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[Music] [Applause] [Music] with some today in Staffordshire I'm here with his 86 34 that is restored himself Sam tells a bit of a tractor I bought in 2015 work sort of 12 months getting all that and then I decided to restore it how long did it take you for the restoration process it starts in the September they taught me till I'm a quack yeah which I'm just weekends or not yeah did you use it on the farm yeah really like juicers in the summer chance just sort of yeah yeah yeah chance when I get it in the water outfit yeah what horsepower is it about it's about 140 250 is it yeah pretty standard or is it yeah so astonished I think it's not a bit of a tweak on formal yeah yeah for the smoke yeah yeah and you I can see you've modernized it a bit with the LED lights yeah add a bit of a touch to it really without changing the look that one's yeah yeah kept some sort of shape and so I wasn't yeah no it's all in all how much did this kind of cost you from buying it restoring it paint tires I wanna bought it we gave 8/9 hours of the chapter okay start starting restore and it's been to be some Ford 500 pounds of paint then two new tires on the front so that's 720 total yeah and various other bits like beacons and in all in all come to about 2000 it's pretty reasonable for doing up attracted to to standard like this now it's it's usable it's gonna last a long time you know and see you but nothing on the lifts they're still pretty too are you likely to I don't know I might do plyo maybe 4-ply much room yeah it's a shame to knock the paint off isn't it that's right I don't want to do it here oh you cleaned it up nice oh it's tiny yeah I knew it - you look really tiny you had some too bad - no no got often they get battered around it yeah computers mess in and whatnot and it's saying what's it got six thousand eight hundred ninety nine I was on it the power shift in this tractor is all controlled with one gearstick it's a fault clutch of a shuttle push it forward to a forward back to reverse you'll push it away from you to offer gear and towards you to go down a gear now it's got eighteen forward gears nine reverse gears all completely clutchless and you can even select the gear you want before putting it into drive [Music] how does it start on a convict not too much I mean I try starting it yesterday we've got no diesel and say yeah I didn't know need some of that we need to demonstrate by funding or inside yes usually south sounds really welcome to officer again Hey take sanity a lot of time today I put in three two letters you get sucked into them eunsuk with toughness [Music]
Channel: Tommy Pepper’s Dirt & Diesel
Views: 190,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford, new holland, tractor, john deere, farming, farm, harvest, silaging, case ih, ag lads, agriculture, cows, fendt, Valtra, deere, combine, harvester, ploughing, chopping
Id: 0Isu9J2yyIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2018
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