Ford 9 Inch Ends On 8.8 Mustang Rear Axle

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[Music] so in the last video I started putting nine-inch housing ends on an eight point eight so in this video and basically finish that [Music] [Music] so I get a ton of questions about the 8.8 radians that come into Mustangs and whether they're strong enough they're stronger or weaker than say a nine inch and there's not really a fast short answer for that but they are way stronger that people give them a credit and you think about it it's an eight point eight inch ring gear versus a nine inch ring gear which is like 0.2 of an inch so I mean anytime my ring gear size basically the same thing and then the aftermarket for these things is huge so you can get all kinds of stuff including nine-inch housing ends so really the weak point in an eight point eight is the actual bearings in the end of the housing it's got more of a needle style bearing so that's them there so you can see the needle bearings in there and really the biggest downfall is that you're a breaking axle there's nothing keeping the axle from just sliding out right there's a c-clip in the very center of the axle so if anything breaks anywhere in between what's left of the axle the wheel the tire all that stuff's just going to come out down the track down the road whatever so a lot of guys will use c-clip eliminators which is basically a pressed on brain that bolts to the side of the factory housing on the 8.8 and it has its limitations as well so what a lot of guys are doing now is they're just switching over to a nine-inch housing end so you'll weld those ends on it takes the same bearing into the 9-inch four nine-inch takes and so you can just get axles for those and then it kind of solves all the problems so it's an easy fix if you don't want to convert a full nine-inch over into your car just putting the nine-inch housing ends on these you can still run all the 8.8 stuff while your brackets and all the factory practice and all that stuff are still good so that's what we're gonna do today gonna weld these on to that housing I've already kind of got them prepped I'm gonna go in here and weld this up the tubes to the actual housing themselves and then we're gonna gusset the front of these things the reason I can't do it here though is because do this the proper way you need basically a jig that makes sure that the center of the carrier lines up perfectly straight with the center bearings on these housings just to weld these on here flush with the tube may not necessarily be correct so if you guys ever want an arrow a rear end or whatever just making sure that the piece matches back up and it's straight may not be the proper alignment because these tubes here are can be crooked from the factory so what you really want to do is run one solid rod through here and they make jigs that do that so really all that's left for me to do load this stuff up load the housing ends up throw in the back of the fab cab and then head over to my buddy's place [Music] target here [Music] so think we'd have something [Music] [Music] so steel salt steel bar okay the bushings are women for steel [Music] ah [Music] [Music] keep [Music] quality florence's that I am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father station time [Applause] [Music] wanna tell [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right there you go plain and simple 9-inch housing ends on an 8.8 couple gussets this thing's ready to go 1,500 horsepower no problem a lot of guys do this you would think that a lot of guys would switch over the nine-inch rear ends but believe it or not a lot of guys run these 8.8 and they just put the nine-inch housing ends on them they're super strong like this and really not much difference much difference in eight point eight and a nine inch ring gears I mean the size of the ring gears are almost identical you lose a little bit of weight with this this rear end housing but anyway I'll show you guys I don't do customer work and I don't really I mean everyone's lost somebody talked me into doing something like this maybe you want to get in the new shop get some help maybe I'll start taking on a little bit of custom work but for right now this doesn't make any sense I don't know if time to work on my own stuff let alone somebody else stuff so if you want to check out the car this is going in go over to Instagram sick fox I'll put a little link in the description go check it out super nice car if you would quit upgrade and everything you might be done so anyway there you go short little video as always thank you for joining me I'll see you guys some more this week go do work son [Music] dislocate and I just keep [Music]
Channel: The Fab Forums
Views: 68,660
Rating: 4.9091673 out of 5
Keywords: the fab forums
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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