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[Music] 2023 Rolex fastnet race 450 boats are lining up here in kais the previous record by well over 150 well from here they'll be making their way down they're stolens before exiting into the English Channel and making that long journey up to that icon of racing The fastnet Rock there the boats will ride the Rock and head to the Finish Line in cherborg on contenting uh Myriad of demanding unpredictable and sometimes brutal conditions await the fleet over the 695 nautical mile route it is known as offshore ceilings toughest race for a very good reason 94 boats in rc2 and and you know there's a huge range of boats in this class no particular design is dominating you know then you know like we say if you sell your boat well you're going to get the result here you got two minutes [Music] it's just how important is just to find your space yeah like Mike and Annie was saying it's very important to find a clean line [Music] happy [Music] at the moment the line is clear coming up to 30 seconds let's get the 50th Rolex Fast Net race started [Music] yeah the wind is blowing about 15 to 20 knots right now in the starting one the wind is going to increase in the coming hours and by the time the last boats get out through the needles it should be blowing probably around 35 knots and the crown is going to be pushing the boat out so it's going to be against the wind and the waves will be very very steep baby even getting up on their foils a little bit because they've suddenly extended away well it's as we thought everyone really trying to get away on poor we had one guy coming down the line that was Allegra coming down on Starboard where they've bailed out they've tacked onto Port you want to get yourself up the silent and clearer the traffic Zulu had a lovely start on the island sure you can see them cheating on their heavily Reef their two reefs and looks like a J2 but they're preparing for the bigger Breeze they're gonna see we've got 20 knots just off the Squadron here but they know that within a few minutes they're going to be getting up to 20 to 25 possibly 30 knots as they head up the Western silent they'll be able to carry on on that board for another maybe another mile and then they will have to attack because there's shallow water in there and they won't be wanting to do any damage so the attack on to starboard will see themselves directly across the solar they'll have to do another long pull attack [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Journey when it's like this out the solar because you have that initial Rush of energy getting off the start line then you get into kind of mid-solent and then what's looming on the back of your mind is right we're going through the funnel the bottleneck of Hearst and that's when you're really compressing all the water that's trying to escape out the Solen down to this funnel and then you've got all the wind that's pumping in against you and that's just basically the winds hitting the waves and it's kicking up these huge waves and you can see those breaking waves ahead of you and it's like right okay we're ready for the next battle and that's the beauty of the Rolex fastnet races you have these points of contact around the course where you'll never really let off the uh let off the gas you go through her through the needles thank you [Music] foreign [Music] it's the big race it's the one race that you you want to do just to prove to yourself that you've you've got the ability to do it to measure yourself against everyone else it's a it's a it's a crusade it's a it's a pageant it's like a siren chord it just draws us back [Music] thank you [Music] my name is Paul kanav I'm the master of momentum it's a fast that race has been on my mind since I first learned of it in 1979 the hardest part of the race was putting together all the equipment and crew fortunately five of crew members from previous Bermuda races were more than able to participate and we had momentum's greatest crew ever [Music] thank you [Music] this is the 100th year race the boat was here it's an opportunity to enter and participate in one of the great offshore races the race uh completion for all of the crew brings us an immense sense of accomplishment of finishing hard-fought race and sea and wind and weather especially when over 125 yards withdrew from the race unable to handle the conditions and many with damage [Music] thank you let's shine it all right now congratulations [Music] we did it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Rolex fastnet brace
Channel: 44 North Productions
Views: 24,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ijaCSbxpY3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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