FORBIDDEN Places You Are NOT Allowed To Visit

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the world is home to a lot of intriguing places some beautiful some dangerous and many which unfortunately you'll probably never be able to visit ranging from idyllic locations kept preserved for science to deadly super weapon test sites let's jump over the razor wire fence and see what we're missing I hope you brought your security pass [Music] Pine Gap Australia found in Alice Springs Australia Pine Gap is the name given to a joint US and Australian surveillance base with a controversial past announced to the public in the 60s as a spare research facility the base was originally created in order to monitor the space and nuclear programs of the USSR over time the open gap became known as the Aussie version of area 51 due to the strict secrecy and security that surrounds the premises in recent years however insider interviews have revealed that the base now functions as a satellite monitoring station quietly surveilling the majority of the Eurasian landmass and Africa it also functions as a vital attack drone control station for the USS operations in the Middle East something Australian activists have spoken out against repeatedly but no matter how many protest banners you bring along you can forget about getting into Pine Gap security is incredibly tight and officials ruthlessly prosecute anyone who wanders too close surtsey island 20 miles off the southern coast of Iceland there lies an intriguing volcanic island with an amazing history but unfortunately it's totally off limits to most people the island was formed in 1963 following a series of underwater volcanic eruptions and scientists have been using the relatively new island to observe how life takes over such locations because of this there are very strict rules to prevent the introduction of foreign species and rule number one is scientists only even the researchers that are approved to visit have to be searched in order to make sure that they aren't smuggling any plants or animals once there they have to be extremely cautious that they don't do anything to the landscape while this might seem excessive the Allens past is proven these measures necessary in 1969 scientists were shocked to discover tomatoes growing on the Allen until they realized the seeds that come from one scientists incorrectly disposed feces but whether or not you know how to use a toilet correctly it's safe to say that this island won't be open for tourists any time soon Fort Knox USA located south of Louisville Kentucky Fort Knox is both the military base and home to a large portion of the United States official gold reserves with a current holding of around four thousand five hundred and eighty metric tons of gold purportedly worth over two hundred and thirty billion it's no surprise that the US government is very hesitant to let anybody in in fact journalists have only been allowed to visit Knox's fault twice once in 1974 and again in 2017 civilian visitors however have never been allowed but even if an overly curious passerby managed to get past the depositories razor wire fences minefields and heavily armed guards they'd have serious trouble getting through the 18 ton 25 inch thick vault door the government ensures no individual person knows all the procedures required to open up the vault all for the purpose of ensuring that aside from a few photographs you're never going to lay eyes on that sweet sweet gold snake island Ilhan dake wa mata grande our snake island is a small island off the southeastern coast of brazil that will either through you or repulse you this 110 acre island gets its name from its alarmingly high venomous snake population with the density of between one and five snakes per yard totaling upwards of four thousand for the island one wrong step could leave you face-to-face with a deadly adversary what's more the island is the only known habitat of the golden lancehead these Vipers possess some of the most lethal venom in Latin America which is strong enough to melt flesh because of this the island is restricted with only select researchers and officials being allowed visit for scientific studies but I think it's safe to say that most people are probably going to be okay with that room 39 North Korea have you ever wondered how North Korean leader kim jong hoon gets the money for all his feasts and festivities while 60% of North Koreans live below the poverty line well the answer involves black-market dealings and something by the name of room 39 this mysterious room is thought to be found in a Workers Party Building in Pyongyang and houses a secretive branch of the North Korean government according to North Korean defectors the officials of room 39 are responsible for bringing in money through shady methods these include managing the production and global distribution of fake US Dollars illegal narcotics and of all things counterfeit viagra started by Kim Jong Un's grandfather Kim il-sung this black market management office has been estimated to bring upwards of 1 billion a year in the North Korea's economy but even if you're able to visit North Korea no outsiders know exactly where room 39 is and let's put it this way Kim Jong and the boys don't take too kindly to strangers sniffing around Bohemian Grove USA what do you get when you combine super-rich men with cult-like ceremonies and weird performances no I'm not talking about a presidential inauguration I'm talking about Bohemian Grove a campground in Monte Rio California that serves as a gathering place for some of the most powerful men in the world Bohemian Grove was first used in the late 19th century as a way of bringing elite artists musicians and journalists together however this circle gradually expanded to anyone rich more impressive enough to earn an invitation in the years since the club has gained a reputation as the place super-rich people go to let loose every July well rich men because no woman has ever received a full membership in between heavy drinking feasting and secretive talks there are bizarre rituals where guests dress up in costumes and dance around bonfires and as for those secret talks I mentioned they must get pretty intense because it's rumored that the planning of the first atomic bomb began during this little summer camp with past visitors including George HW Bush Ronald Reagan Richard Nixon and Herbert Hoover you'll need to be a pretty big name to get invited but if you haven't received an invite and you're not super rich or crucially a man don't expect the warm welcome Dugway proving ground USA located about 85 miles southwest of Salt Lake City Utah Dugway proving ground is a US military facility that's been used for a variety of different weapons testing from its establishment during world war ii onwards everything from flamethrowers to chemical and biological weapons have been tested out on the vast desert grounds with such a range of harmful weapons being tested in the open air including some of the most dangerous nerve agents ever produced you can understand why civilian entry is a no-go and with a history of nerve agents and bio weapons being accidentally let loose wreaking havoc on the surrounding lands you're better off staying well away Sellafield nuclear site england located in northwestern england sellafield nuclear site is home to the largest nuclear waste storage site in the UK housing over 200 separate nuclear facilities Sellafield was constructed to produce plutonium for Britain's nuclear bomb reserves storing all the radioactive byproducts - with it's important role in British nuclear history sella Fields visitor center brought in a thousand people a day at its peak but with several notable incidents of irradiated particles leaking out into the surrounding areas and concerns about the quality of its nuclear storage equipment sella Fields tourism eventually dropped off completely now the site is off-limits to civilians which might be for the best considering the 140 tons of untreated plutonium that are stored throughout the area however safe the facility really is it's a good rule of thumb to avoid a pleasure trip to anywhere that's chock-full of radioactive material Verdun forests France if you're looking for a truly nasty spot to avoid at all costs for done forest the site of the longest battle in history is certainly out there during World War one this site saw almost ten months of fighting and around 300 and debts as a result during the battle a constant barrage of artillery shells permanently tainted the soil with arsenic and those that didn't explode remain a hazard to this day in fact after the French government realized that they could never viably clean the area they'd simply ban people from going near vast stretches of it today you still can see how the arsenic has changed the landscape as trees no longer grow in certain stretches on top of all the Dermot bombs and forgotten skeletons rusty barbed wire still outlines trenches that have scarcely changed in a century so unless you have a death wish maybe go hike in a different country side Poveglia island italy originally used as a place to quarantine victims of deadly infections favela is a small island half a mile from Venice with a very eerie past during the time it was in use more than 100,000 sick people died on the island often being buried there at mass graves despite its tragic past a mental hospital opened there in 1922 but reports soon sprung up of patient abuse and mysterious disappearances of course many of these tales are likely just hearsay inevitable with a ghostly looking Island like this one but as the Allen fell into disrepair eventually being closed to the public tales of ghostly sightings and sensations became a central part of its reputation while people still occasionally sneak onto the island at night the practice is highly illegal and from the illegal visitors reports extremely creepy buzz Luther Monument Bulgaria the bus loads of monument located in Bulgaria is a striking piece of Soviet architecture constructed in 1974 to honour Bulgaria's communist history but when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989 so did any efforts to maintain the monument nowadays the abandoned structure is falling apart inside and out making it one huge rusty Soviet deathtrap that should only be viewed from afar hid the risk of being impaled by falling masonry isn't of a deterrent its doors are bolted shut to of course there are sizable holes in the decrepit building side spot for your own house please don't take those as an invitation to go in as appealing is singing the Soviet anthem and drinking vodka on the roof might sound falling through the ceiling to your death not so much li hua island Hawaii the crescent-shaped Hawaiian island of la hua is a strictly protected habitat monitored by scientists and you guessed it strictly off-limits to visitors this relatively small island is home to 17 different species of seabirds and countless native plant species making it an ecologist dream while there's some definite tourist appeal delay who is intriguing scenery the ecosystem of the island is incredibly delicate and even a slight change can prove extremely harmful for example a few years ago rats became a huge problem for the Allan stealing the seabirds eggs and driving them off the island to nest elsewhere on an island with such a fragile ecosystem it takes you years to recover from the impact of an invasive species like rats only now after three years of constant effort to keep the rats under control on the floor and fauna of the island returning in full force but the same thing or worse could easily happen again even from something as insignificant seeming as a few non native insects hitching a ride on your shoes so if you want to see the island better get yourself a degree in Hawaiian ecology and a very thorough wash Club 33 when you picture the hottest most in-demand clubs of the world Disneyland is probably the last place to come to mind but club 33 tucked away in the New Orleans section of the Anaheim California Disneyland as well as the Tokyo and Shanghai resorts is among the most exclusive establishments in the world these restaurant lounges are decked out with genuine antiques original hand-painted frames from classic Disney films and until recently were the only places in Disneyland that served alcohol and if you're really lucky you might get to catch a glimpse of some of club 33s most elite members like Tom Hanks Christina Aguilera or Elton John but while a luxurious dining experience rubbing elbows with celebrities seems appealing I wouldn't get too excited there's a 10-year waiting list to join the club with an alleged 25,000 of $50,000 joining fee plus annual membership fees of around $12,000 so unless you're as crazy patient as you are crazy rich I'm sorry to say that's one Mickey Mouse Clubhouse you're not welcome at well unless you can sweet-talk Tom Hanks into making a reservation for you have you ever paid a brief visit to any forbidden places let me know where in the comments section below thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 263,615
Rating: 4.9058003 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, forbidden places, places you arent allowed to visit, impossible places, not allowed to visit, places youre not allowed to visit, places not allowed to visit, places you are not allowed to visit, strange places, secret places, mysterious places, restricted places, you arent allowed to visit, tourist attractions, abandoned places
Id: a3gEbR4fdA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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