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so that's another thing we were forced out of here last night off our homeland what you doing gabs what you doing hey lil where's gracie gracie hey gracie gracie okay so today the plan is we're gonna finish up um the roof now i've decided to go with a little bit different style to give a little bit more character it's gonna be a little bit easier on me so i probably went with this because it's gonna be a little bit easier on me i'm gonna do a slanted roof instead of like the tiny cabin the um just like the uh you would say like the truss uh truss style i'm gonna do the slanted i've been looking a lot of stuff up on the internet on different different styles different looks and i came across that one and i like it i think it'll give it a little different character with what we got going around here um it just doesn't won't match everything as far as that goes i think it's going to look great and i'm excited to actually do that so i got the last time you guys see me work on this i have two i got two top plates on i waited because i'm actually going to make that part i have to build it up i'm probably gonna go 18 inches up i'll build another little stud wall that will go up on top of there that will that will serve as a top plate also when it comes to that so what i'll do is i'll go ahead and put this top plate up first and then i'll measure from there to there and make and make my little 18 inch you might say wall to get the right angle i want to go across here but first what i have to do i have this all squared up have it leveled the walls are level squared up everything ready to go i'm going to concrete screw it down to the concrete itself now i just bought brandy picked me up some blue concrete screws we'll use that for now i can come back with bigger bolts later and that's probably what i'll do i thought i had some for the cabin but they're actually just lag bolts and they won't work work on this um like my house we went back and drilled holes and hammered them in and tightened them down i'll get some of those but right now for today just so we can work on it so it doesn't get all off we're going to put some of these down inside the walls and go from there so i hope you guys liked today's video this will be the last video on the whale house for a while because we're moving straight into the plumbing now i told you guys i was gonna work on a plumbing this week i actually have a good friend of mine coming over he plumb both his houses he's gonna come over and help me set the initial setup and then we'll figure out exactly what i need to get and if he has time to come back he can if not i'll have the initial setup ready to go and we'll probably film that when he gets here later on a little bit of setting that up and then whenever i actually start putting it all down and stuff will fill the whole process um i talked to the concrete guy noah and he is going to he's he's about two weeks out so i told him hey we'll be ready to go um as soon as you are type of deal so that's going to be good and then when we get that lay then we can start framing the house i'm super excited went to lowe's today checked on some warmer prices actually picked up some more lumber you can see back there for the roof and prices are still coming down it's good it's a good sign osb is down to 17 it was at its peak 50 60 dollars a four by eight sheet down to seventeen bucks i think the normal going back to last year before the spike was maybe around twelve you guys could correct me on that might have been a little lower maybe a little bit higher 12 14 but i'm thinking around 12 10 12 is where it was at and uh yeah so we got we lucked out we looked out we actually have several friends that are building houses over the last year and um they had to eat that cost of lumber prices and i feel horrible for them i really do um but it is what it is we we uh we got lucky and lucky into building ours prices going down so i'm very very thankful for that so we'll get up we'll get up here i'll do some measurements um build that wall like i said and i'll bring you guys along with this on today's video if you guys enjoy this and i think it's going to turn out pretty good well that's pulled it up and sucked it back down i'm going to check the level on it okay so during the move process now i probably look pretty sweaty because i am it's really humid out here but i feel good i feel fine but during the move process i misplace uh my drill all i have is my hammer drill i need my other drill because i wanted to pre-drill these holes but the bits i have i cannot give them to fit inside my hammer drill so i'm just gonna have to go buy another one i looked all over for it just misplaced it maybe left maybe it's in the it might be in the storage unit i haven't looked over there yet and that's over in town i'll look there before i go buy another one but i think i had all my tools in my truck and they're not and that one tool is not there so i may left it in the garage i don't know i don't have it anymore um but yeah i would pre-drill these normally just drilling them straight down like i did a few of them most of them work but one or two wouldn't draw away so pre-drilling um would definitely be uh the way to do it i think but we got enough in here on all the walls that i feel comfortable now i can actually put um the the roof up or the studs up to make the roof and we'll kind of just go from there so i'm gonna put this first there's this second top third top plate up and then we'll work on this other one with the little wall i was talking about and we could start setting our joists i guess you might call it i don't know i'll probably use the wrong terms a lot when i'm building just ignore it and just watch you can correct me i don't care but uh it's gonna it's gonna happen it's gonna happen a lot but you guys will know what i'm talking about i think so let's do this [Music] okay so you can see i got a different shirt on is a different day i was working trying to finish up the framing on the um well house oh my friend my buddy austin came over to help me with the plumbing i'm gonna walk over here and show you what we got done with the plumbing nothing like we just got something set up so i can start laying it down but then we're gonna talk about it's like when it rains the poorest type of deal if you guys remember just a couple days ago um we we got back from the ozark um homesteading um expo and my generator went out brand new generators a month old went out i'm actually taking that back in the morning um it's still warranted uh so i'm gonna get a new one so i had the backup i had the backup predator 9000 and they're both predators and they all had actually really good reviews even though they're from harbor freight i know a lot of things from horror freights don't isn't aren't very good but for something on me but they actually actually had pretty good reviews um and i was happy with them up until that one that one kind of just quit me i mean just quit well last night um i mean austin were out here doing this uh brandy the girls came out and said hey it's hot in there um air conditioner is not working and i was like seriously i was like all right maybe the breaker got flipped or something or tripped or something um so i sorry we're finishing up it was getting dark i didn't i didn't feel me it was just we're trying to get this part set up as fast as possible get it done um so i wasn't filming but i went over there generator still running you could hear a generator in the background and there was no breaker trip there was no fuse tripped well i could not figure it out so then kevin um came over with his meter and we checked it and it was not putting out um the voltage as opposed to the 240 or even the 120 on the other outlets it was just all over place so we looked it up and something to do inside is messed up so now my second my backup generator has quit me and i'm like oh my gosh what is going on and we'll go talk to brandi a little bit about it and i talked to a friend of mine and she's like hey when you're doing the lifestyle that you chose to do things like this happen because they did the same thing and it happened it happened to them and she's like it's just it's just it just happens things happen and it does absolutely it does but so i end up doing is i actually that that one is not under warranty that predator and it's pretty new i got it back in march and i probably personally won't buy any more predators after this experience of a hat i've had with these ones but i am going to get the new one exchanged get the the new one tomorrow and that will be a backup so we're actually going in the process of trying to get this solar order i could keep talking about um i actually have my friends actually calling me to talk to me um about it tonight and uh maybe i can get a game plan exactly what what i need to order you know we'll go from there but in the meantime i actually ordered another generator and i'll show that once it gets here kevin found it um it actually does propane and gas dual you can do either one it has electric start so i think what i'm doing right now the one you hear right now is my father-in-law's that we had at the well house um we've only been using it for like seven hours today um so time it's not it's not even going to have a day's worth of run time on it once we shut off i'm gonna i'm gonna set that to the side because i don't want his to burn up too um after i already ruined two of them so that's the plan um to get the other one for the the um we'll have it for the second generator for a backup obviously but we'll have it at the wheelhouse i have the automatic start on it'll make it so convenient for me to start it and have the water running all the time it's gonna be awesome and randy actually said something about that but putting one electric starter on there that would be pretty handy i was like that would be so that's another thing we were forced out of here last night off our own land because it was so hot and there was no ac you know and we're used to having ac obviously could we slept in there yeah we've been fine we've been sweating and miserable we end up going to kevin's house and uh we'll talk a little bit about that later so thank goodness they only look a couple miles up the road and uh it was it was a blessing i'm going to show you what we got done on the plumbing and then i'm actually i don't have any more footage of the um of the actual whale house because i stopped working not to come over here and work on it so we're kind of bouncing back and forth i'm going to put the generator back together i want to film it i'll put a little time lapse on there and if i'm then i'm going to go there and try to finish the wall in in the um some of the stuff over the walls i'll show you that at the end of the video but check this out so austin came over and we got my plans out and i don't know how well they'll show up but we ran some string lines they're the walls they're set up so that's going to be that's going to be the girls bathroom right here and the main drains going to go straight through there and we i don't know if you can see it on here but we got this all the strings lined up so different walls so the bedroom's over there the bathroom the hot water heater and the washer and dryer over there in that corner it just makes it where you can line everything up to scale pretty much you can see so this room right here and i don't know like i said i don't know if you could tell but this is the actual washer and dryer room right here let me see right there that's going to be the washer dryer hot water heater and there'll be a door coming out into the living room and then here is a big walk-in closet and then the bathroom big bathroom and then our bedroom over there it's hard to tell i know but that's that's the layout we got and then the island the sinking island stuff will be over here so this is what this is what we got done so far may not look like a whole lot but it took a little while to get everything set up and figured out and uh that i'm glad he came over to help me because him coming over he's done two of his houses two or three houses of his own plumbing um so yeah he he was a big help getting all this set up it's gonna make my life so much easier now and i appreciate that so yeah that's the update on the plumbing making progress making progress let's go put this generator back together and then let's go work on the wellhouse again [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay i got the mini wall that's what's going to give me my angle right here i got up on the on the trailer i'm going to go ahead and nail it together and i'm going to try to place it up on top branding the girls i was actually going to talk to them but we'll have to do it later um about well now last night it was crazy um i'll probably just talk to you i don't know they're going to go take a shower at brandy's mom and dad's you know because we got we got one load of water in there but we need for the toilet and all that stuff and i don't have to drag the generator back over here to set it all up but so hopefully by tomorrow we'll have everything back to normal or as much normal as we can get it to so we'll talk we'll talk to them later um right now i want to show you guys putting this wall together um it's not really a wall it's just like a little 18 inch wall let's go up on top up there and i'll show you doing that and it's probably gonna get dark on us now okay it is getting dark on us i'm gonna call that a night for filming we'll see you guys back here in the morning [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] was [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i got what i'm gonna get done for now done um i got the roof about three boards short i got two left but i ran out of the little uh i call them hurricane ties and that's what i'm doing uh doing on the rafters um i actually would have had had all of them done but i went ahead with the 16 inches instead of the 24 inches for the you can see the raptors up there um just because i think it it i want to last pretty much for the whole time we ever live out here i don't even want to mess with this again and i'm not using two by six up there using two by four so like you know i'll put a little bit extra strength up there so it took all my ties so they go get those it'll take me like 15 minutes to finish it as soon as i get that done as soon as i go get the materials i'll get it done but that's what we got done on it now it's going to be time for um the plumbing um on the house you guys have seen in this video i already already kind of started laying it all out so that will be our major focus from here on out until we as soon as we get the plumbing done um we'll be waiting on um the slab like i think i talked about already in the video it's like a three-day video it's been going bam bam um but once we're waiting on a slab we'll come back over here and uh hopefully i can get some uh get some other stuff done on it um maybe at least the roof get the tent up on the roof then um the siding we want to mil we want to mill our own siding um i have i have a saw mills over at kevin's house um we do want to mill our own siding for this 100 along with the cabin in the house so falls uh coming up on us and then it'll be winter um so obviously we'll have this completely done by the winter time and if we never get this going that will go that will go quick too i think what do you guys think of how i did this the link to after walking i'll walk back over and show you walking from a distance looking at it i like it a lot i'm glad i decided to go with this not only because it's a little bit easier but i just like the look of it it just it just mixes things up out here and once the siding gets up it'll look even better i just like that wing too the lean look to it walk over here you guys can see that i like it hey so i've been posting pictures um on my instagram and it goes to my facebook so if you guys aren't following us on instagram i think we're close to 14 000 followers over there if you're not following us over there please go check us out and follow us at keeping it dutch it has two h's on there uh i had some problems with naming it a long time ago so it has two h's and uh if you're not on facebook if you're not following us on facebook it falls over there too keeping it dutch um it all links links to itself but we post pictures um real time pictures as we're doing things a lot of times over there so you guys will see it a few days or a day before the actual video comes out and we post stuff that we don't go in the videos as well and another thing too that i just started i probably need to do a live stream um to show to show you guys what i'm talking about um but we set up we get tons and tons of comments emails if people could support us monthly we don't want i never really wanted to do that like take people's money for nothing i want to give content for it like if you guys are wanting to donate or whatever we want to give you something in return so i actually set the members the join joined by the membership button on the youtubes first time i've done it i've had it available for like two years now and i just never really i never wanted to do it but now we got so many people asking um i've set it up i don't i think it's activated you guys can look down by the subscription box it should say join or membership or something and it's pretty cool way to set it up we're going to do uh members only live one or two a month because we don't do a lot of live streams you guys know that but we're going to do one to two a month on the members only and um pictures uh pictures that you won't see on instagram and all that will just be exclusive members only um so if that's something you guys want to do if you're interested in supporting us that way we appreciate it um we're gonna have uh t-shirts coming out um in the next uh several weeks um for it it's going to be they're going to be mid-october november is around christmas time um launch that we're going to do we've already got a lot of uh we got our designs they're they're they're finishing up but hey i did a post on the members only already and i did a sneak peek of one of our favorite shirts that we're going to do i'm a new design and it's on there you have to if you want to see that you'll have to do the the members only join buttons so yeah that's what you're interested in we appreciate you guys and we'll talk more about it in live streaming and stuff like that so so i got for you guys today um hope you guys enjoyed this video like i said it took me about three days to get everything filmed for you it's just been it's been crazy we've just had so much trouble with these generators oh by the way i did go get the generator i got it hooked up and it's running over there i'm no issues with that i need i might need to make a video on the truth about harbor freights in the predator series i might do that i might do that for you guys uh i want other people to know about it i got mixed i got mixed fillings on the predators now i'm not not bad but not the best i don't know maybe i'll do a video on that next um but yeah we've just been it's been one thing after another out here and uh i don't know we're just going with it we're just going with it pray for us keep us in your prayers we love you guys and uh thanks for watching we'll catch y'all next video oh something i forgot to mention um and i didn't think about it whenever we said we were forced off the homesteaks we have the ac we'll probably get some flag for that that's okay i could have moved the generator my phone was generated over that night i literally just didn't think about it until we was over at kevin's house i could have used that generator over there so yeah we that could have been an option for us i just didn't think about it in time so i just want to throw that in there
Channel: Keeping It Dutch
Views: 131,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keeping it dutch, keeping it dutch homestead, off grid, off-grid, off-grid house, husband wife build house, off grid cabin in the woods, house in the woods, farming, homesteading, forced off our own property, we had to leave, predator generator, harbor freights
Id: StrI2uajxn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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