribe we're really trying to grow our channel here on performance on Wheels it it does truly help the algorithm if you guys be willing to do that for us now let's go ahead and get into the trunks here let's go ahead and open them up right same functionality two-door four-door you got that gate that swings along the glass rear wiper on both but now there's a dramatic difference there is a very large difference here very very large uh I would say it's not even comparable really right hey how about you hop in the back of your see what it looks like okay I can do that how are you sitting oh geez how you feeling over there I fit I'm not gonna lie well maybe I don't know if it would shut actually yeah unfortunately Grandma Ida is not around for this video so we don't have just all of her luggage to fill the trunks with to truly test how much each one can fit if you don't know what I'm talking about check out our is the Bronco two-door practical video so if you want some numbers in your numbers type of person with the seats folded up two-door versus four-door there is a 16 cubic foot difference and cargo room and if we fold those seats down it is a 32 cubic foot difference that's dramatic that is huge that is a massive amount of space there are a couple other small differences when you just talk about overall on the back some of those are related to trim so you have to take that with a grain of salt for example we have speakers here on the two-door there might be a little cubby there so you do have to take what you're seeing here with a grain of salt but what you don't have to take with a grain of salt is the exact same jack location and the small storage bin on both the two-door and four-door they are identical but there's obviously a large difference one thing that I will admit is nice on the two-door versus the four-door is I actually have to go over here I either have to crawl in the back or I have to go to that back passenger door to put my headrest down and to fold the seat down and now I'm going to run over to the other side of the vehicle all so I can also put my headrest down and put my seat down let's see how easy that is to do over on the two-door see that's where my dad is actually wrong you would think it's very easy by just simply pulling the strap and the headrest coming down and the seat folding forward so that is pretty easy however the seat's not flat so I actually have to run over here quick come open up this door you got to go over here I actually have to move the driver's seat forward then I got to come back here and I grab the floor the floor comes forward then the floor folds up and I gotta run back here gonna grab this button pull the strap head rest down down goes the seat and now they're flat so there's actually a little bit longer of a process to make them totally flat back here now that we've seen the differences between the back seats and the trunk and the two and four-door I think it's safe to say the main reason you would purchase the four-door is the trunk the trunk is huge it is a massive difference between the two and four-door but the back seats of the two-door I think currently have the wind so I would I would prefer riding in the two doors back seats on a road trip than the four doors however assuming you don't have a broken leg assuming you don't have a broken leg however if part of your family is currently in a car seat or older the four-door is the way to go because of the accessibility and just simply getting into the bag what if you have a strange obsession with Costco and you need a lot of groceries every week this would be totally fine just fold the seats all right now that we've gone over all the ins and outs of the inside and the outside differences of the Bronco let's get in these things and drive it we'll let you guys know what I want it to drive that 16 inch wheelbase difference between the two-door and four-door trying to take into account that these trims are dramatically different we are currently trying to compare how different the turning radius is between the two and four-door what we did is we lined our back tire up in the center with the cone that you guys see and now we're just holding it full lock and you can notice how close we are from that cone you would think being the two-door that there would be this dramatically better turning radius I'm surprisingly I'm not seeing a dramatically bigger turning radius difference at all it is way closer than I would have thought uh yeah mine too actually looking at the two of them and looking at my outside Tire I'd say it's within two to three inches actually so one of my arguments was going to be that the two-door Bronco is so much easier to drive around town which it is when you're talking about like parallel parking obviously you have a 15 inch difference in length but when it comes to maneuvering around town you have about the same deal between the two and the four-door that's pretty impressive actually I never would have guessed that granted I am slowly getting further and further away from that cone as am I all right so we both drove the two of them and after driving them back to back I just think there's way too many variables uh into them driving very different when we're talking about the trims the wild truck that we have is I mean it's decked out to the limit so it's got It's got a high suspension the Raptor steering rack 35 inch tires the the ride is just so unbelievably different that I think comparing the two of them would be very unfair um but just being behind the wheel of them I I would just say the only main difference is you notice is your mirrors there's another door behind you and the mirror looks like it's a lot further out if anything it's the drivability around town yeah you have 15 inches less of vehicle that's following you yeah absolutely um but yeah overall I just don't think it's fair to compare what they feel like just driving granted I can assure you this thing is way squirrelier like like the back end will constantly try to slide out on you and it can be quite challenging to correct we have had some commenters say that they haven't had issues granted they have bigger tires on so it could very well play into the tires we have on ours um but yeah this thing will step out on you and it's very hard to correct because of the incredibly short wheelbase where that one just feels way more stable because of its just length that's really the point that I wanted to make too is it just feels more stable yeah you have a longer distance of wheels so there's greater variance in the terrain that the wheels are touching it gives you more stability as you're driving down the road this one at times depending on the circumstance when I say this one we're in the two-door right now um it can just exactly your words are good it can feel squirrelier it can feel not as assuring or it doesn't give you as much confidence Drive driving down the road yeah especially when you're talking about either rough terrain or slippery terrain anything other than just driving down dry smooth roads the four-door gives you a greater yeah and well I also just in my opinion I haven't driven them too much but I feel like at higher speeds I feel more confident going like highway speeds in the four-door than I do in the two-door absolutely I just I just feel more confident it feels like I have better control of the vehicle guys hit that like hit that subscribe button for additional videos comparing trims comparing dollar amount differences on the Bronco if you happen to be cross shopping waiting for your Bronco to show up in the market for a Bronco whatever you are watching this video for related to a Bronco we have many other videos so hit that subscribe button we personally have both of these Broncos in our garage in our possession so if you have any ideas between the two of these Broncos let us know in the comments below and we will get to making some videos starting to warm up here in Minnesota so we're going to be out just making videos it's just a good time so thank you guys so much look forward to seeing you next time
Channel: Performance On Wheels
Views: 58,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2dr bronco, 4dr bronco, 2023 Ford bronco, 2022 Ford bronco, wait time for bronco, bronco buyers guide, Ford bronco, bronco wildtrack, bronco raptor, bronco big bend, bronco outer banks, bronco black diamond, which bronco, best off road, best 4x4, bronco vs wrangler, how big is the bronco, overlanding, Broncos, bronco nation, bronco cargo, bronco back seat
Id: swhlJ6QOATM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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